
Friday 6 December 2013

The Book Publishing Deal That Went Right....

Introducing Zuza and the Lost Princess


A few days after my story broke, I found it so overwhelming and I thought I had lost my way. A lot of people who were reading my blog were emailing me. One person emailed me during an hour I was at breaking point, I couldn’t see light at the end of the tunnel. As I was in despair, an email flashed on my phone, I opened it and it read something exactly like this:

 “Jean, sometimes it gets bitter before it gets better. Sometimes it takes crisis to appreciate the crystals in our lives. Sometimes it takes the departure of everyone for us to realize it’s only God we need. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to realize Christ is the rock at the bottom. Regardless of what's happening in your life, refuse to accept the belief that your life can't get any better. Believe that with God your bitter life can get better. Believe that your crises can crystallize into treasured gem & invaluable jewel. Your debilitating fear God can turn into ardent faith. Gather the pieces together & bring them to God in prayer. God specializes in turning broken pieces into breathtaking peace. He is the God of second chances. Believe in God’s transforming power. Yes you can smile again. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
God bless you”

5 months ago when the ambulance was standing outside the Church at Wigan if someone had told me that by the end of the year I would have a book publishing contract, I would have not believed. If someone had told me back then that my dream of becoming an author was only footsteps away, I would not have believed. I don’t know how to take it. I don’t know what to say. Is this really happening to me? Am I really an author in the making? I am one of those people who have waited a lifetime for a moment like this. My dear readers, I have finally secured a publishing deal for my first book.

I did it. With God I did it. I never needed Daddy’s leftover food. I never needed a sweaty towel. I never needed a hug from a prophet. I just needed to believe that no mountain was too big for me to climb. Like Joseph I have always been a dreamer. One of my biggest dreams since I was 16 years was to be a fantasy writer. Dr Masocha had promised me that he would get my books published, but the promise was thrown out of the window and he chose to publish his book instead of mine. But I thank God that His timing is always perfect. God never wanted me to get my book published by the Prophet. He never wanted Agape or Dr Masocha to take the glory. God wanted to make me an author in my own right. One of my greatest inspirations in life has always been J K Rowling. She was living in poverty when she came up with the idea of Harry Potter. Today she her books are one of the most read series on the planet. She made it as an author in her own right. I may not sell books like JK Rowling, but my dream of just getting my fantasy books out there is good enough.

God so loved me, that He didn’t even want my publishing break to be about Dr Masocha or Agape. My first book has nothing to do with Agape, I will be an author in my own right. I am not coming out with a tell all autobiography about a certain cult called Agape. Nay. I am coming out with something that I have always been passionate about, Fantasy. My very own imagination coming to life.  Of course I will still publish my autobiography HE WAS MY DADDY, but I am glad that my first book will have nothing to do with Agape, but everything to do with what will make me as a writer.

Its an action packed fantasy adventure with songs, poetry and a gripping storyline. From scary mermaids to talking giant spiders, from teenage romance to the fascinating world of ants, I hope my book will take you places you have never dreamt of. It’s a story of a young British boy and an African girl, a story of two  young lovebirds who enter into another world to save a dying ancient Kingdom taken over by a wicked witch.  It is fantasy as I know it, and in my over imaginative world, ZUZA AND THE LOST PRINCESS was born.  I pray that my book will touch children, young adults and grown ups too. My three beautiful children inspired me to write ZUZA and they are already in love with the storyline and the characters.

I believe my story has a happy ending after all. After months of being mocked and cursed by Agape that I will never be an author, I finally got the book publishing deal I have been waiting for all my life. My first adventure series book Zuza and the Lost Princess will be out soon, and I will keep you posted on the release dates and launches to come. We serve a good and mightily God. He has prepared a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. I am now concentrating on my writing career, and I believe I am now just a footstep away from stepping into my destiny. When God has opened a door, no man can ever shut it, even a self proclaimed prophet like Dr Masocha does not hold the keys to anyone's destiny.


  1. To God be The Glory.Happy for u that ur book will be published. Finally, Finally!!

  2. Jean, God loves you powerfully and personally. Thats why he has rewarded you with the writting and publishing of Zuza and The Lost Princess. Welldone.

  3. Well done you!!

  4. Let me take this opportunity on behalf of myself and Team Jean's Keyboard Warriors to say congratulations, amhlope, Makorokoto to our lovely Jean. We are with you in harmony, prosperity and sickness. Enjoy every second of your triumph. Ahoy Team Jean!

    1. Amen. We are team Jean's keyboard warriors. We are behind you Jean.

  5. He is a faithful and just God. I told you in one of my posts to stand still knowing that He is God. His timing is just but perfect. I am excited and happy for you sister. Moments and developments we will forever cherish and celebrate. This is just but a preamble to the bigger things that are coming your way Jean. No man can stop or kill a talent and idea whose time has come. Pray that the Lord directs you every step of the way.

