
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Former Envoy Cindy Martin speaks out about Agape Abuse

Agape Ambassadorial Structure crumbles down as second Envoy speaks out...

Once upon a time in 2012 October I found myself  at Gartmore in Scotland at an Agape Women's Conference after my ex husband had arranged for me to be driven there by Yvonne Gayakaya though I had no money to pay for the Conference. I found myself at the conference, crying like a lost little girl in the toilet  because I had no money on me, not even for food, yet I had been forced to attend Conference by my husband. I knew they wouldn't let me get into the conference. I texted my husband and told him I shouldn't have come without money, within a few minutes of texting my ex husband, lo and behold I received a call, it was Dr Masocha, "The Holy Spirit told me to call you, don't worry my baby girl, go to Cousyneuk with Sandra, you don't have to pay to hear the word of God", he reassured me. So the first night of the conference I slept in Sandra Masocha Chihuri's luxury bedroom, were she told me that she and Sharon Masocha were not going to pay the £100 charge for the conference. Sandra told me to stick with her the next day, and I would be okay. However on the entrance desk Sandra explained herself to Board Member Noriya Chokuda, saying she didn't have the money, I was standing next to her thinking she was going to speak for me as she had promised me, but alas,  I was suddenly abandoned at the desk by Sandra and Board Member Noriya  Chokuda looked at me with bulldog eyes, in fear I started stammering as I dint know what to say, the next minute I was being ripped into by Board Member Noriya  demanding the £100 or I was not entering the Conference. I  was reduced to tears as Sandra and Sharon looked on,walking past me entering the Conference.  I was told by Board Member Noriya I was not going to eat any food at the conference or go in the dining area because I had not paid, yet Sandra and Sharon Masocha were allowed to eat food without paying.
However an envoy by the name Cindy Martin took pity on me as she witnessed my ordeal at the desk, and she brought me food to eat when the leaders were saying I was not allowed to eat. That night Sandra was going for a night shift at Holliday Inn so I had nowhere to sleep. Envoy Cindy then sneaked me at night into the Envoy's Luxury Quarters. I was truly touched by her true Agape love, because she fed me when I was hungry, she gave have me a place to sleep when I was destitute at an Agape Women's Conference. When Board Member Noriya was chasing me away and denying me food, Envoy Cindy showed she was a true leader who did not tolerate any form of power abuse and she put the needs of a sheep first. I had never seen this kind of love in Agape.  Dear readers, below is an email addressed to all Envoys by former Envoy Cindy Martin before the Envoy Board Meeting on December 22 last year. Early this year  former Envoy Cindy Martin contacted me to let me know that she had resigned from her office as an envoy as she had been castigated and targeted by the rest of the envoys for seeking the truth over serious allegations that had been raised on this blog. The ex Envoy becomes the second person in the leadership and ambassadorial structure of Agape to come out openly in pursuit of justice  regarding the sexual, financial, physical and spiritual abuse happening in Agape. I will not say much on this post I will let Cindy's email do the talking. The word of God says, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues, Rev 18:4", I am truly humbled by former Envoy Cindy, as she has listened to the warning of the Lord and has chose to come out of Agape and not be defiled in the name of power and leadership. Below is the email from former Envoy Cindy.
Dear Envoys
 Revelations 6:9  And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Proverbs 17: 15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.
My apologies if I come across as patronising or arrogant, that is not at all my intention. Its taken me a lot of courage, self searching and divine guidance to pen this.
I do not believe it’s a healthy situation when pastors start operating in anonymity fearing victimisation/persecution from fellow pastors within the house of God, in a church supposedly full of the love of God. Its high time we reconnected with our Lord and saviour and stand for the truth as ambassadors of Christ. We need to retreat and study the word of God and seek guidance and understanding from the Holy Spirit.
I was certainly affected by the allegations that the Glasgow meeting was a scam and the fact that our commissioner and envoy Muchie were supposedly conniving in the gents taking us for fools.Its very disheartening. I had certainly left Glasgow in a positive state of mind and optimistic that change was coming. However what came to light post Glasgow led me into my own retreat and reflection on the entire goings on and has led me to openly share my concerns.
Before anyone throws the ‘touch not my anointed’ cliché which religious leaders have grossly taken out of context and misled, manipulated, abused, intimidated and dominated many in the modern day body of Christ (I didn’t say in AGAPE) I will share my understanding of the scripture. Loyalty is a good thing if it is for the right purpose and for the truth. One, I can only assume, would not want to be loyal and find they have pledged their allegiance to something that is false. Let God’s word count on this one, so please let no one certainly use it as a threat against me, I am standing for the truth in the fear of the Lord.
The word ‘touch’ actually meant physical harm, not criticising/correcting/saying something about a spiritual/religious leader being publicly criticised or spoken against for ungodly activities/conduct. That’s exactly what David did to Saul, he said he would not harm Saul (physically) but he spoke publicly about/against him and his ungodly acts. Not only David but Samuel also ‘touched God’s anointed’ as he spoke out against the king’s disobedience (1 Sam 15:3-24) when anointed Saul lied and only told half the truth.
I love him just like the next person and have stood and sweated and defended the vision and visionary with passion but its high time we stood on the word of God on behalf of the flock that we have been encouraging in this stormy atmosphere. I have certainly laboured, sacrificed my holidays and left the church in Chinhoyi full up and growing. I encouraged and brought fellow saints and leaders who had fainted in the vision in Zimbabwe therefore I have a few of souls depending on me who are following
my lead so I want to make sure I am in the right path.
I will base my point on the teachings of the Apostle, he clearly stated ‘follow me as I follow Christ’ and also advised us to QUESTION him if he did or said anything contrary to the word of God..
Also on page 76-78 of ‘Threshing Floor D.I.Y Style’ the Apostle wrote
‘…now don’t get me wrong; I am not advocating silence over matters that need to be validly dealt with in the church…..’ p77 ‘A terrible thing that was actually said or done.True or untrue, it is still a whirlwind.’
I my humble opnion, such is  the set up of AFNAMI where the structure starts and ends with the Apostle who is unfortunately in the middle of this whirlwind. I feel we as the appointed shepherds need some clarity so we can be sure we are leading God’s people in the right path and certainly to support the Apostle as necessary.
I certainly do not believe its acceptable and advisable to have an envoys meeting two days into the conference. There is bound to be much threshing floor weeping and wailing and lots of talk about forgiveness and my guess is by the time we come to the meeting, everything will be dismissed under the guise of the threshing floor. The church is facing very serious allegations and its definitely time to act whether in or out of the T.F season. It appears as if its not feasible to meet prior to the conference, then maybe beloved envoys we need to start our conference from the meeting on Saturday. We seriously need to put our house in order prior to crossing over into 2014. Gone are the days of keeping schtum when we know things are not right. I do believe a meeting is of high importance prior to any national gathering and we need time for everyone to openly share their concerns. We have fasted and prayed and now its time to  treat this cancer from inside instead of temporary plaster treatment which has led us to where we are today as a church.
After the way we have toiled in this storm, and penning our concerns in Glasgow, are we to hear of changes if any at the conference? Do we not deserve the respect of another meeting to discuss the changes if any as spiritual leaders. We have only met as envoys board on two occasions this year ie January and in June. However when there was a crisis we rose up and kept going, and despite the short notice we turned up for the crisis meeting. How faithful is that despite the pain that most envoys have/are going though in our respective satellites with minimum or no support for some. Other envoys have suffered at the hands of bullying saints who claim to be close to the Apostle. Despite of all this we turned up. Do we not deserve a little more recognition at least. The steering board however enjoy monthly meetings. Could this be financially motivated? After all they are the ones who allegedly own most of these alleged hush hush companies and allegedly vote for these hefty salaries as per blog. We are shepherding God’s people surely we need a lot more support, supervision and guidance. This storm if anything has shown the importance of long forgotten, longsuffering skint envoys (kinda full time really all them calls at work and texts/emails to deal with, I rest my case) who most Sundays travel faithfully form satellite to satellite on empty fuel tanks mostly. Who get slated for enjoying envoys upkeep(surprised I can spell that) which most of us have never had and are apparently the most gossiped about individuals in surgeries,(I never made it a secret I read the blog) and the butt of most jokes when it comes to tithing. We have muddled through encouraging the flock even when we were at our lowest ebb. I thank God for the few envoys who have been teaming up with me in prayer and encouraging me daily, it can only be the grace of God that some of us are still standing.
I for one am also struggling with the threshing floor this season bearing in mind that a  lot of saints have been defamed and left ‘naked’ as collateral damage but not even a single apology has sufficed from the church. Not even a sympathetic phone call to the victims acknowledging the pain and turmoil that people are going through. A lot of innocent souls have left church some headed back into the world and we have continued as normal. I was really amazed when I found out there was a retreat for the tambourine ladies (most of them waiting ladies)with the Apostle without the Prophetess despite serious allegations of a sexual nature. The church is full of anointed leaders who could have taken over such commitments if need be.
I just found out this week via calls from a couple of worried mothers that the youth outwith the age of consent, hold surgeries with the Apostle and are sworn to secrecy. This if true is misguided confidentiality seeing as some of the allegations now are meant to involve these young persons. I am sure these parents may have been agreeable or even sent their young children to cosy/surgery on their own through ignorance, I don’t know (which is why we need an audience) but there is now a lot of suscipicions and discomfort within many households. A few mothers especially are in turmoil. If this is true, why would teenagers be taught to keep secrets from their parents? What happened to the Lord’s commandment (Exodus 20:12) to honour thy parents? These are some of the issues that need urgent attention if true, and considering the laws of this country this should have never happened. Is this not where we need to make changes and be allowed to be more active as envoys and let the structure of the church be in operation for once instead of all roads leading to the Apostle? Irrespective of who to blame, back to the teachings, I find this contradictory and conflicting to the teaching (Stirling 2 June 2013, honour thy father and mother) and is it a wonder most of our young people have become wild and disobedient to their parents and the commandments of God? This is serious stuff that we cannot afford to sweep under the carpet both as envoys and parents. Is it not high time we had an audience with the Apostle.
People’s jobs are at stake, marriages in quandary, families left torn apart and we are claiming to be on the threshing floor? The blog is still running and reputations still being tarnished and we just thresh and run with vision as normal? Our Lord Jesus had love and compassion, I am sure struggling to find it in this debris.
As envoys we have been standing and encouraging the church since the start of the storm which is showing no signs of calming down. We have all in some way taken part in the deterioration of the state of the church and our interactions with the Apostle. We departed from the word of God and forgot that He is a jealous God who shares His glory with no one. Certainly the heavens are speaking and we need to take heed if the church of God is to move forward.
Last but not least, unless I am wrongly in formed, there indeed was a an incident where some young people had sexual encounters at the conference. My understanding is one young girl slept throughout this ordeal but another girl who apparently narrowly missed being ‘raped’ (the mother’s words) watched these activities all night. As an envoy with a daughter who narrowly missed attending the conference, it took the blog to bring such serious issues to my attention. What is going on fellow envoys, we lock up TV channels to protect our children but they become exposed to such depravity at a church gathering? I understand from one of the mothers that the parents were not formally informed of this and no apologies were issued by the church to date. My question is are these young people going through counselling or was any offered? Was there ever any follow up? I am really struggling with the way things have been going in the church on the spiritual side while there is much shouting and screaming and record keeping and follow ups when it comes to the financial side. Once again is it any wonder that we are where we are today. Who is at work here? What kind of spirits have been/are operating in the church?
Yours in Christ
Cindy Martin


