
Sunday 15 December 2013

Daddy did sexually abuse me, and I told the police...


Have you ever felt betrayed by the very person who has promised to love, cherish and protect you. It happened to me not once, it happened to me not twice, but it happened to me more times than I can remember. I can honestly say this is the first blog post I have written with tears falling down my face, and a lump of what I can only describe as pain in my throat. I may not have been the best wife to Shingai Musuka, but I truly loved this man once upon a time. I cooked him his favourite meals, I took care of him, I truly believed he was my soul mate, I even drew him a picture once and the only thing I ever thought would part us was death. Today I put my children to sleep, and my youngest little boy often cries, “I want daddy...” I often hold back tears and whisper to my children, “You will see daddy again one day, let’s just be patient and keep praying to God”. I look into my children’s eyes and feel so much pain, but I see them growing stronger and stronger each day. Daddy may no longer be in their lives, but they have a Father in heaven who loves them unconditionally. My daughter remembers the ambulance incident as if it was yesterday, so much she told the authorities she fears her mummy will be killed by her aunt Gertrude and her Gran Nana Musuka. One day I was cooking in my kitchen and my daughter asked me, “Mummy if God really loves us as you say, why did He allow this situation to happen to us,” For the first time, I couldn’t answer my daughter. After deep thought I told my daughter that bad things happen to people, we can never stop them, but its how we pick ourselves up and continue to trust in God, and in the end God will perfect everything that concerns us.

Its Sunday the 15th of December today, Agape For All Nations Ministries International  wants me to take down content of my blog today by 4:00 pm. But I am not going to. In fact this is the day I choose to bare it all. If I am taken to court, let it be for nothing but the truth. I am tired of protecting something I really shouldn't. I did nothing wrong and will not be ashamed. I will tell the world today that Archbishop Dr Walter Masocha sexually molested me on a number of times in his office in his Cosyneuk mansion during what he called “surgeries”. I felt his manhood against my body during his hugs in which he would passionately caress me, he touched my breast and my bottom during prayer, and he went as far as to touch my  private parts during prayer, when I complained of stomach pains. He often kissed me passionately on my neck and around my face.

The first time it happened I went home and told my husband as I felt so confused in my heart. This was a man whom I saw as Daddy and was a father figure to me, but when I was alone with him in his office, he used to do things to me that left me confused and violated. I truly believed he was an anointed man of God. Which left me even more confused and puzzled, and I felt guilty for even suspecting the man f God for inappropriate sexual conduct.

“He touched me Shingi, he did....” I confided in my husband in April 2012 the first time it happened.

“He’s a man of God Jean. He is holy and he is anointed to do what he does...” My husband would tell me.

I told my husband again the second time, again he told me that Dr Masocha was doing nothing wrong, he was only operating in the office God had called him, and because God had called him, he was allowed to do what he was doing. Half the time I had to confess to God and repent for suspecting that the man of God was doing something wrong to me. I didn’t want to touch the anointed of God. I was scared something bad would happen to me. But deep down in my heart it always felt wrong. If anything it messed up my mind, I thought there was something seriously wrong with me, worse more because the only person I ever confided in (Shingai Musuka) told me that I was not being sexually abused.

A few weeks before the ambulance incident, I remember reading a story in the book of Judges, (Judges 19) about a concubine woman who was thrown outside by her own husband, ‘a Levite’ for other men to ruthlessly rape and abuse her because he was a coward. The poor woman had fled her cruel and abusive husband, but the husband followed her and convinced her father to give him his wife back. That was the woman’s fate, and a few days later she died after being thrown out by her own husband to be raped by other men. I remember reading the story and being so disturbed for the first time I asked God why He included such a disturbing story in the canon of scripture. So horrified was I that I sent a text to Dr Masocha asking him to explain the story to me and why God allowed it in the bible. Of course Dr Masocha ignored me.

Little did I know God in His sovereignty was going to allow me to walk the walk of the concubine. A few weeks later my own husband was to stand by and watch me being ruthlessly abused by an entire empire. Actually I had started to walk the walk of the concubine way before, when my husband would allow men like Envoy Muchengeti Hove to restrain me and force me to the floor casting out so called demons out of me. My husband started spreading rumours about me in the Church. If anything the “mental health” accusations started by my very own husband, who would tell the whole church that I was insane.  As if that wasn’t enough, he failed to protect me when his mother and sister Getrude Musuka called the ambulance on me. He let them abuse me. He even let Juliuis Gayakaya, another man abuse me. I can conform today, that I have walked the walk of the poor concubine and her ruthless Levite husband. For that I will never ever go back to Shingai Musuka, lest I suffer the same fate of the concubine and die. I don’t want my dead body to be cut in 12 pieces and be an example to the whole world.

On Sunday 28 July 2013 I made the first official complaint to Hampshire Police that I was sexually abused by Dr Walterv Masocha during my two year membership in Agape. This was followed by gruesome video evidence and interviews with the Police for the weeks which followed. The police promising me that Dr Masocha was certainly going to be brought to book and his crimes where going to be heard before a court of Law. The English Police were ready to arrest him, as the evidence I had given was enough to warrant his arrest and have him charged with sexual assault. However, because the sexual crimes happened in Scotland, the files were then transferred to Scotland, and Falkirk Police took over the case. Suddenly everything changed and I knew then that nothing was going to happen to Dr Masocha.

