
Thursday 2 January 2014

Looking forward to International Women's Day


I really hope to see you there....

Happy New Year Dear Readers! Its 2014. A new year. A new beginning. Its time for me to move on. 2013 was a painful year for me. It was a valley of the shadow of death. Like Job said, what I dreaded the most happened to me. My marriage was broken by a man I trusted. I lost my husband to Walter Masocha. My children lost their father to Agape. My children's father has not bothered to see them in 6 months. 2013 was a year of pain. I was tortured and bullied by Patience Musuka, Gertrude Musuka Mburayi, Julius Gayakaya, Joy Maxwebo and a number of Agape leaders. I was used by Sandra Masocha Chihuri to do her university work and I was humiliated in front of the entire church when an ambulance was called in a bid to section me. I was stripped off my dignity as a  mother and as a woman. In Agape For All Nations Ministries international I was denied basic human rights under the Human Rights Act. I was labelled insane when I wasn't. My in-laws wanted my children put in foster care. I became homeless and ended up living in a women's refuge. 2013 was one of the worst years of my life.
When I was in prayer on 1 January 2014, the Lord revealed to me this scripture, Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, Isaiah 43:18-19. This year, I am moving forward and I will never look back again. I am now focusing on my three children. I want to give them the best future especially in education, and I believe  my children will eat the fat of this land. I have already seen the goodness of the Lord upon  my children, they now eat until they are full. My barns now run over. My oil is overflowing. They now wear the best of the best. I dress them with the finest clothes (silk and purple if it were biblical times) and bathe them in the  most luxuries of creams.  I am sure if Shingi bumps into his children today, he would not recognise them. My boys are turning into fine young princes, and my beautiful daughter is the fairest of them all. My children suffered in 2013, they will not be victims of Domestic and Spiritual Abuse. I will prove Getrude Musuka wrong, she called me an unfit mother, wanted my kids in care, but one day when my children are all grown up, and they are somebodies, Getrude will live to regret how she treated my children.
Ok so I'm really excited about 1st of March. Its International Women's Day. I thank God for my mentor Muzvare Betty Makoni, as a woman of substance, when she makes a promise, she keeps her word. I hope you are all ready to come and support me on International women's Day in a lovely village in Essex. I have a feeling that its going to be a special event, and I cant wait to meet the director of ceremony a beautiful Nigerian woman of substance Princess 'Deun of BEN TV and the other women of virtue who will be guest speakers. Please book your tickets in advance, seats are limited! Orange and brown are my favourite colours, though not a must, I really hope you can dress in those colours   as they mean a lot to me. Elegant black is also appreciated. God bless you and see you there.
I am looking forward to working together with Muzvare Betty Makoni. I believe in life we have to work together at times for a greater cause. You don't have to be a one man gig all the time. Great people work as a team. As for me starting up my own charity to help abused women, I am already working on that and in the fullness of time God will establish it. There is a time for everything. Right now I am working on my books and other things like rebuilding my life and trying to settle my children in an new non abusive environment. When things settle down and I am more established, I will set up a charity for a great cause of helping victims of domestic and spiritual abuse, I think I already wrote about this months back when I started this blog.  In the mean time I want to  work with great women of God like Muzvare Betty Makoni and Nigerain TV host Princess 'Deun Adedoyin-Solarin.
That said I am delighted to hear that two savants of God I really admired, Envoy Elijah and  Evangelist Caroline  have decided to leave the Agape Cult. I wish you all the best Caroline and Elijah. Stay strong in the Lord and know that there is life after Agape, God will see you through.
Oh I just wanted to say, I have totally healed from the breakdown of my marriage to Shingi. My heart was broken, I cried and God healed me. He restored my peace and happiness, and I can say weeping may endure for a night, but joy sure comes in the morning. I have moved on. Like Adele sang never mind I will find someone like you. Well I will change Adele's lyrics and say Never mind, I will find someone better than you, if I haven't  already....hint hint. I honestly wish you all the best in future Shingi, with whomever Dr Masocha chooses for you, be it one of his step daughters  or spiritual offsprings, I still wish you the best.

Its a new year, and its a new me! My six year old son took these photographs and I think he did a pretty good job for his age!

Oh and I was truly honoured by Muzvare Betty Makoni to be counted among her most inspirational women of colour.



  1. Never thought i would see the day a supposedly strong woman, like Jean is used by Betty Makoni. I fail to see why Jean who could stand on her own can be a pawn for such a fundraising gimmick. But its your own right to be used by all people. Instead of rising and opening your own charity and bring the dollars to your pocket you pull money to Betty. Your choice. Good lucky Jean.

    1. anonymous stop hating. How is Jean being used by Betty Makoni. If anything this is the platform Jean needs to market her name and cause. She has to be known first before she can open her own charity. She needs donors and sponsors. She will be filmed LIVE ON TV. I don't see how the girl is being used here. This will also be a marketing strategy for her books. So what if there's something in it for Betty Makoni, its Jean who is benefiting more. Go go Jean, we are behind you! Team Jean Ahoy!

    2. People, everyone gets to be used. Even where you work it's being used the difference though is not being abused. The idea of Jean starting the blog here was not because she was being used but abused, so let's not lose track. We all need one another thats why God said go and multiply. Betty fights for the same cause so no problem with people getting together and shouting with one voice. Jean is also an author in her own right so I don't see any problem with working with Betty and at the same time doing her writing. She has done the right thing. Listen people, in the bible God said"you are now one of us, to know the good and evil, So why then go to church to be lead by some lip licking vampire Masocha if we know what he knows ( good and evil). If we have one story it's good to work together so we can be heard loud and clearly. People went to agape because they that they had one thing in common with Walter not knowing he had other stories to tell. So in short it's a good thing that we are seeing these women working together and with Betty, Jean will be pointed in the right direction. Lets not rush to talk about money rather than the awareness !!
      The only thing I think personally is this blog would have waited until the conference is over and when we have the full feed back. Maybe to put it on New Year's Day to mark a new beginning of 2014.


    3. Good for you Jean..your time has come and the devil will surely be shamed....BUT as l said the other time be careful and you should now be wiser...Put all your trust in GOD and NOT man nor WOMAN.....just be carefull of this Walter we know her background as well she is one big opportunist...but if God uses her to your advantage that's OK ...but be carefull we do not want to see you hurt again....Be prayerful in all you do particularly as it concerns this WOMAN....YOu have been through one Man whose works and background we are all too familiar with coz we saw his works from way back when he was still at school at Gokomere then what he did when he was at the UZ in the 80's....if only those in AGAPE would just listen and carry out their own independent investigations..and not just dismiss those who ve bee victims and those who know what they are talking about.....they too should not put their trust in MAN....Inga bhaibheri rinotaura wani...ko imi muri makristu erudziii musina kana discernment zvayo...aha day they will open their eyes..they say even twumbwanana do not open their eyes on the same day..some even die without having opened their eyes....

  2. Wow! Looks fantastic Jean. I will fly to the UK for this event God willing. You may not be on Oprah yet but you sure will make the African headlines on BEN TV as I see the event will be filmed for live TV. I am really happy for you Jean and I cant wait to meet you in person.

    I said this before when you started your blog but no one took me seriously, you are being prepared a banquet in front of your enemies (Agapeans). You are already a star Jean, I pray you stay as humble as you are and never lose your focus or cause. Here in the US I already predict a New York Times Best seller. Watch and see.

    Team Jean for life!

  3. Lovely Jean. Is the event open to men as well. Can we bring our partners? What a way to celebrate freedom on women's day. I really hope I will make it.

  4. I don't see what the sudden noise is about. Jean is a very intelligent woman and she is not being used by Betty Makoni. I see what's happening here. Most Zimbabweans don't like Betty because she defies a lot of cultural norms like female genital mutilation, child sex abuse etc etc. Hate Betty all you want, the woman is an international hero to many. Zimbabweans have a culture of not supporting each other.
    We have an upcoming event directed by a Nigerian TV personality, a few powerful African women and our very own Jean and all people do is mourn. This is what Jean needs and lets be happy and support the girl.

    Jean even if Zimbabweans don't support you, you are already building a strong fan base internationally through your book Zuza, by the time of the event you will be an international star, so don't worry the Event will be something else!

    Team Jean for life!

    1. People, everyone gets to be used. Even where you work it's being used the difference though is not being abused. The idea of Jean starting the blog here was not because she was being used but abused, so let's not lose track. We all need one another thats why God said go and multiply. Betty fights for the same cause so no problem with people getting together and shouting with one voice. Jean is also an author in her own right so I don't see any problem with working with Betty and at the same time doing her writing. She has done the right thing. Listen people, in the bible God said"you are now one of us, to know the good and evil, So why then go to church to be lead by some lip licking vampire Masocha if we know what he knows ( good and evil). If we have one story it's good to work together so we can be heard loud and clearly. People went to agape because they that they had one thing in common with Walter not knowing he had other stories to tell. So in short it's a good thing that we are seeing these women working together and with Betty, Jean will be pointed in the right direction. Lets not rush to talk about money rather than the awareness !!
      The only thing I think personally is this blog would have waited until the conference is over and when we have the full feed back. Maybe to put it on New Year's Day to mark a new beginning of 2014.


    2. No what readers want is to make sure jean is not used by betty. Betty has many stories google her. Jean is far far intelligent than betty. There are better women jean could have worked with. Jean was abused so she shouldnt be abused again. All betty is doing is fundraising money using jean hapaya! But we now watch and i say this its a satanic union because jean is being abused by a veteran.

    3. ANONYMOUS 07.31
      Don't speak for others by saying readers so as to put your point across. If it's abuse then this form of abuse is acceptable not the one for blow jobs and fondling women by Masocha. Jean did not come to the blog to make money but raise awareness.I support this event even if Jean had organized it with you as holy and judging as you are. If money is to be made then Glory be to God. Don't try to get the train off the track by focussing on irrelevant issues. The issue here is not of money. Ngatisaite Madofo pachena pakadai!!


  5. Is this your idea of being a celebrity? Seka hako mwana wadad. Using Dad as a platform for fame. You are disgrace to Zimbabwean community Jean that's why even your Team Jean followers aren't impressed, you are so desperate for fame unonyadzisa.

    1. such a level of deception on your part is really astounding....or is it hatred that causes u to be so blind and so loyal to a man whom we all know and have told you is very abusive and needs deliverance himself..ko hamuzviwonewo Seiko....or is it you are also benefitting....ko asi munombonyatsonamatawo here..chaizvo...nekuti as for me hazvisi zvekunzwa na Jean...l don't even know Jean..mwana wazuro uyu..when it comes to knowing your Walter....Walter munhu watinonyatsoziva nemabasa ake...ko iwe sei uru kurasika apa....why don't you take your time and pray to the one true God about this issue...instead of spending time abusing those who know what they are talking about..particularly as regards your daddy...we do not hate him..but hate his works of deception and all...he has his gifting...but appears the weakness for women is still getting the better of him...saka munoto vose vari kutaura mapenzi here nhai imi

  6. Happy New Year Jean!! Thanks ever so much the spirit that is within you. Many souls have been saved and still some are still be pulled alive from the bubbles of a Cult months after this blog came up. No new souls are being fished into the Cult yet wise people are lsaving. Let us keeping pressing people and one day God will answer our prayers. If you can report what ever you know anonymously to relevant authorities please do so as every little helps. He can even be bared from working with vulnerable children and adults. The struggle Continues, Agape has to be dissolved full stop.