  1. So many people have been bribed by Masocha to keep their mouth shut. Look at mary chikukwa. Her own daughter was sexually abused by masocha and for a few thousands she is quiet to the grave. Vana Mai Gochera for a board member position she is fine with her own sister geting raped by masocha at 14. Evil people. How can someone sit and listen and call a man that raped your own sister daddy. Geting paid from our tithes to protect a peadophile. Its not hapenning. You will go down with masocha Noria. You will go down with Masocha vana Guvheya. Mai Gochera you will go down with Masocha. Majaira kukohwa pasina kurima. Vana venyoka. Vamwe venyu hamuna mapepa futi and get involved in this burying evil and taking bribes. Watch this space. The home office needs to know. Wait till we get addresses of your workplaces.

    1. Well done Envoy Cindy.Its time this evil comes to the open.

      Mai Gochera why? Why do you think you can fool us. Such a hypocrite mother. For whatever its worth..for whatever Masocha pays you...I hope you find peace in your heart. Mwana wamai vako here Beauty? That man raped your own sister Beauty...He raped a child. How can you even take that. A child rapists and cover up his sins. You are just as evil as Masocha. You are just as evil Mai Gochera. This has nothing to do with protecting some crazy vision. Its pure act of evil. The devil's disciples. Walter's desciples. Such people can kill for a few pieces of silver. I would rather die poor than protect a child rapists.How can anyone hurt a child and get so much protection. The victim is labelled as being demonic. Thats how the devil works. Using people like vana Mai Gochera. Envoy Cindy I doubt anyone in that AGAPE leadership can stand and deny a lot of what has been said on this blog. You know why? Because its true. Can BM Gochera stand up and deny that her own sister was raped by Masocha when she was 14. I don't think she can. The best she can do is to spread hatred and malice that her own sister is demonic and has mental health issues. At least Judith is guarding her £60.000 per year salary and a joke of a marriage. But you?

    2. Can see the devil in operation in this Agape cult. Max is a peadophile just like his father Walter is a peadophile. Children get involved in group sex acts at a Youth Conference and it takes the blog to inform the parents. The spirit of Masocha at work. The Gocheras shielding Walter the peadophile...same spirit...same Walter...same satan in different forms.

    3. Envoy Cindy was like family to the Masocha family. Thats a real sister attitude. Not vana Mai Gochera. Kumirira kubatwa magaro naMasocha. Thick head!!! Your own sister was raped by Walter. Kusanyara mukadzi mukuru.God bless you Cindy Martin.

    4. BM Gochera you have daughters. For once just think how you would feel if your own daughter was raped by Masocha. Its not a nice thought. Nothing in the world can take the place of real Christian genuine love. Masocha will give you all the money you can dream of and apoint you board member or envoy. You can sit in those board member meetings just to shield him with your presence. Goodluck BM Gochera.Bless your heart.

    5. Vana Mai Gochera vasina kana grade 7 zvayo ndivo vakunzi maboard member to argue and approve AGAPE financial matters. Tiri kudyiwa taka tarisa sematemba by this Peadophile club.

  2. Well done Envoy Cindy you are a true woman of God you have done the right thing, your letter was brave I applaud you. May God bless you for your bravery.

  3. May God richly bless you Cindy for standing for the truth and His people. More pepple like you is needed to save dying souls. Andrene Lewis_Longwe

  4. You forgot to mention that the £100 fee was for the hall hire, 3 nights accommodation and hotel quality 3 course meals. Where would get that for £100 Did u expert to eat without paying, that's why you are on benefits Jean you are lazy everything is for free for you. You think Cindy's letter will credit your blog, she left Agape before your blog, many people didn't even know her because she did NOTHIN you shall keep blogging till kindom come Agape will never shut down Jean. Haunyare kuchemera chikafu chausina kubhahdhariara.

    1. Shingi is also an embarassment, in England and lets wife travel with no money. Jean suffers from utter laziness. Une mawoko nemakumbo why kuda kungopiwa? See how you show off with chips n chicken zvekuKFC or chicken favourite kkkkkk. Kutovhundukira tumabenefits you think you are now better off. Where is the Zuza book its 21st January!!! Kkkkkkkkikest
      Seka zvako mwNa wadaddy!

  5. So u wanted to eat for free benefit scrounger, leave BM Noria alone, everyone else paid their way why shouldn't you, jut because its a conference doesn't mean its not piad for. Hall hire, accommodation, food, Why didn't u stay at home if u didn't want to be at the conference, don't give us nonsense that u were forced there by Shinngi, simbe remukadzi. .At least Noriya WORKS for a living not u Jean waiting on benefits milking the system.

  6. Nhliziyo must return MRC monies. He knows what I am saying so i wont elaborate as well. He can be a hero on this blog but God see it all. Leading envoys astray then wanting to take over a sunken ship is kinda desperation. Nhliziyo must begin his own church not want to build on Masocha's vision. If what team Jean says is correct that Agape is a cult. That Masocha never got God's announting to begin Agape. Then why would Nhliziyo say he is more Agaped. Cliché! Why want to take over a cult. Why not distance himself from it completely. Nhliziyo, thats what you told us that you were beginning your own church. Why is it that once the salaries were approved you now declare yourself as Masocha's son who wants to help. Help what? A cult? Has God said you must do that? We want answers. I emailed you this morning Nhliziyo. So you know who is writing. The real leadership qualities are not in Walter Nhliziyo its actually Eunice Goto Nhliziyo who wrote that email above. Eunice emailed it to you then you took it and now its supposedly yours? Its Eunice who is brave, its Eunice who had been challenging Masocha about Viola why the husband sits and does nothing even when his wife is being harassed. Why didn't you get up or say something to defend your wife? I say you want to get in good books with the cult leader. We need Jean and Eunice as leaders because they are very powerful women.
    These two women can face Masocha squarely without blinking and say it as it is. Not Walter Nhliziyo, Ven or Caleb. Only Jean and Eunice can challenge Masocha. Eunice convinced many people to leave the cults. Eunice convinced envoys to leave. We left after a long talk with Eunice. The woman is a hero. A genius. Brave and strong. Then Nhliziyo was in Namibia. To the questioning why we let it continue we say This. As envoys we had a duty to the saints. We all expected Masocha to step down but with Viola and Edna as advisors. Its a waste of time. There is but one solution - LEAVE THE CULT.


  7. Jean you are DRY IN shona we say WAKAOMA. Jean akafendesa The biggest and strongest EE of all times, this is none other than EE Nyasha
    Nyasha akafendesa mai Mafurutu. Mai Mafurutu ndokufendesa baba Mafurutu. Baba Mafurutu ndokufendesa Elijah. Elijah ndokufendesa Yafele. Yafele ndokufendesa Ven, ven fendesadhi the Ncubes. The ncubes then fendesad Phansi, who fendesadhi Nhliziyo walter and Eunice. nhliziyo fendesas the Nyenyas. The nyenyas then began fendesiyaring the Tshumas. The Tshumas said no way haulume. Kkkkkkkkkikest.

  8. Join another church. No bleach will cleanse this cult. Linda left because she knew there was nothing she could do to change Masocha. He is never going to change apart from giving A FEW POLISHED APOLOGIES which are not even apologies. If someone apologies for mistakes done without specifying which mistake thats cheating. Let him come out and say I am sorry I enriched myself with your tithes. The whole LOVE OFFERING is just a daylight robbery. That love offering is not being counted because its figures would leave many horrified.
    The CONFERENCES were too many. Which church has so many conferences? Ladies conference? Women conference? Leadership conference? Family conference, Couples Conference, mass wedding? Youth conference, passover conference? Thanksgiving conference. New year in Scotland? St Andrews in June.
    Go to a conference - you pay
    1. entrance fee
    2. Offering
    3. Love offering
    4. Tithes
    5. MRC contributions
    6. Missions fee
    7. AGAPE t'shirt
    8. Agape Army uniform
    9. Dungaree
    10. Overalls
    11. Work suits
    12. Worksuits
    13 choir uniform robes
    14. EE uniforms
    15. DDG
    17. Eagle's wings uniform
    18. Eagle's whatever uniforms
    19. Buy the Agape banner
    20 Agape Apron
    21. dad's portraits
    22. Adopt an envoy
    23. buy DVDs
    25. Agape Music CDs
    26. Agape cups
    27. Kids tshirts
    28. Kids uniforms
    29. I believe book
    30. Dad's new book
    31. Threshing Floor D.I.Y Style: A New Approach for a New Generation; From Harvest to Seed: Christians Threshed for Service in the House of God
    32. Kingdom dynamics and theorems: Practical Guidance ......
    33. TT's intro Dr Masocha
    Yes no one forces you to because you are brainwashed instead. Being an envoy attache or steward and you part with your hard earned money just because the person punctuated it with the word Jesus? Jesus many will say we cast out demons in your name, we performed miracles in your name - Jesus will say Get away from me - i do not know who you are!