Falkirk Police told me that the English and Scotish law differ when it comes to prosecution. In Scottish Law my evidence was not enough to charge him, and the fact that not even one woman came to testify like what I did made it even harder for them to arrest him. Had another woman testified, Dr Masocha would be behind bars today. They also needed at least one witness, and no one was willing to testify for me, even Kuziva Wooldridge and Ruvimbo Siwela Matorera who witnessed Dr Masocha touching me inappropriately. On 08/8/ 2013  I even recorded a phone conversation in which Ruvimbo did admit that she saw Dr Masocha touching me. The conversation lasted 18 minutes and 20 seconds. Kuziva Wooldride also repeatedly expressed her concern over the way Dr Masoch used to touch me.

However the ultimate betrayal came from my ex husband Shingai Musuka. Beacuse he was the only person I ever confided in when the sexual abuse was happening, he was listed as the first witness to the case. Just a testimony from Shingai Musuka that I did report the abuse to him was enough to get Dr Masocha arrested. But what does my own husband do. He did not only deny what I told the police, he decided to take it a step further. This is the most painful thing I have ever been subjected to by someone who claimed to love me dearly, worse more the father of my children. Dear readers, Shingai Musuka wrote a letter, a long letter to Falkirk Police. This is the letter that changed the fate of Dr Walter Masocha. He wrote that I was a liar, an attention seeker, and worse. He wrote what a good and holy man Dr Walter Masocha was. Shingai wrote that I never did such a thing of confessing the abuse to him as my husband. With that, the case lost its witness. Why Shingai did this to me the mother of his children I can never understand. May the Lord God of heaven judge between me and him.

So on the 27th November 2013 Falkirk Police called me.

“We are sorry Jean, Dr Masocha has been in custody, but we had to release him without charge because there was not enough evidence to charge him. It means for now the case is closed, but if anything comes up again, and the evidence is sufficient he will be arrested. Your husband did not testify, your evidence alone was just not sufficient.”

I cried. I cried tears of pain. Tears of betrayal. Tears of injustice. I didn’t understand. Why Lord? If there is any justice in this world, Dr Walter Masocha should be behind bars for sexually abusing me and destroying my life. But God spoke to me that day, and He said something like, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”. I then trusted God, and I was content with what He had allowed. All things works together for good for those who love God.

The next day after the police phone call, I signed my first book publishing contract. For me my book is the next chapter in my life. I want to make it as an author, and I know that one day, somewhere somehow, I will see justice and Dr Masocha will certainly pay for what he did to me. So its the 15Th of December today, and my blog is certainly not going down. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

This picture was taken by Envoy Gertrude Musuka in May 2012 at a Liverpool Church outing. Behind that smile I was hiding pain that I never thought would tell the world one day.



  1. Sexual abuse accusations are very serious as you are tempering with someone's life. However I'm not that surprised to hear it as I have heard a few things too. People from agape need to wake up and smell the coffee, "daddy" masocha is suppose to be anointed by God to spread his word on earth. Most of the thing masocha does are unnecessary, he has become an idol that these agape followers worship so much.

    While you wake up an hour early so you can catch a bus or hitch a lift or fuel your car. Masocha is there in his brand new car being driven around. Nobody forced him to become a pastor, he could still get a job and do the work of The Lord.

    Nothing wrong with holidays etc but at the church's expense ??? NASA, some people can't afford that and they innocently trust in masocha that they truly believe if they give and give they will soon receive a high paying job or some other bs that masocha feeds them, while he is receiving all of your blessings. When Jesus did his work and healing he never charged a dime. Who the hell is this "daddy" telling me to pay my hard earned money to supply for him and his family. Please give me a rest kit

    1. Uneshanje nelife yamasocha iwe! Buda pachena!

  2. Oh my God Jean!

  3. Jean you have finally sed it. I knw it has taken a lot for hou to say this but its happening sll the time in surgeries. An an ex agapean n a victim too. He touched my bum but after that day I dd nt go back to surgries coz I knew it was wrong n I wasnt going to allow it to happen again or escalate to another level.

    1. You are the very help Jean today and always for prosecution to take place.

  4. So it's very easy to create an account and start your own blog. If you want to slate jean please my friends go create your own blog sating Jean, these haters be refreshing the page every minute to see if Jean posted anything haha. #teamjean destroy these fake people and it's "loyal" slaves.

  5. Jean you have finally said what we all suspected all along. You are one brave woman and not many can go through with what you did. Jean it may not happen now but Masocha will get arrested one way or another. Look what happened to Gilbert Deya and many other pastors. You will get justice one way or another.

    Team Jean lets pray for Jean today in Church and lets remember to pray for justice for all the other women (and girls) molested by Walter Masocha. Stay strong Jean you are nearer to the finishing line than you think.

    Team Jean for life.

    1. Stop it N. Stop please. Come in the open and fight your war openly. Stop it please.

    2. Jean I support you. Why should such things happen to the detriment of women and bringing God's name in disrepute. If unGodly things happen let them be brought to light and justice take its course.

  6. Is Shingi the most vile man on this earth or what? I don't believe this.

    1. kuzonyora tsamba kumapurisa uko, murume ibenzi uyu, Shingi unonyadzisa zvako

  7. Jean i mysealf have seen you throw yoursealf on totje man of God during conferences and you are probably the number one person who would be all over him bragging dad did this and that for me. Your allegations are far too many, so many people and lies its to good to be true now. At conferences the church always knew something was off about you and now we all know the deal with you , lies lies lies if i were you i would take the blog down. You have violated. innocent people . you have insulted the people in agape who never did anything to you. do things quietly and legally and do not drag agape as a church into you problems just Solve them with the individuals who hurt you

    1. What's eating you. Why don't you keep your opinions to yourself too huh. Dear if you are a true supporter of masocha or whatever then what the hell are you doing on this blog ????????? Go away and ignore the allegations then. Not so difficult you know..