  7. What is happening?Envoys,Evangelists,Attaches,Stewards,Saints,Youth are leaving left right & centre,what is the church doing about all this?I wouldn't be surprised if Boardmembers start to leave,whilst some might pretend to be hurt about us leaving,some are aiming for Posts,or Rather some are saying Let them Go,turning a blind eye pretending all is sweet & rosy.Somebody said if people want to go,they should just go because the doors are Open( an envoy for that matter) so why u go worry? When we go.There is power in the words that we speak,,it's all coming to pass,who would have thought Elijah would go & up to now no-one has been to speak to him......... It's a shame.Ealing Satelitte was once called Healing Market,people started flying out /2/3 months after the Launch & I wonder how many people are still there,too much division was taking place & people were barred to talk to a leader who wasn't for that area,oghhhh boy what a bad spirit

    1. Thank you attache Jane. You said it well.


  8. Why waste advice on dumb people. Many pay tithes to hold on to positions. They think being called an envoy, attache or steward is the ultimate achivement! These are uneducated people whose highest education is a diploma. How does it help one to give £130.00 every month to a man not worth? Then there is offering £10.00 weekly, kana worota auya, anopiwa £50-100.00 love offering. For what when he is getting the 10% after ordaining himself as as a church leader. Ok then you pay £20.00 hall contribution and yet you are 6 people in a satelite? Where is the wisdom Wirota taught you hama? Per month the cult is taking £180-250.00 for some its over £400.00. Ukaona vanaChiedza vachitevera Worota vari kuita mari. Selling DVDs and stupid idiots attend a conference then buy the DVD! You pay attendance fee £25.00 or more, then pay for the DVD - get wisdom. Then you are coerced into buying the Tshirt £25.00, then hovhorosi, then dhangarees, then army clothes- get wisdom. Then you pay £1000.00 for the MRC. Others paid £10000.00 like Getrude. Edna invested she is gaining money what about you? Chiedza is libing her pockets what of you? Mary is getting rich what about you?
    Envoy? Evangelist? Attache? Steward? LMAO! Envoy you are not paid because you are a volunteer! LOL. But the saints in your satelite pay tithes over £600-2000.00!!! And Worota gets £12000.00 untaxed! And you are ok with that! Get wisdom. Go to a better church and pay tithe to a pastor who is not sexually attacking women. Your tithe is buying the kwokwoi nisaans for charity, viola, yvonne judity, yvonne.
    Nhliziyo knows the truth. Eunice stand up again. Or leave like Elijah and Phansi. I no longer pay anything above £1.00. At conference i paid 20p as offering. I took my offering and gave it to my relatives in zimbabwe. They were very happy. I had no duty to give them but gave them a better xmas. Look at the house you live in, pathetic matchbox. Worota is in a mansion, deposit from his old house n put a mortgage, yes but what og the renovations? The gymn? The kitchen, that stove costs £15000.00, the granite in the kitchen! I cleaned that kirchen crying i cried for every penny i wasted on thieves. I worked in the garden and dug a small hole and spit in it that i will never again be stupid. Do you think Elijah of all people is stupid? So you are now better than Elijah? He has wisdom. I was in Sharon's bedroom she gave me an eye which said get out you rubbish and yet i have been financing the luxurioys life. Ask yourself deeply what exactly makes agape your church? Is it not the idea of you being a top person in the cult. Lol Judith said it to our face. To us as we sat in Dome. She said go away. And i thiught here is a woman saying words given to her by worota. He send her to say what he cant say. I looked at her in the eye and thought u will never ever see me again ungrateful £6000.00 for what? For a woman who pushed amai Tee out of her home? No way. But its her soon going when viola or charity comes into the villa. Ini i work as a carer i cant suffer and waste my hardearned money on this. Bye agape. Going to a new church where im not ripped off by chiedza and edna. If judith is a prophet why did she see this blog coming. New year messages from worota lol lol lol lies lies lies
    Many will say we did miracles in your name and Jesus will say get away i dont even know you! So its not everyone who says jesus jesus is a true christian. Bye agape its a new year a new church for me. Doncaster no more i serve £500.00 in hotel bookings lol


    Can Agape sink any lower, Judith tells people to leave the vision yet you try to convince those who are leaving to stay. Do you Agape people know that Edna, her sister Noriya and Mary get paid by Agape.Edna runs around treating Walter like God its because she gets paid. Noriya gets to take your entrance fees on the side as well (on top of being on payroll as a trustee for Agape) and gives Walter some.for prayer retreats couples etc, you pay about £20 more each than the hotels asking price and that pays for the golden couple's posh cottage and waitrose food and also lines their pocket on top of love offering that you pay 3 times a day.And (oh yes they do get paid the figures Jean revealed) no records kept so Noriya and Edna line their pockets too.
    As for evangelist Mary, her daughter Munei was one of the first underage girls Walter messed up in Zaoga. Well Muneyi and her then boyfriend Jeff told anyone who cared to listen and its common knowledge to anyone who is/was in Zaoga. So Mary is getting paid from your tithes compensation money for this evil. Also brother David her son is on Agape payroll and lives for free in the mansion as compensation.Mary is well looked after, she is in every board in Agape, evangelist,finance board,ssteering board,board of trustees etc.HOW ROTTEN IS THIS.using God's money for such filthy purposes.There is provision in this vision my arse.Six years you have been paying left right and centre and what have for Munei's husband if you are smart mate keep that Mary away from your children, she sold her own daughter and your children are next mate.a gift to Walter.the church is running low young girls.
    For those who have left and continue to leave, God is faithful, He will reward you for what you paid but not when you are in the midst of this rotten filth of a man made vision.I left last year and i have plenty testimonies.there is life after this division.

  10. We hear that Mary Chikukwa acted like a drama queen ku meeting two Saturday's ago when Mr Nhliziyo questioned the establishment why a £1million was not accounted for by Ian and his gang of thieves. Mary uneshuwa??? Muneyi was raped by Masocha when she was a minor ku Crieff, and the only people who could shield her from you ne boyfriend yahoo Masocha, was Walter na Eunice. If you think it's a lie, ask Mary' s adopted son Itai. Trish can also confirm. Today, u have the cheek to turn your back on the family that protected you from being reported to the police, u should be ashamed Mary. We know kuti Nhliziyo drove to Stirling to confront Masocha and warned him kuti he would ring his neck if he ever found out kuti he lied. We know kuti to avoid demolishing by Nhliziyo, Masocha went to Kirkcaldy to ask for forgiveness. Now Masocha slept with Mary while still the pastor ku Zaoga. We all know that. Wonder why Nhliziyo puts up with this bunch of fools. Nhliziyo report this people once and for all. And we know that Nhliziyo's testimony will send these paedophiles to prison. Mary, if I were you, should be grateful to this family....what a shame, how dare you.....does anyone have contact number ya Nhliziyo, I want him to report the leadership ye Agape. You are a gang of paedophiles and abuses. Prayer retreat mu bedroom ma Mary ku Kirkcaldy. Tino kuziva Masocha..latch out. If Nhliziyo does not report u, we will..

  11. Hi Jean
    Just to thank you for the great service you are giving to humanity via your blog. May the good Lord continue to watch over you, direct your steps every step of the way, give you the strength required under the circumstances and may He protect you from the arrow of the enemy. It is my wish and prayer this morning as we draw closer to the new year that He enlarges your territory, established you in the area of business. May the new year bring peace and unparalleled success to you in every thing to you set out to do. Stand still in the Lord in the full knowledge that He is a good God. Blessed day,

  12. What! Did Judith really tell people to leave Agape? More infor please!

    1. Ronnie mukadzi wako Juliet Luwisi aikwirwa naMasocha. Bvunza vese vekwaLewis kuzimbabwe ikoko vanokutaurira vanozviziva.

  13. Yes at the dome at the super 4. Said the church will be a better place without you.the envoys were told at the meeting as well that none of them had an anointing to question Walter so leave 'quietly' if you are not those envoys who work as nurses,social workers,teachers,police etc who are still in church are in other words saying Walter you abuse whoever you want we are ok with because we are not anointed.well what are about the laws of this country and your work code.Cindy asked the right questions but that imbecile Letwin and husband said God had told them envoys were reducing Walter to their size and Taka and Jessie and Simba broke down in tears.its scary that the people in Agape know that Walter was pretending to prophesy at cosy stuff that he had seen while relaxed in his bedroom watching on know that he has groomed and abused young people yet you still follow him.well there you are sowing the seed of generational sins.,those with children, your children will surely suffer.they will be abused or became abusers themselves.that's a fact.
    Now use scary thing is Walter knows that he is left with puppets and muppets like Letwin,Jessie,Lynn etc who can not question him and the well paid crew who have their noses in the trough like Mary Edna chikoworep etc who are gaining financially.he knows he can freely do what he wants while this bunch are on their knees worshiping him.he can pick any child to mess with and if the poor soul reports to any of this lot left in Agape,i can see Kudzi and victor singing father send your servant while calling the child a demon and chucking them out of Agape.when this shit hits the fan i am sure some people are going to lose their jobs.i know someone is collecting info on the envoys and contacting their work places to alert their employers of this evil they are involved in.
    As for us ndebeles,please understand its Walter who is tribalistic and divides the dare in gossip to tutukile and then say i will sweeten them up and call them one by one.isn't that sad and pathetic for a man who is father to all.
    Judith tells people to go, that's the and people who went overboard contributing for your daughter's wedding and she walked away with furniture enough to fill up 3 houses and more than 50grand cash and is now driving a porsche Mercedes with leather sacrificed by the people you are speaking to with disgust and telling to leave.Mhai have you ever considered the fact that there one young girl who went to see your husband trusting him as a father and man of God and your husband reached out for her breast,grabbed the unsuspecting little girl and forced her to give him oral sex.this girl had not seen any naked man before let alone faced with a trusted prophet/dad's manhood.well this is a true story and that teenage girl is out there struggling to cope.why do you not at least stand up and pray and hear what the spirit is saying not what your husband is are sowing some seed for your clan mhai,unless none of your children are planning on having their own children.

    1. If this teenage is real and not a figment of a mad imagination- where is she? Why couldnt she go to the police? Since October we have ready lurrid accounts of this and that - all just a heap of rubbish really. All Jean needed was another victim but there was none - so for the sake of peace- may all the fake abused just shut the hell up. Shut up or go the police. Do you know what? No one will go to the police because its all lies and lies. The blog failed to dislodge Agape. Its full to the brime. Yes 50% have one leg in one leg out. Do you know why because for a brief moment they thought the blog was real but when no victim stoop up they decided to wait. Wait forever, wait for no victim show. For many they knew the blog is a lie and will not be bothered.
      Me i know its all lies. Now for the idiot who will come to insult and ask why im writing - its simple and i will reply her- 1. To stand and dismiss lies. 2. To challenge delusions
      3. To tell you to go to hell because you have no victim!
      4. Because I can
      5. Stop! You are getting hyper and insults are poyring out of you.
      6. You are wasting Jean's precious time, she needs 1 or 2 real victims to help her story.
      This blog was not opened as a gossip network but to get real victims. So shut up!