  9. Tinashe EE, u now have resorted into threatening Abigail Manyati u even have e audacity to say to Abigail it's ur last chance!! Rema munhu, imbwa inogwauta yakarara. Don't forget maHotel bookings aye pawaindikwira ok. Mboro inenge yedhongi. Hazel uneiwo zvako a bottom cleaner, carer in the UK, useless. U think Tinashe is M16, CIO as he claim, just a "mahobho" wa Apostle then mobva matobata denga. Bible reader Hazel wemadhodi.

  10. I cannot believe Envoy Cindy wrote this letter. I am not saying its a bad thing but she was the last person i thought would ever leave Agape or speak up against the Masochas. I'm sure you were like family too. Your e-mail has a lot truth in it, especially the "touch not" you empasized on. for many years i have been in fear of speaking my mind because of that verse. Thank you for ellaborating, it makes a lot of sense now.

    1. I am not a member of your church. I want to help you understand that 'touch not my anointed' refers to the man of God. Man is a spirit with a soul that lives in a body...1 Thessalonians 5:23; this means the body is not the anointed entity. Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 4:7 says "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.". It is the treasure that has the anointing. Words and even merely thinking alone can touch His anointed and the consequences can be treacherous! It's not only physical but spiritual!

  11. Please Nyasha alone. Find someone to use , not him. Fullstop.

  12. Jean is telling the truth about Envoy Cindy giving her shelter when Noria told her to leave Conference. Cindy has always had a heart for the suffering I give most credit to Bill her white husband hes a true humanatarian. Cindy and Bill took Tinashe Masocha at a time of need. Envoy Cindy can u tell us more why Tinashe Masocha was chased away from the Cosynuek residence by evil Judith seeking refuge at your house.

    1. If Judith can let her own husband rape her own think she cares for a step son?? Don't think so.Prophetess?? Really??Chiporofita chei chinoitwa naJudith."By their fruits you shall know them"...Thats what the Word says. Look at her life. Hunyengeri chete pretending to be fragile and delicate. Typical puff adder snake.A puff adder prefers to hang out in the grasslands. They are right at home in the dry grass and use their camouflage to ambush their prey. Puff adders are not the most venomous snakes in the world, but they are highly aggressive biters and are around people more than some of their brethren. That snake if it doesnt kill you will scar you for the rest of your life. Look at the scar Judith left on her own sister...scarred for life.Yet the sister is under the wings of a peadophile and serial sex abuser.

  13. Mhuri yekwaManyati, get off the blog. Sort your family feuds kumusha kwenyu not on this forum. Wash your dirty staff kwamakaroorwa! Here the topic is ABUSE BY WALTER MASOCHA. Ok!

    1. But isu vekwaMusuka tinoblogwa every day haisi yadad only tese tese

  14. Some songz for you beloved bloggers

    1. Blog rikanakidza kudai handiende kumba
    Blog rikanakidza kudai ndinorara pano
    **repeat until enough

    2. Agape yafa, muchionaaaaaah muchiona
    Agape yafa muchiona makangotarisa muchiona
    Birmingham yadonha, muchionaaaaaah muchiona
    Coventry hakuna muchiona makangotarisa muchiona

    Agape yafa, muchionaaaaaah muchiona
    Agape yafa muchiona makangotarisa muchiona
    Bournemouth yadonha, muchionaaaaaah muchiona
    Dudley hakuna muchiona makangotarisa muchiona
    **interchange cities n towns until enough

    I know you can all sing we used to sing for more than 12hrs in one service kkkkk, Masochaka??

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015.

  15. Elijah was not tricked to be a go between. He was informed of the end of Judith. He was given a chance to please worota and he agreed. They agreed to keep it under wraps. The story then erupted before Judith was expelled. So the Eunah and Ezekiel method did not work for worota. Can Elijah say he carried £12000.00 to Viola's family without knowledge of what it was? He went through all stages of marriage, says "tauya kuzotavaga sadza" without knowing? He paid vhuramuromo without knowing? Credit Elijah with a bit of a brain. Pureeeeeze. Elijah left out of shame. He gained from Masocha. He was embarrased. An upright man fell. He then realised his errors and did the best thing- left the cult. For that I applaud you Elijah. For being brave to know that there was no future in a church where the leader is treating his wife like a cheap hallot for the love of an immoral gossiper like Viola. Elijah you owe us a huge explanation on this viola - walter stinking marriage. The quashqai must be sold and people should claim refunds.
    Nyasha be a man come up and tell us about Lydia. Why did Masocha refuse you the marriage? Release your tapes. Pass them to Jean she will do the rest.

  16. Poor Jean I shed a tear reading how a Pastor used to sneak food rations to you during a church service. Please tell me this is not a registered charity, this must be the worst church ever in history I don't even think Gilbert Deya can compare to Masocha. Jean you should have seen the signs back there that if you continued in this cult your marriage was heading for distraction. I have to say your husband is not going to wake up from this cult if he was he would have done NOW as the pastors are leaving in masses over his wife's blog. Shingi is surely sinking with the ship and its painful to watch.

  17. This whole saga is so disheartening. Saints were so devoted, did and sacrificed all for the progression of the Ministry. Saints sacrificed their families, holidays etc upbeat this vision would take them somewhere. All it has done is inflict pain and suffering. It will not surprisingly be difficult for many to trust 'Man of God' wherever they move to. It has constantly be proven that man of God play it and do not practise what they preach.

  18. I totally agree with you envoy Cindi.we saints of Agape we have a big problem of mistaken daddy for God.we die to be close to daddy and to beloved by gals by showering them with gifts to be their you and envoy Jesse you would spoil the gals with gifts and knowing Sandra ndiye munhu anodira vanhu materials things .thank God your eyes are a little bit opened .remember daddy is god and cannot be corrected if you do that hanzi makubata muzodzwa waMwari.daddy is human is due to make mistakes like all of us he is never perfect at all .he also like saints who bless him .have ever seen anyone who does not send daddy kuma holidays or shower him with gifts/money can't be close to daddy I know how you use to call yourself big sis of the gals only coz you have them gifts/money you are a giver especially to the first family of Agape.the foundation of Agape ministry was was messed up from the foundation of the church.daddy made every one treat him like God that he can see and talk to God so therefore he is a god himself mese imi mi you treated himself in such a manner .remember it was daddy havasi kurara,daddy wants this,daddy made this testimony come true ,we already shared God's glory with daddy saka God left Agape long-time ago remember God above in heaven does not share his glory with anyone not even Masocha himself .we all used to preach about what daddy wants ??????????????????????????????????????????????but what about what God wants?????????????????????????????????????????????????we are playing church in Agape God since left a long long long long long long timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ago so tell the church who has been operating in the church ?is the other guy (SATAN)this is proven by the point that no one and I mean no one has the guts to confront daddy to step down and to question him about his accusations thus Why Hove gives you papers to jot down your questions but you are face to face with him direct but you can't ask himself .thus why in those meetings he is the one talking all the time .God did not give you spirit of fear but why do you fear him why .you all envoys and board members can't ask him questions cause you all fear him so ask yourselves who is operating in Walter Masocha is Jesus or the other guy SATAN.muchato wa Sandra should have told you that it was not about God.God loves us all regardless of our status or wealth .envoy Cindi May I ask you a question what criteria did Sandra ,daddy,mum use to invite people to the so first ever Agape royal wedding?answer us people coz we are many who wants that question answered.Agape mission statement is to love everyone unconditional I'm sure if it was a wedding from God in heaven all would be invited and I have prove of this .God gives mweya(live) to live weather poor or rich weather we worship him or not he never say coz you don't worship me therefore you die .the problem with you envoys is that you want to daddy's favourite like envoy Misi will do anything to be daddy's number 1,even envoy Hove,even yourself .it's a shame you people you have been milked alot of money by the clever one.envoy Cindi you talk about child abuse what about daddy's affair with Yvonne Chibanda and Viola .I believe Jean was sexually abused by man of God whom is not allowed to touched otherwise you bring a curse on yourself.using word of God to abuse people.this is a money making scandal.maybe when he started church he was with God but after wanting all the glory for himself God left him .a man of God who has transparent favourites in church!envoy Cindi if you are true and want right by God .what do you have to say about Joy and the gals massaging daddy and Joy massaging daddy is on her own????????????

  19. Breaking News. Board member beauty gochera Judith sister is now in afm and her children are tweeting and celebrating leaving agape.

  20. I don't understand the concept in Agape if someone leaves Agape you are not allowed to talk to those people anymore inga ana Phidah still talk to people of ZAOGA.

  21. Envoy Cindy did daddy ever kissed you on your lips ?he did to some of us what about you ,you were soooooo closer he must have kissed you considering how closely you were

  22. Daddy is being used by the other guy vese nana envoy Hove,nana Misi

  23. KwayedzaKusile!!!!!!!!!! Breaking news from Zimbabwe. The Commissioner for Zimbabwe, Mr Mandaza was asked to step down from all Church duties with immediate effect....reason being, he is experiencing marital problems that surround just Mandaza and his wife. Now the irony of all that is that, Envoy Ian who has had marital problems between himself and his wife Linda never met the same fate. WHY WHY Agape. Or should I say! WHY Masocha? We are also reliably informed that Masocha cannot stand Evangelist Nhliziyo. Always wondered why!!! Agape gate tells us that Mrs Sheila Masocha (now Mrs Mutinhiri- Tinashe Masocha's mum) the woman that Walter Masocha is legally married to, is in contact with Evangelist Walter Nhliziyo. Harare is abuzz with this latest news!!,! It is now very clear why Masocha has a problem with these leaders. Tinashe sought refuge at Cindy house after eviction from Cosy BB House, and now Tinashe's REAL Mum is seeking guidance from Nhliziyo. Agape muchiona, makangotarisa

    1. You write conflicting news get your story right - ingangonakidza! Tinashe's mum - you say is legally married to Masocha, then how is she Mrs Mutinhiri whatever?

  24. Sincere question from a non Agape member. How many scandals does Agape need to finally close the Church? Do you pple want all your Envoys to speak out on Jean's blog before the net finally closes in. I really hope Jean's next topic will be, Agape Church finally shuts down. This is getting ridiculous, seriously.