    2. I agree with that writer actually. Coming on the blog does not mean one must just support Jean. Jean has allowed the post so don't poison it. Let the people talk freely and MAY LIARS BURN IN HELL. There is also a queue of over hundreds of women willing to testify how disgusted we were when ever Jean was throwing herself at the man of God. Many times we have felt sick at Jean's behaviours. Mukadzi wemunhu anozvikanda pamurume asiri wake like that. God is watching. Musaudzana nhema. Musanyepa.

  8. At least wakaita lucky haana kuzokuisa. Ini ndakatoiswa.

    1. Hope in that dream wakanakirwa because thats all it is dreams. LIAR

    2. I am not sleeping mate. I can only dream when I am asleep!!!!. I dont know if you understand me.

    3. I do not need to understand a liar and a day dreamer! Liars not worth understanding. You will forever wish what you write here. May God judge you. You will not WIN. Its in your nature as a liar to lose. iiiiiish

    4. So you carry my private parts and you have evidence kuti masocha haana kundiisa. You seem not to understand anything fella. Do you walk with masocha's manhood for you to say haana kundiisa and l am lying. Kwana. Saka pese panoisa masocha unenge uripoka. Saskam!!!!!!!!

  9. jean, you are not alone. im going to the police. your story is a carbon copy of mine.....but mine is worse.....i taped him, iv got his sex/ text messages. i told my envoy....she told me verses in reply....i cried tavakumba.

    1. well done Jean well done,you have done a very courageoues thing and surely God will honor you for telling the truth.Please all other women who have been sexually abused masocha may you report to the police and reference this blog,its high time this news must be published in Uk tabloids esp in Scotland like the story of Gumbura in Zimbabwe.Women please be encouraged that u can remain anonymous even to write to the farlkirk police or Stirling MP or Councillor.they must be aware that they have a pervert or paedophile in their area.Thats very very cruel beyond any human imagination what masocha did to you Jean and doing that abusing the name of Jesus.What a reproach to the Body of Christ,why cant he just run his company without using the name of God?Its because he knows he can get church money free of taxes registered as a charity.Masocha must pay back the govt all the Gift Aid money he get after every financial year,this man must be brought to book and justice must prevail.Dont fear ladies go and report this man to the police he must be accountable for his sexual lusts.if thats how he get his powers to seduce all these innocent women then let all hell broke loose and expose this sex maniac!!

    2. Wadini kutanga IWE vamwe tigo tevera. You seem more convinced by this lunatic account chitanga iwe. Actually I am saying this "AFTER YOU MADAM!".
      You seem o be fighting the man of God, its sad you hid yourself. You come out. Be like Jean.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Madhanhi and co, we are gratefull to you, manga chena yaparira parere nhema, endesai nyaya kuCourt.asikana! Masocha agarira tsono ne buri repombi yake...uuuuuuuuuuuu mai kani!

  12. There is dindindi on sarturday nite.....kusanyara Misi and your abused youths. Marlvin wekwa Soluwan is one of the acts, imi nhai imi askana inga Agape yawora.

  13. You find lying so easy and simple and you manipulate the truth to suit you. You are not leaving your husband because of all this bull shit you write on your blog. It’s the other way around honey. He is living you! I know, lying to yourself and to your readers comes naturally. But sweetheart the bottom line is that you can lie on a laptop, you can publish lies but the truth gnaws at you slowing like a cancer. You don’t have to publish this it’s just a letter to you. What of the texts you have begged for him to come back to you? Does it occur to you that the court will read your account on the blog and the text messages and realise you are a liar. That will make you fail to be a credible person, and I think the more you publish the more your cases are both getting weak. If after weeks and weeks no one has done what your purposed with this blog, then it’s time the scales should not shy away from the truth. There is enough evidence that proves you a liar. Opening a website after the police had told you they could not make an arrest makes any such stories weak. I know you will respond anonymously in various posts as other people, but that’s because these persons are real to you. They live in you. SO carry on spin doctor. But those with wisdom can see beyond the blog. Sadly some individuals don’t even know Masocha, but are quick to judge. We know you, we know Masocha. And we know you are a liar. As for prayers, you consented to having hands placed on you because you rose from your chair and went forward to be prayed for. It does not translate into sexual abuse for a man of God to lay his hand on your stomach. Those who feel abused must not go to the man of God but remain wherever they are sitting than later cry abuse. Its how most Pentecostal churches do. There will be a long queue of woman testifying that its NOT sexual abuse. About the surgery I will not comment as I was not there. But you kept going to those surgeries. Why? You went because they were harmless. Its only when your pornographic book was not accepted by the man of God as good for promotion that all hell broke loose. As for your inlaws, after reading the blog its YOU who is the abuser. You. Nothing gives you the right under the sun to abuse others. The abuse you have done on your blog weakens your case. Actually it obliterates the whole argument. Even sympathisers are growing thin. That you indeed know. This boundless persecution of others, of your husband, his parents, church mates is also your downfall. No one receives more pity here than you. In Shona tinoti wakabata mhepo.