    2. Yes brethren, Anonymous 7:20. I can hear your cry brethren. You want someone to help you make a decision cause you are stuck in the middle and it feels like you are running out of time. I can see you still in Agape but just want a closure to the whole thing so you know which side to fall on. The delay has been by not having 1 or 2 more victims coming out to report abuse to the police. So I hear your frustration especially when you continue to take the risk of being a victim to Walter, be it sexually or financially etc etc. I know you keep pouring those love offerings and keeping the Envoys warm and Healthy due to their health conditions yet you are strong and fit. I'm hesitant to say that this will continue unless you make a wise decision to stop going to Agape until further notice. It's not easy for victims to come our in the open like Walters manhood does. Especially when some have moved on and healed. Remember Jean did not report this in a day, she told the unwise Husband who later betrayed her. The abuse went on and even after she came out of Agape she did not go straight to police if you read the first blog. She cried out for help from friends and relatives until she realised no-one was around to help. It was only then she went to the police and when police told her they wanted another victim that's when she came to have blog and here we are joint to raise the awareness with our lovely sister who was saved and has since helped others to see the light. If she had not come on the internet some of us could still be in darkness but thanks for the internet cause I only found out through Nehanda Radio. So as you can see brethren as much as we understand your frustration, please let it be known to you that we have no time limit when justice is going to prevail for the victims and for you who continue to be abused in hope that it's not true. Our thought and above all prayers are with you everyday that's why you see they are no more soul joining Agape but only being saved from the Cult. The coming event is also to raise awareness and who knows someone might come out in the day. So as to conclude my brethren what . Can advise you is KANA UCHIDA KuDYA IMBWA IDYA HONO! what I'm is if you are still in Agape and want of Agape don't come on the blog air your views of innocence infavour of Masocha. Be a man of honour, go back and support the Cult until the day you see the light or stop and join in the campaign. Membership here is free, no money love offering but your time and words of wisdom, no travelling expenses, no extra prayers of journey mercies as you can avail yourself in the comfort of your sofa, you dont need dancing queens or some ugly bold men before you hear the word but just by the press of a button you are on the blog and the word is already here waiting for you. Free access of the word from wherever you are in the world with no login details. I can go on and on but the benefits of this blog are countless brethren. Make a wise decision and Join the right team.
      Have a blessed day



      ps:Jean is the event open to men, If so please let us know so we can book early!!

    3. Hi Moses. Happy New Year to you!
      Yes the event is very much open to men. It just has women speakers because its Womens Day.

      Do contact Fayi our Event Coordinator her details are on flier.

      Looking forward to meeting you x

    4. Hie Jean,
      Thanks for the reply. Good to hear we are welcome and really looking forward to this event. Have left the weekend open for event and hope to get more people to come with. Will help by making links to the blog so that many people get to know of the It and the event. I have a feeling that some people who were abused and left Agape before you don't know of this blog and you never know what might come out. Will send links on whats app,Twitter and tags of the flyer on facebook.

      Team Jean for life!!


  14. Greater things await you Jean and as I said before the demise and annihilation of the demon that Agape cult and its vulture ( Musukas, Gayakayas, Masochas et al) is nigh. This is our year Team Jean to rejoice in the breakdown of Jean's detractors narriages. We have no reason to console them but celebrate as they did when Shingi abandoned Jean and his kids. Ahoy Team Jean! Ahoy Keyboard Warriors!

  15. Judith Masocha told us to leave Agape at the Dome. Her sudden outburst shocked everyone. Takadzingwa muDome takangotarisa tichiona. Judith is forgetting we are funding her 60 000 salary. She let her own sister be raped by Walter even Sharon Masocha sleeps with Walter.

  16. Iwe Judith ziva zva amai vako vano iswa nyoro naWalter! Where have you ever heard a man buying underwear for his mother in law. Worota buys Judith's mabhurugwa emukati. He knows her shape and size. Just go to couples and hear Worota bragging about his mother in laws butt size and panty liners.

    1. Shame on you Judith Masocha. How can u let your own mother be abused by Walter all for a mansion and £60 000 salary. Kusiya your own mother vachikwirwa for what?

  17. Agapeans are on 12 days prayer and fasting they started yesterday. Any Agapean caught writng here is disobediant lol.

  18. Doctors , Nurses , Carers , Teachers , Lawyers , Police , Social Workers and Soldiers
    PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY - Please leave that church as soon as possible.
    I thank You

    1. Thanks, but no thanks handiende!

  19. After reading this blog I get the impressiom that :
    This church leader takes church donations to enrich himself
    Jean hero worshipped this guy so much; and actively sought to keep in close contact with him (texts emails etc), she made herself vulnerable to sexual advances.
    Church members are indoctrinated to the pont of being brainwashed. This man's followers will not accept any criticism of their leader
    Jean is a talented and gifted woman but also an attention-seeker
    Jean is a victim of the abuses she mentions but appears to have the ability to seriously annoy those around her with her attention-seeking ways. And even comes across as a 'weird' girl (maybe its the artist in her).
    Thats the impression I get from reading her blog

  20. Judith is not married to Walter Masocha. They are just co-habitating. Masocha was/ is married to Tinashe's mum. Period. Judith started having the affair with Judith long before he divorced. Pastor Svosve can confirm that. The story he tells the church members about how he met Judith Tutani (nee Lewis) is a Big lie. Tutani (Sandra's Dad) passed away a few months ago in Zimbabwe. To the Chihuris, incase you did not know,, Sandra is a Tutani and NOT a Masovha. Not too sure about Sharon, but I know the Tutani frm Hatfield in Zim, they are my father's neighbours. Shad rack Masocha was my classmate in zimb. That's how I know some of these stories. Chennai Dube also knows the truth about what I am saying. To the remaining bravehearts in Agape, Cindy Martin, Shepherd Yafele, Eunice Nhliziyo, Walter Nhliziyo, get your leader to step down immediately. We are sick and tired of the rubbish

  21. I would be surprised if you are not taking care of those children with my tax money (benefits you are receiving) and Shingais maintainance £565+ per month.

    1. Is it true that Charity stood up at super 4 asking for forgiveness from Walter?yet she claims she is only in Agape because she doesn't want Edna to give the choir to Ruth.she had had an abortion the week before and she claims God spoke to her. Which God, weagape kabanga who we now not is not Jehovah.can this church sink any lower in playing with God's name in vain?
      Then you have Francis the wife beating hooligan.That guy shouldn't be allowed anywhere near women after swearing and advancing at Eunice in such an aggressive manner.i am sure that guy beats up his wife, no wonder the daughter was so aggressive at netball at Agapelympics, she scratched someone and they bled.
      Then you have mbuya zunguza who abuses muroora attache Monica and supports her criminal son in beating up his wife.yeah that's the one who hacked jean's emails.don't be fooled with that gogo she has a nasty side to her.
      And these people lay hands on you. Hure guru cHarity hears from God. Ptu ndasvipa, Agape huori nehuroyi chete.

  22. 0720 You have some real issues. You are talking of failing to find 2 witnesses. I am watching this blog carefully. My patience for people like you is running out.I am tempted to go public. If I do, final nails will be put on this coffin. I am choosing a name you can address me. My new name is: Embassy Cleaner.

    1. Embassy Cleaner if you were abused please you are wasting time here go report. 7:20 is right you are wasting time. Help jean go to the police

  23. Jean is being used by God to reveal mabasa aWalter. When we were at UZ aizviita holy asi akaberekesa vasikana vakawanda. Tikamuvhotera kuita treasurer. weSU never got any financial reports. Charity Mudiwa hapana zveChoir zvaanoimbisa. Ihure riri pachena numbu anogara akabvisa kubva kuZim. Muninina wake muAlbino uya anoita basa rekuMassager masocha. Chimwe chimuninina chacho chekuSouthend chakatorambwa nemurume pamusaka pemaHug emuAgape

  24. Hi Jean. I have been following your blog. I see great things ahead for you. You have paved the way for many of us who are victims of sexual and financial abuse.
    I know one of your abusers Joy Fatima Maxwebo. She used to be in Zaoga and only joined Agape full time when she spotted PASSMORE MAXWEBO at a conference and started bombanding him nematexts. Felistas Maxwebo anga aine hustvina kusatsvaira mumba nekusa gezesa vana so when Joy came in the picture Felistas akabva adzingwa pamba. Joy itsikombi haazvare shes 47 years old chemebere isingazvare. She goes to Zimbabwe frequently ku n'anga yake yeku Budiriro. She is 47 years old and anobuda husiku Joy we know her she once confessed in Zaoga kuti anoroya. She used mushonga to get Passmore from Felistas. Felistas wacho ibenzi remukadzi hure rakapedza Wigan yese zvayo so I don't blame Passmore for leaving Felistas, but akabva muhure chienda kumuroyi. I think mukadzi anohura arinani pane anoroya. Joy akazara nyora kumeso nemaoko and anochengeta kamushonga mukitchen make under the sink. She confessed all this in Zaoga.
    Jean I believe you kuti you were a victim of Joy she was a bully even in Zaoga. If you need more information on Joy for your book please contact me I will email you my details. All the best Jean, Team Jean member, Coventry.

    1. Felistas akahura ndokurambwa kwake. The whole of Wigan knows. As for Joy yes haazvare but at least itsikombi isingahure. Kuti she used to bully Jean hazvirambirwe nekuti she used to be known as Mai Sorobi.

  25. Hie fellow brethrens(team Jean),hope I find you well and getting ready for the first Sunday of the year. Please let's take time to thank the Lord for being there for us especially when we needed him most. Those who left Agape before and after Jean please give thanks to the Lord for you were favoured as we know some are still struggling to evade the powers of evil. Just imagine what would have happened to Jean if she had been sectioned?
    1. Probably she would have lost her children
    2.forcibly Injected some drug she did not need if she did not comply thereby being made to a Zombie.
    3. That means she would have lost her vision of becoming an Author.
    4. As I write this, she could have been in those mental institutions and with the 3 children under the unsupportive in-laws.
    5. No blog
    6. No event
    7. Masocha free for the rest of his life with the abuse!
    8. Agape doing it to someone else as we now know it wasn't the first time an ambulance was called.
    9. Many people would still be going to Agape with the picture of Jean as a mad woman.
    So as you can see from the above points, it's clear that God is at work all the time and you don't have to be an Envoy or Attache to be saved. It's by his grace, the one and only our Lord God.
    Those Agape people who were present when the ambulance was called are most evil people you can ever find in Zion. If one has ever had the chance to work in a mental unit then you know exactly where I'm coming from. It takes someone very uncaring and evil to try and get someone's child to be sectioned. Remember this is all happening at a church of the self proclaimed Apostle. This is the man who has the power to make women give him Bj but has no power to stop what would be classified as a demons. Why couldn't they just restrain her as before and take her home. The answer is simple, Masocha knew at that moment that Jean had opened her eyes and there was no going back. So he knew if Jean was sectioned that was the end of Jean and Zuza the lost princess.
    We leave it here today!!
    God is Good all the time!!!


