
Friday 31 January 2014

Archbishop Dr Walter Masocha arrested!

Church Release first statement on website as Leader remains in custody

Dr Walter Masocha spends the night behind bars and is to appear at Stirling Court on Monday 3 February 2014 charged with multiple sexual offences  

Ahoy Team Jean! Ahoy Keyboard Warriors! 

I can now confirm with my close Team that Dr Walter Masocha the leader and founder of Agape For All Nations Ministries International was arrested last night at his Cosyneuk Mansion in Scotland charged with sexual offences and is due to appear in court on Monday the 3rd of February. God is a God of justice indeed! I can also confirm that there is great weeping at Cosyneuk Mansion as stepdaughters Sandra and Sharon are distraught over the arrest of their father. The Prophetess is also said to be inconsolable over the matter. I am lost for words myself but I am going to be travelling to Scotland Stirling over the weekend so that I can face Dr Walter Masocha in court and look him in the eye as he is the man who broke my marriage and took away my children's father. As you know my husband Shingai Musuka forsook us to follow Dr Walter Masocha and he has not seen his kids in over 6 months and refuses to look after them financially. He also refused to pay the mortgage so my three children have lost their beautiful home. But God has heard my cry and today I can confirm that the monster who ruined my life Dr Masocha is now behind bars as I write this. I also wanted to remind Patience Musuka and Emmauel what ever his surname is to start looking for another Archbishop to wed them on their Agape wedding on 3 May because unfortunately their Daddy Masocha will be behind bars as he is not likely to get bail. I can now finally write in my native language, mwari vakanaka shuwa! I have lived to see justice served on the man who cruelly abused me! Team Jean keyboard Warriors farai neni zuva ranhasi! I will be seeing Dr Masocha in court on Monday as he will be charged with sexual offences! 

Please see below the sorry statement they released on their website yesterday. 

Agape For All Nations Ministries International Response to my Blog! 

There have been recent postings on social media that have involved and affected many people in – and with links to – Agape For All Nations Ministries International.
What initially began as an attack on a small group of individuals quickly involved other leaders and saints throughout Agape, and in some cases affected people outwith Agape. It has since largely became a platform for cyber-bullying, gossip, harassment and slander with others doing so in spiteful attempts to settle old debts or old scores, some of which predate the inception of the ministry.

We acknowledge the impact that this has had on the personal, family, work and church lives of many saints in the ministry and empathise with the hurt that we together have experienced.
It is worthwhile noting that Agape FANMI uses the money it receives to help achieve its stated claims and objectives and specifically has never given money to support, buy or loan the purchase of nay property, house, or car for anyone. This has been independently verified by our external auditors. It is also worthwhile noting that the Archbishop is married to one wife, our mother the Prophetess. The accounts of the church, which are prepared by a reputable firm of accountants, are publicly disclosed and discussed every year at the AGM during the UK Family Conference.
Since many of the accusations and statements posted on the social platform could be libellous, the Archbishop, Prophetess and senior leadership are receiving legal advice on the whole matter and do not wish to comment on the details of this at the current time.

We want to thank and appreciate all the saints, stewards, attaches, envoys, commissioners and Board members who have supported each other, the vision, ministry and have continued to worship and serve God during this storm.

As a ministry we draw the lesson learnt and accordingly we are reviewing our practise to minimise the risk of any similar situation arising in the future and to provide effective, timely support for those involved with such difficult situations. We reiterate that nothing we say or do in Agape is meant to direct our worship at any individual; only the Truine God (God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit).
Although we support the right to free speech for everyone, we do not view social media in general as the appropriate platform for Christians in particular to air personal issues if there is a genuine desire to have them resolved.
There are clear instructions in the Word of God shared extensively in Agape that give direction on how to effectively address concerns that may arise between individuals. These include Mathew 6:12, 15 and Mathew 18:15-17. These Scriptures demonstrate a clear path of effective dealing with concerns through leadership if needed. We in Agape endorse the application of these. We believe that discussion of issues between individuals not directly involved is largely unhelpful and can be harmful.
As has already been communicated, we discourage all saints to respond to things posted on social media.
We suggest that saints spend time studying the Word of God and invest their spare time in more edifying activities and pursuits. We encourage all saints and leaders to keep on mission implementing the vision and to be united in prayer and mutual encouragement at this and all times.

Grace be unto you, and peace, FROM God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ (1st Corinthians 1:3)

Dr Masocha now in custody

 Archbishop Dr Masocha signing the marriage certificate of his step daughter Sandra and Geoffrey Chihuri
Patience Musuka with my husband Shingai Musuka and brother Shepherd Musuka
 My once loving husband kissing me at the Agape Couples Conference 2012. 


  1. Hallelujah! May justice be served on Monday......

  2. Agape muchamama..... Masocha ndiwe wakazvitangira wega, Nyaya yako yekuda kuzviedza gamba.

  3. Mushamarari ndiridzireiwo Pidigori waenda kana Chikerema waivhaira

  4. 14:45 - That is a criminal offence and you can be charged for making such threats if police picks this up or taken further by the victim.

  5. Acha anointwa nemabhanditi kujeri achainhonga sipo ago piwha chipo karma

  6. Pamberi naMwari!!!!!!!
    Pamberi naJesu!!!!!!!
    Pasi naSatan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Pasi naMasochaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Pasi naye!!
    Down with those who abuse in the name of God!!

  7. Agape, what a weekend without your Daddy. Hove uripikoooo, shaura, Ko Judith uripikooo shaura, Francis uripikooooooo, shaura, shaura Sandra shaura, shauraaaaa! Ko Agape muripikoweeeee, shaura, Ko Daddy varipikoweeeeeee, shauraaaaaaaaa!!!

  8. Well....well....well. Jean, it seems you are indeed the Almighty's battle axe...As i said, if it is not of the Almighty creator, the truth, the Holy one, it will not come to nothing, but if it is, then the battle axe, will cut down all the wrong.

    May the will, of the Most High, be done in this case, in the name of Yeshua the christ.

  9. Best news ever.

  10. Futseke mhata iwe shut up. Your sister is a cunt. Imbwa mwana wehure

  11. It was coming. It is called BLOG POWER. I said before that Masocha underestimated the power of the internet. In fact his failure to issue an immediate rebuttal statement soon after Jean raised the serious allegations raised suspicions. It was not mormal. Of course, he is still to be tried and convicted but to AGAPE this is the final nail in the coffin. To Jean l would encourage you not to blog your evidence or continue discussing it in public. This may be sub judice and may be detrimental to the trial. Masocha's lawyers would be watching closely developments on this blog especially your own utterances. Remain strong girl!!

  12. The justice will be eventually be served> God is faithful to keep all his promises.Martin Gumbura convicted today in Zimbabwe. Walter Kandobongosocha arrested last night. NO place for all these false prophets and cult leaders.

  13. Lmao..

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015.

  14. AGAPE Leaders you were very slow to act, we don,t hid to what you have just said today. Why were you quiet all these months, nhasi chaipa chii , God is a God of love , he loves mankind regardless of whatever they have or do. The church was slow , many people are now hurt spiritually, physically and emotionally, who is going to heal, comfort and console them?.

  15. This has made my day. I will drink to this.

  16. Still Lmao..

    Gumbura is going down in Zim,

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015.

  17. Best news ever, Masocha waifunga kuti wakangwara. will be in court on Monday too ndinatse kumutarisa face yake, Seka hako exAgape.

    Ahoy Team Jean

  18. Team Jean u know what it's a year of Jubilee you are going to celebrate this year.

  19. i hope people will now choose churches wisely. mukangonzwa yamuka momhanya kuti muve pedyo nema "apostle" nema "prophetess" muchagara muri pano muchichema


  21. We thank God! May justice be served on Monday

  22. used to go there,the way this so called daddy hugs vakadzi vevanhu was so ungodly, I hope those who were abused will not be afraid to speak up. Thats why akabuda mu ZAOGA nenyaya yema dress

  23. In Scotland for someone to be brought beforethe courts, there must a significant evidence, which I have no doubt there is otherwise the procurator fiscal wouldn't have brought the charges if there was no case to answer of which here there is. Agape is in trouble without their leader.

  24. How can a leader accused of sexual abuse among other series misconducts respond by writing a 579 lousy word statement after 5 months. That was a poor statement unless it was written by his right hand man Hove or Francis.
    1 He avoided the sexual abuse allegations,
    2 Why he finds it right to be massaged by women saints and not his wife?
    3 Why the massage is administered in a dark room.
    4. How he justifies a hefty salary
    5.Why having one to one surgeries with minors
    6 Why he rubbished the idea of having those looking after kids to be CRB checked
    7. Why it took him this long to respond and only to do so knowing he is going in custody.
    8. Why he lied about the UN job
    9. The purpose of love offering in relation to the word.
    10. Nothing about him watching saints via CCTV camera in his bedroom and if they are any(hidden) cameras in his bathroom/toilet and fir what purpose.
    11. Nothing about the alleged linked Agape companies?
    So he never touched on all the above issues. He even tries to take himself out of the whole saga by saying" what initially began as an attack on a small group of individuals".
    He talks about the use of church money being verified by external auditors as if people are not aware as alleged, that he has awarded/facilitated a hefty salary for him and Judith as way of moving church monies for their personal interests/gains from the church account.
    The so called doctor even tries to use the bible to make his victims feel bad by suggesting that they should have taken him separately on the side and told him they felt wronged by him so that he could just say I'm sorry.(Mathew 6:12:13)
    The statement has not been signed off suggesting it was hurried job or done by one of the unwise BMs.
    And lastly the statement gives the remaining saints the permission to read the blog but not comment. I think this is because he reads the blog as well or would want to get updates from those who read it.