  6. Well done Jean! Our very own budding J K Rowling! I am looking forward to getting my own copy of Zuza and the lost Princess. Will it be available on kindle?

    God is definatey preparing that table for you dear. Now forget the Musuka family and Agape and let this be a new chapter in your life. Let go off the pain now that you know God allowed everything to happen for your own good. They took away your marriage, they took your dignity, they almost took your kids, but they could never take away your talent Jean. You are one beautiful intelligent young woman and I am proud to be a fellow Zimbabwean. YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ZIMBABWE PROUD. Your book will be an international bestseller, this is just the beginning Jean. Stay humble and see where God will take you darling.


  7. Jean! You go girl!
    Team Jean aren't we proud!

  8. Where is Agapeans now? You have had the last laugh Jean, and you are going to laugh so loud to the bank with an international best seller.

    Lion of Judah has finally roared, and we know who the Lion is roaring for...GO JEAN GO, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah is with you.

    ExAgape member, Glasgow

    1. Agapeans are hiding with embarrassment kikikiki. Jean has come out the winner. We cant wait for the best seller.

    2. Actually an agape child over here. For any of you guys to know jean it is through agape and the man of god The only reason people know about her book is because you read this blog which BTW is about agape and the prophet . LOL so your first b ook has very much to do with Masocha

  9. Dear Jean
    I have followed your blog and have supported you and what you write. I have never been to Agape and based on what you write I don't even want to be near this cult. Congradulations for your book deal and this is God showing you that you don't need a self proclaimed prophet for things to happen in your life. The man of "god" hold keys to his life and his family and a few girlfriends in church and not you. Concentrate in your writing career and prove to these people that you can do it on your own because this is a talent you have. God bless

  10. Well done Jean. Im so proud of you girl.

  11. Sorry to bust your bubble Team Jean losers. The girl just found a publisher so she says. The book is not even printed yet. She hasnt sold a single copy yet and shes comparing herself to J K Rowling!!!! Jean you will get the biggest shock of your life when u sell 20 copies. Who will buy your Zuza rubbish? Do u think you will have a writing carreer. You are a nobody and in this country black pple like u dont become famous writers. U live in a dreamland Jean. Deluded and sad. If these pple care about you they should tell u the truth than lie to you and feed your schizoprenic delusions.
    I will tell you the truth you dont want to hear. Continue with your writing hobby to get over your failed marriage and Shingi's upcoming wedding. But dont get carried away thinking u r some JKRowling. Get over it. Get a real career. Go back to school and do your nursing.
    Shut down the blog its boring now. No one has the guts tk tell but I will. Wakubhowa Jean. Irritating. Im not in Agape by the way. nNever been to Agape. I just read your rantings and find ur insanity fascinating.

    1. I will buy Jean's book and will also buy her autobiography . I am eager to have my own copy and will buy for my wife and 14 brothers and sisters abroad, that's 16 copies from one family alone. If you don't want to buy the book because you are jelous of Jean don't speak for all of us.

    2. Futseke imbwa iwe. Ndimi vanhu vane crab mentality kusada kuona vanobudirira. Stupid semunhu. If u are not going to buy the book it does not mean no one will buy it wanzwa. Let her live in Lalaland why not u are not paying her rent there. Everyone is entitled to their own fantasy. In this country in this country kudii kwacho? Have you never heard of EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ???????? Who ever Thot SA/ AMERICA would be ruled by a black man one day ? Shame on you unongoti ziguvhu bratishiti. Team Jean until Kingdom comes.

    3. God in heaven if you have mercy on me, please have mercy on Jean and put her critics to shame. Please God bless her and her books that the critics will hide in shame.


  12. And whats app with putting 3 pictures of yourself on the top. Very off putting especially the horroble hair do. lol.

    1. Futsek iwe anonymous. It just goes to show how ugly u are n u want everyone who have self confidence feel inferior as you are. Nxaaaaa nonsense. Jean you look pretty gal. U go hun. Team Jean for life....

    2. It can only be Ruvimbo or Patience Musuka they are the ones full of venom. They will choke from their hatred and jealous

  13. Jean can I have your bank details please I need to make a preorder of 20 books of Zuza and 20 of your biography. A total of 40 copies please. Will be distrubiting the books to relatives and schools in Zimbabwe.

