
Friday 5 September 2014

The Last Blog Post

Dear readers of He Was My Daddy.

I started this blog in a women's refuge on a cold lonely winter night of 2013.  Hurt, confused, emotional and not knowing where to turn to, I did the only thing that I had always known to help me, express myself through writing. I didn't know where it would take me, I was just writing to help myself more than anything. I needed to let all my pain out.

Well, our steps are ordered by the Most High. When I look back this blog was ordered by Him in order to destroy the prophet of Baal and set many captives free who had been tormented by a religious institution designed to kill, steal and destroy the lives of many vulnerable adults in the UK and around the world. I had no idea what the blog would unveil. It went to America, Zimbabwe, Canada, Uganda, Australia, Zambia, South Africa and many other countries. This blog became a journey not only for me, but for many women and men who became a part of it. It made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me angry, it made me smile, it terrified me, it gave me joy.  It made me go through every emotion under the sun. It was a process that led to my healing, letting go off the pain, and being able to finally know and feel that I have truly forgiven.

CNN Hero Muzvare Betty Makoni told me never to shut the blog down. She said its my memoir and a reminder of what God did through this blog. The police used it as part of their investigations, and it will be part of the evidence to be used in the upcoming trial.  My friends asked me not to take the blog down, but rather leave it as a memorial of the power of God.  I have a lot of beautiful memories here, I met so many lovely women of courage. This blog took me places I never thought I would go. It took me to high places and it took it took me to the depths of the pit. Sometimes I regretted ever starting it, sometimes I felt liberated that I did.

The Victim No More Event on 1 March 2013 marked a new beginning for me. A lot of people echoed the same message to me, "you have done your part, now be still and let God finish the race for you".
I knew in my heart what I had to do. The blog had done its part, God had used it, but now He wanted me to move on to the next stage.

I took some time off, I focused on my family, my mother came all the way from Zimbabwe to comfort me. I moved to a new town. I spent time decorating my new house, baking a lot of cakes lol, even enjoying our pet rabbit lol, and just watching the horses and the water view in front of my house.  All that had a healing aspect on me and in the process of time the Most High led me to a beautiful family of believers where I was baptized and got to know the real God in the most amazing way. I am a new creature in Christ.

Its a new beginning for me. I am so grateful for all the people who supported and prayed for me on this blog. Your prayers sailed me through Key Board Warriors lol. You were awesome. But its time to move on. I will no longer post on this blog but will leave it as a memorial for justice.  The Member of Parliament for Milton Keynes recently called me after he read this blog. He encouraged me as I shared with him where the Lord was taking me and my plans for the future. So I know this blog is a memorial for survivors of spiritual and emotional abuse at the hands of Church leaders.

My new website is .

Once again I want to thank everyone who believed me, supported me and said prayers for me. You all helped me in my journey. For the last time I say HE WAS MY DADDY, but not anymore. I am free now, a Victim No More!

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