    The verdict is yours


    Unrevised material please use common sense where necessary!!

  25. Samson destroyed the philistines with a JAWBONE. Agape has been destroyed by JEAN's KEYBOARD.

    Judges 15:15 - 17 Paraphrased

    15Then she found the keyboard and started a blog. She picked it up and brought Agape to account with it. 16Then The keyboard warriors said,

    “With the keyboard ,
    We’ve piled them in heaps!
    With the keyboard,
    We’ve brought Agape to account!”
    17When they finished their boasting, they threw away the keyboard; and the place was named Agape Destroyed By The Keyboard"

  26. It is quite obvious Agape without its leader is dead. Walter Masocha is the face of Agape and can't survive without him. Agape made serious fundamental flaws;
    1. there were no proper spelt out rules or disciplinary code to guard against abuse of women
    2. no spelt out conduct for the Arch Bishop to make him accountable to the church
    3. no laid down procedure to handle a crisis
    4. the hireriarchial structure is not clear especially at the top. For example who is second in command with 2 commissioners. No clear succession rules
    5. the Finance Board and entire Board was not autonomous to make their leader accountable
    6. Non transparency over finances which allowed uncontrolled expenditure
    7. the Constitution of Agape is flawed. There is too much power vested in the office of Arch Bishop

  27. Ibva apa bwende iwe vanomamisa tovaziva go and hang a million times

  28. Gertrude Musuka, Langton Mburayi, Joy Maxwebo, Passmore Maxwebo, Ruvimbo Matorera, Odingo Matorera, Patience Paysh Musuka, Muchengeti Hove, Julius Gayakaya, Yvonne tormentors

    Are you there????




    1. They are probably mourning right now or praying for his acquital. Maybe they are planning to see the land tomorrow in Nottingham. All roads lead to Nottingham hahhaha.

    2. Hello Jean LET'S CELEBRATE. Very Proud of you.LETS KEEP THE PETITION GOING.WeWant to FREEZE THEIR ASSETS vadye uswa

    3. Muchengeti has called for an absolute fast and enerst prayer.Wake up people,dont you see its not the devil BUT GOD cleansing his kingdom from corruption and evil.They have been praying and fasting for no specific reason since 9 October under Hoves guidance.But still Gods will prevailed.Wake up people!! Manzi munamate but never told wamuri kunamatira is in custody..munovanzei?lf hes innocent why hide it n juss want us to be puppets n pray like you made us pay our monies without accountability.Itsxtime for truth Hove,no more hiding behind the devil.

    4. Bitch you think they are dead? Do one they are live and kicking and all roads lead to Nottingham tomorrow. agape will flourish n carry on with or without Apostle get that.

    5. How can light and darkness prevail in the same place. One breath the words that are coming are unthinkable for a child of God and the same breath praising somone not sure who. What about let your words be seasoned with Salt

    6. They are in Nottingham sweetheart the work of God doesnt stop because Masocha has been arrested. The prophetes you were saying is unconsolable is here too sweetheart. Viva Agape it shall flourish by the preaching and the doing of his word. Sando kuna mom Judith l wasnt expecting her here , thats when you stand tall and say the work of God continues. Daddy is just a leader with many leaders. Mum said last night " We shall celebrate that this has happened , ndinotenda Mwari" those were her words and she said she shall take over. Agape Nottingham woyeee woyeee

    7. Anonymous 7:33 you need discernment!! Pray for it! The Lord is separating the wheat from the chaff!! Be a wise virgin!!! Agape is a cult which has caused God's name to be blasphemed. If you are a true believer you will seek God on this matter. All these things taking place are not coincidence!! Stop worshipping men and seen after God with all your heart!!!

    8. hanzi na 0733 Mum says she will take over. Kikiki, vanhu havafunde nhaika. Anyway this church will be placed under investigation and hopefully it will be banned. ndizvo akabudira kuZAOGA, kuda madress. This church is nothing but a business for Masocha which is why he wanted someone to start the church with. Mazimbabweans, dzidzaiwo weduwe. Leave this cult

  29. Iwe mbwende iwe usatyisa vanhu hapana kana 1 chaunoita. Go hang a million times

  30. Up to now Agape does not have the guts to sign their name at their statement above. Who wrote it come out openly, if you mean what you write. What does it mean to say Grace of God be with you ... on what?.
    Viva Jean,viva. God will see you through,

    All roads leads to Scotland now, ............


  31. Let truth prevail from uk to Canada to us to south Africa to Zimbabwe let truth prevail. The only person mad is the devil when he is exposed

    1. Masocha regai ambonosotwa.Matarisiro aaiita those vasingabvise tight maone. He wld not smile or greet u back.He had his own way of makibg u feel uncomfortable. My husband never wanted to wear the stupid overalls ndaitoshaya pekutarisa nemadzvokorerwo ataiitwa nakanda mbwa yemunhu.Have u noticed kuti iye nemukadzi wake were not wearing zvimaovarals zvavo.Makambozviwonepi kuti every conference inoda tshirt Cathy nadaddy vako mwari vachakutongai.Sharon muroi mukadzi uya matarisiro aaiita vanhu ungati arikuona marutsi mberi kwake especially when u r looking elegant than iye.Vazhinji vakachemedzwa naye Ask Cynthia mwana kwaye waaibulla .Masocha wld always take Sandra side iye ariiye ainetsa vasikana vemabunners I stopped my daughter to do the rubbish. Vati vadii mai venyu havasati vatanga kuchema patichauya juzotengesa tuproperty itwotwo vacharira.Wese aiziva about abuse dzamasocha muchinyarara muchatevera daddy venyu .Vana Hove mangamaakugona nemamoves ake kkkkkk kusanyara murume mukuru .Muchi naTina vaiziva who to greet kana usingabvise mari they wld ignore u ivo vanozviziva mbavha dzevanhu.i am glad murume wangu airanba kuti tibhadhare mari kuchechi kutofunga kuti ndaimutsamwira ndichiti zvinhu zvedu hazvizofamba kkkkkkkk semwana aive wadaddy thats what he wld teach hanzi nemavoucher anobvisirwawo tithe kubira varombo I hope the ideot rote in prison.

  32. well done Jean

    I wonder what his sister Mai Dube and her friend Mrs Tapfumanei are feeling right now, these two were also busy abusing the church funds. They should all be investigated. Walsall Branch is in chaos because of Dube and his accomplice Tapfumanei.

    People used to go to scotland for the so called surgaries and end up getting abused sexually, some families were destroyed by Masotcha because the wives were told to sleep with him in order to conceive. Masotcha has so many kids born as a result of the ladies attending the surgeries. I am glad I never bought the £1000 brick, God opened my eyes.

  33. Followers of Sochaz even if you love your evil dad more than God, are you not ashamed now that your profit is locked up for questioning?How many more allegations do u want before your opened? No smoke without fire. Are you gonna wait till he is sentenced? It might take long though however your tithes and offering are paying for the best lawyers and you still donating to this pedophile. Muchi we know that you are in partnership with this man that's why you keep telling people lies. Madanhi are you going to represent your papa on Monday? Anywhere Madanhi you are luck bcoz your daughter was going to be next, remember when your apostle was saying Ruth is a virgin. Ask your self Madanhi why an old man Masocha ask your daughter about her virginity and I think she was 16 or below then. Mr Sekete of Leads ask your daughter if she wasn't abused as well cause in August 2012 she was given a lift with Kanda and it was just the 2 of them. Lydia Tendai Mukona ask your daughter I know you are so thick and you worship Worota act like a mother. Coventry

  34. Regai ndimbotaurawo semunhu ndanga ndaane mavhiki maviri ndisina kumbonyora asi blog ndichiverenga hangu...Team Jean Ah Woye!!! Mainini ndakataura ini ndikati mhosva hairove kusvika yatongwa. Ndikatizve musaputse sungano yeBlog. Its unfortunate I cant join you in scotland on Monday due to work commitments but I would have loved to be live ndichitamba kongonya ndichiti Worota zvakakwana zwawakaita zvakakakwana zvawakati abuser aive mazuva ekusaziva blog...Pamberi beJustice....AGAPE NOWHERE!!!!!!


  36. Zvakaoma we stand for the truth that issued statement on Agape website was just full of nonsense they should have just kept quiet like they having been doing if daddy goes down surely Hove must go down too they have been eating church money together what they are really afraid of is the petition cause they is prove that money was been used for personal gain they have opened businesses using that money they have done high risk profits deals with banks look at these people evangelist Mary she will rather have their daddy saved at the expensive of their daughters this is food for thought good people please jean the money issue must be investigated also nokuti ndopane nyaya yese ipapo

  37. 1857 Agape will leave... my arse. all th roads to Nottingham asi murikuenda kunoshandirwa kani. yadeuka yadeuka daddy vave dhodhii....kikikikikiest

  38. It goes without mentioning that the culmination of Masocha's woes can be linked to the Musuka family. I don't know why he made them (Langton and Getrude) pastors considering their troubled family history. I think the way he handled Jean's marriage problems was not entirely wise. Maybe if he had a team of selected Elders maybe he would have had been given sound notice. On paper it is not just good for a young couple with 3 kids to divorce just like that.