  14. That's good news Jean. Don't worry about that anonymous cow saying rubbish about the book deal. The sad thing is she says "I'm not from Agape" yet she's now addicted to reading your blog whilst you working on your book deal. She has nothing else to do it seems. She sounds like she has 3 kids with 3 different men but never got married in her life. Ana Mai muponesi that's what she is. She seems bitter with how life has turned out to be for her. If she can read the blog and comment the chances are 120/9 she will buy the book!!

  15. Well done Jean. Never give up on your dreams no matter what.

  16. Who announces a book before its published. Zvimwe zvinonzwisa tsitsi shuwa.

  17. Attention seeking Jean at it again. No more stories to write about now.

  18. Well done Jean. The sky is the limit our darling. Just dont forget us Team Jean your keyboard warriors. You are a true diamond we want to see you on Oprah not disccusing these sickos Agapez but we want to see on Oprah holding your book. Well done.

  19. Jeans bestselling book is the biggest blow to Profit Masocha. Talk about concrete proof that the man steals blessings from people. The girl leaves Agape destitute labelled a lunatic. Im less than 6 months shes a household name with 2 bestselling book. Warota Masocha will have a hard time explaining this one. Calisto Misi should never ever stand in front of the circus crew saying cursed is anyone who disobeys Warota.

  20. Jean focus !!!!. Masocha is in Malawi now give us news please.

    1. I think Masocha is not news worthy anymore. Jean needs all the publicity she can get now. No need to waste her time digging out information on Masocha, she is now a writer remember.

  21. wow u know so much abt benefits, is it because they are your only source of using bad language really shows you have a very high IQ.NOT. kutinyorera composition and posting it twice double stupid

  22. Jean you have stopped attacking the man of God now. U hav diverted your blog to seek sympathy from the public. Shame on you Jean your blog doesnt have a direction. Today you are in pastor masocha tomorrow you are attacking yor in-laws and ex-
    husband. Have a lyf if Shingi have left you move on and look for another man. Not ti keep on paint pple with black first your bkog was fine but now you have lost it. Leave pple alone with their families dont destroy pple's marriages coz your your destroyed it by urself. Mukadzi aka ngwara ano vaka imba yake nemaoko ake but aka pusa ano iputsa nemaoko ake. STOP THIS JEAN.

    1. I read on Facebook Jean has moved on swiftly ufunge. Amu boyfriend at her house her neighbour just confirmed it.

    2. Jean has a boyfriend? Anotora marutsi aShingi ndiani ne crèche yake iyoyo. Real boyfrend nada, fantasy boyfriend yes.

  23. I like it for the blog, now I'm liking it for ZUZA & THE LOST PRINCESS !!!! Lol. Well done Jean ,Team Jean and Keyboard Warriors !! Must me must buy the book!!

  24. Jean is flying high Agape muchingosvotwa.

  25. Ruvimbo Matorera you are an evil cunt, will you ever give up. Leave our Jean alone. Jean had an audience for her book in Agape? Listen to yourself Ruvimbo. Church ine 6 members per branch, Jean's talent was goin to rot in Agape, today who doesn't know the girl, everyone will buy Zuza, including you Agapeas. lol.

  26. Anonymous you are such a sad person. I am glad that we shall all stand at the judgement seat of Christ and give an account to all that we did weather good or bad! I am glad that God our father is omnipotent sees and knows the hearts of men. If I were you I would fear Him, He is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. If you are saved repent and if you are not Christ shed His precious blood for you ask Him to forgive you and take charge of your life. He will surely forgive and lead you down the path of righteousness!! It is only a heart that is truly born of the spirit that will not mock and despise those who are facing trials! Only the devil rejoices and is an expert at condemning and cursing be careful who your master is!! Based on your comment above you are being used by the devil and he is lord of your tongue!! So I urge you to repent!

  27. As Jean gets her book published, shamu ye Agape has just begun. Confirmation from Cosyneuk house, there is now trouble in Paradise. Jeff Chihuri and Sandra Tutani Lewis now sleep in separate bedrooms, Jeff cant understand why Sandra never told him she was using Jean for her degree exams. Celebrate Jean, your time to party has come, Team Jean hurray musatambe neshamhu yamwari

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jeff doesn't even read this blog Jean. He doesn't even know about it. Sandra and Jeff are on fire whilst your marriage has crumbled. Pathetic.