    Ps:Unrevised material please use common sense where possible

    1. Its scary what would have become of our Jean had she been sectioned. Her kids would be in foster care and Jean would be getting druged and by now she would have been really mental. All this evil masterminded by her own sister-in-law Getrude and the self proclaimed prophet Walter Masocha. Jean is one of the most intelligent women ive come across and I still cant believe the wicked pit that Agape had dug for such a talented beautiful young woman. I pray that they will all fall by their own swords, Jean is now a budding JK Rowling and a shining star whilst Agape is now well known for the weird church that has the highest divorce rates than any other ministry.

      Team Jean for life!

      ps: I am going to the event!

    2. The most accurate analysis on this blog so far. But know that Jean would have made it even if she was sectioned, it would have just taken longer, when God opens a door no man can shut it. Even doses of clozapine cant change someone God ordained destiny. I would like to take you to the story of Joseph. His own brothers sold him as a slave to kill off his dreams. This story is nothing but a replay of Joseph as it was in the bible. people need to look at this from a spiritual standpoint. Jean was actually sent to Agape by God, it was her stepping stone into achieving her dreams, just like Egypt was joseph's stepping stone. Jean has now moved from Portifas house and shes being prepared to meet with Pharaoh. All her enemies will bow down before her one day, and they will ask for forgiveness. Jean needs to stay true to herself and humble, and she needs to know that Agape was used by God as her footstool to her dreams of becoming an author. Jean just needs to be mindful of her new allies now Betty Makoni has her eyes open on her, Jean is fresh publicity meat for the likes of Betty Makoni, shes a brainy looker and she draws attention. I advise Jean gets herself a manager and possibly an advisor who is not a Zimbabwean , as she could still be ignorant to the perils of stardom. Someone mentioned about Jean being an attention seeker, and her detractors have echoed this throughout. I have noticed this trend in Jean, she thrives for attention which could be a result of an abusive marriage, needless to say there are still vultures out there who are waiting for Jean. That's why she needs an advisor/manager. She started the blog on her own, but now she has TV presenters, Gospel preachers etc etc jumping in the campaign. With a good advisor she can go far. Here are just a few of the avenues awaiting Jean in 2014
      Human Rights Activist
      Model clothes for African designers (might as well use her looks)
      Motivational Speaker (this should kick off at event)
      Actress (Am sure Zollywood or Nollywood would be delighted to cast you)

      Jean if you need a manager/advisor contact me. I only mentioned a few avenues for you to explore, with your talent we can go far ;)

      Just to add I would advise you stop publishing Agape gossip and dirt. Your blog needs to take a more professional turn now, some comments are just there to divert the main course of blog.


  26. Munonyeperana nekuzvinyepera! Lying to oneself is sad. The Mental Health Act(s) provide sectioning as a safeguard measure, still if Jean had been sectioned on that day she could have been home 3 or more days later read section 2 then section 3 MHA 1983 as read with the 2007 Act. I have seen people arriving in a ward sectioned but leaving early. They dont open blogs and attack those that got them sectioned. Those really ill spent longer times even up to 6 months or more or less. The children would have remained with their father he is a caring man, so dont twist things! Jean can not be a human rights activist - she said it clearly she does not care about anyone except herself. A human rights activist would not have allowed this blog to become a gossip network. Model yes she can be that. And could be a motivational speaker if she begins caring for others which she lacks its only me me me me me she has not changed! Actress - in Nollywood or zollyhood Oh yes she would excel and become Julia Roberts! Even in Hollywood the girl could make it.
    The blog is now a GOSSIP NETWORK if you have the dirty on anyone - this is the place for it if the person is in Agape. If you want to insult or slander someone in Agape this is the place for it. If Jean wants a respectable blog she would have deleted comments on people who did not abuse her and let the blog be a better site.
    Please people fear God and advise this woman with love and caring. She needs help on how to handle her cause.
    I will not argue that she was not abused, that is between her and God and the abusers! What iam saying is why exagerate? Why marr people for yoursake? Why be vengeful.
    The blog aimed to get witnesses IT FAILED. So its time to shut ot down with dignity amd grace.
    Jean whether you post or not its up to you. I dont do insults. I tell the truth if the truth is too painful im sorry.
    Happy New Year i hope you get to grow up and read again these comments and in between you can get better advise. But sonce you have proved to be someone who does mot take advise - eacj to their own. I wont be reading or posting again.
    Yes i remain in Agape! Agaped and the train continues without you. As for Walter Masocha - he is a man after God's own heart. We continue to love him and he remains a dad to us.
    The church continues to grow. It lost only those not really Agaped. By the way you are welcome to come back anyday! We love you a lot. You are forgiven! You remain a daughter. Come home love. Where you shine and do great. Take care.

    1. Thank you GET RUDE for your advice but Jean doesn't need it, as you can see she's doing just fine without it. Why don't you focus on looking after your son Nyasha so he doesn't steal in Asda anymore. Agape continues to grow, we believe you GET RUDE. Good luck on not reading or posting on the blog anymore, you will need a lot of PATIENCE MUSUKA for that one. Envoy Get Rude my foot!

    2. ANONYMOUS 10;59 go o your cult Agape dont try to insult Jean. we dont need you pa Blog reduwe want to steer that beast in the eye.we need that Gossip we wont stop until the truth has been heard. you know kuti its true happana kunyepa apa everything zvirikutaurwa ichokwadi. Agape yakaora.ine uori we want people to know what is happening in are trying to stop people not to say nyaya dzemu Agape so that people will come and Join you. we shall not rest until Kingdom come. Blog re gossip kudii kwacho only imi zvifeve zvemu Agape you are trying to stop Jean to publish mabasa enyu kuti vanhu vasaone.when you were saying Jean anopenga nobody stopped you. asijike Jean woyeee in a more excellent way. woyeeee

    3. Anonymous 4/1/14 22:58 . I think we have met before on this blog. For some reasons your brain is very immature. I think where ever you are you spent the day checking if anyone had supported your dead brains. One thing I can advise you now is better you donate your other body parts as soon as yesterday except for your brains cause its in a comma and by the time it comes back to life you will be dead anyway. So do some people a favour whilst the other parts are fully functional. You have not worked with Betty yet you are quick to dismiss her. This is because you have always seen women as useless and that's why you trying to suggest yourself as someone who can give good guidance. You talk down on Zimbabweans and I think I told the last time that I Didn't think you were Zimbabwean and if you are then I know which part of Zim you come from. As I said the last time you are arrogant, ignorant, illiterate and stupid. If it's not you then I'm afraid but to say you fall in this same category. See how brain damaged you are, you already seeing yourself going far with Jean. You stupid enough to see this blog as a viable money making project rather than for raising awareness of abuse. If it's that easy why don't you get your wife abused so she can start her own blog. Well you not married. Get your sister to be abused then direct as you saying and go far with her. All you see is money. Get your brains sorted out first before you comments next time. About Jean being an Attention seeker. What do you expect from someone who at her age has had 3 lovely children in this country and yet no support at all from the in-laws not even moral support but abuse. She has seen the light now and obvious that there is attention outside the Masuka family. Some women are condemning her for not working because they have not been married and only have one kid from their one night stands back home. How many families have three or more children in this country except for Hove and Some unmarried baby mongers.
      So yes it's because she didn't get it when she was hooked with the Masuka family as you rightly said because of abuse in her marriage but now she is no longer seeking for it cause she has found it here. She is just showing it off, and who wouldn't after a long spell of abuse with no support.All those people condemning her have had their kids back home with some relative until recent when they 3yrs and hence opening their mouths wide open when they have been moving from one boyfriend to the other. That's why if you want HIV go to Agape. That's church is a pharmacy on its own. Ask for any form of medication and you will certainly have someone hand it over to you


      Ps: About the blog going professional or clean. How can it go professional or clean when its talking about abuse!!!

      Material always unrevised!!!

  27. Hi All. My name is Agape Pvt Ltd.

    Now that it was clearly announced at the Super 4 Thanksgiving Christmas Get Together on Sunday the 22nd of December, that Agape For All Nations Ministries International, presumed to be a church and a registered charity, is also registered as a private company.

    My first question is, who are the directors of this company? Who are we saints in this company, shareholders or employees? Aaah, what is the company Agape trading in and the profit distributed?

    Most importantly, it means, all the so called satellites are in actual fact company branches. What it therefore means is that the company should be paying rent on all its branches, right, from the Head Office. So if the rest of us in these satellites/branches are employees or volunteers as the Boss (Walter Masocha) usually call us when he is not patronising us for money, do we have to make contributions for Rent for the company's Branches/satellites. It doesn't make sense for employees to pay rent for their company premises, isn't? I have not heard of it before, that a company demands rent from its employees. Think of it fellow employee/saint or whatever you want to call yourself.

    Another thing, i don't know how many people, will remember, the so called development team, standing up in 2011, with diagrams etc of a land with buildings, requiring us to build a road and train station etc? So i was surprised to hear our dear leaders through the so called development team, announcing that Agape has finally purchased land in October 2013. Is this a second piece of land or someone is pulling wool over our eyes as usual? What happened to the one we were shown at either Passover/Easter or Family Conference? Or was it a hurried announcement, to cover up for the buying of the Cosyneuk in the previous year?

    I heard a joke about, someone saying a ministry has failed to equip the found, now the wife is shouting, ordering them to leave, to get lost.

    Hameno kuti todii nezvakataurwa izvi.

    Agape Secretary for Information Analysis.

    1. Spot on. Masocha is fleecing the members of agape.....Masocha be warned, your name has been flagged all over the world and you might face arrest next time you set foot in England or any other place outside Scotland.!!!!!!!!!

  28. Is it not easier/better to do what's right in the eyes of the Lord than to continue this mambo-jumboree , you Agape Leaders? At what point do you want to raise your hands up, accept deception doesn't pay, repent and start being truthful with each other and the people who are in this ministry? Is this deception worth your souls to go to hell? What about those people who are abandoning the Lord because of your conduct, don't you care, don't you fear God?

  29. Helo to you all
    Just some information regarding wolves in sheep clothing.
    This is not a warning but some dear advice to board members and envoys. We now have the names of leaders who are all Agape woyee! by day and then by night, they are busy making disparaging remarks about the church of God, in the process confusing authentic agape children. the Achibishop ans the Prophetess know you all who are snakes in disguise. But as ever, they will still hug you and bless you. That said, Anonymous bloggers, especially those in leadership, the net is closing in on you. Soon you will be named and shamed in a court of Law. Stop confusing genuine Agape saints. Go silently. Don't pretent to want to help.

    1. please suck Worota's manhood quietly. Don't do it on Jeans blog.

