
Thursday 19 March 2015

Throwback Thursday: Staff Nurse Julius Gayakaya's email to Agape Pastors in defense of Walter Masocha

Staff Nurse Julius Gayakaya said Walter Masocha is innocent of child sex crimes until proven guilty by law

Email by Julius Gayakaya. 
 Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. I hope you are fine. Can I point out few things to clear the mist.
The writer of this long document has missed facts, either he is ill advised, ignorant or have some hidden motives and agenda. I am very surprised that one can jump into conclusion and parade the leadership of Agape as a group of abusers who are hiding evil deeds in the church before searching how all these allegations mushroomed. May I stand up and state categorically that the notion of bundling myself and my family as wrong-doers or abusers of Jean is just utterance with no basis. If one would visit this area (liverpool, Southport,Wigan, Preston) and ask anyone in the community about Jean's life, one would get a same answer from people who have nothing to do with Agape as well as from the Agape saints.

Jean's blog is littered with my name simply because my crime is to be a saint in Agape.

She writes in her blog that she was chased by Agape people from her house. Are all the families around here evil simply because we supported a family that is going through hardships by praying with Shingi. Where does all the people who are labelled abusers get involved especially those from around Liverpool, Southport and Wigan. We have suffered a lot of character assassination,slander, emotional and psychological torture as we tried to accommodate Jean as one of us in the hope she will come to herself. Those who are quick to swallow Jean's story without getting the other side are just meddling in uncouthed cooperation with a person bend on vindictive malicious slander.What happenned in the surgery have nothing to do with Gayakaya and the families who are subjected to this mudsling.
As calm as I always be, I find the email disturbing, patronising and hope to highlight to you and the writer that it is worth and wise to find the facts before wadding in and stepping on the bruised toes of the victim in the name of being the wise mediator. I have nothing to DEFEND the Apostle because in my eyes he is innocent until proved guilty by the law. Maybe you have issues you know, about the Apostle but I am as ignorant as the word, hence I am looking at the events which led to the writing of her blog.
With that in mind I believe I have highlighted events leading to the blog and I am not as evil as I am potrayed in the blog neither is my fellow victim of the malicious writing. I will remain in prayer hoping you will join in so that the blowing wind will come to pass with our lips not full of garbage, hence I will shut my mouth again.
I am not hurt because I am up above this child play and belittling talk. Nobody will take away what I achieved through hard work and perseverance. Nobody will become big because they have belittled me. Nobody will become Holy because they have labelled me unrighteous. Nobody will become educated by calling me unlearned. You cannot become rich by labelling me poor.
Lets get the facts first and help the saints.

God bless you

Dr Gayakaya

Dear readers, the time draws nigh for the trial, and I thought it would be a change to do a throwback of this all important email from nurse Julius Gayakaya defending Agape and Walter Masocha. He wrote this email in response to an ex pastor who had expressed serious concerns regarding alleged sexual abuse going on in the church. In his response, Nurse Gayakaya also explicitly wrote that Masocha was innocent until the law proved him guilty. Which means if Walter Masocha is found guilty of child sex crimes, Nurse Gayakaya would be accountable for defending sexual abuse in the church, according to Prime Minister David Cameron's new law to combat child sexual abuse.  

Anyways my readers, please continue to pray for me. I am truly encouraged by all your support. Last year this time i was literally homeless after losing my house in this battlefield. As I was homeless March 2014, I remember being told I could not get the house I had fallen in love with, my dear friend emailed me and said the house was mine, and I should go back and claim it. I believed. I went back to the house, stood in front and walked to the park. Two beautiful horses ran to me, literally. That was the moment God told me that if He could feed the horses, and provide stables for them, would He not give me a house I desired. A month later I had moved into the house, I had no furniture. I started from scratch. Today my new house is a five star apartment. The fight for justice cost me my house, but out of the dust I rose again and chose to continue fighting, even wounded in my very soul. Today I remember the faithfulness of God each time I walk to the park to see these horses. I know in my heart justice will prevail next month. 

These horses always remind me that no storm lasts forever.