  25. Breaking News. These are the Leaders that have left Agape.
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Skosana
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Mudokwani
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Ncube
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Yafele
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Nyenya.
    Envoy Mrs Phansi
    Envoy Mr Chikwezvero
    Envoy Mrs McHardy
    Envoys Mr & Mrs Matema

  26. People in Agape we all know the truth that issues are not Being in a Godly manner in's all about daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy.I have prove that he makes mistakes too look at Jose and Masimba how they got married it was less than even a year before Masimba had wedded Victoria .that was rubbish .that's when I started doubting daddy.that was playing church serious .how could daddy approve Masimba marrying Jose yet he is the same daddy who wedded Victoria and Jose with the same man.this is a joke and the marriage didn't even last 3months .Trust me God does not do that at all ndezva SATAN izvi chifambi chakadaro.did you know that when Masimba wedded Vic had not even payed a pound I mean lobola saka how come daddy didn't see it in spirit if he was being used by God.surely it's not come daddy payed mai Chikore and husband to keep quite about Yvonne Chibanda' s love affair and they accepted bribe .and if it's not true how come Yvonne anga akaita imbwa yanaiwa ne mvura ku 2012 conference.daddy was sleeping with Yvonne Chibanda and Viola.I'm very sure he sleeps with Joy Mahachi.I once saw them in compromising position but that it didn't click.but now it makes sense.I had mum had a condition that she could not make love daddy so thus why daddy was having these affairs but with married women in

    1. DADDY WACHO MAZOMUNYANYIRA! Judith, Viola, Jean, Yvonne gayakaya, choirmaster, envoy yvonne, Winnie, Lydia - hezvo angasadambuka chiuno here daddy wacho asi aripaviagra. Kuzoti tinoti twakakwiriwa mumusurgery. Too much is becoming nothing but pure speculation.

  27. 1402) you are a man full of malice, & bent on misleading people. Stupid fool. If by your stupidity, why are you wasting time emailing Nhliziyo if you think so low of him? Why are you hiding your name. Nhliziyo wrote an open letter for all to judge his stance on agape. Does that sound like a man on a payroll? If he is, then am sorry, they have just wasted agape money. You have nothing to fault him for short of mentioning MRC monies. Is Agape a loan company. You also say he is in Namibia, how does he access these monies when this man is in Africa? What ace/s does he hold to be getting my Masocha to send him money to spend in Africa? Please people, stop slandering and speaking nonsense. Out of interest, why is agape itself not pursuing these monies. More so, the accounts we were shown by Ian & Duncan the previous years, don't show loans..where on earth are you coming from? Families are torn apart by serious issues than you taking a dig at nhliziyo. You are surely on Masocha's pay roll. Please,, get a life. More so, if you are an man of integrity, put your name to that letter.

    1. Idiot 17:11 nhliziyo was in Namibia when the blog begun. Nhliziyo is nothing but a thief. He writes here to gain public sympathy. He owes the MRC a lot of money. Let him answer it himself. Why does Nhliziyo wants to reap where he did not sow. Why wait in the wings to take over Masocha's vision. Tangarako nhliziyo yemunhu

  28. Ah! Envoys Vhusi have left. it's shocking, they have resigned. Mwari todiiko ? We are now shephedless in Bristol.

  29. (14(anonymous (1402) you are an envoy?? Leading GOD's people?? With so much venom towards you brethren?? You expect to Pray for me?? You are leading saints with such malice?? Surely hope you don't prepare and serve holy communion. In your failed attempt to discredit your brother in Christ, you have betrayed yourself. Read the Bible my Brother. We are aware that many Envoy's have since left Agape, you have signed off your letter as indicating that Nhliziyo must leave the cult, why do you servant of God want anything to do with monies that are owed to a cult?? Get a grip my brother, you have truly lost it, and definitely need to be found. Good bye

  30. Letween became envoy cause aibvisa Mari se Mari.envoy Jessie vanobudisa mari,envoy Cindi,mai Panashe,attache Jane,Faith.can you believe Sharon targeted mostly the waiting ladies and asked them if they could help with money to buy a car then contributed money zvakaoma.asi vanhu vari mu church vakaita dambudziko no one ladies you helped Sharon coz you all wanted to be daddy's favourite yet you are struggling in your homes.some of you even bought her Apple laptop and many expensive gifts iwe usina kana tsono .life is not fair

  31. Was envoy cindy and Sandra not close?

  32. I also agreed with what written about Sandra kuti they not what they to be .

  33. Is it true that Val is pregnant mwana wa board member Gayagaya ?and she is not married and did daddy approve of the guy ?

  34. 21/01/14. (14:02). Not too sure were this vision came from, but it surely gave birth to some very confused envoys. Reading your letter, you are a fool speaking foolish things. From the top of your letter to the very end, you are contradicting your master (Satan) and for your information, cults are ruthless towards people who fail to accomplish a mission. You have failed to execute the assignment. Not sure if Agape will have you back. Without wasting too much of my brain on you, here is two, out of 12 mistakes you have made. You say you spoke long to Mrs Nhliziyo (you & who)?? You then say as Envoy(present tense) when you left agape? So how are you involved in MRC monies? Why do you want that money? Come on my friend, don't stoop that low..

    1. Nhliziyo did i touch a raw nerve. I emailed so dont pretend u dont know. We were both envoys

    2. 23:28 - Yes you were both envoys since you are mentioning Nhliziyo by name why don't reveal your identity or else leave Nhliziyo alone, why hide your identity.PLZ SAY WHO YOU are just like Nhliziyo.

  35. Jean you are not publishing all the messages we are sending my sister send hers after mine but yake ya 16:55 you have published what of mine and my friends

  36. I agree Sharon doesnt pay conference fees. Shes one selfish spoiled woman! Basa rekuswero kisana naKanda bongo man her own step daddy. She is so stuck up that girl hanzi budai muroom mangu. Its not ur room sweetheart thats Agape money. She has iphone Apple laptop Nice car hair extensions everything paid by Agape poor saints. Holidays in Dubai yet 99% of Agape saints have never been on holidays even ku Wales zvako kuma Caravan. Sharon u have a heart of stone! Unorara sei husiku in that bedroom knowing the money is coming from poor people. Ndakutya Sharon chinja maitiro paunotongwa namwari unotongwa wega it wont matter u used to be Kanda bongoman stepdaughter uchatongwa wega. Repent Sharon Masocha repent!

  37. Agape yazofa Manje!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are reliably advised that the Masocha camp is strategising to get rid of Nhliziyo before their envoys retreat this weekend. His letter has threatened the establishment with destruction. Baba Juice

  38. Shame on the entire Masocha family. More news from hometown Harare. The Masocha clan married-off Sandra to the Chihuris (Envoys in Agape) yet it is NOT their biological daughter. The Tutani (Sandra dad) only got to hear about it through the grapevine. Masocha na Judith Lewis-Tutani how heartless can you be towards sandra and the Chihuris family. £6000 down the drain. To add insult to injury, Sandra was denied permission to go and bury her father when he passed away towards end of 2013. That is Cruel. To the Chihuris, in our culture, Geoffrey is officially NOT married, you just wasted your harness earned cash

    1. Ah iwe the Tutani can not reap where they did not sow. In our culture they get $1.00

    2. Geoffrey has to live with the fact that he has to pay lobola twice. The Tutani's are the legitimate owner of Sandra. Don't know why the Chihuri's did not insist on meeting Sandra's dad. This is a warning to whoever wants to marry Sharon. No shot cuts because it will haunt you.

  39. Agape is a novel called animal farm some animals are more superior than other animals.saka don't be shocked that Mandaza amiswa basa vamwe's always been like that in's only you are realizing now come on look at Sandra's wedding some animals were invited and some were not coz there is higher class,then high class ,then middle class ,then low class.even you were not invited to the wedding it shows you are very low class

  40. There is no smoke without fire ,Viola surely must be sleeping with daddy chokwadi.ihure remu Mbare.kumusha aingo danana nevarume va vanhu chete .ihure remu Mbare.Viola once said to X EE Nyasha tonobata big FISH yacho.Nyasha wanted her not knowing she was sleeping with big dhara (big FISH)wow Tinashe' s is still alive I thought she was dead .Tinashe went to stay at envoy Cindi at his own accord cause he had get a job in envoy Cindi' s area plus he couldn't stand the fakeness everything especially that of his daddy.Tinashe KNOWS his biological father than all of us.he knows he is a womanizer thus why he even still frienz with Caleb even if Caleb said alot of the truth about his father he holds no grudges towards Caleb cause he knows his biological dad is at wrong.Tinashe was tired of them eating people's money

    1. Thank you mom and prophetess Dr Judith mazouyawo pablog! Lol we all know Viola is a cheap prostitute, bleaching her skin to fool masocha. Machera left her for the sleeping with anyoneb

  41. Hello people, indaa vanhu imimi musingadzidze. Regai mudyirwe mari makanyanya kuvata tsereki. With all that has been said here unonzwa munhu mukuru still saying dad, dad. Daddy is being used, we love dad ......,Dad this dad that, I love dad but.....You are very stupid you people don't you realize what this man is being accused of. That's why even politics yeku Zimbabwe people just get away with murder. What do you still want from this man.Open your ears and eyes vanhu Vezimbabwe munoda kubvuma zvaiita sei. Listen "Agape belongs to Masocha", he is the Vision bearer and was put there by God, well according to him.
    So can someone tell me what do want him to do? If he steps down there is no-longer any Vision. People were following the vision and have now found out that the vision is not Godly. Everyone says they want answers but the answers are not coming, so why not have a peaceful demonstration. People used to gather 4/5 day's for a conference but can not have a peaceful demo to get the answers you all need for the financial and sexual allegations.So all you want is him to say sorry and continue. Are you suppose to be following the church, man or God. Munenge Makadyiswa mese. Agape professionals chili chacho, you need wisdom. Education on its own Haibatsire. You only went to uni to get a degree/diploma in that particular subject that's why you are failing to solve this crisis. You have all failed. Muchanyarara zvenyu mati madii !!!