    2. Amen l second you they should go quitely and should working as informers. Why do you waste your time to come to Agape. To collect information hanti manje ucha nyara

  30. Mai Gochera you have daughters...Why you would support a man that raped your own sister is beyond belief.Why Mai Gochera? Is it for power? Just because you want to have a position and they call you board member? How would you feel if your own daughter was raped by Walter. You know well that your own sister was raped by Walter when she was 14.You know that too well.You can fool the world but you can't fool your heart.

  31. We know why Mai Gochera will stand by Walter the peadophile that raped her sister. She is a board member and gets paid by Walter from our own tithes. We are told Masocha pays the mortgage for them as well. Money talks is in this world. Mai Gochera will do anything to protect Walter. Masocha gets more hugs and cuddles from Mai Gochera than she hugs her own husband.Shame on you Mai Gochera.

    1. Who is hell is Mai Gochera? Is that Noria? More details you are leaving us confused.

    2. Mai Gochera is Judith Masocha's young sister. Her name is Beauty Gochera (nee Lewis). Nokia is a Mrs Chokuda. She is Mrs Edna Guveya's young sister. These are the people stealing from what will happen next, they will go to prison. Bet my last penny on the way, Young Chokuda is the master mind......kusanyara. Leeds is watching your every move

  32. Jean love, your own fans are advising you not to publish gossip. Why do you never listen to advice. Your own fans are getting fed up with this blog. Its so cheap and anyone with issues just comes here to settle scores. Close the blog with dignity Jean.

    1. What kind of patronising is this? Do you really care for Jean? If you did you be seeking the truth rather than trying to sweep things under the carpet in a dignified manner. You're not a fan and should consult your dictionary to know what a fan is. Most here are just freedom fighters fighting to set free people like you who are still bound by the medieval age of suppressing the truth in the name of dignity. Whatever God has not planted shall be uprooted.

    2. What dignity? Walter Masocha's dignity. This blog will not go anywhere until the man is behind bars. What do you know about dignity? Jean does not have fans, she's not a celebrity. she's a human rights activist fighting for justice. Please check your dictionary before writing nonsense.

    3. The blog continues!!!!! Who said they are Jean's fans. How can you tell they are her fans?! You have threatened Jean before futi.

    4. Embassy cleaner??? More like Epussy cleaner

    5. Wow you've just cursed yourself with a bad name. The name Embassy Cleaner is not for me but dedicated for people like you. It is a parable. If you didn't know: Agape is an Embassy. You have a Chief Commissioner, High Commissioner, Commissioners, Envoys, Attaches, Consulate Staff and of cause people like you are Embassy Cleaners trying to cover up the scale of evil being uncovered by this blog. The truth will out and God is watching. If I were you I would refrain from using terms which inappropriate for someone professing religion. If you're a believer certainly you're serving other gods. If you're not certainly continue in your father's satan's language.

  33. The Psycho Blogger calling herself Moses or is it Mazizi you are a nutter indeed. You can waffle kurotomoka o guess this blog is the height of uour publications. Guess its the voices talking. Appealing to Jean is a waste of time i agree with writer above. Like that writer i sau goodbye KWAYEDZA!!! Bye

  34. This maybe out of topic but very important, Dr Masocha is a well learned person he tricked everyone to know their virgin status from the time one lost their virginity. HE did this through message called soul ties and he started with youth threatening them to mention who they slept with both sexes and saints asked to write every name down and even dates of their victims, he made people to believe that GOD said it because he wants to forgive you and cut you off from the soul tie. Dr Masocha repeated this act on three conferences the youth, ladies and mens. He even said that if you have forgotten the name of people you has sex with when you remember them please e-mail them to me. All this he wanted to know who is sleeping with who, and how is dirty or clean so he can choose who to sexually abuse , the vulnerable.All this is on video some of people managed to get the dvd you can research.

  35. Your 9 yr old daughter is evil like the mother dont teacher your children to be evil. If Getrude looses her pin what benefit do you get. The bible says vegence is mine. If she have wronged you just pray to God for God to forgive her not you. And again this blog is losing its track it has become a blog to gossip people Agape this Agape that. Getrude this Gertrude that focus on your abuse and stop publishing unnecessary comments

    1. What world do you live in Getty? Asi urikufunga kuti mahumbwe arikuitika pano heya. How many times have you threatened that u no longer read this blog. It will always be Agape this Agape that, Getrude this Getrude that because you are at the heart of this scandal. What does it benefit Jean if you lose your pin? Do you really want me to answer that? Jean is a human rights activists, a freedom fighter, her cause is fighting tyrants like you so that the chain of abuse doesn't go on. By losing your pin, you will be a public example that nurses are meant to be professional at all times and are not to use their positions to abuse, be it in church or in the pub. You are an idiot Getty, how can you tell Jean to stop publishing unnecessary comments and focus on her abuse. YOU GETRUDE ARE THE FOCUS OF JEAN'S ABUSE. If you didn't exist this blog would not be there, period. So you better get used to your name making headlines on this popular blog more frequently.
      GET RUDER you are a risk to the public. Losing your pin number is racial to Jean's case. You continue to show hatred to Jean's children, who are your own blood. You orchestrated with your evil pastor Masocha for Jean's daughter whom you call evil to be put in care, you bullied Jean to the point a child prays to God for justice pleading for her mother. What does that tell you Getty?
      You call Jean a whore, asi iwe wairarwa naPaick Nzvede kubasa, Arden College, Rosewood night shifts. You said Jean is living in poverty asi mwana wako Nyasha Mburayi anoba muAsda. Ana Musuka you think you are the Kedarshians of Southport, you are a curse to that town!
      Your father Collins Musuka is a paedophile he used to rape young girls in Zimbabwe. You don't even get on with your own mother, you make her pay rent in your own house. Your husband Langton Mburayi was so fed up with you akapedza vasikana vese in Southport, from Felistas Mudzingwa to Nicole Thatshie Dube. How many threesomes did Langton Mburayi have. Its all on DVD he said it himself. You are RUDE sechizita chako. Urikutoita zvekutamba nhai, you are a risk to the public, children and patients that now its no longer in Jean's hands, authorities can see for themselves that you are a risk. Jean will have fought a big cause if you are struck off the NMC register, it will have to go on her CV. In the mean time stop vomiting on this blog and go find yourself a representative or lawyer, you will need one for this. Mhata yemunhu ugoti kushata futi.

    2. Iwe Envoy Get Rude, did you not call the ambulance in front of the 9 year old child? She saw for herself how much you loathed her mother. Read Jean's post The Ambulance Part 1, her daughter was visibly distressed seeing her mother being taken in the ambulance. You are barbarians you Musuka family, the worst in laws ever. Let the child be, at least Jean knows she has her children by her side.

    3. 1051 Leave the child of God alone and read your Bible. The 9 year old girl prayed to God Who sees. The Bible clearly says, "Be anxious for nothing but let your requests be made known to God.... ". I am extremely proud of this 9 year old and may God answer her prayer. Thank God 1051 it's not up to you to answer prayer. This precious child of God is not interested in your advice or surgeries. She just poured her heart to God in written prayer. AND you call her evil? Who do you pray to? Check this verse out, "Woe unto you who call evil good...". People like you are afraid of prayer because of your evil deeds. So 1051 you want to stop this blog and you also WANT TO STOP PRAYER? Have you sunk this low?

  36. Team Jean's Keyboard Warriors would like to express our joy in the impending judgement day for Get rude Musuka. Remember, what I said about 2014 being the year Jean will be vindicated. Yes this is the year when the Musukas, Gayakayas and Masochas will payback for tormenting our dear Jean. Truly speaking God is for us all. Nothing will break the will and desire of letting justice prevail asunder. Juriyasi and your kith and kin be very very afraid. Ahoy Team Jean! Ahoy Keyboard Warriors! The gnashing of teeth is upon us.

  37. You claim to love Shingi yet you label his children evil at your age. So what does that make you and how does Shingi feel about people like you labeling his children to that extent. You can see what a bunch of idiots you are and how stupid Shingi is to let this happen in the name of Agape.

    1. I cant believe Shingi hangu.

  38. Getrude Musuka how dare you call Shingi's daughter evil? Shingi you are a fool for leaving Jean and your kids for this. Gertrude hates your daughter Shingi, I hope when you finally realise it it wont be too late.

  39. Get Rude works in a nursing home called Blair House, hanzi na Mugabe the only Blair I know is a Blair toilet kkkkkkk

  40. Jean you so sick! The police dismissed your allegations. NMC dismissed your complaints as unfounded. Blair House dismissed your allegations against their employee. You reported many nurses to NMC and they were all found to be innocent! You opened this blog to get just one witness but you didnt get. The scales must acknowledge the weight wena. You reported Shingi to the police and they too said your allegations were unfounded!
    Objectively, it means various individuals not Zimbabweans have heard your stories and they each threw them in the nearest bin. Why? I say its because you are peddling lies. No one except Betty who wants to use you for her charity understands you! The way you keep the arguments or entries crntred on the Musukas and my sister goes on to show its you. Because no sane person can hold a grudge for another
    Please give us a break! I am still getting married to Emanuel! We were together at the Super 4. He even bought me flowers Jean. I sang in the concert, Agape is still moving forward. You are sick Jean. I am not scared of you. Get 100 women who have vamwenes they all at one time felt anger but they knew how to solve that problem not you you think blogging will make us see my family as evil? NO wena its YOU we feel pity for. You lack brakes, you lack control. You blogged even your daughter so dont twist it and say its getrude leave getrude alone. Stop persecuting them.
    Even kana wakatadzirwa do u think it justifies what you write here.
    Calling ambulance does not violate the NMC code because the mental health act authorises nearest relatives to act. You were a danger as you wanted to beat up my mother mbuya musuka!
    Your anger towards my sister getrude, shingi the rest o my family or, Wigan satelite is not justified!

    Just because you lost your PIN does not mean everyone should. Get a life. You need help!

    1. You are so sick Patience Musuka no wonder why your dad used to sleep with you when you were a little child. We also know that you are currently sleeping with Shingi. ' Bought me flowers' how can you be excited about a Gimbas buying you flowers? What's so special about that you child of a rapist?

    2. Hezvo nhai Peshi!

    3. Patience is it true you sleep on the floor with Shingi? Why are u posting on the blog nhayi?

    4. You Musukas why can't anyone of you bastards come here right now and refute allegations that your dad Collins Musuka raped a poor young girl and that he used to rape Patience Musuka? Patience has got signs and symptoms of someone who was brutally abused in her infancy.

    5. Inga Patiance urikuita kuchinyanisa gore rino, ukamboti yaShingi kana yafinha onopiwa nemu Gimba wako kana zvabhowa onopa Worota Blow job. Agape woyeee woyeee, with an attitude baby.

    6. I am not a fan/follower/ keyboard warrior of Jean, I admit the girl may have been abused but her attention seeking behaviour leaves less to be desired. Her fame hungry tactics are a put off. But I am very disappointed with Patience I don't understand why shes coming to comment on the blog. Its not helping your image Peshi, especially before ur big day. Yes it hurts what Jean is doing she wants to sabotage your wedding as she did Sandra's so don't give her the satisfaction. please don't comment like that on this blog, you are defaming yourself by your comments. Of course the wedding is going ahead and Emannuel seems to think the world of you. It was lovely to see you moving on and singing at the conference, you have a lot going for you Peshi plz don't cheapen yourself to Jean's level.