    2. not breaking news at all, we all know Jeffrey and Sandra wont last a year. dah

  28. Akomana, uyu ndi Patience Musuka kana kuti Ruvimbo Matorera chete.

  29. This is boring. Goodbye. No one cares about your life Jean we just want to discuss Masocha. Bye bye.

  30. I am a youth of Agape, based in Sheffield. I am an Agape for life has no plans of ever leaving. I believe Dad is innocent until proven guilty. But its not in my nature to feel jealous about someone’s success. Jean firstly I want to say congratulations on your publishing contract. When I first read your blog, I was convinced that you are mad, the ranting and ravings where the diary of a mad black woman. Jean I believe you have your faults, which you gladly displayed on this blog for the world to see. I don’t agree with the way you displayed your dirty laundry in public, especially Shingi’s and your in law. They may have mistreated you but your approach in dealing with this was calculating and conniving. You ruined any chance of you and Shingi ever getting back together, and you ruined the chance of any future relationship, what man could ever trust you Jean. You posted personal pictures of people on your blog, you allowed this blog to be a gossip site, ruining a number of marriages. These are just a few of your faults you displayed here. Having said all this Jean, I admire your strengths in that when you believe in something you stand up for it and fight until you win the battle, not many are like you and I commend you for it. You also brought out the worst people in Agape, who are in the Church but not Agaped as Dad always says. Who ever suspected Alois Zunguza was a computer hacker, who ever suspected the BM Gayakazayaz where satellite bullies, who ever suspect Envoy Getty was capable of plotting the downfall of her sister in law, who ever suspected Sandra Masocha was a cheat, or that she wasn’t Dad’s daughter. I don’t know Ruvimbo well but I know her as the girl who stood and sold magazines at the Passover Conference, whoever suspected she was capable of such? Whoever suspected Envoy Hove was a liar or that BM Max was on the registered offender list? Should I continue. You taught me one thing that Agape is full of snakes, if it wasn’t for my Dad who loved me when I was a nobody, I would have left Agape. As much as you say Agape ruined your life, Jean I think the honest truth is that Agape actually brought you were you are today, as I understand it was Dad who helped you discover most, if not all of your talents. Give credit where its due Jean. Jean you maybe a mad black woman, but you made us all realise everyone around you was just as mad, if not worse than you. For that I am not in a place to judge you and I wish you the best in your writing career. You deserve it.

    1. What is innocence and what is guilty?
      Do you know why people have to go under oath in courts ?
      Not guilty does not mean one is innocent!!
      Found guilty does not you not mean you not innocent!!
      Poor soul it seems u don't know why they use the bible in the court and the purpose of the jury. Let me help you, I don't think kumhuri kuna lawyer kana guard Jeri zvake !!
      The bible represent God and that is where the innocence comes in and so u shall be judged by God for your innocence not by the jury.
      This is because the jury can not see what in your heart but only God. \
      If the evidence is not sufficient to prosecute someone in the eyes of the jury then one may be found not guilty but that does not mean they are innocent.

      Innocent is a big word not like ka bed kako Kane headboard hemadziro.
      That's what you being told that Dad is free so he is Innocent.

    2. Go back to school you ignorant thing.

    3. Agape youth uri dofo. Learn to type first then come back

  31. Some people you are born idiots, giving you information does not mean one is on benefits stupidooo!! Its knowledge. Use your google search bar. Zidofo. Dofo. Kunyepera kuziwa kunge imbwa inohukura tenzi. Sadly there is a tree producing oxygen for you to breath - you owe it an apology. Did u think Jean is now a millionaire? Of what? You think your stupid typos on are an income generating venture? LMAO. This blog lacks insight, it has neither focus nor authenticity. Its a place where the innocent are slaughtered by unscrupulous, like you. The blog begun by victimising a man of God, when it failed attacked the unfortunate in-laws, then the public including the blogger attacked various innocent individuals. What does your deprived brain conclude? You think jean's blog is the 8th wonder of the world? Or that jean is soon gonna be awarded the Nobel prize for attempting to rip lives apart? Clap clap clap thank God i have a better IQ than you - writing nonsense upon stilts and attempting to pass yourself of as intelligent. You must have been born on a highway cuz thats where most accidents happen. Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma? Anyway i forgive you, because its true that two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an example

  32. Some people you are born idiots, giving you information does not mean one is on benefits stupidooo!! Its knowledge. Use your google search bar. Zidofo. Dofo. Kunyepera kuziwa kunge imbwa inohukura tenzi. Sadly there is a tree producing oxygen for you to breath - you owe it an apology. Did u think Jean is now a millionaire? Of what? You think your stupid typos on are an income generating venture? LMAO. This blog lacks insight, it has neither focus nor authenticity. Its a place where the innocent are slaughtered by unscrupulous, like you. The blog begun by victimising a man of God, when it failed attacked the unfortunate in-laws, then the public including the blogger attacked various innocent individuals. What does your deprived brain conclude? You think jean's blog is the 8th wonder of the world? Or that jean is soon gonna be awarded the Nobel prize for attempting to rip lives apart? Clap clap clap thank God i have a better IQ than you - writing nonsense upon stilts and attempting to pass yourself of as intelligent. You must have been born on a highway cuz thats where most accidents happen. Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma? Anyway i forgive you, because its true that two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an example

    1. Yes Jean is now a millionaire dummy, everything you mock this girl comes to pass. Where u not mocking her in her last post that she failed to get her book published??????
      (You must have been born on a highway cuz thats where most accidents happen) Whatsap with the motorway/highway lingo? Do u not have anything better to write. Its getting annoying Ruvimbo.