In other news, the above picture seems to have gone viral on social media, for a minute there I thought the DADDY being referred to was Daddy Masocha, those shoes bear a striking resemblance to those worn by the self proclaimed Prophet, the same also for the members of Agape, you will find similar shoes worn by congregates. Some members of Agape used to go as far as looking for shoes in rubbish bins. 


  1. Jean Julius Gayakaya is also a registered social worker so by law his first priority should be to protect children. I do feel sorry for these agape puppets if Walter goes down!

    1. Jean send letter to:
      Health and Care Professions Council
      0845 300 6184

  2. This just shows there was never prophecy in this Church. Surely Masocha could have seen the storm coming like a true prophet. The shit is about to hit the fan they shall run in different directions Daddy won't be there to rescue.

    1. There was prophesy, the prophetes was Judith

  3. Kikiki bhutsu dzevana vemu Agape!!!!! Walter hauna tsitsi amana. Hutsinye hwakadai hahuna kunaka. Surrender!!!!!

  4. Ko kutonyora hanzi THE APOSTLE Kikiki Julius Gayakaya dzine ma jokes munoziva

  5. I just love keyboard warriors! You make me laugh. Yet in your jokes is so much truth.

  6. Bhutsu dzana EK

  7. Look at their hoyses , marriages they i shummbles

  8. Jean chirungu chekubatira pakusoro. Why do u post your pictures in every post. You are so annoying ufunge.

  9. Leave Jean alone. It's her blog. Start your own blog and post your own selfies and photos. Keep them coming Jean, I enjoy reading this blog. It's entertaining, informative, at the same time exposing the truth about rogue prophet Walter. Who was going to confront this Goliath for us???? Well done Jean.

  10. P.S. Actually there is positive energy around you Jean, that is why that horse came towards you - for those in the know. If it was someone evil like Masocha, the horse would have reacted violently.

    From me Anonymous

    1. I agree Walter used to preach that animals talk, look at the body language of the horse it's telling Jean the beast is going down! Animals don't lie kikiki

  11. God tells us to forgive, what about a situation like this, does reporting Masocha mean one has not forgiven?
    My greatest fear is, if one forgives and forget and doesn't report, these evil acts may continue and more souls devastated.
    I think it's REPORT then Forgive.

    1. No dear. Vengeance belongs to God alone. Smear campaigns and mudslinging has nothing to do with God or justice. Bitterness kills.

    2. Soul did so many things wrong but David said touch not the anointed of God.

    3. The problem is, Soul was anointed , I don't believe Walter is anointed .

  12. Varume, forgive Julius! In all his life he has never been in an elevated position until he landed in Agape. Was he not a sexual rape man who molested a child and fled Zaoga to come to England. The go a long way back with Walter. So when Walter wanted to start a church he called all the dirty sexual men Julius Gayakaya, Maxwell the peado, Judith the harlot, Jose Nenzou the Mukondombera turned husband beater. Shingi the wife abuser, Yvonne the prosti marriage breaker list is endless. So Julius is just Julius -

    1. Zimbabweans are the most power hungry people, they will do anything for a position. To Julius being a board member ( bored member) in Agape is the biggest achievement of his life. He wrote in his broken english email that he worked extra hard to be a bored member and no one will take that away from him. Unfortunately he will lose more than his church status next month. Good luck bored member.

    2. Zimbabweans are the most power hungry people, they will do anything for a position. To Julius being a board member ( bored member) in Agape is the biggest achievement of his life. He wrote in his broken english email that he worked extra hard to be a bored member and no one will take that away from him. Unfortunately he will lose more than his church status next month. Good luck bored member.

  13. There have also been allegations of pastors telling sick people to throw away their medication and get healed through prayer.
    Dr Walter Masocha of the Agape for All Nations Ministries based in Scotland was arrested by the Scottish Police in January this year amid alleged charges of sexual abuse to some of his female congregants, including a minor.
    Often referred to as ‘Daddy’ by members of his congregation, especially by married women, one friend narrated to me how he was left shocked when he saw some women in the church scrambling to grab a dirty towel used by an usher to wipe the pastor’s face so that they could also wipe their faces with it. He also narrated how some congregants took turns to wear his shoes so that they got anointed.