  42. Nyasha Madzamba a lot of saints have fainted because of you. Coventry has now been closed down. Can u just release the tapes please. Stop wasting our time.

    1. Nyasha arikuchera Lydia na Viola. Daddy gave Lydia away then daddy took Viola again lol

  43. Guys check thus company even Sharon has a company on her Mum's median name.l am going to find BBC panorama we need this on the TV



    Registered Address: Wharf House Stratford Road, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 1TD

    1. Sorry 20:58 that company is dissolved and its the wrong Sharon fyi not the one you know.

  44. I feel sorry for Tanya Nhliziyo that girl started the Eagles wings and Divine Angels it was all Tanya's ideas only to be removed and replaced by Soliwan the slut just because her mother massages dad. Tanya be strong you were brilliant all the best babe. Your voice is way better than Hazel. We are fed up of Hazel and her weaves on the stage. Soliwan is getting worse she thinks she owns Eagles wings. That Mwanza is a stuck up as.....hole excuse my french. She is Soliwan best friend she pretends to be a innocent girl but shes not a virgin she slept with Tapiwa Mapfumo from Liverpool at the Youth weekend at Youth Advisor Roy Mapfumo house in June last year. I know because I was there so dont tell me I dont know what am talking about. Agape youth is full of hypocrites. Tafadzwa Aribeto slept with Nomsa Eagle Wings Apostle knows about it but they minister in teams. Nyasha Mburayi only had oral sex/ blow job with Loraine at the youth and was suspended from Eagle Wings. Tanya Nhliziyo didnt even do anything but was removed from leading EW. Its not fair. Be strong Tanya. I know u never slept with anyone like Soliwan.

    1. Imi hindava kunyepa, Nomsa is a minor and tafadwa is waaay than her. tapiwa is not sleeping with mwanza he is with Shamaine Ngunga

  45. Envoy Cindy thank you for bringing up the youth conference issue because I know a young girl who was raped all night by two boys one being Malvern Kadiki. I also know another girl who was raped by two boys at the same time. She was 13 years old. I wont write her name down because she is still a child. Apostle said he before the plane landed in Uganda a cloud appreared to protect the whole country. Why did a cloud not appear in Liverpool to protect the two girls who were raped in front of everyone.

    1. @ Anonymous 2147, are you saying13 year old can now have consensual sex????Let me explain rape(statutory in this case) ..lts when one has sex with someone who has not consented!!! In Uk and most civilised countries,noone can legally consent unless they are 16.lf it happened to the 13 year olds,IT WAS RAPE and should be reported to Social Services and the Police.lm beyong disappointed to hear such occurred at a supposed church conference,surely these youths needed close supervision from their envoys,Advisors etc as they are bound to experiment after all they are minors(some of them) while others are sexual predators.Differences aside,this is a serious matter and l join ex Envoy Cindy in demanding answers for the Liverpool Youth Conference!!!!.Someone please. wake me up,lm mortified.

  46. Ndashaya mashoko vanhu vaMwari

  47. Daddy has made money for himself hakuna Agape miracle rain centre ichafa yakawakwa trust me on that .there will never and was never even if dai pasina kuitika blog ra was a way of making you poor people kuti mubuaaaadhitse Mari chete chete wena.I knew these from long back God opened my eyes

  48. Is Polite Mutambirwa's daughter one of the youth who administered sexual lessons at the Liverpool youth conference? She has to be, what with her mum Polite being an Internet sex provider. She is hooked on cyber sex that one

  49. So did anyone reported this RAPE allegations to the Police?Please pass Names to Social services they will contact the Parents anonymously.

  50. Bring this issue to the attention of the Police

  51. Is it true that DDG Tari abuda church ?is this true ,can't believe it .please can highlight us on these scam .but Tari at least daddy made you to do book keeping of Agape when you didn't have papers and you were on payroll zvako shamwari plus ndege dzese dzawaikura or trains plus car hire nemari ye Church.shaaz wakatombodyawo Mari dze vanhu saka you can't abound daddy now .No wonder why you were above the did whatever you wanted thus why you were always on fire inga zvako

  52. Thank you Jean it was high time the truth was suppose to be said in these Satanists church kunyanya daddy is something else.his prophecy was based on makuhwa what people tell him and then he would pretend kurwatidzwa na Mwari.he said he was zooming zooming zooming what my foot .Sharon does poll dancing how cine he never zoomed it .US people we had a tendency of reporting each other to him then he would pretend as if he saw it in spirit.90%used go to masowe wit their serious problem then come beck saka how he didn't see it.maDDG they were busy having sex ne ma boyfriends avo how cum he didn't see it .it's all lies .daddy does not see anything at all he is blank just like me .Sandra aibatwa mazamu na Jeffy how come he didn't see it they kissed tongue to tongue .saka you see kutamba chaiko I used to do makuhwa for him I wanted to be close to him.he made his spy and I would spy for him then he would pretend to be zooming wow.I'm sure I was not the only one he had spies every where thus how he used to ran his church

  53. Anyway in AGAPE,Daddy This DADDY THAT. Because the church was going to be forced to Close if this matter was reported to the POLICE

  54. Vakangwara hamuna nhamo like daddy.but he is only problem is he doesn't help the poor when in that poor soul who wanted to be deported .thus when I realized God had since checked out and the other guy was now operating in Agape.I was hurt by that case.but bless the poor soul still comes to church

  55. I do agree with the written who wrote about "God rebuked me nd claped me saying why are you blocking the saints from buying your air tickets" So says Apostle Walter.
    Readers I personally called Ian and paid the ticket for Apostle nd Prophetess, after 5 days my wife called Ian enquiring about the next mission trip, Ian did not know that we were a couple, then he said the S.A trip ticketsfor ApApostle has not yet been paid. We all smelt a rat because I had paid for their tickets the previous 5 days, was shocked that someone on the blog paid air tickets for the same S.A mission. From the look of things it seems we are not the only saints who were conned if our hard earned cash. It's not fare Apostle, u are a ruthless man.
    It makes sence now that Ian is a fraudster nd money launderer how can you do that to your church people? ??????????????

  56. Readers I want u to look at the below Board Members on professional basis then make a comment regarding being effective in the meetings and their leadership qualities:
    BM Angela (grade 7 - hair dresser)
    BM Knock (bus driver - zjc certificate)
    BM Enock Wife (zjc certificate- care assistant)
    BM Evang W. Chikoore ( bus driver- zjc certificate)
    BM Tsisti Chikoore (care assistant- O level
    BM Chiedza Zunguza (Teacher- zim teaching cert.
    BM Gift Guvheya (zjc certificate- Security Guard)
    BM Mai Guvheya (Mental Nurse- zim diploma)
    BM Shadreck Masocha (Mental Nurse- UK Diploma)
    BM Gladys Masocha (Mental Nurse- UK Diploma)
    BM June (Grade 7- care assistant live inn)
    BM Noria CHokuda (O level 5 Us- care assistant
    BM Young Chokuda ( SIA badge- Security Guard)
    BM Gochera (zjc -care assistant- live inn)
    BM Constance Paedophile wife (student uni)
    BM Max Nyakutya the Paedophile (sex offender reg)
    BM Julius Gayakaya (Mental Nurse- zim diploma)
    BM Yvonne Gayakaya (Mental Nurse zim Diploma)
    BM Dr Sarah Aturia (GP not allowed to practice)
    BM Francis Aturia (Teacher-Ugandan Diploma)
    Dr Ian (GP/Partime- Agape Fin Admin-Fraudster
    BM Tendai (Hove sister Finance background background( Nil qualification)
    BM Wise (student university-partime care assistant
    Bary and Mandy (very succesfull business partners, interllectualls)
    BM Winnie (Mental Nurse- zim Diploma)
    Do you think the above leaders will spearhead the church to greater heights or they are just puppets of Walter just good at saying Yes to everything? ???

  57. Enjoys/Evangelist qualifications and jobs plz and what they can offer to the church and saints. Plz give us more information.

  58. cindy martin
    Just to clarify, I wrote this email mid December to the envoys before the envoys board meeting. I made the decision to leave agape during that meeting which actually opened my eyes to the misappropriation of funds and serious corruption in AFANMI. I brought the finance report home, made a few calls and there are two entries that I know for definite were not used for what the document says.Since I didnt get any answers and only one side was speaking, I contacted Jean and asked her for the truth about her feud with Dr Masocha.I have to say my view of her was totally changed after that conversation coz I was convinced she had some multiple personality disorder and was making things up.If there had been a proper set up in agape, the Jean issue would have been resolved long before other families/individuals got dragged into it.All she wanted was her family back and Dr Masocha acknowledging what she thinks was his contribution to the break up of her marriage. All the other saints/individuals were unnecessary innocent collateral damage. Many who walked away hurt and bitter and disappointed have fallen back to the ways of the world. There is no need to call anyone suskum, nobody could have prescribed an antidote for such chaos.
    I will briefly answer some questions:
    1539/1442/1727/1728 - Am i correct in saying that you think because of hushamwari, I shouldnt have asked questions about such serious issues that go against the word of God. There is no way I will ever look the other way especially when there is sexual abuse issues. Believe me even if it was my husband, I would have dragged him to the police myself after beating/boxing/judoing the confession out of him.(Ndati Bill ndaimurikita zvisina mukare akamboona, zvibhakera zvemangoromera pachirume furutaimi) Some fathers are struggling right now, trying to gather the courage to ask their daughters what went on.I have duty of care as a child of God and as someone who works in the health profession.For a father to be scared to ask their daughter the truth because they are paralysed with fear and they feel guilty and blame themselves.You can call me anything you want but I will never ever stand and cover up for anyone.No amount of money can buy my silence on such matters.Is this not the reason why we are here today, where people are covering up abuse for the sake of monies. I don't see how this has anything to do with my relationship with anyone, that's something I have chosen to live with.