  39. Good afternoon ladies! I need your help! A man called Richard Shonihwa and a woman called Sarah Phiri cohabitating partners! As well as Marx Madume from Agape church,Took two new beds of mine at my property in April. Shipping the beds to my )mother in Zim. The two beds have a total of £798 plus shipping. ladies! Till now nothing has happened! then I contacted the consumers who then advised me to write a letter of breach of contract which I send with a scale time of 7 days to demand the money equivalent to the beds. The three of these crooks did not respond. However, I did contacted the consumers again and was advised to write a second letter warning the culprits that they received a letter if demand which they did not act upon on. Therefore, I gave them another 14days to claim the money . Then Richard Shonhiwa the attaché of Agape then send a very vague letter saying that the person who shipped the gods to wolves bay in Namibia is the one responsible and his company name and address as well as telephone numbers. The story goes like this, ladies! agape is just a church by its name. There is no holy people who can do bad deeds like this to other saints! I am so hurt! I have left Agape full of phrases ! Now , the finally point is I am heading to small claims court whereby, Richard and his other culprits will be brought for justice. I do feel that justice should be done to sick people like them. Thank you ladies !!

  40. Vana vaDaddy Masochabngorisi Profit Worotas varipi zvavasiri kumbo commenter nhai. Natete Jean tinosvika chete.

  41. It hurts at the same time I don't know how to feel.

  42. Jean: Ndiwe wazomugona SATANI. Satani haauye aine nyanga kuzo rasisa vanoda mwari. Anouya ne ma hugs.

    Thank you for empowering vanhuvese. Vafundisi vese vanoita zvakadai vachatanga kufunga vasati vaita masaramusi avo. Muma church eku Zimbabwe variko vafundisi vakadai. I hope Walter will in the News and on BBC and ZBC kuti vakawanda vazivekuti Nyaya haywire.

    Koiye mwana hama yaJudeth aka abuzwa ari mudiki adii kuita come forward this is her chance for justice. chance yawato piwa na Jean use it.

  43. Jean may God be with you .. I believed you from the beginning ,, may the God of justice fight for you and bring you a victory in Jesus name .. sister in Christ and friend of an ex agape victim

  44. Agape children pouring out on whatassp. Hanzi na Odingo Matorera


    1. Odingo shut up! What kind of a name is Odingo anyway. Thank Jean that at least your photo made it on Baba Jukwa kikikiki

  45. Ruvimbo hure ra Daddy Masocha..


    1. Are you a victim of masocha? THEN COME FORWARD NOW

  47. Lol this calls for celebratory drinks. I need to pop a bottle of champagne for this news.

  48. There is God in heaven fighting for his children.

  49. Can anyone remember where Dr Walter Masocha did his pastor's training?????????

  50. Envoy Theresa MOSQUITO Chikwezvero, plz respect our choice, stop sending Agape texts to me, my husband and friends, we kissed goodbye to Agape last November and there is no amount of money that can woo us back.
    You are inviting us to this weekend Nottingham National Get Together, fokoro, delete our mob nos from ur contact list.
    Manga majaira Kunakirwa need Envoy upkeep, groceries handiti. Kusanyara iwewe na Elijah. Hanzi come let us reason together, Apostle want to Apologise and show the saiits the acquired land.
    I repeat don't text us we are not Agape saints anymore!!! Endai kubasa you are only left with Attaches they can't manage to give you the upkeep yamuri possessed with.

  51. Ahhh hezvo, this is breaking and sad news for Agape Church and all the MASOCHA Family in Zimbabwe, UK, South Africa etc.
    I feel for Shadreck Masocha of Milton Keynes (UK) he is very genuine, very loving and powerfull man of God.Ope he will be ststrong during them days of trials of Apostle.

  52. Breaking News. Patience Musuka and Emmanuel Odogwu have called the wedding off till further notice. Patience been crying all morning ari kumama rough she's at GET RUDEs house in Southport where there's an emergency all night prayer only Polite Mutambirwa, Gogo Sukaz and Roy Mapfumo have turned up including Patie and Langtonaz. Everyone is gathered at Kempton Avenue Southport nhasi zvangu amai imi kune pungwe ku Southport nhasi. Seka hako ex Area 7 member. Handibate.

    1. This is too shocking for me I am speechless. Getty na Langton vatiparadzira Agape takangotarisa tichiiona. Why did Apostle appoint them as leaders they should not have been in power. Imba yaparara.

  53. Lydia Khumalo, you don't even have a qualification, Some saint's were clever and intelligent by going to University you and hubby madofo evanhu. Who is gonna employ you Lydia????????
    Basa rekuswerrera make up and phoning People from England kuti bring me some Meat, guru. Useless face yanzwa foundation.

  54. Should i go to the police? I too was sexually abused but dont have the guts come forward. Ex agape

    1. Sexual abuse is very hard to deal with, but why should your abuser get of with it just to abuse others not yet abused. God is on your side. X

    2. Come on saints lets pray for all of his victims.

    3. If only the first victim had come forward there wouldn't have been more, my point is you owe it to yourself to get justice and make sure this never ever happens to anyone. I am a mother with girls and can't imagine this happening to them especially at the hands of a Pastor. I am very disturbed I trusted this man as our Shepard. God bless you my sister be strong in the Lord and to all the victims may the Lord comfort and strengthen you during this time. It will be a long ride but I pray justice will come through for you guys. Agape members please do not insult the victims just because it didn't happen to you and also what right do u have to claim that he didn't do it. Yes we loved the vision but the men failed us lets all admit that instead of persecuting the hurt where is agape love in this? Some of you go as far as taunt Jean as a lunatic just because u had personal vendettas that's just wrong. You when they said this at church I was very disturbed, how can a church call anyone a lunatic. I thought a church was in the business of setting the captives free. Vekwa Musuka you failed as a family to help this young family. Shingo was supposed to stay with his family no matter what ,could have joined another church. Think of your children Shingo and do the right thing pride pasi baba your children are far much better that the so called musikana and blobs dzakamira. Show me a woman who will have dzinomira forever lets get serious vanhuwe. If at all Jean tried to hit amwene am sure she too has learned a lesson here but please Zimbabwean in laws all over the world please keep away from majoring couple vachiri kukura. Where in the world do u find a couple that does not fight or go through issues? I know apostle was in the business of turning couples against each other, he did it to us and I vowed I would never waste my time and go to those stupid counseling sessions.
      I am not condemning anyone but am praying for all involved families involved cos that's what Christ would love his children to do. Please everyone refrain from using vulgar that is the language imported from the kingdom of darkness.I have been reading the blog since day of inception and have been wondering why people were ripping each other apart when the justice system is there. Team Jean please for the victims I will too they are going to need strength what's with the vultures that were unleashed on Baba Juke mazimbaka imimi Dai vary vans venyu marinara. Listen I respected this man too but kana munhu akanya akanya chete veduwe. To those who stand with their father please pray him unto repentance, he is God's child too but don't intimidate the victims just because u want to save the face yechurch or u r trying to get back at Jean. She must have ruffled a few feathers mu agape or maybe some of u were just plain jealous anyway that's beyond the point lets for once as God's children treat each other with respect.
      And finally a message to you pastors all over the world I know some of you have been following the blog please stop abusing the children that God has entrusted you with. The greatest commission was never about sexcapades but it was about winning souls for Christ. God is not a man that we can mock, he is threshing his church. Some of you doing nonsense in his name see the King of Glory at work. Please feed his sheep for righteousness' sake. Some of us are grieved in spirit at the way the church has fallen in it's way we all should this is very disturbing. To those who had started attending for the first time in agape and left disappointed please do not give up on God there are good churches out there, don't go back to your old lives. Jesus loves you. Ndatenda hangu.

    4. Am sorry my message had so many errors but am sure u will figure what I was trying to get at. The message for Shingi please child of God go back to your family. No girl with mazamu akamira kuti twi is worth your children that's just the truth my brother. Every woman loses those boobs after giving so what's the heck don't listen Kuna Patience, to me that girl needs deliverance what's with the venom that she unleashed on this blog. Anatete veduwe ngatibudei mudzimba dzehanzvadzi.

    5. YES you need to come out. There are people waiting for you, they will comfort and help you through this. Your abuser deserves to be charged with their crime.... Ask to speak to a female police officer if you think it will help. DON'T FEAR GOD IS AT YOUR SIDE

    6. Please for the sake of other people do the right thing. Please phone me on this number 07845446795 and remain anonymous .......My number is a UK no

    7. Go now is the right time

  55. Why do u feel happy to see another man suffering?

    1. Yes wat do get wen is arrested. Nothing. Hazvinakidze kufarira down fall yemumwe munhu

  56. All roads tomorrow leads to Nottingham National Get Together/Open Visa. Open Visa Open Visa, this bunch of uneducated Envoys and Board Mbrs sure they think all saints are fools they can easily take for a ride nhai. What they don't know is there are quite saints with Masters and PHDS.
    EE Tinashe you are urgently required in Stirling for the Security duties of Apostle.
    HAZEL you are required to read the bible in Nottingham kana Aturia ave preacher.
    Ana Hazel you were possessed nekuverenga bible forgetting kuti there are better young beautiful readers. Kushata kune Rhino! !! Tinashe EE and Nyasha EE they skeptical with more than half of the waiting ladies including me. Hanoi Tinashe Tinashe my handsome man, ndozvakaita handsome izvozvo????