    1. You finished ranting ? Kindly create your own blog with your own truths dear. Jean has freedom of speech it's idiots like u who look weak. If someone is lying let them drown in their own lies. You are only weak for commenting and opposing to what you are calling a crazy woman. Does it not make you the fool

    2. Idiot and uneducated bimbo called an authoritative intervention! Its confrontation. Read all the Heron Six categories dofo. In the modern world we dont lock the lunatics and forget them to rot in the asylums. We talk to them. We confront them. So dont go open your own blog. Uneducated people munonetsa! Usayanika hupenzi hwako. Jean allowed the post she owns the blog. She didnt appoint you her blog manager? So lets not get excited and prescribe where you have no powers. Puta

    3. HEY guys its Dr Zidofo again just wait he will tell you you are an accident because you were born on a highway. Agape loser who thinks he is educated.kkkkk.wanikwe is vakadzidza kunyara

    4. kkkkk funny hw u tell people havana kudzidza read wat u write and then you really notice kusadzidza kwako .the only person who is dirty is yo mom for daring to give birth to a thing like you .someone shud hv forced her to hv a hysterectomy.beta yet someone shud take u to a gas chamber unonhuwa kunge chidembo

  14. Thanks Jean for your bravery. It's not easy to come out in the open after abuse of a sexual nature. This will encourage more women to come out and help in getting this man and those who helped him behind bars.
    Women should know that time is important. The sooner people come forward the better and if he has been misusing people money at least you can get your monies back from the assets he has and what ever he has in his accounts and from all accounts of those who were in aid of such act. The more you wait the more you going to lose of your hard earned money.
    The other danger is for your partners to find out later when you had not come forward thereby putting your marriages on the line because for a fact Agape is no more . So you have nothing to lose if you come out now but a lot to gain and save.
    The fact that he even went to marry someone when he was already married shows that he is not a good leader.
    As for Shhingi we will pray that he changes his mind and tell the truth and think of his children that they need him!!!!

  15. Who-done- it of the year!! You have done it! Good girl! Unoterera mfana. Watopedza so. I now declare truce because unoterera mfana, Unozongondikandirawo ye scud kana 1 chete kana dovi remarema aya rauya. Handingatukirwi mahara ka ini nevanhu vasina kana piece ye brain vanofunga nemudhidhi. kikikiki. This shld have been a private message but ndashaya option yacho. Could tear this to shreds for the number of visible holes, but why bother, this sorry lot doesn't deserve it. Each according to his own. Well done!

    1. I had to go reread what you blogged Chimutashamatuzvi! You branded our Jean a User! You equated her with Masocha! APOLOGISE! Fast

  16. Hope people have kept their receipts for the money they have been paying!! This could be a nice time to go on a holiday . I paid since 2009 by direct debit and nothing has come true from everything he was saying arikuona arikuona zvisina basa. I will get mine I know he is going behind the bars

  17. Agape is finished which ever way you look at it. Jean the empire is destroyed. This church will never ever have new members, varimo ivavo vakatokwana.

  18. I hope Shingi is reading this blog, shame on you Shingi!

  19. Iwe Jean washaya zveku taura manje waona kuti your blog is becoming weaker and weaker. So wawana another way tibvire apa. Mama is always in the surgeries with dad.

    1. Iwe anonymous wabaritrwa pfuti here for you to come on here. Haiti waist effort to google the page ? You probably got in on your bookmarks. Then you put effort to comment. Come on now who is the idiot here.

      You probably broke while you feeding the masocha family still waiting for The Lord to bless you abundantly hmm

  20. Nyasha Madzima EE has finally left Agape. Jean can you explain more to us please.

    1. yes, ee left after the wigan lauch. our satellite was informed by attaché tendai Lydia. iv tried to get info why, but the guy not saying anything but he is boiling with anger at agape church. rumour has it hama dzake dzakabudawo. gore rino hameno

    2. Nyasha started chasing Jean soon after she left. don't blame him for leaving lol

  21. Jean Dad is going to sew you for this wait and see. You don't com on a blog and write sexual abuse. If Dad has not been charged then you are wrong to accuse him. Jean take down the blog for your own sake.

    1. Ibva apa Kween Shawtey or whatever your name is. Unomapedza maspellings kumamaka pano? Benzi.

      Where have you ever read a woman writing on a BLOG that she was molested. Like really? Jean is playing with fire here and if pple are scared to tell her I will tell her the truth.

      This is a clear sign of madness the girl aint right in the head and Team Jean murikufurira mwana when she goes down she goes down on her own.

      A few corrections to her post. 1. Shingi LEFT Jean not the other way round. 2. Shingi only confirmed what a liar Jean is. 3. Jean is now living with a boyfriend at her matrimonial home, she is a whore, full stop.

    2. Anonymous you need to go back to school really. Your spelling is out of this world. Instead I of giving your dad, find a course dear, please please Ndapota Hangu kana ESOL zvayo. The blog is not going down dear. Une hasha futi, u need anger management. Kana mapepa aita please enda kuchikoro?!

    3. Mahure anozivana dear. Asi maihura Mese kani? Idiots like you piss me off. You are giving her the time and attention so why not let her spread her lies , like it on not you are contributing to this blog. Plus you are calling her a man woman etc but here you are trying to go head to head naye, doesn't that make you the FOOL for arguing with her ??
      Stupid anonymous hiding behind your screen

    4. Iwe futseke waivepo here when Masocha was molesting this gal and abusing his position ? Tibvire apa futseke mwana wehure bratishiti... Mese ma Agapeans makabatwa neinonzi Stockholm syndrome which I believe is the one yanga yakabatawo Jean futi asi guess what? She's free from her abuser and has reported him. Imimi you are still tangled in this cult. Muchamuka henyu mozoona kuti Makandiwa/ Masocha haasi Mwari.

    5. Hahahaha wazondisekesa manje , there is the bitch I was waiting to come out, truth hurts Init because it seemed I touched a very sensitive nerve.

      I will say this though, if jeans blog is pissing you off go stick your fingers down your throat and throw up.