    1. I RESPECT you Cindy.Sando dzako nezvipikiri ngo ngo ngo!I believe you when you say you cant be bought- bribe blinds the eyes according to Proverbs..l wish there were more true,professional and objective leaders like you and Eunice..who have no blind loyalty irrespective of facts stating otherwise.Thank you for fighting the good fight of faith on our behalf..may Yahweh protect n guide you n take u to greater heights for HIS Kingdom..l also believe you would beat the confession out of Bill n take him to the Police yourself hahahaha had to laugh coz its true u are capable:not becoz u are bad or violent but you stand for the truth and are are true shepherd n parent who serves n protects.Thankfully Bill is a blessing n a decent human being so theres no need.God bless u for enlightening me and helping me decide to leave Agape after 61/2 yrs..
      Area 6

    2. Envoy Cindy how can I contact you my husband is refusing to read the blog or to leave Agape he is also saying Jean is not well mentally. He is saying he is willing to die for the vision and I fear single mothers in Agape will snatch him if I stop going to Agape with him. Help please.

    3. Newcastle get off the blog

    4. Cindy you said you contacted Jean there are two sides to every story did you try to contact the husband. Why are you ignorant of the texts the apostle showed the board when Jean was begging him to allow him to divorce Shingai.

    5. Cindy , thank you for all your guidance and teachings. You will always be a Pastor/Envoy in my eyes. Its a shame you are no longer a Pastor you have the gift, all things work together for good Madame Cindy Martin

  59. Writter you mentioned Philda EE obsessed with foundation. You forgot Lydia Thutukile Kumhalo, Lydia's face is now deformed. Akutenge chipoko because of foundation. She can't even go out be it pacorner store without applying foundation, kakutoita kune kambwanana Kane gwembe,. Look the guy Thurukire is handsome but mukadzi is a dead walking ghost. Surely Snodia was the perfect wife for Thutukile.

  60. Wat do u mean Cindy ddnt do anything tht woman worked hard for the church she helped me and my family with rent and food when we were stuck wud cozy Neuk had offered me a room I highly doubt it plz leave a blessed woman alone God bless u Cindy and Bill love u lots

  61. Concerning Tinashe, he was never kicked out of cosy neuk, my son got him a job here in Kirkcaldy without both sets of parents (Martin/Masocha) aware. He wasn't seeking refugee at all.
    Concerning Geoff and Sandra's wedding it was not Tara's (my daughter) wedding so I have no idea why people think I had influence over the guest list. For your information even my 2 sons were not invited. if its an issue then ask the couple concerned. I was close to Sandy she was my yahwe and she did a lot of stuff for me as well.She welcomed my family into agape Stirling with open arms and I have no bad word to say about her in all honesty. My husband and I did a lot more stuff for a lot of people, as far as agape africa on the quiet without Dr Masocha knowing. In fact when I came back from Zimbabwe in October 2013 my husband and i were planning to move commissioner Fungai out of rural Seke and we had planned to 'pay'(send) the 2 commissioners and the Zambia envoys a fixed amount monthly. I moved out of my marital home for a week to help a saint who had had an surgical operation such was our life in agape, we were indeed not running but Mo farrahing/usain bolting it with the vision.

    1. Cindy!! You are blessed of God!! Thank you for standing up for truth!! If you love truth you love Jesus Christ. He is the way the life and the truth!! I do pray something is done about what went on at the youth conference. Underage sex is so so wrong. These kids are emulating what they see their hypocritical parents do! What parents don't realise is that your kids are always watching you. So nothing is secret! You can not discipline your child if you are a hypocrite you kid will only talk back!! If the family foundation is destroyed what can t he righteous do??? I think I would rather worship at home than take my family to a church that turns a blind eye on child abuse.

    2. I RESPECT you Cindy.Sando dzako nezvipikiri ngo ngo ngo!I believe you when you say you cant be bought- bribe blinds the eyes according to Proverbs..l wish there were more true,professional and objective leaders like you and Eunice..who have no blind loyalty irrespective of facts stating otherwise.Thank you for fighting the good fight of faith on our behalf..may Yahweh protect n guide you n take u to greater heights for HIS Kingdom..l also believe you would beat the confession out of Bill n take him to the Police yourself hahahaha had to laugh coz its true u are capable:not becoz u are bad or violent but you stand for the truth and are are true shepherd n parent who serves n protects.Thankfully Bill is a blessing n a decent human being so theres no need.God bless u for enlightening me and helping me decide to
      leave Agape after 61/2 yrs..
      Area 6

    3. Please can some one tell us what the masochas have ever been for any one. They can't say they looked after Joy cause she was worked for them and now she is paying rent like Mapinguri in Zim is paying rent to Walter even if he is not working. Walter tells pple that he gives a lot, yes with mouth but not action. I think we can count things that they have really given out and with a reason well I'm talking about giving socks and t shirt to the cooking team.Shame on you walter and judith.

  62. Concerning Beauty Gochera, between her and her husband they work more than average going hours so they can look after their family. I will forever stand for the truth and if Beauty was benefiting I would have known and i would have exposed it.She was always cleaning toilets at conferences and she was not attending some conferences because she couldn't afford it.They have a mortgage and I can assure you they pay their own bills. She doesn't deserve this abuse and false accusations. She hasn't abused anyone and if people remember she broke down at the ladies conference crying about her son not going to university because of lack of finances.

    1. So if her son was not going to Uni due to lack of funds why do u say she could afford to look after family. Just stick to what u know and dont contradict yourself.

  63. Cindy can u shed any info about EEs

  64. Envoy Cindy can u stop painting Sandra as a saint the girl is wicked an evil. Her wedding was the downfall of Agape and u come and talk shit that she was your Yahwe. Sandra is the downfal of Agape through selfshness. You are not a saint yourself u sound like Masocha has just paid you. Mai Gochera this Mai Gochera that do u live with her 24/7. Pple here know what they talking about so shut up if u hav nothing constructive to say.

  65. I never kissed Dr Masocha and he never kissed me but I do not at all minimise whatever anyone has gone through in agape. I never went to surgery but only attended with my husband when summoned on maybe 4 occasions in total.

    The young person who writes about the youth conference, I only found out about it on the blog and my husband broke down in tears and brought the subject up with Ian. He was told that it was 'sorted'.However one set of parents told us otherwise and there was indeed no counselling or follow up offered up till now (one child) and one set of parents are taking it further. Another reply we got from some leader was 'she wasnt a virgin', we were made to believe it was only one child.Even so does that warrant an orgy at a church youth conference or should we redefine ccip. Indeed well said, my point exactly, where the spirit of the Lord if there is no sodom and gomorah traits.
    If just for one iota of justice I will not shut up. If it will bring healing to one person then I will put my hands up and say thank you Lord. I had moved on quietly but I am being used as a scapegoat kuti I have destroyed agape,just because i asked questions.
    I can only answer what I know and as for the blogger who tried to discredit me and falsely signed off as Itai (a true man of God Itai Matiza) thank you because I had a nice long chat with Itai and his lovely wife indeed all things work together for good..Trying to make up stories about me and Mr Walter Nhliziyo shame on you cover upper person.You are the reason why more people went through some horrible ordeals muchi cover chete, today kiya kiya iye mazvikiira. I didn't even know the players in the Munei Chikukwa abuse story when its meant to have happened. I first saw it here and called Mary and we met for prayer that evening in my spare bedroom. I wasn't even born again during the time and I was never in zaoga. I only met Munei when she was pregnant with her first child and I sure don't hide behind anonymity.
    As for the person who tried to define rape, we are talking about minor children. Please have mercy, inzwawo tsitsi.

    This is all I can publicly say, What I dont know I am sorry I cannot answer. some stuff is still confidential and its up to the people involved to speak in their own time. Those who just took the stance of jumping in and abusing jean maybe like me call her. Behind this blog is a young woman who has lost everything. How can anyone celebrate another human being homeless nevana. If anyone remembers, Dr Masocha said God showed him Jean as the person who would bring agape to the TV and theatre and that she was going places. Thats why she was walking about achibhamba carrying herself Oscar holder style, Halle Berry swagger like. Some will remember this its on dvd, akaruka wuru (wool) yake mumusoro.

    Anyone who wants me can get me on email
    mobile 07881864939. Just cindy martin will do please.

    1. Its true Masocha foresaw the vision, I give him respect for that, Jean is the one who is making Agape famous. Only that The Lord forgot to tell him on what circumstances

  66. Beauty haana chinhu purizi, zvikwereti zvega zvega thats why atiza kuenda ku AFM. Even in their house they are not allowed to talk about agape, if they were eating do you think they would run away from the mu shackles. Murume wake tanzwa nekumutengera chapu munomu leicester. Havana chibuns.

    1. If it is true that Beauty has gone to AFM we say hooooray! What took you so long BM. This is the first step of a journey of a thousand miles. Now the next step is justice for MAININI. It is better to have nothing than to be corrupted with dirty money. We love Baba and Amai Tino it has pained us seeing you not taking action.

  67. 21/01/14 (23:28) anonymous, Dog the Bounter Hunter. you are so obsessed with Nhliziyo. it appears you are the debt collector for Agape??? or you have been sent to harass him. read through the blog and see how many you are that are attcking the man. am certainly you are part of the mafia squad that is also attcking Cindy. you were an Envoy, you are NOT doing Agape any favors. you are actually enforcing what Nhliziyo and many other people are saying, that you are gang that belongs to a repressive cult. how on earth did Masocha appoint such a man to be an Envoy? i beg your pardon, should have asked, with what we have learnt in the last 4 months, my friend, you are a disgrace. granting you the pleasure that you do not deserve, why are you so particular about Nhliziyo returning money to an organization that you no longer are a part of. you are extremely deranged. from your blogs earlier, it appears Nhliziyo has ignored you, am glad. lastly, but certainly not the last, why are you using Jean's blog to collect Agapes dues, if any? shame on you envoy wama masocha. put your name and contact details on the blog to prove your claim is genuine, short of that, you remain a heartless and faceless lowdown fraud.