    2. If you believe that there is a book deal then you more stupid than i thought. I guess even jean is laughing. Uneducated bimbo indeed.You are regressive, uneducated and stupid. How do you cope with all the shit in your head? You respond without reading. The only person not working is you and jean. You work hard huh? Doing what exactly? Blogging? You get the highway lingo because thats where you came from. Ordinary lingo is an alien to you. Who would employ an idiot like you? I guess if you work its in a brothel. You are a conglomerate of evil. Did you think blogging would bring a church down? Did you think this kwayedza would achieve anything apart from being a forum for gossipers like you. So after blogging cant you see Jean is retreating? This is the end of this now defunct useless blog. To hero worship an evil bitter and twisted person like jean means you identify yourself as her. What wakarambwa nemurume and you thought this blog would do what exactly? Remind me again what are doing here? Did someone forget to close the cage? If you were near i would slap you. Of course i would be charged with animal cruelty. I come here to just piss on you. Get that! Hure.

    3. As to you, hure, treacherous in private friendship, and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an imposter; whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any. Sadly the best part of you is still running downwards on your father's leg. I guess they even threw away the baby and kept the toxic placenta? You must be the arithmetician in your family huh? - you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. Supporting a person you never met! Lol. Those who know her run a mile. The man who act as if they support her are just users with their own failed agendas. But i do get them. You, are a different story are supporting what? You don't even know the people involved. Yet you type furiously like like the lunatic you are. Madness identifies with its own.... Because it understands the lingo of the asylums. I guess there is a revolving door for you to come and go when your madness is low. Go wash you smelly used n discarded dirty punana. Bitch

    4. kikiki its" Nurse zidofo born on a highway "again kutadza kurara nekufunga zvekutaura pablog risi rake.forgive me maybe he is known as Doctor Zidofo seeing as they give themselves titles.He is fighting a holy war for his apostle in the hope that the apostle will find him a woman seeing as he is so retarded he hides behind other man.Weakling

    5. "You must be the arithmetician in your family huh? - you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. " this reminds of this teacher aibva kumapfanya who used to say this all the time taimunyarira sei and to think ther is people out ther in this day and age who still say that .Cringe. puke puke

  33. lol @ diary of a mad black woman kikikiki

  34. Finally the Jean attack is over today church was full, tithes were paid and everyone is ready for Threshing floor get together. Agape oh yeah, life goes on wena.

  35. Recipe for disaster!!!!!!!

    1. There will be no Big MAS as the main meal due to Obscenity ( obesity)
    2. For the four days the main dish will be Hove served with Get-rude. I know some of u man might already be familiar with the relish.
    3. The Dessert for the main meal will Gavakava better known as in this country as Gayakava.
    4. They will be a cocktail from some of well known African witches from Uganda, Namibia ,Malawi and probable Zimbabwe.
    Please note that this cocktail replaces oranges.

    1. The well known Masukachile dancing queens will open the service
    2. NO BLACK EYES PLEASE this time around as Mum could not afford to get one due to being expensive to maintain last time. So sad news for those who were looking forward to see yet another performance by the popular queen .
    3. All cars carrying Alois wheels will be not be allowed access into the venue due to health and safety.
    4. Due to weather the BIG MAS will be served chilled, so no sweat from the usual steaming Buggar!!!!!
    NB: For those whose favourite dish is Hove please note that this time we will be serving the very special Talapia from Malawi not the usual big eyed one from the shallow mud waters of Swindon.

    If you are from the Keyboard department or Team Jean please don't forget to carry your pocket recorder and 5 meg pixel camera as you would not want to miss on anything. So recording is allowed but no cash to be carried to this events as we are still counting the loot from last gathering.

    Remember when you go to INDIA you do what the INDIANS do so let act AGAPED!!!!!!
    Looking forward to seeing you soon

    Moses lol!!!!!

    1. Genius!
      You forgot to mention that refreshments will be served by MAX THE PEODO so no children are allowed as the drinks will be TOXIC, lol

    2. I had forgotten about that Max thing!! Next time will get everything right. We still here . We like it for the book now not for the big MAS !!!!!! If u still find someone going to such a Cult there is absolutely something wrong mu pfungwa make. It's sad kuona vanhu vachiitwa ma clown kudaro. Dai vachifamba muma county vachibhdharisa Mari vachitamba nezvimahovhorosi zvavanotipfekera. He is a poor soul , there is no word in Big MAS !!!!