      I also have a suggestion, why don't we Agape re-open our blog about Jean and express our views there, its pointless here talking to brick walls. Lets bring He is still my dad back and not bother here where Jean manipulates comments and most comments telling the truth are ignored, that's why Patience is resorting to posting here. We need our blog back!

    7. Ah so Patience slept with her dad first, then started sleeping with Shingi, how can you sleep with ur Dad and Brother, are these people or pigs. So Patience ihure raCollins na Shingi. I cant believe I know this family.

  41. If it pleases your tiny mind that you are communicating with the Musukas so be it! But between us you know they have no time for you anymore I am me not related to the Musukas. Wasvikirwa here? We all know who was abused by her dad! So lets not fool the world!

  42. Can someone please take Patience for a mental health assessment. This is scary.

    1. Let Get rude oblige since she is a master at calling ambulances on 'mental challenged people'. She needs to assess her dysfunctional family first. Everyone one in the Musuka family is/had extra marital affairs in their lives. From the head of the family to the toe they are all philandering animals. Shepherd Musaka among his girlfriends in the UK apengesana nekamuyouth in Africa. But again who can blame Shepherd bearing in mind that he is married to a he/she (Lucy Musuka) who happens to be the most grotesque pig in the whole of Southport

    2. Patie was going I sang at the Super 4. So what. What's so special about singing for a male chauvinist pig by the name daddy Masocha a known paedophile like your dad Collins Musuka aka husband and partner in incest

    3. Patience Musuka that man Collins Musuka is not your biological dad. Wakahurwa after your mom got tired of chihure chemurume wavo. Iwe na Shingi makahurwa na amai vako. Ask her who your true dad is she will confess. Fabbie akazora Get rude nema siblings ako chihure.

  43. Musuka family just leave Southport please. You are a curse to this beautiful town. Casper Ngorima and Tanaka Konde incest number 1, Tafadzwa and Munyaradzi incest number 2, Febbie and Shingi-3, Patience and Collins Musuka-4, Shingi and Patience-6, Rose Mambo and KumbIrayi Ngorima 6, sick family everyone sleeps with everyone. Fathers, daughters, cousins, sisters and brothers, dysfunctional monkeys.

  44. Febbie, Shepherd, Get rude, Shingi and Patience Musuka calling on anyone of you monsters to come right here, right now to deny that your dad raped a small girl in Glen Norah after he got tired of having sexual intercourse with Patience (alias) Musuka. You know you can't dared have the courage to, because its a fact. We are in communication with the aggrieved family as we laid bare last year. Chikurubi beckons for Collins Musuka, please handover your paedophile dad to the nearest police Station for repatriation to the Zimbabwean authorities. How does it feel living with a paedophile under the same roof?

  45. The nincompomp nonce Collins Musuka should be placed on the Sex offenders Register or thrown in jail wherby the key should be chucked into Mersey river. If anyone come across this brutal serial rapist, please effect a citizen arrest or call the police Crimestop.

    Ndini wenyu
    Dr Julius Gayakaya wa Yvonne

  46. Jean its good to see you are moving forward but been following this blog for the past few weeks and am sorry to say this could go horribly wrong for you. Problem being you have put your point across and I applaud you but..... but...... this njake njake yeAgape is not doing any good for you my dear it's bad publicity and diverting attention from the real issue. You don't need revenge on your in-laws or anyone for that matter, uyu Getrude akatorerwa PIN yake then what??? All I am trying to say is don't lose focus on the issue here the rest will follow. God is good all the time, remember not everyone needs to believe you today...... in time chokwadi chichabuda pachena .... Amen!

    Every woman needs attention but chinja maitiro ...... focus girl xxx

    1. I do agree with you.Jean, you I am completely behind you in speaking out about Agape abuse. However, your moves on getting even with your inlaws by approaching even their workplaces seeking that they be disciplined and lose their jobs borders on being too vengeful which betrays your cause. Whatever you do, remember you have Musuka kids and they are not supposed to be poisoned by what goes on between you and Shingie.

      Look, you should not come down to your persecutors' levels. Remain on the moral high ground and do only those things that are right. That way, you show you care about others.

      I believe you care and that is partly why I do.much sympathise with you and admire your courage in speaking out about abuse. Do the right thing. Remember if a donkey kicks you and you kick back, you are both donkeys.

      Akubaira zano ndewako.

      Thanks for understanding Jean.

      Following this from Aussie.

    2. Ana mai Rudo please dont advise our Jean. You failed GCSEs. Do you want me to tell everyone in Doncaster about you. Mai Rudo vanodedera kanaworota asvika. Kubva kuWakefields netunzungu for worota lol.
      We know haubvi kwaworota kumasurgery iwe. Everything worota worota. Tibvireyi apa

    3. Thank you attache! Some people you stoop so low. God bless you attache, sad what you do here. Very sad. Tread carefully on the blog.

    4. Jean dont take advise from Agape people they are toxic. Liars and bad! Go shine pawomen's day and focus on those who persecuted you.
      Ahoy team team team JG!

    5. No jean dont be lead astray - do whatever it takes to bring them down. Ignore that advise anokubaira zano reyi except pretending to be who she is not. Lucy and Patience stop coming here to give our Jean rubbish advise as if you like her. You are just here to protect the Musukas. Tibvireyi apo!
      Go go Jean keep shouting intil you are heard.
      Open a top on each person who called ambulance, dont stop until the cult is gone. Patience ngaastope kunyora about you. Till she stops dont ever stop
      Im in Oz as well
      Ahoy Team JG!

    6. Ndinomubaira zano coz I care about her story and admire her courage but would not like to see her story misconstrued as a result of her taking up behaviour that resembles that of her detractors.

      Those who care about her advise her well knowing she has a future that she should not live regretting due to what she may have written here. You should not urge her on to do wrong things. As an objective follower of this blog, it is best to advise wisely. If for example any of the people she may be after were to decide to kill.oneself and implicate Jean's blog, truth is that Jean wouls get into serious emotional trouble for the rest of her life. Us who contribute here would suffer the same issues if we would have urged her on.

      Jean, know who on this blog are standing with you and encouraging you to do the right things. Take the right advice and run with it.

      Jean is a Christian and knows what the bible says about vengeance and all that. I only encourage Jean to take the moral high ground and not liken her behaviour to that of her abusers.

      Yes I am following this from Aussie and will continue to follow it.

      Jean keep going but don't sink lower than them.

    7. Pity you think I am Lucy or Patience. I am neither and I have no clue who they are-am just giving unsolicited opinions on this blog just like everybody else and I am Patrick.


  47. You are an attention seeker, this reply gives you a warm feeling even when im not on your side.
    Get a job - im at work on my tea break i dont sit on a laptop all day like you waiting for
    Child support £600.00; plus benefits from my tax!!! You are sitting pretty baby. Until Shingi withdraws the child support, then you will see how better off or richer you are! Lol.
    Why r u not working? Jobcentre must review your case. Im writing to them bcoz this can not go on!
    A qualified nurse who was fired now is a parasite

    1. sitting pretty ne £600 really? enda unozvarawo upiwe £600 then you will sit pretty moron

    2. You write like you are the only one who pays tax. Well you are not the only one. Those facilities are there to help people in need. You will understand it when in need.

      You also write like Shingi can press a button and say no more child support. It does not work like that. As long as Jean looks after the children, Shingie will HAVE to pay child support whether he remarries or not. Truth now is that Shingie will not enjoy his new marriage that much because the new wife will not particularly like to see the child support deduction in Shingie's payslip. So the new wife will be getting less of Shingie's money.

      Best for Shingie and Jean to swallow their pride and try and work things out for the sake of their children.

    3. Whoever you are wishing that Jean e should not have child support and that her children should are evil...please consider your ways, you have been taken over by the devil and there is nothing good that is going to come out of dont know tomorrow, I am just advising you, may the words you wrote here not snare you or your children's children...let us be careful....nobody knows what tomorrow will bring...whatsover a man sows he can you wish such evil on this lady Jean....btw...I dont go to this mad church, I dont know Jean, Iam just reading about the event and this evil post touched my heart....

    4. Patrick you write like the fool you are anyway who names themselves Patrick anyway? Well Shingi could stop paying if he wants. Child support is very easy to beat. All he needs is to stop paying the mortgage, which fool paus a mortgage for another man to come and ride his wife? Shingi wacho haana njere! He just needs to hand the house back to bank, oshanda less hours for himself! Why? Because another man already lices in the house let that man and jean pay the mortgage TICHAONERERE ASIKANA!
      Trust me on this one! In the next 3 month this is happening.
      Kana kurega zvake basa for a few months and let this woman suffer a bit.
      Ndini zvangu anoda shingi

      YOU FAT BLOGGER! Go try another diet! Lol

    6. Am sure you don't understand. If you wanna know a little more about it, I know accounting is not your cup of tea, why don't u ask?

      You can also get me on my mobile so I can educate you on this topic that you don't understand.

      As long as one fathers kids and they live with their mum, a man will have to pay child support. And guess what, it will always be more than the kids need to survive, meaning the woman can use it for whatever they want including buying undies for their new man and the paying man can do nothing about it.

      It is what it is and you can't change it. Usandituke, penengura nyaya yako zvakanaka. I can give u my number if you want to engage in constructive discussion like a learned person.

    7. Shinhi has kids and he loves them and is willing and able to psy for their upkeep. Even if you want Shingie as you say, Shingie will continue to love his kids more thsn the next woman and that's fact.

      Hanzi who names themselves Patrick? My dad did. Was that meant to be a real question? Am sure everyone knows parents name their kids whatever they want. That sort of writing shows me exactly what level of comprehension you have.

      Pointless discussing issues with such a person as you who thinks Shingie will devise ways of not paying for his children. Well, he won't coz he loves them more than whichever woman he may end up with. That's the way we men are.

  48. When i got a text about you i thought she was mad but boy! Jean you are crazy, indeed. Unopenga iwe. Wamboona you need attention,

  49. Sherpard and Shingi Musuka you were sodomised by Collins Musuka sodhindo style. Its a top family secret. Ask Febbie was she never divulged this to yourseves. Your mum is as wicked as Get rude.