    1. Listen Nhliziyo, Just because you have managed to fool the masses doesnt make you a saint. You are a blood sucking parasite, hoping to reap where you did not sow. Coward. You sat there whilst Eunice your wife faced the heat. Eunice is the one who wrore that email. Not this MRC looter. If anyone is a bounty hunter its Walter Nhliziyo. You went to Zimbabwe and Namibia, with whose money? How many times have you harrassed the church for payments. You are in it for money. You sit and await your for you turn to loot the tithes. If there ever was a rouge in Agape its this insect Nhliziyo. I respect Eunice, the brave woman who put a fight when many would not.
      Nhliziyo dont pretend you ignored my email- you responded and you know you owe a lot of money for the MRC. We did not steal like you. We left as we came but your bank balance swells will illgotten riches from the chirch you publish about.
      Why do you get women to fight for you walter? Eunice and Jean, fighting your corner.
      If there ever was a fraud its you Nhliziyo the true hero is Eunice, she wrote all the above in an email and we all fot it. You then reforwared it to Jean as if its your work. Its not. Eunice I respect you, why you live with that worm of a husband i dread. But as a strong woman we know you can and you will overcome.
      Tell Nhliziyo your husband that after persuading us to leave Agape we all did. How come he is still claiming to be more agaped? That paltry salary has helped you. A leach blood sucking man who has been sipping Eunice's blood ever since.
      You want to know why im on the blog? Silly- you brought the matter to the blog yourself. First you attempted to be the Namibian evangelist who wanted Jean addressed, so you forwarded the email to Jean. Straightaway we knew it was you!
      I have no hate but i call a spade a spade. To Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser. Look at Cindy, she left with nothing, she owes noone. Elijah owes no one. Actually to cut this story short its only you owing.
      Be true. Be faithful.
      The world can crown you but Jesus will say get away i dont know you.
      Dont use Eunice. Do not use Jean. These are great women. Women I respect not you. Never you. Never Ever. Why are people wanting to beat you? Its because you cant fool them all.
      Those who disagree you can now pour your poison. Im immune. I wont respond any more. I hate looters. I hate parasites. Get a job man!

  68. (2128) Masocha, Hove, Aturia, Chiedza, Guveya, owe us millions in stolen tithes, MRC, overalls, DVDs, etc, you name it, and knowing the situation between Masocha and Nhliziyo, you are a BIG way Masocha would approve a loan to be granted to Nhliziyo. As an Envoy, you should know that he is so creedy with his monies to a point were you were NOT paid a salary by Agape. now how do you explain that? you are one of his agents and you really need to be put to order. put your name were your stinking mouth is. Ex envoy what a shame, using the blog you were commanded NOT to read by your dad Masocha to attack another envoy, or anyone for that matter. we want you to contribute to real issues NOT show us your knickers. prove to us man enough, sign your name.

  69. 2313pm, what a daft question, common sense prevails, she must have remarried to become a Mrs Mthuniri. please dont waste our time asking silly questions. issue here is Masocha was married before to Tinashe Mum. he has never told the church that, neither are we clear if he married Judith or varikuita live-in. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. gore rino!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. Hamawe i am sitting here in shock.thank you envoy Cindy,you have given me a reason to leave.chokwadi is out now.masocha mu fake.i wasn't keen on the blog only started yesterday and now i know why we were being discouraged.i am out for good.what about my money.i was reaching targets for miracle.Ian i want my money.masocha i used to direct debit you.i am going to the police to report you thieves .masocha ndi ali baba and the 40 thieves sure.
    On the mountains, in the valley, on the land and in the sea masocha is a thefting thief

  71. Hi My name is Bruno Rico' just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage... I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... You can email him via Don't give up just yet, the different between 'Ordinary' & 'Extra-Ordinary' is the 'Extra' so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it. you can also call (Dr Eromosale) on +2347034673139.

  72. Agape you like stealing money Attache Sally tamanzwa kuti muri nyasha ye benefits fraud does Job Centre know you were part of this bogus fraud talk to your husband he knows better maiwona mese ku church and we have it on DVD whilst you said you were not together that blackeyd pee of a wife you have I wish she could keep things to herself now zvabuda and you know the rules Mr Eddie Nyakudya BM pamwe kikikikikiki BM my arse

  73. I am very impressed by you Cindy Martin. I would move heaven and earth to marry you in the next life. I adore you so much and I am actually infactuated with you. Your Bill is the most lucky man on earth to have you for a wife. I am pleased with your diction spiced with a scrumptious sense of humour. Excuse my feelings I just can't help myself

  74. Saka Judith is heartless steali mari yet you can't help your own sister or shall I. Say won't you are one heartless husband stealer. I wonder kana amai kumusha unobvumirwa kuvatumira Mari iwe. I just wonder saka beauty chawaifira chii.


  75. We just want to know if Valentine's boyfriend was approved by daddy.Valentine kuda varume mwana uya uya too much .Tanya mwana waEunice was stopped na daddy from ministering cause she was dating Kuda attaches Margaret 's step boyfriend who was once in the Divine rainbow led by attache Judith Luton so how can she cum to church vamwe vake ana Daisy Knock vari above the law not only does Daisy have a boyfriend but they sleep together I don't mean just sharing the bed but having SEX .imagine Tanya ndiye akatanga flag worship mu Agape but Sandra wanted Aim to lead it Then Tanya removed then kuma eagle wings ndiye futi akatanga Daisy whose always shacking Junior Mr Kadiki is still leading to the extend of being bought tickets achinzi ari kuno minister iro hure rinorara nevakomana.

  76. I hate EE Tinashe he thinks ari kushamisira achipa mastupid announcements hanzi don't go ku Cosy ,if we don't go where will they get the groceries from .washaya nyaya Barbara imbwa yemunhu.wakapindwa neu EE unofunga kuti zvinoshamisira uri kutu yemunhu chaiyo .kushata

  77. Saka sei baba step dad va Tanya vamunopa mbiri vasina zvavakaita on mo than 2 occasions Tanya achibviswa muma teams.musapa murume uya uya mbiri

    1. Yes Nhliziyo when Tanya was removed on 2 occasions (banner&E.W) why did you not stand your ground. I bet you that day in Newcastle you called your family up to the stage I bet your daughter in her heart didn't want to go up because of the way she was wronged

  78. So what happens at the there tambureni retreats?????
    Viagra i think. Baba vanotamba chipisi pa pulpit. No dignity at all. Then he looks at the 4 corners of the dome as if Jesus is there standing with angels. Ptu worota igevha. Chigevenga chebuhera.

  79. Attache Margaret am in shock the same guy hana kuenda out na Sandra here once so them kunumber 9 doing lovie dovie Magie so low here Dai wakatora hako Baba vanoita ma DDB vaye ne choir chete its not your fault all needed was Love.

  80. There's no Church Stand that was announced as having been bought last yr. The stands we heard of were bought before we joined Agape. But there's a wrangle with the seller. The other one is said to have been donated by a saint. Of all the stands, the church members haven't seen them however. A, lmi. Elijah can't leave the church. Is there truth in the allegations? Is it not the devil at work? Its confusing. Can dad do that? Where's mum Judith? Um, hamheno. Pliz investigate thoroughly. Apostle? It can't.

  81. Im lost for words.

  82. Faith Nechironga , when are you going to stop chasing Walter and start looking after your husband? Business woman my foot - you need a reality check.

  83. Sad,why bring Attaché Maggie in all this nhayi ?she is a faithful girl.Thank you for updating us about those who have left.Many will be leaving,but please let's go peacefully.all the best to Mr & Mrs Yafele,Mr & Mrs Nyenya,Mr & Mrs Phansi,Mr & Mrs Siziba,Mr Chikwezhero wife to follow,Mr Nhliziyo wife to follow,Mr & Mrs Martin,Mr & Mrs Ncube,Mr & Mrs Munetsi & many more,the list is endless,Ddg Tari,Lucy Kadiki,One wonders why all these people have gone?? Is it the same story or different stories please Taurai so we can also be saved,please give us list of attaches & stewards and saints who have left,There will be a New structure soon and it will be derived from the Bored Board Membs,how many Envoy's are left now?... Cindy wow u just reminded me about Jean going LIVE on TV,little did I know she will be talking about Abuse heyiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  84. Am confused is Dad some sort of prophet because he did say people where going to KNOW Agape through Jean and that she was going to be Live on TV. Did he see it in the spirit. Experts on prophecy, fortune telling and sorcery pliz clarify.

  85. Cindy Martin we need you help .As your are fighting for justice for the Saints and those who left AGAPE.Please can you help us in getting our ALL our money back .We need a Committee to take this further .Even sending A Pattion to the GOVERNMENT. We were robbed in day light.

  86. interesting question....reminds me of the jews who killed Christ...when asked whom did they prefer Jesus or Barrabus...they cried out something to the effect that it was better for one man to die for the rest of the pple...they also cried out let his blood be on us and our children.....they indeed prophesied and the prophesy was fulfilled.....lm sure when he said that about Jean he thought he meant one thing....or was it some other spirit speaking through him? Jean this could be a subject of a whole chapter of your book...its worth pursuing...come to think of it a number of books can be written from there are all sorts of issues and angles

  87. the irony of it could be that it will turn out to be the only prophecy which he has made which will come true...but not in the way he thought....but then the Devil can also see into the future and make pronouncements...remember the damsel in the book of Acts who had a spirit of divination from whom Paul cast out an evil spirit and her handlers were mad with Paul coz he had taken away their source of living....remember what the spirit would went like..'these are servants of the most high God who lead us into salvation'.....that spirit was indeed telling the truth about Paul and his colleagues...but still it was an evil not an expert on sorcery or fortune telling or prophecy....just my would be interesting to hear what others say...this blog is turning out to be very very interesting and even more topical...God has a way of turning out a disaster into something big for the glorification of His name ..with very practical examples..those who wish to learn can indeed learn something...what a great lesson for Zimbos in particular...the deceivers, and the deceived

  88. OMG I remember that prophecy like yesterday Dad said people from all over the world will watch Jean LIVE on TV. And Jean will make Agape famous. Why had this prophecy been forgotten till now. Envoy cindy you have opened a book of rememberance about the Jean prophecy. Jean please release the DVD of the prophecy. This is mind blowing the only TRUE prophecy by dad.

  89. ANONYMOUS 15:07, I wonder how old you are. People on this blog are talking about abuse and yet you still come on this blog and say dad, dad zvisina basa. Hauna baba here iwewe. Do you really know the meaning of dad?! Do you come from a broken family or something. Shame on you, just look at Walter. Who on earth would like a father akadaro nemwoyo wake iwowo. You even sound excited about saying dad did this.