    1. He forgot to tell you the scramble for his left over drink or food.

  14. "If one would visit this area (liverpool, Southport,Wigan, Preston) and ask anyone in the community about Jean's life, one would get a same answer from people who have nothing to do with Agape as well as from the Agape saints."
    Nhai Doctor Juriyasi, saka mukuti Jean is known by the whole of Southport, Preston Liverpool and Wigan! And the whole 4 towns don't like her! That's a world record then if this is true.

  15. A shaya nyaya chiremba Juriyasi

  16. Kana neniwo ndakadzipfeka butsu nekushandisa zvimatauro zvinonhuwa zviya. Ndichida anointment vanhu vanhu va Mwari. Sometimes i hate myself for stooping that low!!!

  17. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!
    Another Agape trial


    DEFENDANT: Julius Gayakaya

    CHARGE : Murder

    VICTIM : English Language


  18. Jean horses come to you and don't kick off, they almost killed Walter , remember the Accident ? Aaaaaaaah dara rino nyepa riya !!! Amai weeee! Hanzi 4 horses came from nowhere , one died and the other 3 disappeared into thin air! Kkikikikikikiiiiii
    Hanzi then God tapped me on my shoulder and started speaking to me, " MY SON, STOP RAPING YOUNG GIRLS!"
    Then Warota said, I can't help myself Mwari , then God said , prison cell is reserved for you already ! Wait till my Jean joins agape , trust me you don't wanna mess with her! Kkkkkkkukiki

  19. Walter uri mampara chokwadi. Kudyisa vanhu mafufu semakonzo. Imiwo vana veAgape maizvinyanya. I hope this has stopped, coming all the way to the Diaspora to scramble on Walter's crumbs. God help us, and God help any Agape child who is still blind to this blatant abuse.

    1. It's a spell, manipulation and poverty , Warota used all that

    2. This is what I don't understand that people left Zimbabwe to come to London to fight for someone left overs????

  20. Thats satanism for you vanhu va Mwari.

  21. Kana gonzo zvimwe rinotosema munoziva. Kana munhu usingasemi zvaWalter, how brainwashed are you? Yak

  22. Kana gonzo zvimwe rinotosema munoziva. Kana munhu usingasemi zvaWalter, how brainwashed are you? Yak

  23. Jean mudikani, shall we throw back at the famous Couples Conference! People need to be reminded what a psycho this dude can be!

  24. yvonee you took mu husband not my faith.Gavakava richakuvava chete


  25. Ndirine Dr ndonyarara, but also remember birds of thesame furthers.

    exwife yaDr yakatorerwa murume

  26. Helloooo!, hello,helloooooo, my apologies for being absent for long. Busy busy busy!!
    Hello Jean, The mighty keyboard warriors,Team Jean,those who fight against any form of abuse and to the victims who have managed to report and are yet to report the abuse they suffered in the hands of those in authority in Agape . Mhosva haiore but just to let you know that the longer you leave it the more it will haunt you later in life.
    If you are young, not yet married, your life/marriage could latter be affected beyond repair or face some real nasty challenges and with no one to help you as compared to now.
    Hanzi nevakuru Chara Chimwe Hachitswanye Inda. Better to report now, get healed and move on.
    So think carefully before you let go of the opportunity to save your future and the lives of many other good vulnerable people who might still be facing the kind of abuse you went through.
    We did say it that "we serve a living God".
    They asked for more time to prepare their case and more reports came with that and the story of Masimba who testified about his near death experience in the hands of another Agape hardcore like Mr (Gavakava) I was just rushing my eyes through the blogs I had missed in the past months.
    Yes you got it right,It's me Moses, I just thought it will be nice just to say something before the big day in a few days time.