  57. Nezuva rakasungwa Joseph muEgypt zvakabuda patweeter, Facebook, BBC, neZBC kunzi kunzi Joseph mwana waJosepha asungwa. Akatobudawo paNews dza10pm dzakachena vepress vachiti tiudze. Kunyangwe musi wasungwa Jesu Christu akatoonekwa achirohwa nemapurisa zvikaiswa paheadline yema newspapers, nepaTv 12pm news a false prophet calling himself Jesus Christ asungwa kumeso kwakazvimba nekurohwa. Ini handipinde Agape asi yambiro ndeye kuti makanga musipo pazvakaitika hamuna chokwadi nazvo. Takavona vamwe vachifa vachitambura neCancer nekuda kwekushaya pamuromo uye nekutenga nyaya isiri yavo. Iwe fugama utendeuke zvivi zvako siyanai naMasocha. Asi anenzeve dzekunzwa anzwa asi uyo wekurasika acharamba achirasika zvachose, uchazviona nekuenda kuGehena kutarudza kuti wakanga wakarasika iro bible unaro kuchurch uchienda. Vanotuka tukahenyu ndokitaridza kuti uri waSatan nekuda kwezvichabuda pamuromo pako. Unngatsamwira nyaya isiri yako haupinde kuchurch kwacho. Aiwa ndatenda hangu God blesse you

    1. You think all these people are stupid nhai? I was there pa official opening ye walsall branch, Daddy the way yavai mbundirana nevakadzi vevanhu handina kuifarira, vamwe vachigara pamakumbo pake, apa mukadzi wacho was there achingosekerera, that day vaive vakapfeka green vese, Daddy vachida kuzviita kunge Jesu vachigarisa vana vasikana pamakumbo avo inini ndakati why is he only picking young girls not girls zvakanzi ndizvo zvavanoita pese pavanofamba, kugumisa magaro evana vari innocent nechinhu chavo. From that day ndakati yangu tsoka haife yakaenda ku agape.

  58. Who said he did his pastorship in ZAOGA revise your history if you insist why was he sacked or did he leave ZAOGA??????

    1. Who doesnt know kuti he was sacked baba Guti pavaida kumuisa pasi peshamhu nenyaya dzake dzechihure. He was an evangelist mu zaoga asati atanga agape yake. Chihure chake hachina kutanga nhasi. Vanhu vaive vakamumirira pa Bethel Centre kuti nyaya yake itongwe and from that day haana kuzombopinda zaoga futi nenyaya yenyadzi. Vese ana mai Macheka vanomira mira ku agape vaienda kuma surgery ake achitori mu zaoga, Akazvibuditsa mu zaoga nenyaya yechihure.

  59. Who said AMFIC ZAOGA you need to revise your history: Ok do you really know why he left ZAOGA or rather sacked??????

  60. Did you say Richard Shoniwa and Sarah Phiri (The Wet Dreams) are cohabitation???
    Since last April mudikani your beds are not yet in Zimbabwe?? Maxsam and The slim wife Lenity v Richard The Thief Shoniwa and Sarah The wet dreams, mark my words youv will never ever get the bed. Just pay a surprise visit to their bedrooms they are sleeping on your beds I know it's true, I know these guys they are true conman. Remember Richard Shoniwa and Maxsam Madame were implicated at the Waiting Ladies in St Andrews after squandering and coning the waiting Ladies of their hard earned cash. Matsotsi evanhu they hide nechurch.
    Just press for charges inorder for you to get your money.

  61. Kuzoku accuser of being mentally unstable ndo masasi ema abusers mxiu imbwa dzevanhu. Nhasi izuva rako jean and sando dzako dear. Wavawachisa ende vaita kumama chaiko. Clever girl. You rock!!

  62. Jean we need update on how the Apostle is doing in the cells. Did he take his waitrose menu?????

  63. Commissioners (UK) Chief Administrator Ian, Apostle Walter, surely the word of God says find the lost and equip the found. YOU DECIDED TO DISMISS WALTER NHLIZIYO? ?? Ask yourselves guys, was the dismissal of NNhliziyo Godly?? It's the first time in a church kuti someone challenging the leadership and fighting for saints Will result in being dismissed.
    You got it wrong regardless of you being Commissioners, Apostle or Administrator.

  64. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:16-21)

  65. Hosting Team, "Evian water is required in the cells, Apostle only takes Evian water and egyptian towels.

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. 23:53 anonymous, the day your daughter or wife gets raped I wonder whether you will say "vengeance is for God" urichituta chemunhu, one day surely you will know what to do mwana wako akauya achiti I have been raped.

    1. Rape is very serious and should not be sniggered at and use the Word of God to minimalise it. Even in the Bible, which is the word of God there are laws which we are told to follow. THEREFORE RAPISTS SHOULD BE PUNISHED.
      23:53 I pray that your rapist is brought to trial and pays for his crime. Also may The Lord our God heal you and restore you from this terrible act.

    2. If you want to scatter the sheep, striike the shepard. Foood for thought. Maone

    3. 00:01 and 00:42 - are you struggling against God's word? You need help. You need salvation. I wont add much. The word says it all. Dont get carried away God is watching us

  68. Isu vamwe takazarurirwa apo hama dzepedo dzisisina kuenda kuAGAPE kunze kwevana vanova heirs to the riches ZvaMwari hazvidi hondo. The truth always come out

  69. Masocha left ZAOGA because of his series of allegations of abusing women and young girls as young as 9. This cult leader is a serial pedophile .
    I have known this guy from Zimbabwe. Masocha is our Zim Savile and Martin
    Gumbura of End Time Message.I met Julius Gayakaya when he was at Belvedere Teacher's college. He is a nutter I tell you.He is full of shit. I was somehow shocked to hear that Masocha is a Bishop in the United Kingdom.I knew vakadzi vachadamburirwa mabhurugwa with this guy. He was a pain in ass at UZ.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Baba Jukwa's post yesterday asking Walter to explain his scandalous leadership in UK. Asi Baba Jukwa makapenga.thumbs up mudhara. sando kwamuri. I know Phanzi family from Zim apa ndonzwa kuti Caroline akabviswa bhurugwa na Walter. Fuck that mhani. Phanzi why did you leave Zaoga???. Anyway muchasura zvidhorofiya mese maita abuse people muAgape Cult. Kamunhu kanzi Jean kanoda kuitirwa braai vakuru cuz kane dhiri. Sando dzako Jean.
    None believer
    Madzimai ngwarai nokuti Sochaz wacho anobuda nehasha muchakwirwa too bad.

  70. Ecclesiastes 3:4-8

    4 There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to dance.
    5 There is a time to throw away stones and a time to gather them. There is a time to hug and a time not to hug. 6 There is a time to look for something and a time to stop looking for it. There is a time to keep things and a time to throw things away.
    7 There is a time to tear apart and a time to sew together. There is a time to be silent and a time to speak.
    8 There is a time to love and a time to hate. There is a time for war and a time for peace

    We have come a long way, walking through the valleys, gullies, mountains, hilltops, forests with our dear Jean. We fought a hard battle and to day we have annihilated the monster that is Masocha. His cahoots namely the Musukas and Gayakayas will suffer the same destiny so to speak. The keyboard is mighter. Indeed who would have thought little Jean and her unlearned Keyboard Warriors would have stood a chance with the many Agape Doctrates?

    Today is a new dawn in the life of Justice. Let justice prevail not only for Jean but the 11 year old, vulnerable asylum seekers and many women taken advantage of by the devi incarnate Masocha.

    Congrats team Jean. The next chapter is to pursue the rest of Jean's tormenters one by one. Collins Musuka Get rude's biological father an incorrigible paedophile should also face the music for rape. We will not rest till Collins is behind bars. Mosva hairovi!!!

    Ahoy Team Jean! Ahoy Keyboard Warriors!

  71. Please do not make the victim feel bad by quoting scripture. So they should have just kept quiet until more and more women had fallen victim? The Lord does not expose evil so he can shame anyone but rather so the perpetrator can repent. One thing I know God loves us all but pasi ne abuse of women and children esp in churches. Women have it worse by being treated like second class citizens all over the world and now you want them to suffer in silence in churches? Where can iwomen run to if not to the Lord. There are no winners in this case but please if we don't support victims so many will suffer in churches. God hates ugly. Churches should never be allowed to get away with abuse, tomhanyirepi? These women will suffer for the rest of their lives and some will probably never want to set their feet in church(i hope that never happens). Everybody should be free to worship in a loving, trustworthy and comfortable environment that's a right for everyone. Look how long Gumbura went on for so long. Ndaramba abuse muchechi yaJehovah.
    Dai murimimi mainzwa sei. I pray that Masocha comes out of this a reformed man ready to accomplish that which the Lord created him to do and so should his victims. I believe Mwari vaida kumushandisa murume uyu asi he fell. I am not judging we all can fall this is why we need to pray for everybody involved so that none is lost to the enemy.Agape needs your prayers too don't hate the sinner hate the SIN. Amen.

  72. hi Jean i've tried to post a comment on here but it's too long and it wont post, i've tried to cut it down the best i can but it's still too long and chance i can send it to you and you can read it and see if it helps other people?

    Former Agape YOUTH

  73. Evian water kuita sei kwacho?? matuzvi evanhu..!! kumba kwako unomwa evian water here iwe? akambofa nekumwa from a running tap water kumusha kwamasocha ndiani.? aimbomwa mvura yekupi before agape..? kwanai mani iwewe... stupid cunts..!! heeeee Egyptian cotton towels.. Walter akazarwa ne Egyption cotton? stupid imbeciles..!