      You keep goin on about omg jean "dad" will sue you , yet here you are posting vulgar work. Wishing death on someone you have never met you Make me laugh. For all I know you could be the devil himself because you seem to have anger issues, nothing you say can break me sweetly, ok :-)

      Why don't you run along to "daddy masocha" and tell him how mean I was to you

    6. Matthew 23:8-10 (NKJV)
      8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ....

      Sandi baba venyu kani. The Father is in heaven. For years muchiti Masocha baba.And lately yava Apostle. Jean might be a little bit excited kuzonyora zvakawandisa including vamwe vanhu vasineyi nenyaya, but can you blame her. She was molested. He is a molester and you all know it. Vamwe they are justifying it vachitikana David akasinner. But the significance is how many times and what he did after. Did he continue to sin or he acknowledged his sin and repent. Vanhuwe, do not be fooled by sheep's clothing. Agape has fast become a cult. The Son of God is well known for his humility. Never claimed to be above the father. kasi ku Agape rainbow yaMwari ikabuda so......munoita kunge you are possesed. Bhaibheri chairo should guide you. Its enuf. For years you disregarded the bible, mhomho yese ichiti daddy kuna Masocha,iye masocha achidaira. Zvoreva kuti manga musingaverende shoko here.

      My warning is to any parent in Agape vane vanasikana vadiki. Be very careful how you teach your girl. Nekuti vana vachapeera ku repiwa imi muri munext door. I hear now kuti lately the wife comes in these surgeries. Kasi i know for a fact kuti kare they were private between Masocha ne munamatirwi. So a whole lot happened.
      Vanhu vakawanda you are brainwashed. Remember the GUYANA TRADEGY, igugulei kune vasingazive, I always think of it each time I think of your Cult.
      To Jean i say well done for coming out. You are not the first neither are you the last to have been molested nerwurume rwuya.
      Even vanga vari ku couples meeting when the coming of the Lord wwas likened to sex, thats abuse iyoyo kuti you had to sit and listen to that jeering like hyenas.
      Mwari tititireiwo nyasha. Dzoraiwo vakarasika

  22. Message for Jean's new boyfriend who is sleeping in Shingi's bed, be careful ukatsika Jean konzi we will be seeing your photos and reading about you on this blog tomorrow. This girl is deadly, poisonos and vernomous I bet you a million pounds we will be reading about this Range Rover chikomba soon. Who ever thought Jean would defame Dad like this the way she used to jump on him. Who ever knew Ruvimbo would make headlines for being Jean's no one enemy the way they used to act like sisters. Haana tsitsi this girl. Whoever sleeps with this girl please do wakavhura ziso one

  23. Jean wakaoma shamwari, ndazobvuma.

  24. So this is where Miss Jeans beef with Ruvimbo is. She wanted Ruvimbo to falsely testify against her own father. Jean haunyare that's why Shingi akatiza zvakadai. pu ndakusvipai mai. Leave Ruvimbo out of your lies please.

    1. It is all unfolding. Now we all know where it went wrong. Poor girl she wanted her to testify lies

    2. Ehe ndipo pane beef rake saka wanga wafunga kudii? Wouldn't you feel betrayed as when when your best friend refuses to testify against some abuse done to u? Ruvimbo imbwa kutu inohukura chaiyo. Karikuvatwa naMasocha saka kanotya akaenda kujeri hapana anozomukwira. Her and Masocha should rot in hell

    3. Iwe Anonymous shut up. Unofunga kuti jean akafanana newe unongo vhriswa makumbo nadaddy uchingoti dad dad kuita seyi kwacho. Iswa wega. Ko shingi apindira papi futi? Asi wakuda kuti akuchinjane nadaddy kani????. Go hang

    4. Unenge wakakwiriwawo iwewe! You come here to insult Ruvimbo bcoz you are jealous! Your poison drips hazvisichiri zvekubatsira Jean. Mune shungu vakoma! Chiendayi kupolice --/tsvooo! Newewo uriimbwa, kwete kuti but chimbwa mupengo chine hosha. We are tired of people writing without stepping up to help Jean meaningfully. So fuck you! Bitch

  25. Booked!!!! Please pray for me, I will be going to the conference on Wednesday with my cousin he wants to cover the conference with a hidden camera. So please team Jean , keyboard warriors ne vamwe vese. We have booked a B&B just now !!!

  26. Jean, its time u take this up a notch. Go to BBC. Well done babes.


  28. Guys this guy is guilty. He came to Edinburgh and read page 7 of his threshing floor book.Says everyone has skeletons in his cupboard, past or present.That was before i had seen the blog today about this new revelation.I wasn't going but I will go to the get together and get a front row seat.This dude is guilty as SIN but thinks its ok.We have been played guys.Guys this guy is guilty. He came to Edinburgh and read page 7 of his threshing floor book.Says everyone has skeletons in his cupboard, past or present.That was before i had seen the blog today about this new revelation.I wasn't going but I will go to the get together and get a front row seat.This dude is guilty as SIN but thinks its ok.We have been played guys.

  29. Walter abused my lips he didn't want to see me on my own in his house by the red carpet one day I was in the room he calls it prayer room. Please this men belongs to jail and hope they misplace the keys.

  30. If the pastor had such sensual attention from Jean as other parishioners testify, and all the pastor could do was touch the stomach, and blow into her neck then he is a very strange fella. Imagine uchichengeteswa orchard yakazara mamango, orange, mabanana, ma guava, madhorofiya, zvese, one day we hear that the farm owner accused you of a crime but only after some deep soul searching. Hanzi you stole. Ah, pano nepano, you were hungry, so you stole a few twigs, hanzi akaba tutsotso twekubatidzisa moto, that's the crime. My foot! In a field fool of fruits munhu onzi akaba tsotso. Kupaza bank woba chikorobho.

    Jean's only crime is to try and take all Zimbabweans for dick-heads just because we have some daft air-head Team This Or That. We will not let you take all Zimbabweans for fools.