  50. Ok ok ok, let me ask. What are Agape people doing on this blog.
    Jean did not write to the authorities for Get rude to have her pin taken but to get justice in what ever form bet it a warning due to the way she was humiliated by the so called professionals of Agape. So as for vengeance it's not up to Jean what happens to Getrude but God as much as Jean might wish for the worst. This blog has been going on for months yet the main man is outside enjoying abuse, why?! Where is vengeance from God then. God is not stupid at all, he said the truth shall set you free not the facts. Agape people have been and still continue to hide the truth they know, this is why everyone who is within the so called 20metres radius is being targeted. I don't know if you read about the 20m radius blog. In shona I think zvinonzi "Tsuro inorohwa nechigwenzi Chayo"! Even in the world we live in, at time it takes police 15 arrests only to charge one person. The same with gold, it takes days of pounding a rock only to end up with some dust which will also need purification so as to end up with 0.05g of pure gold. So in brief, I think that's what's happening here. People who are being attacked here seem to be the ones who are hiding the truth on the basis of facts. Agape has more than just the people being attacked here. We have heard of some good Enyoys like the Nhliziyos. Why is that no-one is attacking them when they are in the same church. Is it not because they also want want nothing but the truth. They are not looking for facts but the truth?! Some people have been bribed and are enjoying at the expense of victims so surely they can't have both worlds to themselves.
    Remember for you to get iron you might start with iron ore. This blog is doing exactly the same and who knows what will come out of what is being said. I just hope it will be one of the victims. Sango rinopa waneta, so braking after such a push might not be wise idea. If Agape people knew that all whats being said on this blog was not true and them being Christians as they claim to be they wouldn't come on this blog, but for them to come on the blog they trying to spy and see how far things have gone. So yes vengeance is for God, thus said let's we not forget that God is a king of kings. According to the kingdom of God, Jean represents king/Queen. So Jean's enemies are Gods enemies and vice versa. The two will always fight for the same cause thereby making it difficult to separate Jean with God. God will always seek to destroy Jean's enemies in whatever way and I guess its also everyone wish/desire that their enemies be destroyed to nothing.

    The campaign continues


    As always unrevised material!!!

    1. This os my first time to read this blog. I feel sorry for Jean. Sorry for her because she is stripping herself naked in a public place when she could let go. Having been to the police and having failed to get support, this girl needs to rest. It appears as if the blog has been raging since October 2013 - its 3 mins is over. Get a life Jean. This blog will destroy your writing career. Its been left to touch on anyone hated. Its a hatred network or gossip blog and without Jean giving it a personal peofessional touch this blog is just a mass of dirty. Its making those who are the abusers victims. After reading it i felt sorry not for Jean, come on she doesnot deserve my sympathy- i felt for This man of God who was so gullible to allow this twisted person near his family. I sense an affair which went wrong. Bit grow up Jean, you were stupid as well. Plus your story does not add up. Your anger and your story dont match. So tell us the actual story. I say you gave too much but you were married hence the wages of son is death. Some you win some you lose.

      For the so called Moses, wakatadzirweyi neAgape nhayi iwe? Lets see - you wanted to be made an envoy? No that is too much above your level - your blogging shows that you lack the quality of a leader instead you are used by the devil as a divider! So next - you wanted to be made an attache and the post went to someone you considered to be below you? More likely! Get this girl the change you want will not come from your blogging. The message is:- go ye .... Not blog ye!
      Moreso you are a woman not a man so tobatsire. Get a life. If you think you are good at commentary then go to a bible school and give us your comments then you might get the Holy Spirit to aid you. Otherwise dont waste your precious time here. All this criticism on a blog will not help you, physically and spiritually. I pray you are not one of the many demons resident in Jean which manifest themselves on blogs. If you are get someone to pray for you. If not look at your life, you could do better by leaving this place.

    2. 0829 Whoever you are you must be a child trapped in an adult body as you seem devoid of all common sense and reasoning. I am not surprised if you are sexually immoral and an exploiter of women. If you are a woman then you could be a man trapped in a woman's body. Or maybe you're just a deceived somebody who lives in lalaland outside reality. I respect all human rights and am on this blog to defend the rights of people who were abused and you come here with your nonsense. I cannot disclose to you what will happen next but my advise to you is to remember God is watching and will not entertain your awful remarks for people who are genuinely suffering and seeking refuge and closure in Christ. A FOOL is considered wise when quiet. Get some medication and seek professional help if your judgement is impaired.

    3. To Jean .WELL DONE GIRL .You saved us from Financial abuse and and sexual abuse.I used to pay more than 60% of my salary to Agape under the name of tithes.,Adopt an envoy. ,Miracle Rain Centre. ..Church satellite rent and Retreats etc Whilst the Church owner gets and concubine gets £200 000 a year.Keep it going AGAPE is going on its knees Financially. STILL IN AGAPE BUT PAY 20 Pence offering .LET AGAPE SINK financial .l have paid for the next 50 years to come. Will never pay more than £1 a month. MUCHATENGESA Cosynuk and pay the Rent since you love GOD TOO much

  51. Well said Moses!!! Pamberi ne Jean team. Chokwadi chichabuda pachena. Inga ana Jimmy Saville nyaya dzavo dziri kuongororwa asi vakafa. Ivo vana veAgape varikutsvagei paBlog. Vakuru vakati kuvhunduka chati kwatara hunge uine katuruke. Agape Oh Yeah zivai zve12 days fasting. God is for us all. Jean usanete we are behind you.

  52. ko nhai chimbonya tsotiudzai yaMuneyi aah u left us hanging nhai
    also the brother/ sisi vake

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    God said No child of Agape will die-when they started dying he changed tune to a child of agape DIE but its their time
    They will be lots of weddings can count just a few but a zillion divorces including our jean
    We shall see fire at 12.12.12 and many will prophesy. You ain't seen nothing yet we shall ordain prophets and many shall speak in tongues and the guy makes a run for it from the metrodome.many asked him why they didn't see nothing nor speak in tongues and he quotes apostle Paul to say are all prophets or speak in tongues.well you told us it was going to be just like the book of Acts and yes they all spoke in tongues and new languages.ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED then change mupaka and says we didn't pray enough yet we fasted 40days in January and another 40 in November
    I don't like position they don't get me to heaven yet you ordain yourself as apostle then archibishop and even get Svosve to come and tell people to call you archibishop (oh yes he its on dvd).you were not happy that the church was not biging you up.well we were still trying to get used to one title.
    God said i am following Paul and Jesus Christ ptu ndasvipa when did they ever thud in such luxury,con people.,collect love offering,get massage from single Marys and phebes,use only listrine mouth wash and mouth pray bought over internet from America.,have their own entrance songs while arriving fashionably late for service so people can worship them.

    To be continued

  55. Continued
    I go on the threshing floor daily yet he says (sochaz manje) god SHOWED HIM HIS CHAIR IN THE CLOUDS. OH YES DAD HAS MFI/DFS RECLINER ON JUDGEMENT DAY.
    If your chair is there and you are guaranteed a comfy seat and evian water and nice debenhams towels why do you need to thresh.
    Well you say you are leading a church God will meet with for defo in the clouds well well well, then agape doesn't need Jesus coz they have qualified by virtue of following you.
    Or was this a ploy to exploit the followers and abuse women by guaranteeing them that they have a place to squash in on your seat.then you give the scripture remember ye not the former things those i have abused - otherwise we should be grateful coz you have given us the false guarantee that we will meet with him in the clouds. Here is the thing, apostle Paul said everyday i press on haana kana chituru [he never even boasted of seeing a stool] not even a bench but you say God said you are following Paul doctrine.and Jesus Christ.!
    Batai munhu, this guy is delusional. Delusions of grandeur.
    To be continued

  56. Hanzi contract yaShingi ikapera he is not renewing kusada kubhadhara maintaince varume vanochinja dia waiti chidzoyi chako ka zvino zuze wuye azosvinura iwe ndiwe wazuze how many man will stick around kuvana wavasiya iyezvino Shingi kurora kuita vamwe vana vakomazana vanenge vave masecond class citizen have u ever dream kuti he will take 6mnts without seeing them akondiri kuitei wakakurira pabarika unoaziva masystem acho makaenda makarengwa kuterwa mukadzoka zvakaramba kushanda imi woye matantrum akashaya basa chaikuda kana chokusema tosangana kwaBetty tiriko tichisupporta gud cause.

  57. Continued
    When Sikhosana asked to see evidence of all these big offers of jobs change mupaka he now says oh i burn or throw the offers so your mum doesn't see it coz it pains her. Now considering the way he lied at st Andrews about their marriage and how they met., Walter can lie on the pulpit about his wife in front of her.i remember when he said i don't remember which one she was pregnant with when he was preaching what fills you controls you when they had only one child together. Ishasha ine 3 seater recliner kudenga inonyepa kudai on pulpit.
    Then about all these angels and lips of God he sees,yet 7 years mukadzi kana bapiro rengirozi raakaona and he is always saying i am praying for god to open her eyes. But with prophet elisha it was just a one second prayer and his companion's eyes opened chop chop but idzi air borne in Uganda idzo claims cloud ra Moses covered the whole country yet wife is thinking i don't want to die can the mighty God operate like that.the bible says even king Saul started prophesying when he was in the presence of God chosen prophets but eish i ask is it really God. Some man indeed.

  58. Hi Jean
    Your face is familiar to me, you would probably know me if you saw me as I am 'white' so stood out in Agape.
    There was a posting that interested me about Sandra - I was doing the same course as her and could never understand how she got good marks, as I had to work really hard and do a lot of reading. At times she asked me stuff and when I answered I was shocked she didn't understand some of the terminology - so is it true you 'helped' her with her work?
    We came out of Agape and it has left us scarred, and confused as to how we got so sucked in, now fear joining any other church even though we love The Lord.
    Only found your blog today, and will read more soon.
    Ex Attache Stirling

  59. I know you white lady,your husband preached well one conference and was quite used to look after the kids in doncaster and you were so good with that line of and your husband were nice to me and my children one conference and when i visited sterling.i always wondered what happened to you.we heard you left because God didn't choose you to rent no 9 from Walter. Well you had a lucky escape coz its £1000 a month rent 'because of the anointing' daylight robbery i would say.don't know why that puppies girl who kisses Walter stays there,maybe she is a side dish bit on the side she is a missionary with him all over Africa.then after i left agape i heard you were not happy with the pornographic teaching and pull your husband zip down acts at the couples.
    Find a good church.,you guys were anointed. I have found a brilliant church with a humble leader couple who help ourfamily and prophesy real things unlike Walter who was taking all my benefits.

  60. Were you forced to give NO.!!!! Stop lying. You were giving at your own will. I am in Agape but noone has forced me to give. I give when l want to and if l have the money

    1. Idiot just give people their money you defraud under the name of God of AGAPE and Conference fee,tithes and Adopt the ENVOY . AGAPE will be on its KNEES VERY SOON.Iwill come to church and not pay a penny. daylight robbery.You used to give microphone to your people who forced us to give and Even the MAN OF GOD threatened NOT to PRAYER for those who don't PAY tithes . forcing vatendi to BUY T SHIRTS at the conference and fit the teams.To make sure THAT We all PAY THE £200 000 for WALTER AND JUDITH.Shame

    2. Ask Noria you stole our money through HIGH CONFERENCE FEES BY ADDING between £20 to £30 per person. Hanzi Mass Wedding £800 daylight Robery .LET people go and Watch AGAPE.KUJAIRA falling FINANCIALLY.Loved AGAPE TOO MUCH but THANKS TO JEAN. God sent you to open our eyes. Still in Agape.But no financial input what so ever

    3. Yes you force people to give by the way you people are trained to talk on the pulpit.somebody said some people buy this and that but they dont pay tithe. why saying that?????? thats forcing people you want people to buy those cheap t-shirts you print? you want to standout mega nxaaaaaa. manje Jean akazokugonai you have prooved you cant do anything cause dai pane zvamaigona you were only going to swalllow Jean with your big mouths.