  36. AhoyTeam Jean! Happy Sunday Keyboard Warriors. I have just come here to warn the likes of Patience Musuka, Ruvimbo and your cahoots that you should learn to be respectful our Jean. This blog post is about Jean's achievement so let it be, and besides we are mourning the death of an African statesman, Mandela who like (Jean ) in so many ways fought injustices, victimisation and discrimination against his people perpetrated by the likes of Masocha/Boers . If you come here and disrespect us and our dear Jean we will gladly oblige by giving it back to you. When we start bashing you we don't leave any stones unturned. We don't know any sacred cows in Agape and anyone associated with this evil menacing cult. We will donda your thick heads you miserable bamboclat bimbos. Ahoy Keyboard Warriors!

  37. its high time now you should shut down this blog Jean. Thank God you & supporters failed to achieve wht you wanted. GOD IS GOING TO PUNISH EVERYONE WHO WAS LYING ON THIS BLOG.MUCHAONA MOTO

  38. And now the coward Masocha, back from hiding this time in Africa, will be wishing and hoping all is forgotten and there is a return to normalizing his abuse again unchecked. The bullying throughout the cult of impoverished people (and those too stupid to know better) could continue. His plan now will be to fund another investment in his 'natural' home (for many reasons) in the bible-belt of Texas and,of course, the increased accumulation of personal wealth. Perhaps some place bigger to live with an even larger kitchen to place those over-sized cooking pans he promised his (legal) wife to keep her quiet. Agape was a social club with a production crew and a side show where those gatherings that were enjoyed were in-spite of Masocha not because of.

    1. Kasatan kaikumhara ugere muAgape zvino kazobuda. Kutaura waungo rutsa kunge benzi ranwa parafin.
      Thank God idiots like you keft agape. Fin how you will keep moving from one church to another

  39. Team Jean. I will personally buy many copies. I am sorry my sister, i am busy right now, but will be back with a bang.

    Keep your head up and look after your beautiful kids.

    Much love.

  40. Jean read
    Romans 8:28
    Joel 2: 23-26
    John 10:10

    Its time for you to enjoy what the enemy had stolen from you Sweetheart. God came that you may have life more abundantly. Well done babe.

    Team Jean, Zimbabwe

  41. Team Jean hamu zive zvamuno taura. Dont be here to please Jean be here for facts. We have heard all what you said from the start of this blog. Now why cant you just
    Leave people alone for God's sake. Jeann move on and congratulations with your book
    Zuza. I am an Agapen and if everybody leave Agape we be worshiping me and daddy the
    two of us. You have criticised and wrote what
    you wanted so its tyme for you give it a teaches us to forgive why cant you
    imply to that

    1. It's not your fault, you don't understand what a father represents. It's a shame you come from a broken family because Dad left when you were still young. Now you think that you have found a Dad in the ever lip licking vampire that is ready to lick out life from any unsuspecting woman through their precious opening !! You have not been back home ever since you came over . Panze pekuti uchengete Mari unotsvaga your true father you are busy claiming a monster to be your Dad. You can't even write a proper sentence . Get out of that Nursing home and go back to school. Next wk you will be spending £400 for what?? Dofo remunhu, Me and Dad ,Me and Dad kkkkkkkkkkk

  42. Iwe ndiwe usinga zive baba vako. Vangu vakafa kare. To say daddy it doesnt mean your real father he is my spiritual father. And the blog is not for correcting ones english. Iwe waka dzidza zvaka ita sei uno swera kumaka english dzevanhu. We are to put facts ryt not to correct each otherd english and after all english is my second language. Every pentacostal church call their pastors father, papa or baba. Whats is wrong for agapeans to call our pastor daddy. Think b4 u write usango ita vana gudza mudungwe

    1. It's better, vakazozorora. Ndiani angade kugarira rwatata rwakaita sewe!! I don't blame him for making that decision at all

  43. Jean:- When a woman is divorced what defines her is not fighting dirty its walking away like a boss. Pouring scorn and hatred on a blog just shows a misguided way of doing things. Jean you wanted Julius' support and you didn't get it hence your hate campaign. When your marriage crumbled you attack everyone the church, apostle and his family, if he had a dog you would have blogged about it. You attack your in-laws. hatred drives you. You are making weak marriages strong as many defy you. Many refuse to be your victim. The church is strong. The blog is now a site and sure sign that there is something wrong with you. Many people have had mental health assessments and never reacted like you. You have a serious personality disorder. And yes no one will section you but a woman does not dry her dirty linen in public like this. Slowly your whole life is a public tale. the email makes it worse. We glimpse another side of you. Slowly doubts are rising. Initially a victim but now a joke.