  27. The trail date falls on April fools day if I'm not mistaken. The day of lying and I wonder what is going to come out from his mouth if he is given that small chance to open it since the day gives provision for lying. Well, I hope from this year it's gonna be remember internationally as a day of telling the truth if he decides to plead guilty. It will be nice for a change for him to say the truth on a day he should be lying.
    Well this day suits his case in terms of trying to find if what he is saying is the truth or not unlike the 31/12/2014. No one would have wanted to associate a special day like that with a case of a Sexual Father being accused of spiritually and sexually and fanatically abusing innocent minors and unsuspecting vulnerable adults.
    For those who remain in Agape, there is something linked to their past that makes it easy to remain a loyal member of a cult.
    Most of them would have had terrible upbringing, in abusive relationships, wether being an abuser or abused.Some might even have done horrendous crimes back home. That's why in English they saying goes " birds of the same feather.........Those Bored(board)members are picked according to their spirits. The evil spirit in the leader easily identifies those that have spirits alike to be Envoys. And when connected to the leader they are now able to go and pick their own leaders( the attaches, steward and the list goes on.
    See, most of them are now driving around on the most expensive ARVs (Antiretroviral drugs) occasionally stopping by to offer an unsuspecting spiritual hiker a lift in the name of marriage(My daughter marries my son)
    Anyway everything comes to an end. I'm very encouraged with the recent investigations and trials on the news into sexual abuse that span for more than 3 decades ago.
    I pray that the same will take part in these Pentecostal churches that still exist and those that once existed.
    I pray that this blog goes a long way even after The trial of the Agape Sexual Father and whosoever might have taken part in the coverup. Once he goes in, I can assure those who took part in the cover up that the next knock on your door will be the police. Be warned and be prepared!
    It's been a long journey. And before I put my keyboard to rest, I would like to wish all the best to the victims in the upcoming trial case of their abuser.
    All I can assure you is PPI pays well. It might take long to enjoy the benefits of it but Prayer,Perseverance and Interceding is the only way that will see such evil spirited gatherings like Agape being destroyed/arrested by the Holy Ghost.
    I urge every victim and those who truly believe in this fight against abuse to fast and pray. Refrain from sex during this period if possible as there is power in so doing. I pray and hope for God to show his face on this day. If he could appear in real life,pat Walter Masocha's
    Shoulder and talk to him, surely just showing his face on this day won't be asking for too much. We promise that we would not waste God's time by asking him to sit on a chair and draw a picture of him like what Mr Walter Masocha did on that very day he alleged God appeared to him for the eighth time. Remember before he had appeared seven times as a sign of completion (lol). Remember on this day he even thought God had finished when having a bath only to be followed in the bathroom by God that he rushed out with water dripping and took his note pad and started writing again whilst extra naked. I wonder why this vision book was not published and put on sale cause it would have been a best seller. With all the drawings Ofiicer God in real life.
    On the contrary, Whilst most people on this platform are filled with Wisdom from God, Agape remains filled with Widows,ill Single and Divorced Overzealous Mummies (Wisdom).
    I pray that the 1st of April which is April fools day and the day of trial be the last day of all the lies to the children of God by the Self Appointed and Sexual anointing Father.
    Have a great Easter !!

    Moses !!

    Unrevised Material!!

    1. Thank you Moses and welcome back! The blog surely missed your input! I agree with you regarding prayer and fasting for the trial for those who can. You certainly confirmed what the Lord has been saying to me over the past two weeks. I am truly encouraged. God bless.

    2. April Fools Kikiki. Moses wandipedza. Counting down!

  28. My beloved of The Most High God,there is no need to pray and fast for what The Lord Of Hosts has started,He will finish it completly.Mwari We Hondo Havabatsirwe.Let God be God and see.

    The Lord is in control.Jean remain under the protection of The Blood Of The Lamb that fights and cries for our souls. Christ did not sacrifice His life for peoples lives to be messed with.

    1. How can you tell people not to pray?? Which bible are you reading. Are you an Agapean disguised. The bible says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
      Jean and keyboard warriors PRAY PRAY PRAY without ceasing!
      Prayer moves mountains.