    4. So all these man they go for couples to be taught how to open their trousers zips na trouser snake. aya kikikiki

    5. White lady make sure you tell other white people to be aware of this Cult.Cindy ran away with her husband. Pastor Elijah left( not Envoy) a good man and so humble plus hard working. Evangelist Caroline Pansi left a hard working woman of God.Nkosi Pansi will follow his beautiful wife soon.those are True servants of the MOG.

    6. Anonymous 09:58. You say you give when you want to and you have. You are nit Ageped and anyway it's rare when you have mmoney. You don't sound like an Agape professional until you get a diploma lime everyone else. Lol

  61. How Shingi can avoid paying the CSA. The truth is that if you’re employed you have very little option as eventually the CSA will go to your employer and hit them with a deduction of earnings order (DEO) which will take money from your salary before your receive it.
    There’s nothing your employer can do about it because the CSA will threaten them with bailiffs if they don’t comply.
    However, there is a way you can avoid the DEO from the CSA, and that’s to be contracted. If your employer will allow you to go self employed, so you submit your own self assessment tax return, the CSA cannot issue a DEO. You deal with your own tax, therefore they have to go through you.
    This way you can claim for travel expenses to and from work in your self assessment, and other costs as well, such as equipment. Your ‘take home’ pay would be much lower and the CSA would only be able to claim less from you.
    If anyone has any other ideas on avoiding paying the CSA please let us know below, we’d be glad to hear from them and would like to share them with everyone else who is having trouble with the CSA.
    I have texted Shingi using the number you gave us. Lets see if your CSA continues

    1. kanawadaro what do you get???? kana shingi akasa chengeta vana vake? Agape you are so evil. People of God out there did you see how evil Agape are? You think Jean is mental. thats what Jean is trying to tell the world Agape i cult takazvigarira. do you think somebody anonamata mwari anowasimba rekudaro. an eye for an eye yamakuita ka. saka you tell me kuti Daddy venyu vanopa ma huggs vavengi you liers tibvirei apa. you said Jean anoswera pa blog but every time you guys you are on this Blog. Do you know what J ean is doing right now ??? muri ma pants messe vana ve Agape. Asijike

    2. It is a shame really that a right thinking person can encourage a man to avoid paying child support for his children. Complete lack of wisdom. If you think that will buy friendship with Shingie, you are so mistaken coz as long as he loves his children, he will pay for their upkeep.

  62. CSA money is classed by the Department of Work & Pensions as ‘additional income’ which must be declared. Many benefit PWC’s do not declare the received CSA money as this will affect their benefit. The CSA & HMRC do not talk to each other (only when they are screwing NRP’s) so be a vindictive b*****d and get your own back. Give them a taste of their own medicine. It’s does not solve your CSA problem, but it makes you feel better.
    Shingi should just inform Inland Revenue that Jean also gets child support that will reduce the child tax credits and get Jean out to look for a job instead of blogging at the expense of the taxpayer

    1. listen to you people of Agape. Why come on the blog and talk about something you don't have. You don't three lovely children, not been married before, you don't have a husband or partner who earns what Shingi earns yet you spending time going on internet searching for something you have no control over. Trying to urge Shingi to make his children suffer. The children ultimately belong to God if you read your bible very well. Whether Shingi pays or not they won't die now since they are now separated and in good hands of Jean and the state financially although obvious they will always miss their beloved dad. The chances of them dying was when Shingi was there as he could control the finances as the head of the house. In other words by means of mis management of income or financial abuse (giving more to Agape and maybe on the bottle). Although biologically they remain his children, Financially they now share the responsibility with the state and Jean has no control over that neither do you Agape people . So really Shingi has everything to lose if he doesn't comply. Well if he knows his bible well then he knows exactly what he has to do from Genesis to Revelation. From the day Adam eat the fruit and God spoke to him. Shingi not going to work is no good option for him and neither is the idea of evading supporting his 3 lovely children. You go and tell him your thoughts rather write on the blog. You know very well you wouldn't dare say that to him unless u have your dentures ready made for you. This blog is for abuse and we won't allow you to divert our attention from important issues. I think it's Walter sending you.
      As you can all see including that lier anonymous 8/1/14 08:29 who thinks Im a woman.
      She is even confused to the point of not knowing whether she coming or going. She says it's her first time to read the blog, then says she feels sorry for Jean then the other paragraph she says no she feels sorry for what she calls man of God. As from today call him " A Dog of a Man" IMBWA YEMURUME and where as I'm full of WISDOM, Agape remains full of WISDIM (Widows,Single&Divorced Mothers) Thanks to Embassy Cleaner, patrick,anonymous 23:33, team Jean, keyboard warriors and everyone fighting against abuse. Let's not reply anything not to do with abuse, if they have other issues let them go to relevant authorities.


      Unrevised material

  63. Shingi you are being advised to do things that will result in your own kids suffering.I suggest you treat such advise with the contempt it really deserves .your kids will still be there in your life if you choose long after these bloggers are gone.In all sincerity child support will never cover all that a child needs.What you want is for your children to be comfortable and be the best they can be in life with your support.Mate these people who are advising you otherwise are looking after their own kids very well i might add. but they want you to be a laughing stock throw that advise out the window.You and Jean may divorce or whatever but you are a good man and you love your kids and that will never change

  64. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    Discern the spirit.
    a)Is a someone trying to lift God's name or his/her name.
    b)What is his/her motive.
    c)Is God put first or he/she comes first then God follows.
    d)when the bible talks of idol worship people run to think it's a statue or an imagine that you pray to or worship.But anything put before God is idolatry.
    IDOL image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed. image of a deity other than God.
    the deity itself.
    any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion
    1.the religious worship of idols.
    2.excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc.

    Now do you put Walter first or you God first.Is the service more about Walter or about God.Are you putting first the vision of Walter/Agape or the GIVER of the vision God.Is it not the GIVER of the vision first then the one who receives & runs with it.
    Is the vision within scripture.
    A prophecy is thus saith The Lord & If a prophecy does not come to pass does this mean God is a liar or the one who has given the prophecy.If a thus saith said The Lord does not come to pass,it means there is an evil spirit in the church an impersonater & the whole church must go to the alter & seek God because God can't lie HE IS GOD.
    The bible says there is no excuse for ignorance.

  65. Jean i now know you have OCD! You cant stop writing bad about other people. You cant stop destroying reputations. They were 100% right to call for an assessment. But in your twisted mind you thought its persevution because you hear voices which wanted you to kill Febbie! You live on a house of cards one tiny little mistake its gonna cone tumbling down. Get help for the sake of your children.

  66. Agape yacho yakazara ne pfambi dzinongo wanikwa ku ma conferences chete. Tell me most of them they dont go to their Satelites but ku dhindindi ku conference Kunoimba mai vadhikondo they are there. Pfambi dzemakoko tinorova chapu nadzo mumabhawa amai muponesi. i was suprised kuona vamwe amai vachinzi vane position asi takanga tiina ku club. vanotosiya vana mumba wena. I am not a church goer but i will tell you a church to go. ndibatei pa second round.ndini wenyu
    mukomana wema game.

  67. Caleb buritsa purple book iwe.urikunonoka mhani

  68. asazi zve nAgape zvakaoma

  69. Agape children wake up from your slumber!! You are worshipping the anti Christ in your cult. Walter is worshipping a false spirit the spirit of the anti Christ!! He lost his anointing ages ago and is leading you all astray on the broadway to destruction. How do we know walter is following the antichrist we have seen his fruit and we know that a good tree can not bear bad fruit. You can not even see that walter loves you to worship him.

    Wake up before it's too late walter is a false prophet a wolf in sheep's clothing with the spirit of the antichrist he professes to know God but he does not know God nor love God! If he loved God he would fear him.

    He would not destroy families or love money so much! He would not fleece the flock for money and he will not control people most of all if He truly knew God he will not accept any form of worship from men

    Jesus being God on earth walked on Palm tree branches when entering Jerusalem! Walter walks on people's jackets and calls it a blessing!! Wake up agape before you die spiritually from following a false spirit. Ask Jesus Christ to reveal himself to you and He will do so! Seek for the truth!! Do not continue to blindly follow a deluded man who sees lips in the air without bodies and used those prophecies as a guide to lead you astray!

    Wake up seek The Lord Jesus Christ a true servant will always point you to the Word of God and Christ!

  70. Jean this is the COUP story of the Century. Your campaign is working. Tell you what Prophetess Judith Masocha came secretly to Coventry last week by train to comfort her abused sister. This is the girl who is known as the '14 year old girl' who was raped by Masocha. She did not expect to meet people but was spotted by several people at Coventry Train Station. The little sister is now married with boys.

    Information in Coventry says that she has now started counselling for healing and Prophetess gave her support. The whole Lewis family including Board Member Beauty Gochera is now in disarray and pain. However, they are afraid to open up of the abuse but they are hurting because of what happened to their little sister. This little sister and husband do not see eye to eye with Masocha and have never set foot at Cosyneuk. Imagine your own blood sister. They live in Coventry.

    Well done Judith Masocha for going to Coventry to help your sister. It is a rare compliment. What baffles us now is why you continue to protect Masocha. You hold the keys to all this, the second witness is your princess little sister. Nail him. Beauty Gochera stand up and be counted. Why are you protecting Masocha yet you now know the truth?

    It pains and makes us angry when we hear the likes of Edna, Lynn, money splashing Jessie supporting Masocha when we know this little Lewis sister is hurting and the family is in pain.

    Ex-Agape! Asijiki ! Tapanduka zvachose! BHORA MUSANGO!!

  71. Team Jean Ahh Woyee. Jean blog irikushanda chokwadi chirimuPipe Line. Kana chiri chokwadi kuti Judith Masocha anga ari kuCoventry on public transport...Aluta Continua ngatipfuurirei mberi manje manje the truth shall be revealed. Ini ndakasozviona kuti Walter anekakufarisa paakauya kuma Home visits ndikanzwa akuti anopinda mumaRooms ese. Akagara pamubhedha wangu achiti arikunamata but I found that weird... it took me a week kuti ndirare in my bedroom ndiri comfortable...later on ndakazoenda kuScotland for surgery ahh uko ndokwandakaona kuti hapana nezve prophecy akanditi wakachena mwanangu ndozvatinoda vana veAgape vanochena kudai apa ndangandauya nezidambudziko rangu kana chaakataura. Another time kwaive kuBaptism akanditi good to see you daughter kwabva ndatonyudzwa mumvura...imi budei mumvura muye ndikati hezvo ndokubhabhatidzwa kwacho. I thank God I left Agape...I am now happy without life of wanting to consult Masocha....daddy kana vangu baba vakanzwa ndichiti daddy vangasandirambe...To cut the long story short Ahh Hoyi Team Jean... 2014 iGore reJustice


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.