  31. I'm really tempted to speak. This church is giving God a bad name. Proverbs 23:18 "He who covers his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find mercy. " My heart goes to all who have suffered in Agape.May God heal those hurts. Those who know the truth but still find time to hurt those who are still hurting by defending what is wrong, may God deal with them in His wrath. The church must do the right thing and apologize to all who have suffered in this ministry followed by a complete shutdown before God begins to judge. Warnings were given and now God's patience is running out. They are no winners here. Resigning of leaders and closing the church once and for all is the only solution left. I am sorry Jean, I was not there to protect you together with others who suffered in this ministry. God is watching. By the mercies of God please close this church or at least call it a sect to save God's Name from further disrepute. I do not understand why people want to provoke God to anger by engaging in these acts of unrighteousness. We know a lot but choose to be silent. Please Agape Woye don't shake a horn's nest by verbally abusing people who are expressing their grievances on this blog. Otherwise we could just mention a few truths and a few names which have not been mentioned before. Do the right thing. Repent. Apologize. Shutdown. Find a genuine church as members and not leaders. And don't do it again.This

    1. everybody claims they know something and they are going to reveal if so and so pushes them.Why not come out with the truth now ? This is just a platform for agapeans and non agapeans both who claim to be christians to air their grievances.In doing so the are just showing us that they are as bad as each other.Cleanliness is next to godliness but boy oh boy whats being said here by both parties is filth .i dont see any christian qualities at all. wolves in sheep clothing all of you.

    2. Anonymous , girl oh girl!! Coming in the open after being sexually abused . It might take a day- years before someone is convicted but as the blog goes on many people will get to read and one day will get the break through we want to have justice. Here people are dealing with someone who has calculated his way to abusing women. You might actually do yourself a big favour by not coming on the blog if you are in a hurry for conclusion . Even if he goes behind the bar, the blog will continue to raise awareness to other people . You don't have to be on the blog every second dear. If you don't share accommodation your allowed to take a long warm bath rather checking who has said what every minute. That why you now losing patience and maybe pretty much soon temper. Relax dear good things comes to those who wait vamwe vakati kuchema kungave kwemadekwane asi mufaro.................................
      Thank you !!!!!!!

    3. Anonymous16 December 2013 17:33 girl oh girl i am entitled to my opinion and i you dont like it take a flying leap.i would respect you if you were making sense in your comments but spend time like kasecretary ka Jean responding to everyone on the blog yet unotaura zvisina njere.use your mother language dear pamwe ndingakunzwisise.take yo own advice love anddont spend your life on Jean blog.If you want to help Jean so badly why are u Anonymous.the only reason you want this blog is so you cansatisy your quest for gossip.Get a life Honey

    4. Well Anonymous 11:53, I said if you don't share your accommodation,please you are allowed to go and take a long good warm bath. If the things are filth on the blog dear leave the blog. You might want to get yourself a boyfriend to get rid of boredom . If you can't find one let me know!

    5. Anonymous17 December 2013 18:41 happily married sweetheart .bored yes by yo type.because u hv no man in yo life you encourage Jean kuti asiye wake.and i will not leave this blog Jean is happily posting my comments saka a nobody like you does not count.kana wakavatwa na masocha u wanted it hure now u want Jean to fight yo battles. Fight your own battles .Create yo own blog then you can tell me kuti ndisauye.I am glad u found some one to do a bit of spell checking for you.keep it up honey i might just teach u a thing or 2.a bath do you even know wat that is .monkey does

    6. Anonymous 20:57, did you just call me sweetheart? Thanks !!! I'm not a woman by the way . I'm a man who has been married for 20 yrs and our anniversary is on the 31st of December. My wife has not been tested by Masocha cause she goes to another church. I don't know if we are k ,you did not tell me which one you corrected, but thanks hey that's why God said go and multiply so that they could people like you to correct others. It's not a crime to be wrong it just gives others a chance to correct you as you correct others and that's the way life goes. So I'm supporting Jean not because ndakararwa but because I believe she is telling the truth. Hope your Hubby doesn't find out you have been calling me sweetheart and dear dear!!! You have a good night now. Greatings to the man of the house !!!!

    7. Anonymous17 December 2013 22:11 my apologies you sounded so womanly one can be forgiven for thinking you are one. i can almost see you applying make up . no offense As for the man of the house no worries ther no secrets btw us. moving on

    8. Anonymous 10:06.
      It's ok sweetheart, no hard feelings. Apologies accepted. You not the first one to think I'm a woman anyway. I look beautiful and have very soft hands(Palms) but I don't do make-up dear and guess what, You are also not the first one to call me sweetheart . The lady of the house used to call me that but now I'm Honie !! I don't know how it changed maybe there is a new sweetheart and I have been promoted . Hope you enjoy your Xmas and Geez to the man of the house again.

  32. jean darling you said you have recorded evidence. why didnt you give that to the police?

  33. Lets make Walters Xmas one to remember in custody for all the abuse he has done and all the marriage breakdown he has caused. You will find that it's the most ugly women who are supporting him cause obviously he wouldn't have done anything to an ugly from when the likes of Jean and other appealing ones where there. There are also some nice women whom he did not get the chance to do it because maybe they saw it coming and some left before he struck!!! If you are a woman and supporting Masocha show your face and let's see if it's not Dog eat Dog!! While Judith is not feeling very well he is busy going to marry some other woman in London. I even think she wanted to speak out akanzi ndokurora. I won't be surprised with his behaviour at all. How many women does he want in his life with HIV going around. He once took advantage of an innocent student and dumped to go and pray on another , left that one and another and another before making Judith leave his husband. Now he want s to leave Judith again for another whilst he continues to be fondling women bums and breast in the so called surgery . Because he still feels strong , he is now leaving Judith with no one to comfort her but rather giving her a black eye just like what Alois does. It's high time these women should speak out because there is nothing interns of love that they are getting except for some controlled cash . Look how he dresses himself whilst Mum is always in these Silk outfit vachingotsva vakagara. Iye Walter in cotton but still Dikita richingochururuka ipapo. It's high time he is made to rest behind bars maybe he might come out with some good scriptures and knowing a bit of word from the holy bible.