    1. Iwe she can call him whatever she wants! Hazvirevi kuti haana baba! We call "baba" to all adults, if older we call them sekuru. Hazvirevi kuti handina sekuru ok! So like the writer above no harm done in calling a man she has been calling dad, " dad". Inga Jean says it also " he was my daddy".
      So please desist insulting for no reason. This comment has been reposted over and over zvoto bhowa so get this dad is a reference to Dr Walter Masocha. I still call him - dad, even though i left, not because of any abuse but for my own reasons not sinister or bad. I take no sides.

  90. Cindy its funny how you contacted Jean and drew up a conclusion without speaking to the husband. There are two sides to every story my dear. Its funny how she is saying she is homeless and all she ever wanted was her family back. God is a God of justice the truth of what transpired between Shingai and Jean will always come out. Its sad that Jean was highly dependant on Masocha and he was tangled up in their marriage. You are doing a wonderful thing of supporting her , God bless you, but l will just say this to you YOU KNOW NOTHING IF ANYTHING SHINGAI IS LIVING HELL. God bless you as you continue supporting Jean not many people out there have such a heart

    1. Shingi must do the sober and shameless thing of returning to his wife and children. What transpired between them at the centre of it lies forgiveness. The Musuka family must mend ties with muroora and stop interfering in her marriage. Personally the combination of the in laws and the tetes against a daughter in law can be heart drenching. Personally l also think if Jean and Shingi had not joined Agape their marriage would be probably standing. Ane benzi ndoune rake kudzana unopururudza.

  91. In relation to the liverpool youth sex scandal polite mutambirwa's daughter is the only female child who had sexual encounters willingly. The other girl was not willing but because it was in a big room she could not go against everyone the girls would have laughed at her. So it was rape and today she is traumatised she was raped by Malvern Kadiki twice in the night. Both girls were told if they were done at the back doggy it wont be as bad as front.So it happened. She was told anal is not as bad as front so she has to live with it. Sorry to sound dirty but if u think i am lying ask the two girls who were raped it was anal sex and were told their virginity was still ok. sorry.

  92. Asia Mana wa Kadiki Anita zvevarume Kubota zvevarume uko ya .

  93. Its so funny people like Faith Nechironga have husbands who love her that men has stood by his wife or shall I say a real man .they are hard to find when he left Agape we thought he was mad but now I see he could see all this falling apart .Faith why don't you just leave the church oh it was hard after all those things you did to people and still your Dad stood by you no:-)w you have been given our money ite anongopiwa Mari pasina zvaita ndiani I wonder.pamuromo pana Faith soka.

  94. Who remembers the Rainbow season or times, poeplewere mad with this, as for me I never saw any rainbow, ecept the usual one , and the Angels period. Dzakangozo disappear no more rainbows and angels any more.Pese pese vanhu vaingoti , ndaona ngirozi , ndaona rainbow mumba..... It is still my prayer to see an angel of God one day.

  95. CINDY - I am amazed at the lack of wisdom you have displayed here. I agree with You sound like a just person but have no idea that that the scales of justice are balanced when you hear from all parties involved. As I said they are referred to as scales meaning you put one weight on the other side and another on the other side before you conclude Cindy. The problem here is simple - dad nominated people into a higher office without training them. Mind you he also suffers from the same lack of pastoral training. But I will address dad's inadequacies later. An envoy who listens to a wife and fails to call the husband - is impartial and very dangerous to the institution of marriage. We thank God you left as you would have caused a lot of acrimony in many marriages had you been approached. Why? Because you jump to conclusions without hearing the other side of the story. The principles of natural justice have been violated here by you. The principles of natural justice concern procedural fairness and ensure a fair decision is reached by an objective decision maker. The "audi alteram partem" rule here is that a person like Shingi and Jean has the "right to be heard" and "nemo judex in parte sua" i.e. no person may judge their own case" this applies to Jean who has made herself the only wronged one. Shingi is very accessible, as a woman of God I believe that once anointed you remain a pastor unless if God says He has removed it from you. (If you were really annointed in the first place) So do the right thing here. I am emailing you Shingi's contact details, talk to Shingi about the marriage issue. I am blessed I have had an opportunity of hearing both sides, Jean through the blog, Shingi face to face.
    Trust me here, when you hear his side your eyes will open up. Also sit down with ambuya Musuka, as well as Envoy Getrude and Jean.
    You could have been an instrument of peace by sitting down with these people and reunite this family. You could have used wisdom and tell Jean not to abuse her in laws as well. Two wrongs do not make a right if she was abused nothing justifies her abuse of the Musuka family. We teach people with love. The word of God is very clear it says "Vengeance is mine". Since dad has chosen to do nothing, a position I dont support but who is ininiwo pakadayi? But you had a chance, you still do to be a peacemaker. Coming to the blog like this will not help as Jean needs her family and you haven't done anything yet to help or bring these two young people together. Get wisdom. In all thy getting get understanding! You have poured fuel to an already raging inferno! Now you have reminded everyone yet more contentious issues. Inzwaka envoy Cindy- une basa, gadzirisa vana ava kwete kutira masides usina evidence. Be wise arise and shine.

    1. 22.47 You are such a wishy washy nincompoop. It chills my blood to even read the rubbish you have written. You sound more like Masocha himself, or one of his sidekicks, trying to cow envoy Cindy into a sense of guilty and self pity. But you wont win it. The stupid legal brouhaha that you spit out here clearly out of place. Envoy Cindy is old and wise enough to use her judgement to a fruitful effect. If you read well what she said you will know that she initially thought Jean was a lunatic whose place is in a mental hospital. But as time went on, and things started unfolding, her eyes were opened to the other side. So she knows better fool. You seem to have been irked by the fact that her renunciation of cult worship has delt your organisation a body blow. You write such a long message without even tackling any one of the allegations that is levelled against your daddy. So dont you dare try to preach impartiality, you are too stained to do so.

    2. 22.47 why do you want envoy Cindy to sit down with mbuya Musuka? Was she married to Jean? What about you, have you sat down and spoken to mai va Tinashe to hear of the abuses that she suffered at the hands of your daddy. Though you hide behind anonymity there is one thing that is apparent from your writings. You are a fully grown man. How do i know this? It is because there is no fool like an old fool. You definately are old and foolish

    The police force is adequate enough for that if he is resisting arrest, which he wont as its my duty to convince him to do the right thing. So i will persuade him to hand himself. I am his wife, friend, confidant, i keep his secrets. Of course nothing sinister because he is a good man otherwise i wouldn't have married him!

    1. 22.51 yes thts how 'YOU' would deal with it. But makes you think evrryone should deal with it that way?

    2. 22:51 are you saying you would stand by your husband if allegations were filed against him, then listen to his side which he would probably deny his wrong doing. What would happen if you had daughters wouldn't you make sure they were safe first. Often in these type of occasions there is no smoke without fire.

    3. Futseke iwe, even when you hear your so called father of your kids has rapped someone else's child, is sleeping with half the congregation? Ndimi vakadzi vanogarira vana imi, woigirwa chirwere nekufira kunzi Mrs. Tibvire apo stupid. Protect him my black ass

  97. I am a wife, I am a mother. I have children. I feel for any mother in Jean's situation but I dont see how blogging will help the marriage. But the church is indeed affected. The marriage is being pulled further and further away from any reconciliation. Nonetheless, If God allows I will talk to Jean. She is too hurt and lashing out for now. But one day I hope to seek to help this young couple reunite. My Message to Jean:- Hope is not lost even now Jean. Shingi is hurting too. I can say this - hope is not lost. You two could decide to stop hurting each other. The children need you both under one roof. I believe people can move on but so far you both haven't so hope is not lost.

    1. You are so right. Jean and Shingi should seek common ground and open their eyes to the harsh realities that await them should they continue throwing trash publicly at each other.

      In fact, I would rather they reconcile, leave the UK, come to Aussie and start life anew with new friends, new jobs and a new environment and church that enables them to have a fresh start.

      Yes, no hope is lost. At some point I thought I would be single and with a new wife at this point. But I thought of the children and the reality of harsh and bad possibilities they faced without a strong family abd decided we would put selves aside and move on for their sakes.

      So, yes Jean and Shingie, put selves aside and come back together. There were too many in your marriage. Limit the number of people who tell you what to do and move on.

  98. Vatendi vemu agape maimbonyatso namata aniko imi. You know the foundations of you church where originally built on lies, betrayal and deception. And from my knowledge of the word spiritually these things are passed on. It's becomes the ruling spirit in the church affecting all aspects of your structure as a church. Did you not see the prevailing spirit of backstabbing , pleasers of man than God, spirit of jezebel wrecking marriages , raw deception manipulation and suppressing the poor and weak . All against the word of God . Attaché and envoy are not eve biblical ... You should have known then that it was all a sham and circus.. The commotion here and in you church is because of your foundation . Anywooooo!!! Those you who know God and have a relationship with Jesus Christ yfind yourself a good church and love The Lord your God with all your heart and you might. He will restore and bring healing . I pray for your guys

  99. TO WALTER MASOCHA (Prophet)
    Walter you are likened to an angel of darkness,but now you can run no further,you can hide no longer. Even your defenders will not be able to defend you for The Lord of Hosts is about to rise up against you. Walter you know the scriptures and there is always a warning before destruction so I will not preach to you,it is still not to late.
    Can I highlight to you James ch 4 especially vs 8 and vs 17.Walter the wages of sin is death. Ro ch6 v23.But GOD demonstrates his own love for us in whilst we were still sinners Christ died for us. Ro ch5 vs8. Now Walter even though you know the Word of God open your Bible and read Romans ch10 vs9 and vs13.
    Come now,and let us reason together,saith the Lord:though you sins be as scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;though they be red like crimson,they shall be as wool. Is ch1 vs18.
    Jesus Says,Behold I stand at the door,and knock;if any man hear my voice,and open the door,I will come in to him,and sup with him,and he will be with me.
    Love from a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  100. .What a cult it started from the head of the church.Attache Xavier Muneyi Zavare busy cohabiting in Oxford saying he is praying for the girlfriend.Please Agape leaders dont mislead people.Male nurse,security yaDad nxa


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