    The whole of your hosting team is full of fucking idiots..! you need serious psychological help..!

  74. I'm so sorry for The Agape and Masocha family..... Jail issue haisekanwi

    1. anonymous I may not be in Agape and have not experienced abuse and am not dismissing it, will always be Daddy Masocha's daughter as I believe God orders our steps. I believe I was in Agape for a reason. I am just a saint and been truly touched by all I read from the blog, concerning Dr Masocha and Jean even the entire church.
      Everyone who was an Agape child or still there will agree that most people were so, so commited and there we are. Lost and hurting in all manner.
      I pray for the Masocha family, forJean and the chidren, for Musuka family and all the families involved, children of God in such times as this we need God more. The good thing is the word of God confirms that, "he will not live us nor for sake us"
      Let us pray, surely what is happening is unGodly, some churches have controverses and heads are put together, issues are solved and the work of God goes on . Why is Agape in such a mess, what spirit is prevailing, complete mess.

      May we join hands as human race and pray that the name of God be not used in vain.

  75. Notice how Gilbert Deya's crime of humanity is synonymous with that of Masocha's. The bottom line is justice prevailed in the long run.

    UK:Pastor Gilbert Deya Arrested, Charged with Sexual Offences

    Published: October 29, 2013

    (London)The Kenyan preacher (who is an ally to former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga) who claims to have super powers to create babies from mothers without necessary intercourse, Gilbert Deya, has been arrested for sexual offenses.

    Mr Deya whose church claims to have more than 35,000 members and once set up a fast growing assembly at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, was arrested after investigations were opened that he allegedly inappropriately touched a 14 year old girl. Other charges before this one were three counts of rape and one count of attempted rape against another female 

    He appeared at Camberwell magistrates court on Friday and will duly appear at the inner London crown court for a preliminary hearing on 8 November.

    Deya’s wife is barred from the UK for more than 5 years running to date being confined to Kenya where she was convicted of smuggling children out of the African nation to take and hand to female church members in the UK with the intention of claiming the miracles. Several children were taken by social services after DNA tests proved they were not the kids of the church members and Mrs Deya was convicted in Kenya. Mr Deya himself was due to be deported back to Kenya back in 2007, when he managed to claim asylum and managed to stay in England.

    The Deya church’s theology upholds the obsessive laying or sometimes pressing of the hands by the preacher to “transfer” healing powers to the person needing prayer. They are however often performed without the person’s consent and people are also forced into laborious processions which Deya claims will rid them of evil spirits. Another controversy is on the use of so called anointing oil which Deya instructs people to apply onto their bodies for protection from evil spirits.

    An uneducated man with no papers of writ, he rarely preaches from the Bible and relies on what he says is the Holy Spirit leading him. At the height of investigations into his miracle baby claims in 2005, Deya began claiming that he had discovered new books which must be regarded as scripture and added to the Bible.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I was saying the same thing , finally the whole hype will come to an end we were all sick and tired of this issue. If he is put in jail they shall celebrate and write on the blog and Agape will continue it is not a one man church , Nottingham today is going ahead. If is not found guilty some will also celebrate. I have trust in the justice system in this country. The truth will prevail. Apostle Paul was in prison , me all l say it is all going to be interesting in the end.

    2. Why all this? Are you crazy? This is because we do not sanitise and applaud abuse. We want justice and more specifically him to be locked up never to hurt women anymore. Masocha is damaged goods. Do you think even in the remote chance if acquittal he would still command a large following? Never!! He should never be allowed to work with women at all.

    3. To 07:22 Are you mad? and I also say crazy. Do you not realize what this is all about? Justice should be done and if all involved in abuse no matter what their circumcises come forward then justice will surely be done. Not to mention other matters like the use of our tithes and offerings. Will agape continue I ask you who is the God of agape? may the Lord remove the scales from your eyes.

  77. Masocha breached a lot of trust in the name of God. This is why many people were hurt, I for one was very uncomfortable with the way ladies would rush to hug him. Even in marriages wifes were disobeying their husbands saying,'Daddy said'. You had no chance. Simple things that a couple could resolve women would rush to get Daddy's advice. He became the third force in marriages mostly with biased advice against men. He would say 'my daughter' whenever a woman cried on him and he became a controlling effect in marriages. I for one was sick and tired with my wife saying , 'Zvanzi naDaddy........ Honestly he was literally running my marriage. I am no woman oppressor but l do think as a man l should have greater influence in my marriage loving my wife. I should call the shots not Masocha.

  78. You got to love the police , the justice system in this country is lakker mhani!!!!!!! I cannot wait for the trial mhani we shall all testify with our evidence phones , emails , word of mouth. Hela hela gore rino iro rino paneachamama achachema achaziva Mwari ndi Mwari

  79. Hie Jean, can you please take off that prayer or what ever it is cause I didn't finish reading it from 00:01 and try not to give them that opportunity to air prayers and quote verses here please Jean, otherwise there won't be any reason to be here if victims are going to be followed to this blog again and made to hurt more!!
    People are hurting inside.
    This a platform for victims to tell their story.
    This is not a platform for Agape people to post their prayers when Walter and his men have abused girls and women.
    The likes of HOVE should know that now is the time and it's a matter of date before the police are by their doorsteps!! Better be kissing your loved ones good by now otherwise you get the chance when they come for you.
    Special dedication to Masochas right hand man.
    Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do, what you gonna when the come for you!!!!!repeat singing

  80. Fast Forward court case, Masocha's defence is likely to lay their case like this;
    1. Jean is a scourned and unstable woman seeking revenge
    2. she is bitter about the failed book deal
    3. she is bitter about Masicha refusing to axe Getrude and Langton Mburayi as Envoys
    4. She is the one who wanted to seduce the man of God by sexting him etc and he refused it
    5. She is bitter about her failed marriage and an attention seeker
    This is their strategy to try to blow holes in her story. However, the dilemna for Masocha is the other victims. Remember he is facing multiple counts of alleged rape. He would have to come up with a convincing story to the judge. It is a mammoth task. He may be acquited on others but l don't see him being acquitted let's say on 4 counts of rape.

    1. The prosecution in a criminal trial is the one with the duty to show beyond a shadow of doubt that a crime was committed. The defence will only begin when the state has established a prima facie case.
      So being timid is not an option if you want justice stand up and be counted. Talk to Jean if you feel intimidated, anxious or coy. Work together and encoyrage one another. Just say the truth and stick with the truth. Hope you guys get justice.

  81. I would again STRONGLY advise Jean not to blog evidence or witnesses once the court case gets underway. This include naming the other victims. I am sure you are in capable hands and advice-your lawyers are best suited to advise you. This may be prejudicial to the trial and may weaken your case. Like I said Masocha's lawyers would be monitoring closely your utterances on the blog. It is early days but I hope there would be widespread news coverage of the goings on in court for readers to be kept informed. For those in the UK some have the advantage of being present in court to hear for themselves. However, for the rest of the world you would understand if JEAN maintains her silence during course of trial. It is not that she would have disappeared. Your sources would be from tabloids. It is WISDOM.

  82. Anonymous 06:43,Kumba kupi kwaari, endaka unomuona. It's not even been 48 hours of questioning.
    You say no one is without sin. Here on earth I agree but not in the eyes of the Lord if I give my life to Christ. There are scriptures to support this which I will leave you to find. U are a typical Agape vision follower still living by the Old Convenant. That's why you let people abuse you. Hanzi hushe hwako hurikudenga. I can tell now that in the Kindom of God I'm no sinner.
    Not guilty does not mean you innocent with God but with the Courts.
    Innocence here on earth is judged by evidence not by the truth. Only God knows if you really said nothing but the truth word for word and without withholding any information. That's why people go under oath. On the other hand God said they will be administrations here on earth and that includes laws. So if you break the law and you are truly child of God you should say the truth and be judged and be prepared to receive your punishment accordingly. You are also given the chance to plead with the Judge to reduce the sentence on certain merits of which I Don't think Masocha is left with any. If it was a video game he would be on his last life, on the last level and I bet you know how difficult it Will be for him to complete the task cause at this stage the shots are now coming from all angles and those innocent victims are also getting up and firing before the enermy evades. Tough call. So anyway back to our story. So when you plead with the Judge after you have said the truth then you can use your Agape slogan" vengeance is for God" but that does not mean the self claimed annointed Masocha should not be touched. Masocha will still be touched by the judge, this is because God has put those people in place to do their duty of care according to the word. You have to have wisdom my friend.
    When everything is over I will give the scriptures cause now you won't understand a thing as you are disturbed with justice taking its course.



  83. To all the victims of sexual abuse please come out there is people who believe you . People who will support you and pray with you .
    When rape and sexual assault victims disclose their assaults they often risk disbelief, scorn, shame, punishment, and refusals of help, and many are concerned about issues like

    Families knowing about the sexual assault
    People thinking that the assault was their fault
    People outside victims' families knowing about the sexual assault .
    Their names being made public by the news media
    Contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) other than HIV/AIDS
    Contracting HIV/AIDS
    Due to these fears, the pain of sexual violation is extremely isolating. Victims often question themselves and distrust the world around them.