  34. Hi everyone out there. im the one who disclosed that Charles Madanhi works his brothers law firm which is suing Jean. Today i feel compeled to use some of woruta's teachings. Remember masocha said in life learn to to a balancing use his own words..."usasgare nedako one". So because i asked u to ring Madanhi and cornfim, i now give you EE nyasha@s number. 0746355211. ask him kuti wakabudirei?. i know most of u have it anyway.

    PS.....Pane a couple of waiting ladies who were eying EE. THEY ARE SAYING NYASHA CHAIYE KUBUDA...NO!
    By the way, ee hanzi he is not realy saying zvavakabudira.....but the guy enjoys a laugh. taurai zvinosekesa. Nyasha can laugh veduwe! anoita kumonyaroka! kunga akutotundira mo! kkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

  35. Dear Jean and Walter Masocha

    You have fought your battle on this forum for a long time now, Jean in the open and Masocha anonymously.

    I have a proposal for you two, since Jean is saying she was abused and insisting that it is true and on the other hand Masocha is denying that nothing like that ever happened, with modern technology there are many ways to find the truth if both of you are interested.

    1) The church should free up some funds and hire a private detective to contact a polygrph lie detector test for both parties.

    2) for the sake of protecting the church, Masocha and Jean's image all parties must agree voluntarily to the lie dectator test.

    3) If for some reason one part decide not to participate then doubt will be cast on their credibility.

    4) The test will/must be contacted in front of selected saints and the board including an independant part representing Jean.

    5) Both parties should agree on how the results will be released or published.

    6) If for some reason any part decides not to take the test then it will be concluded that they are hiding something and their credibility will be questionable.

    Because this case has generated a lot of public interest it is also advisable to release the statement so everyone can move on.

    Thank you its just my 2cents

  36. here is a link for lie detactor web and the prices

    1. Kkkkkk, you are very funny. I think watumwa na Wale, or it's you Wale. We can see everything dear, we are not looking for credibility from a lie detector but Masocha and don't you worry cause very soon things will crack up. Now you know you have been around Africa visiting all the witch doctors you want to talk about a lie detector,kkkkkkkkk. You are not dealing with fools but very much learned people who also have wisdom. You are not forced to read this blog, if you have had enough just go away. We are not looking for suggestions here but supporting Jean until we get Justice. It might take years for other women to open up but one thing I can assure you is Walter is going behind bars soon or later. Shiri ine muririro wayo......................,.So don't worry. The only thing is for you to buy the lie detector for your Mum to find out the truth if you are her biological baby. Kkkkkkkkkkkk wanzwa butter!!! Zvauriwe uchatoenda kunovabvunza.

    2. My friend I am not Walter at all, seems you do not know how the lie detector works.
      A lie detector is operated by a professional and it is also used in investigations by the police, so don't rush to laugh about things you don't know.
      I believe Walter would not want to take one cause it is very accurate, if you follow the posted link you will be informed on how it works.
      I think it's a good idea and it will expose Masocha as well. If you watch Jeremy Kyle show you will know what I am talking about

  37. Thanks for your bravery Jean.I still don't why baba vaya vakaita zvavandiita mu surgery.zvinondirwadza hama dzangu.ndakazoona zvangu kuti Inga zvirikuitika kwakawanda after reading Pastor Gumbura's allegations.

    Well done Jean.

  38. Well done Jean for coming out. We are so proud of you.

    When is your book coming out? I need my 20 copies.

    Team Jean!

  39. Sorry to say this but Scottish Police are useless! Its not the first time they have turned a blind eye on serious crimes. Right now a sex pervert is on the loose with valnurable women and its all okay. Shame on you Scotish/ Falkik Police. Zimbabwean Police Zanu PF are better!

  40. Dear Commissioner Francis

    The December 21 meeting that you convened refers. I want to dwell on three items on the agenda that is in circulation.

    Item 2 - Opening remarks by the Chairperson. Through you the convener i want to plead my case. That you have an independent person as chair from amongst the board members, and not the Apostle. He cant be both ref and player, No. Those that are not economic with the truth will agree with me that the current crisis that we find ourselves in is a direct consequence of the failed leadership of Dr Walter Masocha. He is in the eye of a storm, he is being accused of serious allegations, he was taken in by Police on November 27 2013 and thus is not fit to chair a meeting because item 8 revolves around him.

    Here is a man who does not care a hoot about the church image. When there is all this talk about church abuse of funds, women, etc he had the audacity to take women (tambourine ladies) to a retreat without his wife. Commissioner Francis does this sit well with you? If this is not carelessness on the part of the Apostle what is?

    Item 9 - Remuneration of Envoys and Evangelists. Volunteers are not paid Commissioner. Remember the Apostle said everyone else was a volunteer save for a few chosen ones like Envoy Muchie and his ilk. What has changed again? Are you trying to buy the leaders with 30 pieces of silver? Is the AGAPE vision this cheap? Are the Agape Envoys this cheap? What is it that we have to lose to get 30 pieces of silver? I rebuke the spirit of Judas that is creeping in the church. We all have Damascan moments in our lives (vana vembwa havasvinuri musi umwechete) and l pray that you will see the light on your way to the conference.