  29. 19.20 u miss understood. me, i did not say Do NOT pray, i said there is no need pray and fast for the court case because it id The Lord's battle. He is The One who started it and He will fight it till the end. By all means as a child of God,pray always indeed without ceasing.I hope you understand the point.God bless

  30. Let us be careful not to play God. Jesus fasted when he was about to embark on the work of God. Paul fasted, Daniel, Moses, David the list goes on. Esther fasted. All these men and women of God where personally told by God to fast and they obeyed.
    This is not a small trial. We are talking Jimmy Seville here. Abuse spanning back 4 decades. A man using the name of God to abuse children and vulnerable women. This is a spiritual battle. Those who have heard from the holy spirit to fast, let nothing hinder you. Satan does not want you to fast, because he knows the power of it. Israelites often fasted before they went into battle. Hanzi there is nothing NEW under the sun. God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.Relationship to God is personal. Always be weary of those who tell you NOT to fast.
    Jean and all victims put on the armour of God. The battle is not yours but the Lord's. Masocha's army may seem big but do not be discouraged. The Lord your God is your strength. Like Moses said mosva haiore. Mwari itai kuda kwenyu. Amen.

  31. Amen @ 00:32
    As I was praying, I felt we should still pray for those who were abused and haven't had the courage to report. I pray that God gives them courage to do so and they should know that their bodies are a temple of God!
    Remember you can still remain Anonymous and you don't need to go to court to testify unless it's too big. Refuse to remain in bondage. Report and be FREE!

  32. A few more days to go

  33. Warota, Judasi, Tabita, Enoki, Iyen, Aturiyas, Nhliziyos, Mupfumiras, Gayakaya (cool for nothing bored member, who is anointed you or Warota? Well we will touch both of you. What ocultic prayers did you pray with Shingi, look at the poor guy now, God help him, he is holding on to nothing! Jean thank your God for delivering you out of this family), Zunguzas, Yvonne (ARVs are truly wonder drugs), the list goes on Hoves, muchadura!

    Moses, welcome back! Your commentary is a breath of fresh air! Church is full of wannabe rich people, sick single ladies (sick in mind, body and soul), lonely widows,troubled families, ARVs takers - look at how they all look fat and "healthy" - indeed, bird of a feather! Look at their past history, full of prostitution, womanizing, falsehood, molestation be it they were molested or they molested, now they say "we found Jesus" "do not touch us, we are the anointed" anointed of who? Of Warota or of the Warota's now depressed and confessing used by Warota to make him bishop?

    Moses please posting!

    Keep PPI team Jean. He has brought us this far and He will not leave us! Tino kuona kuti Mwari upi mukuru - we agape kana the God of everybhodhi?

  34. Counting down. Yes! Indeed counting down. Never thought it would end this way. Chikuruku Socha! Don't let you small head rule you. Die to the flesh Masocha! Mari ye vanhu shuwa they are all crying out to God and those prayers will not go unanswered. You shall pay!

    4,3,2,1, Big day! I will be in court to hear you speak Sochas. I will look you in the eye to remind you of what you did to me and my children! Imbwa Iri better Masocha! Pa pamai wako! I am taking off from work to look you in the eye!

  35. Hello brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    As we have turned our clocks back today,I therefore urge each and every one of you who have been reading the blog to turn your mind back to when this blog started until yesterday.
    What was the reason for the blog?
    What has the blog revealed to you so far?
    Has it helped you or someone you know in anyway?
    Do you find yourself confused as to what to do or believe regarding all the abuse that have been reported and are yet to be reported?
    Is your family now divided,friendship,relationship/marriage ruined or put on line and on the verge of crashing because of being an Agape member.
    If any of the above or any other I may
    have not mentioned apply to you, here is the solution if you are a true christian who believes in the word.
    This is regardless of whether you still attend Agape or not.
    -The solution is for everyone to unite fast and pray for God to reveal the whole truth in all that is facing Walter Masocha on the 1st of April.
    -Fasting should not be for Walter Masocha to go to Jail neither should it be for him not to go to Jail for vegeance is for the Lord Romans 12:19.
    -The Lord said they shall be administrations of the world and that they should also be respected Romans 13:1-5.
    So after all has been said and done lets show that we all condemn the use of the word of the Lord to manipulate and abuse vulnerable saints seeking to know the word.
    Let's stand against abuse of anykind in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The Bible tells us that the truth shall set us free. JOHN 8:32
    So let's fast and pray for truth
    Hanzi rinemanyanga hariputirwe!!


    Unrevised material!!

  36. Ahoy Keyboard Warriors! Ahoy Team Jean!.


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.