    Many victims describe the aftermath of sexual assault as an "emotional tattoo" that remains ever before them, much like a tattoo that is fixed just below the surface of the skin. Immediately following a sexual assault, many victims question whether the assault really happened or why it happened to them. The shock of sexual assault is often followed by additional questions that victims may or may not articulate out loud, such as—

    Should I tell my children? My parents? My partner?
    Am I losing my mind?
    Why can't I cry?
    What if I had done something differently?
    Will I ever get over this?
    Why me

    All these questions are normal questions and they need to be addressed. It's ok to talk to someone before going to the police . Going to the police is not easy . But it's important . Talk to someone today .

  84. 08.52 I agree with you. There is this term commonly used 'balance of probability'. This is for the courts to asess based on the evidence submitted is it probable that Masocha abused the victims. The problem with Masocha there may be 4 victims now let's say but if a flood of victims come out it is very difficult for him to win this one. With cases like this it takes one woman to open up (Jean), may follow suit. The scales are tilted against him, he can't be acquitted of all the charges-NO!!! All these women can't make up stories.

    1. In a criminal trial there is no such thing as balance of probabilities, that is the scale used in a civil trial.
      In a criminal trial its more high, the prosecution using witnesses must prove BEYOND A REASONABLE SHADOW OF DOUBT that Masocha is guilty. The burden is on the state and the victims not on Masocha.
      So if you are a victim you must stick to the truth. Never lie under oath you get charged with obstructing justice and minimum 4yrs. Just stick to the truth girls you will be fine. Ahoy

  85. Former agape youth I am not on his side he will need to face the courts and even worse face God.Please can you learn how to express your self with out using the wrong type of language I know it is hard hitting but we were all deceived by that so called prophet of God,so please when blogging remember that you are a Christian youth. from ex agape member and even worse I was a youth leader in a real church but chose agape.

  86. Nematambudziko agape church woye.

  87. Talking of STD's and HIV - I pray that he doesn't have any to pass on to his abuse victims.... Too shocking a thought!

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. Abuse happen in church to kids at a very young age. Men in authority abuse kids. She was abused as a young girl and if u are a father be prayerful, watchful and teach both your kids boys and girls. Both are being abused and vanonetseka vakura. There are so many things to worry about these days. Catholic Church denied it for a long time but many boys were abused for a very long time vanhu vachiti kwete bodo. Don't condemn AMAI. Make sure your kids are safe.
    as a Pastor you hv no excuse what so ever,you get to meet a lot of them married,singles,divorced,stranded,satanists,church prostitutes,light,dark,slender,bbw as a pastor touch them not-Never women alone without yo wife,Yo wife or women council shld handle women issues dont be seen tackling all issue leave some to them.Jesus said not to look at a woman with lust did you heard what Joseph when confronted with temptation ? he said hw can i sin against my master and commit A great against God
    she was probably afraid of the kind of discrimination like ths one. whether she took a day a month or a year to report it doesnt matter what matters is that she finally did and becuase she has reported it some ladies are going to be spared the agony she went to. Ths pastor has to be accountable for hs deeds
    Martin Chovota I don't support the abuse,but you women also need not to put your pastors at temptations, the respects you give the pastors, is now irritating us your husbands, how can the whole congratulation be fondled by one pastor, for once my mothers, sisters and aunties, can you learn to love your husband and God only, please,you shame us, thanx B J, but at times please teach these women only to open their private body parts for their legally married husbands
    Mgcini Macleans Its so sad that you want to involve the world to your failure. Just feel the pain of divorce alone coz if youre are a good woman you know God hate divorce and you were going to pray until God change this man. End woman stop this thing of openning your leg to every man pls coz you seduce the man of God forgetting that he is a human being like you when the nature call you save him with love and joy later you discover that someone sinfully like you have overtaken you you start giving the man of God mans pls stop this. To the man of God pls our down fall comes from this woman pls stay away for them this a workman of Satan him self BEWARE OF WOMEN THEY BRING DOWNFALL TO EVERY PREACHER
    Wezhira Zk I want to agree with u Thomas Misi. Arepewa anoripota just after being raped nt to come and confess after months or yrs umwe ataura. Munozvida imi vakadzi even frm de way u dress. Kushama chaiko. Apa muri muchurch ipapo muchingopekuka pekuka mberi kwevanhu. Nonsense.
    Archie Mabla Nzupi Mushayi Munovhurirei makumbo kana maenda kuchurch? why don't u open your hearts for the word of God to dwell in you
    Phillip Machingauta wavakutamburaka kutsvaka mari uko women dont be in church for wrong reasons
    I think you missed the point that this lady was married to this so called pastor
    I think you are the one who missed the point here. You are wrong.
    Archie Mabla Nzupi Mushayi Correct her thot maybe ndatadza kurava chingezi
    Revivalist Dominic Takura Dambie @archie yu ar ryt these pple wen they ar into it they will be fine with it sinning against God bt vakarasiswa and they ar grounded they start yep yep dai anga asina kunetsana naye munhu uyu aisa uya public zvaaita izvi ndivo vanhu vanoda tamba nezita rashe God himself will expose yu serpents yu think yu ar exposing Him bt yu ar both devil's workers if he really did wat yu say he did repent while tym is still there and some of yu vana Jezebel yu seduce a man of God and wen he realises that he did wat is wrong he lives yu wotsamwa wakubudisa pachena Tendeukai vaiti vezvakaipa
    Thomas Misi The problem is when the pastor sleeps with a woman in private the woman likes it believing that she has what it takes win the pastor 's attention.on discovering later that the pastor slept with many others in church then there is outcry for abuse and rape

  90. For those who were abused, please know that masocha has been reported for a lot of cases already so his file is heaving as we speak. Please do report or phone 101 and ask for falkirk police.i hope the number works in England.masocha started his reign of terror more than 3 decades ago so everything he did was planned from before some of us were born.he is a psychopath and the sooner you remove the dad/prophet/apostle fake mask the better and you will see the snake/beast behind it who molested 10 year olds 30 years ago.that man loves noone, and has no respect for nobody.the biggest culprits are the Lewis family who allowed this beast to molest a few within the family and continue to support him today.the whole clan should be locked up.remember the way he used to slag off his wife on the pulpit even announcing that there is only one prophet in the church we need to ordain more when Judith is meant to be one. In Andrews he said 'i was very rough to her' meaning Judith and he narrated some disturbing bullying woods he went on to molest her sisters and she is still covering up.people of God we allowed a beast into our lives and he was a charming snake.if you street your child was molested and they are not talking its because he had nasty gagging tactics but take the phone to the police if its the same number you will discover some disturbing text messages for this beast.we need to support each other., we all handed our children to this psycho beast believing he was a man who was given a vision and was called to be a father.lets not even unveil how he manipulated us all, where to being.i am putting together a small
    Any donations will go towards helping the SURVIVORS NOT VICTIMS. You have survived to tell the story. Don't see yourself as a victims. Victims are those who are still in it.

  91. I heard Sochaz had the big one that we all fear, she warned me off before I started going to agape... Whether that's true or not but I heard it ages ago and I suggest people must go and get tested to protect themselves and their families..

  92. Muripiko nhai Chiedza, Nomsa, Choga Otilia, Sarah Madziva, Kelly, Hillary Mashiri. Kusiya Zaoga muchiti vafundisi vacho havana rudo uye havana simba ndirwo rudo rwacho rwamakatevera here nhai vasikana newewo Ngoni Mandimutsira munhu wemurume. Sarah Madziva kusiya vana nevabereki vachembera more than a decade vana kukura dzava nherera urimupenyu uchiti dad, dad kuna Walter vaba vako vaMutema hauvazivi.

    1. Does Sarah have kids back home????????

    2. She has kids

    3. Sarah Madziva ane vana 4. Akabva kumusho year 2000 and up until now haasati aona vana vake because haana mapaper.

  93. Its also high time you so called victims take responsibility here. We were in the same church, we never got this far. Why would i massage a man who is not my husband? Some allowed it to carry on, what were you thinking. Next time when you see a man being too good to be true like Sochas stay away.
    Iam not being rude or crude here.
    Right now since October Jean has been talking openly. Talking alone when victims keep writing annonymously, not going to the police. Who are you protecting? Who are still afraid of?

    Worse, some idiot is still goung to a surgery LOL
    As i write kamwe kari muroad to Nottingham she thinks she is clever. But come tomorrow she cries that she is victim.
    Keep your children safe, stay at home idiot. Some stupid person is still paying tithes to a man whose aurhenticity is being openly questioned. Some are true cictims like Jean milked for her talents but from now onwards those going dad dad dad muchadya izvozvo. Pastors are resigning in numbers and you keep going to such a church.
    Kufambira iyo pungwe yekuDome kuti utambe kongonya! Shame on you girls. What do you want near such a man. U think God still speaks with such a man? Wake up

    1. At times women shock me. Zvanzi kwadzinorohwa matumbu ndiko kwadzinomhanyira. In fact a lot of the people criticising Jean are women. Why? They can't stand a fellow woman opening up to abuse. Masocha anombopeyi vakadzi kuti smusupporte kudaro? Asi ane mushonga kani? Men don't generally tolerate it maybe because they are protective of their wives and daughters..and of course their 'assets'.

    2. I think Sochas is carrying like a horse, thats why they flock. Ever heard of "MUBOBOBO". The women are dazed in juju and sexually exploited without rising up. Some are very lonely women. Look at Choga, she cant unhook from Sochas, look at Lydia she suppliments on Sochas. When i cvisited Cosy i saw things i saw desperate women crying for Sochas' touch, like Ethiopian hungry kids, crying for sochas to sex them up. I think he takes viagra. Look at viola she is too hooked and ready to marry an old man like that. The way chidhishi wiggles her bum when Sochas enters the dome its so sick i puke. Winnie is the horniest of all i think she used to be a chimbido chete. Kongonya kongonya like she has not been touched by a man in years. Choirmaster lol she faints all the time lol.
      Grow up women grow up leave this hades before its too late.