    1. What are you doing on this blog if the Church is strong. Hanzi na Big MAS "touch not my........but give him a BJ . Go and give your blind Apostle a BJ he must be longing for one after a long haul flight from the witch land!
      We want to concentrate on our book and more to come yet you people are just coming back and commenting on our blog. We never commented on your blog. We never even visited it that's if you have one. It's sad that u agape people read and comment on this blog more than isusu. It's very unfair. Many people have been hurt by Big MAS and we just wanna be left alone to reflect on our wounds. I wonder where your dad is muchiramba muchingouya pa blog yedu. Why are you all anonymous if you stand for what you say. Please please tisiyeyi, at times we don't even want to write but because we have to protect our blog we end up having to respond. Dad please your children are hurting us more,get your children off our blog. Please Dad, u can do it. If you can take their pants off why not just pull them away from our blog. Dad !, Dad! Dad!!!!! Tachema wani Dad !!!

      Coming up: The updated Threshing floor program due to changes @ the last minute!!!!

      Yours Moses !!!!

  44. As to you, hure, treacherous in private friendship, and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an imposter; whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any. Sadly the best part of you is still running downwards on your father's leg. I guess they even threw away the baby and kept the toxic placenta? You must be the arithmetician in your family huh? - you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. Supporting a person you never met! Lol. Those who know her run a mile. The man who act as if they support her are just users with their own failed agendas. But i do get them. You, are a different story are supporting what? You don't even know the people involved. Yet you type furiously like like the lunatic you are. Madness identifies with its own.... Because it understands the lingo of the asylums. I guess there is a revolving door for you to come and go when your madness is low. Go wash you smelly used n discarded. Bitch

  45. If you believe that there is a book deal then you more stupid than i thought. I guess even jean is laughing. Uneducated bimbo indeed.You are regressive, uneducated and stupid. How do you cope with all the shit in your head? You respond without reading. The only person not working is you and jean. You work hard huh? Doing what exactly? Blogging? You get the highway lingo because thats where you came from. Ordinary lingo is an alien to you. Who would employ an idiot like you? I guess if you work its in a brothel. You are a conglomerate of evil. Did you think blogging would bring a church down? Did you think this kwayedza would achieve anything apart from being a forum for gossipers like you. So after blogging cant you see Jean is retreating? This is the end of this now defunct useless blog. To hero worship an evil bitter and twisted person like jean means you identify yourself as her. What wakarambwa nemurume and you thought this blog would do what exactly? Remind me again what are doing here? Did someone forget to close the cage? If you were near i would slap you. Of course i would be charged with animal cruelty. I come here to just piss on you. Get that! Hure.

  46. Jean stop the blogging and concentrate on your writing and leave Agape alone. Sort yourself out Jean. You keep on digging information but hapana kwazvino kusvitsa. Take care of ur kids forget about your past
    and think abt ur future. You have been to so many churches you can go to 100 more in
    future. LEAVE AGAPE AND ITS MEMBERS ALONE. Let God be their judge

  47. Women are like teabags but others like teabags crumple in hot water. What do we do with such a cup of tea - we throw it away into the rubbish drainage and brew another cup. I pray each day that Jean you will one day go back to God and say God take this matter and deal with it. But until she allows God control there is no peace. We worship a capable God, Jean. What you need is not a blog but a different talent. Its the knee and prayer. Christ calls you to bring your burden to Him. The answers, the therapy is all in the Bible, go to God, talk to Him.

  48. Ah amaiguru, I write from Zimbabwe. You are now the laughingstock in every joke. Angogumbuka anoti “Ndinokublogger saJean mupengo” Machepa vasikana. STOP reposting posts to make it appear like the readership have widened. It hasn’t. You still spent most of the ay posting anonymously. Sometimes you forget and write as yourself in an anonymous post. Sad and pathetic! Ruvimbo is not your class. She has a future and a career in nursing whilst you threw yours to the refuse bins because of being psychotic. If she ever begins to disclose your secrets and tryst with woman imi woye. Woye woye woye. In our family you were a curse, a thorn in the ass. We are happy to wave you goodbye. Good riddance to bad rubbish. A book deal? Really? Ha ha ha ha ha! Hamuneti here amaiguru, to be forever lying to yourself. So Zuza is the next HARRY POTTER. Kikikikikikikikiki. Ndaseka zvangu. P arikuchata madhongi achikuma. Tavawo nemufaro because you liberate ours truly to be free to remarry. KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI

    1. Futseke write from Zimbabwe kudii kwacho ? Ku Zimbabwe Harry Potter wakamuzivirepi? Benzi re munhu iwe Rejoice........ Ndiwe chete . Munhu weku Zim vanhu veku UK wanga wavaziva nguvai? Kwana semari yebhazi wanzwa! Chupeti

  49. Best wishes Jean. Chakachenjedza ndechakatanga. Zvevanhu hauzvipedzi, tarisa mberi. Rega kuponja, faka pressure!

  50. JEAN “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win.” KEEP AT IT SISTER YOU ARE A WINNER

    1. What are you doing on this blog if the Church is strong. Hanzi na Big MAS "touch not my........but give him a BJ . Go and give your blind Apostle a BJ he must be longing for one after a long haul flight from the witch land!
      We want to concentrate on our book and more to come yet you people are just coming back and commenting on our blog. We never commented on your blog. We never even visited it that's if you have one. It's sad that u agape people read and comment on this blog more than isusu. It's very unfair. Many people have been hurt by Big MAS and we just wanna be left alone to reflect on our wounds. I wonder where your dad is muchiramba muchingouya pa blog yedu. Why are you all anonymous if you stand for what you say. Please please tisiyeyi, at times we don't even want to write but because we have to protect our blog we end up having to respond. Dad please your children are hurting us more,get your children off our blog. Please Dad, u can do it. If you can take their pants off why not just pull them away from our blog. Dad !, Dad! Dad!!!!! Tachema wani Dad !!!

      Coming up: The updated Threshing floor program due to changes @ the last minute!!!!

      Yours Moses !!!!

  51. This is coming from a complete independent. Dr Masocha is a very questionable individual judging by the numerous testimonies I have heard. Be that as it may, I have always had an inkling that Jean is not a real victim, as bad as Masocha is. There is a strong possibility this Jean woman had sexual relations with Masocha, and was damn proud of it while stocks lasted. She sounds like she thought she was better than the rest, or was the only one, but soon discovered that what she was getting was what everyone else was getting. All hell then broke loose when she realised somehow somewhere that her share price was not all that high among Masocha's stock. She then formed a blog to vent. But she would not go so far as admit in so much detail the full extent of her relationship with Masocha. Thats where my alarm bells started ringing. Something just was not right. She then urges and scolds people to go and report to police. She never told us if she herself had reported her own abuse, most likely because it was not abuse. This was a further sign for me that someone was calculating. She then went on to put foot in mouth in her blogs, saying all the wrong things over and over again, then apologizing after a public outcry, also putting bad pictures of her former friend, then lying that it was a friendly picture yet she forgets that she said it was the biggest punishment on the girl, the list is endless. She says the church has 6 people in every branch. I wouldnt know zvangu, but she really sounds like she is insisting that the church is very small. But then how does such a small church end up with a leader with a million dollar mansion? 6 people in each branch can never fund the mentioned life style no matter how many such branches there are in the world. I detected a sense to use us and paint a wrong picture deliberately. I smelt yet another rat. My own conclusion is that Masocha is terrible and evil, but Jean is no better. She is just using the blog calculatedly to achieve publicity for the sake of her writing dream, and while at it, hurt a few people and settle a few scores in the process. But then nesuwo vanhu tinatwo. One minute we say Masocha anokokota mari dzevanhu, and in addition pple invest too heavily emotionally in him and he abuses them, but at the same time, here is little Jean doing the very same thing to innocent people. Jean was not a victim, she is a grown ass woman who did whatever knowingly and shamelessly but was not happy with competition which she thought she could manage initially because she generally believes she is the world's sweetest woman, she pretends to be highly emotional and telling all without restraint yet will not disclose to what extent they went with Masocha, she childishly mouths off her desire to be on Oprah and to hell with everybody else, shows gross disregard for poor people in some foot-in-mouth moments, the list is endless. Personally, my conclusion is that there is no difference between Masocha and Jean in terms of riding on people, they just do it differently but are both fishers and users of people. What disappoints is that people seem to be only too earger to be used, if not by Masocha, then by the Jeans. Nhai vanhuweee, wake up, kwese kukwirwa kani, whether by Masocha or by Jean. This girl has lost so much in her life, and is at a stage where she belives she can do anything to get out of her hole, including using u and me. Wake up people, Masocha is evil, this girl is dangerous! Kushata kwa Masocha hakunakisi Jean. Wake up, I am an independent, dont care about Masocha and hate his kind, but also hate the Jean kind.

  52. Well,Baba Chimutashu regai titaure kwakachena cause nyaya yenyu yakasviba. This blog is for Jean not zvenyu zve Independence kana Masoja. If you are independence then you are one with Masoja that's all I can say for now tozotaura kwachena.



Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.