    Commissioner Francis it is such inconsistencies in the way you have carried yourselves as leadership that leaves us ordinary saints if we entrusted the ministry in the right hands. The original organogram of the church according to the vision changed mid-stream. What is that? God is not confusing and confused.

    Item 8 - Response to the blog. Who is giving the response? Not someone please other than the accused. Whatever response is going to be given, it's coming too little too late. The ministry is damaged already. We want to hear the Apostle 's personal view and the board can respond and resolutions will be informed by discussions around the apostle's submissions.

    Unfortunately the board has no independence just like the steering board. If it were an independent board then the Apostle was answerable to it. The situation obtaining now is such that all roads lead to the apostle, l mean Dr Masocha is the Alpha and Omega. He is the barometer of perfection on things spiritual and administrative. Therein lies the tragedy Commissioner Francis and you need to attend to that with the urgency of the moment. Our lips are dry not because of the Hamattan winds but because we are not licking them. It's not about Jean. Jean is just but a symptom of a bigger problem, failing and failed leadership.

    Thanks Commissioner Francis. Be a blessing to the body of Christ.
    Submissions from Zimbabwe

  41. Well,well,well!!,what a letter from those who are willing to see justice but are not quick to judge. I'm on Jean side but this letter gives me hope that as I said before, let this be the last meeting of agape. Our beloved brothers and Sisters are beginning to see . We continue to pray for you guys, there is no need of us to be separated by one person (Masocha) . As much as one would want to decredit Jean but you can see this is a thing going around in churches done by church leaders . I mean besides Jean's case how can some go and marry another wife when he is already married and if that person was a saint before how come she agreed to that . I wonder if it was not a cover-up. That's why he does not put on a ring because anodakufamba achinyenga vakadzi vevanhu..
    Now the vision is changing People are starting to get paid. Money being the root of evil again here we go.
    So all those people are going to be paid by the money from other saints. Kkkkkkkkk Agape is a joke if thus is not a way of cooking books because very soon the regulators are going to be knocking on their door to find out about the funds . This Cult is over, pastors in Zim are in court as we speak and it's a matter of time before Walter is behind bars. Mark my words this man is going behind bars and everyone will be free., I know feeling when you have faith in someone until they cheat on you or let you down, it's hard to come to terms with. This is the feeling gripping those who have not been abuse, you have that feeling of disbelief . You don't wanna think that it ever happened but hey that's life for you.

    Ps.. I like that Shona saying !!! Keep those sayings rolling please we miss that.

  42. I don't think you lot know the meaning of the word HERO, I advise you all TEAM JEAN to acquire a dictionary and double check the meaning of HERO. I'm so offended by your pathetic fantasy land. Jean is a wicked WITCH not hero. Shame on you jean with a small "j", get a life dear and creat a better future for your children.

  43. To the church I Thuthukile Khumalo want to let the Ndebele tribe know that Walter Masocha assumes you are the influence behind the Anonymous comments. What type of a father.

  44. Why is it that people defend Masocha who are meant to be God fearing people who go to church every Sunday swear like they are in a shabeen in Manchester. #justasking

  45. Its high time vanhu mabuda pachena the man is evil haadi kuona dress rati bvee atori neshavi hombe and he does brain wash pple
    ko kuzoda kutanga church neuori here amana
    God have mercy

  46. Who are the Ndebele tribe?

  47. Does anyone know why Envoy Yafele Bournemouth left the church ?
    Im exmember and sure l used to have un answered questions .
    1-why the groups had such names
    2-the envoys thing was said to be a new thing but dont forget kuti salvation army has all those names.
    3-the time spent dancing and how people dancr as if they aredemon possesd
    4- time spent preaching and thosr who preach it was all daddy this daddy that.
    5-the worshipping of Masocha himself.
    6-what role does Mai Guveya play in that mans life.
    7-when Masocha was ordained l had a question in me why did he not graduate nevamwr there in USA , what if that white man was from those american cult groups.
    8-why is it no one is allowed to preach for at least 1hr ..
    9- justto let youknow the corby attaches and the Envoys they happened to have money they both got from compensations thats why they are loved and getting posts.
    10- someone leaked that ddgs go retreat and spend night with W making turns.
    11- what l realised when l was a saint in Agape Wloves only those that give money and whatever he needs if you dont you dont exist in Agape hou are there to add numbers..
    11-what is it with that Envoy in london mother of disabled twins?

    Im just asking in no holy spirit functioning l dont feel that man all its like lm in a chimbetu show .

  48. What a shame,how can anyone even believe this girl,u and ur friends who are looking for a way ,as the devil is working thru you guys,please stop provoking other people,besides u are a confused girl who has continued to try remove ur husband from church but failed ,thts y u have chosen a way to make agape look bad,shame on you girl!!!!!

    1. Shut up you mean anonymous.Jean was actually trying to rescue his husband from this cult because the almighty had revealed to her that
      continuous fellowshiping with these devil worshipers could eventually
      break their marriage. This is exactly what happened and if shingi could have listened he could have saved his marriage. Something worse than loosing a family is coming his way if he continues with these people. How can you for sake your family for a cult?. Remember Jesus did not come to destroy. What kind of church is this?. Congratulations Jean you are freed from these stinking vultures. Be still and know he is God. Why are you pompous then you people? Come on. Do not lie to us. We are fade up. God is giving us wisdom day by day to be aware of your stupid tactics to manipulate us.

  49. From Pastor Saw ur story on Baba Jukwa..Jean u need to defend urself on Baba Jukwa send this story that is how u were abused and how ur hubby reacted, otherwise pple will think u are a loose woman. Don't send the judges story not necessary. Send it and u will a dfrnt reaction from readers. Will be waiting God bless.


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.