  94. @10.49 the charges against Masocha have been established already. They will formally be presented on Monday. Fast forward court case means we have skipped a lot of procedures and we are now in a court scenario. This case will certainly go to trial. On Monday we will find out if he will be granted bail. He maybe refused but has a right of appeal. Unfortunately the legal process can be slow. The prosecution will want him refused bail because of his influence. However, if succesful on bail l expect stringent bail conditions;
    1. he must reside at Cosyneuk and not interfere with witnesses
    2. his passport will be confisticated
    3. he will not be allowed to do pastoral duties or anything that will make him come in contact with women
    4. he may have to report to the police twice a week.
    In a nutshell even if released awaiting trial, Agape will be cramped because he will not be allowed anywhere near the church.

    1. i hope they will look into how he got all those titles becoz that man is a fraud... he went somewhere and came back with some fancy title...


  95. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!
    Viola collapsed during shift when she got a text that worota is in a cell. They had to dial 222 to resuscitate. She immediately got a sick leave and went to Scotland. Babra is talking after years of silence, she says its true viola is Sochas' small house. Kkkkkkkk
    Here in Bournemouth Agape is no more. Envoy Yafele (man) was in a pub drank like a skunk. The wife was at home bored and angry with sochas so much. Farayi has banned Babra from going to agape. Youth ahoy! No more Babarah and Farayi...

  96. I personally have never been comfortable with hugging, kissing and body contact that happens in pentecostal churches. I have atteneded afew and always leave because I find it all fake. Bring back the old fellowship when people used to shake hands after church.

  97. Agape misused monies and that's a fact to those who were and are still in this cult. You see nearly a million on paper but how come a cheque for a thousand pounds deposit to st Andrews bounced.anything to do with the abuse i can't openly speak out for now but JUST FOR NOW and those threats from you agape people what a waste of time.anonymous threats, come out and knock on my door and lets talk.
    However my husband and i were responsible for acquiring a venue for the prayer convention.the deposit cheque for £1000 bounced and Ian mumbled some mumbo jumbo about not checking the account first. If anyone wants to see the truth about the agape accounts just contact me i have the whole bunch and you will see that that statement on the website is a lot of rubbish.they hid the first 7pages which was statement from the so called trustees (how they qualified to be trustees you work it out for yourselves) where they lie about what they are doing with the church monies and you will see some funny accounts eg in aberdeen.Read from page 1 word for word.remember Walter said if you want to hide stuff from Africans put it on paper coz they are lazy to read. Prove him wrong and you may see whatever i missed.
    About not giving money out blah blah blah you have no idea.i have been digging non stop and am now fighting to have an audience with people high up for a proper investigation into our funds.i pray to God agape become the first 'charity' to give people back their donations. maybe a peaceful march to holyrood, people you used to fill up your tanks plus groceries coming to Scotland. How about you fill up no groceries and get our cry about our monies heard.Oh and by the way why did they borrow money to put towards the so called miracle pain centre who they are saying we opened companies because we were making a lot of money. Does that make sense?
    I am still on

    There is a lovely Zimbabwan lawyer helping those who have no papers. And please those who were abused keep coming forward. Many have come forward. A kiss,slap on the bum,feeling of the manhood-anything you felt uncomfortable with counts.


  98. In the UK these days they are not messing up with men abusing women. Look at men being arrested for historical sex abuse allegations- DJ Travies, Roache, Here the law always takes its course regardless of lapse of time. Masocha maybe granted bail just like these men currently going on trial but they will put a tight noose on him. He will not be allowed to perform church duties. He will not be allowed to go near vulnerable women. Wonder what will happen to Cosyneuk which is mortgaged. They may have to sell it because now no significant money is flowing to the coffers. Is it back to no. 9 Forth Park? Eeeish how fortunes can change.

  99. Its a shame that its ending this way sure.
    Iam in pain lm hate lm angry .but God why l trusted vama socha with all my heart. Lord forgive and heal those who are in this time l feel now .
    Im in pain all the wasted five years .God l need strength to rise up .where will l go from here , who do l trust nhai mwari .

    1. I feel for you. the bible in Psalms 118 vs 8 says
      It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. When you finally find another good place of worship, bear that in mind. I have no suggestions for any good churches. I dont think they exist. the church of Christ is made up of individuals from various churches. Thus said, there are better ones. Ini Im United Methodist and I can say that I feel nurtured spriritually. I am careful not to worship human beings and it works for me, If I hear scandals about a particular Pastor, my faith is unshaken because my faith only lies in Jesus Christ

  100. Teddy and Richard Lewis your sisters were raped by Walter Masocha y cover him up imbwa dzevanhu

  101. Attachee Kerry Dad's Dancing Girls and Dad's Dancing Boys why dont you join up and start dancing for the Lord.

  102. Oh my oh my,the truth is finally out.Some here in Liverpool thought we were fools by not going to this church well look at it now.I have always wondered how a certain Musuka could afford to be going back & forth to Zim,well I guess now I know where the funding was coming from.

  103. Lydia , Thutukhile , Caroline Phansi , Nkosi Phansi. Kutotiza kuZaoga kwamaive muchimanyira pedophile Walter. daddy daddy daddy oh my God. Mwana waLydia ndewa Masocha , DNA can confirm that all day long. Noria kutotengerwa zimba muChapeltown naDaddy.Mari wakanga waiwana kupi.Shame on you.Surgery yakambokubatsirai but it looks like its collapsing by minute now.Nkosi and Thutukile please itai DNA dzavana avo chopaz. thanks.

  104. thank you for contacting baba jukwa and again people may you open your eyes how many years muchipfeka mahoforosi and working extra shifts for daddy claiming to be raising money for miracle rain centre honestly ma miracles acho akamimira kuzotenga kana pazo builder miracle rain centre. uku ndokunonzi kubatwa kumeso chaiko chaiko wena why after jeans blog and all of a sudden pakutengwa land imika open your eyes .i love daddy very much buy i think God should put daddy into position again cause he was now mistaken himself for God.kana kiss is regareded as abuse saka vakadzi vakawandisa vaka abuser cause who did not kiss daddy not on the cheek but on the lips .i have kissed daddy on his lips and i have lost count he kissed and kissed me on my lips and he said i was very very very luck for him to kiss me cause his anointted lips doesnt kiss munhu vese vese he made feel very specially.i started loved kissing him cause he made feel specially.envoy cindi im sure you know about daddys massages that everyday he has to be massaged by waiting ladies .he cant sleep without his massage coz he wpould be on the purpit the whole day doing Gods work.envoy cindi im sure you know about the massages daddy on her own most of the time,viola,talen,febby they do massage daddy kana massage team isipo.they is cooking team,then massage team,then personal ministry like bedroom ministry those whjo his sheets,towels,duvets,saops,lotions etc etc.i iove daddy but i really want God to use the judges to do justice to daddy because if he is never punished for playing with peoples emotions he will never learn for him to learn he must never never be let can mum masocha run the church when in december she was telling people to go and see if we can those where her words she said no one is been forced to stay in agape she go thus not the spirt of a shepherd.she wants to runs thinghs cause she is worried the manison will go if they dont run the church.thus their source of income kubasa kwako.mari yakaitwa inogara tithes are suppose to help the poor but they used them for their personally gain for instance titi tafadzwa masocha was bought tickets to go to america nemari ye church.why didnt thet buy elvis or douglas,or sitsa checks pane nyaya.havana love vanhu vaya vese mama masocha,daddy vacho vana vacho look at muchato vacho va sandra look at people who were not invited vese vasina mari,vasina mapepa,varombo havana kana one who was invited kana usina mapepa pamwe waishanda usina mapepa uchibuditsa mari.daddy he took Gods glory and made it his proven by mother guveya hanzi we are blessed to see the mary of this generation meaning gogo agape was mary and daddy jesus christ and you were busy clapping hands and God himself was watching you dont play with God.God is God.people were fighting to have a relationship with daddy not God.look at how misi behaves when daddy is going on stage its pure wanting to be daddys favourite ,imimika .dai daddy vaka abuser havo vanhu vese ava vonyepera vanhu asi playing God he will surely pay for that trust me.we can play nezvimwe but you cant play with God.he is going to pay for making himself God.people worship daddy in agape not God hanmzi daddy havasi kurara daddy this daddy that imika.God left agape kudhara dhara and daddy is a leader who doesnt practice what he preaches i have lots lots of example he talks of forgivenessless but look did he encourage sandra and sharon to forgive their biological daddy NO,instead in stood in the gap of tutani and played all the biological stand of sandra's father and charged lobola AS OF HE WAS TUTANI HIMSELF.Did you guys sales houses in zim and brinf 10% to church but himself did not sale his own,did he help the poor in church who didnt pay tithles cause of their situations NO.its up to you people

    1. Thats blasphemy, hanzi we are so blesseds to see the Mary of this generation.

  105. sandra lewis tutani masocha chihuri didnt you know that we at st Albans puy our monies together and we asked steward licoln since he works at john lewis to go and buy us as a satelite a hoover but guess what your soooooooooooooooooooooooooo called fat friend Wadzanai did she pretended AS IT WAS HER WHO BOUGHT THAT VERY EXPENSIVE HOOVER YET YOU DIDNT INVITE US TO YOUR WEDDING
    sandra you helped down fall of agape you divided agape into classes they is strong division in the church cause of you as if it was your own money for wedding you are selfish i wonder if you sleep at night

  106. ZAOGA and Masocha same fanana. Ko vanhu ve ZAOGA munoseka Masocha sei ....Have you forgotten about your scandals

    1. Stupid gudo remunhu Zaoga yakudii.
      wagutisa wave kutsvaka kutukwa.

    2. Which scandals yu can't compare zaoga neagape zaoga is 53 years old and has gone into more than 120 nations and states the founder is 90 years old never been in prison taura zvaunoziva iwe hure raMasocha usaenzanise Masocha chikomba chako nemuranda waMwari Ezekiel Guti.

    3. I have been to Zaoga!! I attended for a while!! The true and living God had me leave the ministry because Zaoga preaches mostly another gospel and another Jesus!! There is worship of Eziekel Guti to a certain extent but not as bad as agape!! So do not be quick to insult those who liken Zaoga and agape!! I can tell you that true worshipers of spirit and truth can not stay or last in Zaoga because they will not be fed spiritually!! They will be fed the prosperity gospel!!, ambition, love offerings, pastors groceries, etc!! Also no one who doesn't speak in tongues is allowed to be in leadership yet if you read the bible not every one who is born of the spirit will speak in tongues!!! This is one doctrinal error in Zaoga amongst many. We know of Zaoga pastors who prey on women like Masocha and talk of getting massages and sextext women under the pretence of counselling. So don't be haughty and think Zaoga is pure!! The true church of God is made up of remnant believers all over the world many no longer attend conventional churches because they are being led away by the Holy Spirit to smaller fellowships.God is taking His remnant out of man made systems and empires like the Roman Catholic and a vast number of mega churches which are now apostate!!! God is Spirit and true worshipers worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Unfortunately much of what is going on in Zaoga is sensual fleshy worship!! Driven to tickle eyes and please the flesh!! No one preaches denying self, death to self, sanctification, holiness, purity and total dependence on God!! Having being to Zaoga not once did I hear such preaching from the pulpits only how to progress and make it in this life and making material blessings the equivalent to spiritual blessings!! One who truly knows the Word will know that the two are contrary! You can not serve both God and money!! You will love one and hate the other! Money is many Christians idol and sadly they don't know it or realise it!!! Zaoga is all about money!! So please don't mislead the simple minded into thinking that Zaoga is blameless!! After all Masocha is a by product of the spiritual headship of Zaoga also note Eziekel Guti does not meet biblical criteria to be a leader!! He is not the husband of one wife!! Euonar Guti is not his first wife!! Guti is a divorcee!! What many believers do not realise is that the new covenant standard is much higher than the old covenant. Teachers and leaders will receive greater judgement on Judgement day! And Jesus will judge using His Word which is the bible. Now that most churches are apostate and compromising the Word of God you can now have divorcees in leadership yet God says if a man can not rule his own home how can he lead a church? Read Titus and Timothy for God's high standard of spiritual leaders and if you love the truth God will show this even to you.

  107. If Masocha is out from jail, he should go and seek for a paid job. Mari dzevanhu dzinozvimbira. Kuda rugare rwunenge rwenda muno muUK. I guess if this issues had not come out through Jean, Masocha had plans to settle in southafrica and was doing this slowly but sure. It was only a matter of time since he had already invested money last time he went there. It is unfortunate that this is happening now. This man had abused people physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually. You can name all. Justice had come late but at the right time because God was equipping the right person to deliver. I thank God for unlocking my chains. I was in darkness and could not see an end to my sufferings after Masocha was promising that if you give your money then more blessings would follow. I am glad now I can put my money into savings. I hope Masocha and family have learnt a lesson the hard way. The agenda of using people is unacceptable both in the eyes of man and God. I hope this is a lesson for everybody to take on board. Every human being deserves to be respected regardless of being a woman. I feel for all woman abused by this man and pray for justice to be served accordingly. While spiritual abuse can be difficult to repay, it is my prayer for all people who have been manipulated to give money into the church, that justice be done and these monies returned back to each individual. We also should learn that God would not give us riches that are over and above unless it is connected with satanism. Instead of seeking for more blessings, it pays to pray for other populations in hunger. Masocha forgot about all suffering people and wanted more than he can chew. I support the person who shared about going on mission for a purpose. An example can be taken from the diseased Princess Dianna. She would forget about being part of a royal family. Masocha was different. Instead of evangelising and helping people in need, he was opening investments. Kubira vanhu varikutambura instead of supporting. Even so, none of these mission air tickets came fr his pocket yet he was on a hefty salary together with second wife. Very sorry to those who have not seen the light but the day is coming. We don't worship any other man of god except God himself. Every human being is bound to make mistakes and the ones made by Masocha here are serious. Anodya tithe yake arinani because it won't affect any other individual. Waiting to see justice.

  108. SANDRA CHIFARA you are going to be next.Jeffrey will leave you just like Jean lost her marriage of 11 years urine kuroi just like you bitch Mother,Profetess my as a. DON'T even cry you Brought it to yourself.Soon ALL the Money will be frozen and you will be pen less. Cosynuk yaenda kambwa,duzvi re munhu. mean a We hure ane rusarura. CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING.VA kwaChihuri are going to CHARM you away the whole family.HOPE THE JUDGE WILL PUT THE WHOLE MASOCHA FAMILY IN JAIL AND THROW AWAY THE KEY.

  109. Agape is moving on oh its moving on singing. Guys they thought if they cut the head the body will go down proud of everyone who has come to Nottingham and people are so happy that the man of God has been arrsted. Mum is strong the game is on Commisioner has taken over the ministry. Kwahii Agape yapera kikikiki think again thank you Jean and Cindy for this we are all happy that daddy is in prison. Apostle Paul was in prison , Pete just to mention a few nothing new. We are moving on chaladziya paNotts

    1. you been brainwashed, arikuenda ku jeri sa gumbura, basa rekukwira vana vevanhu nevakadzi vevanhu. Sandra i small hse ya sochaz,mukadzi wacho rega afare nekuti anga anyanya kuhurirwa, kuita murume ane ma small house kwese kwese, varume vese vanoenda ku agape vakadzi venyu its either vakabatwa mazamhu or ku kwirwa na water, monday tichanzwiririra zvedu isu, ma text messages tinawo aitaura kuti mwari ati ndikuchengete ramba murume wako, ndine tsvimbo hombe. Muchanyara kuita basa rekufugura ma dresses pamberi pa walter

    2. Liar its pathetic here in nottingham. All the above is lies. Agape is dead

    3. It's Good Commissioner have taken over hopefully they have the Salary of £20000 per month with his Wife Sarah.Keep paying AGAPE CHILDREN. We will come back when you finish to BUILD Miracle Rain Centre .We are watching.


    1. Mine. I will lay all my jackets for my daddy kkkkkk

    2. WE HAVE ARRIVED IN NOTTINGHAM VEDUWEEEKA! Dad is not here. The service is pathetic. The masocha touch is missing. Imagine Aturia leading its so sad. We are told the trial could take 6months to 2 years and during that time no dad in church. Mom is looking so miserable she smiles but its just a fake plastic smile. Like a wet chicken, the shame on her face. There are few people here its sad. Ini im leaving tonite, the ginger is gone. Ah Jean you finished agape veduweka. Shingi is here. He needs help this one. So lost and very shabby.

  111. Sandra issue is sad. Why did Daddy not allow the Tutani's to come and charge lobola? Why did he play father yet her father was alive? Why fid Sandra and Sharon not go to mourn their biological dad? Jeff unfortunately you have to pay lobola twice. Ask for a refund from Masocha. Why did Chihuri not question Masocha about the Tutanis when you were paying lobola? Zvaanenge munhu mukuru wani.

  112. Sandra is nothing but a whore, ndiye airara na socha kakawanda, Sandra wakaroorwa uri gaba because socha aikukwira everyday. Mari ye that lavish wedding wakaiwanepi? Kudyirwa pfuma na masocha ivo baba vako vakakuzvara variko waka brainwashwa iwe. Unoshandisira masocha mari kuti akude

  113. Maiwee zvonyadzisa kuna Mwari! Vana vanokosha, like some one said there are no winners in this case. It should never have happened in the first place, another sad day in the history on man!

  114. Masocha is real a paedophile and he must be arrested .....Nyaya dzaka dzakawandisa

  115. Who are you fooling Agape ?Paul ,Silas and Peter were not imprisoned for sexual abuse of children and their parents and for embezzlement of charity monies. PLEASE NEVER CONFUSE THE TWO.!!!!. The real Apostles were servants of God,Masocha is just a heartless lowlife and abuser .So Commissioner has taken over WHY now coz the big boys came knocking?l that Masocha was the alpha n omega of the so called vision hence above rebuke or discipline??FYI it's too little too he would have carried on leading people with his head buried in the sand had he not been arrested? Classic dictator ..He waited for the ship to sink before leaving the helm?Who in their right mind agrees to take over that chaos?.FYI people in Nottingham are there to see kuti aka sungwa here for real Walter ,they are the ones updating us here.Those with careers BEWARE he doesn't take you down with him.Thus is God's doing and it's marvellous in our sight !


    1. Nhai zvenyu yahwe, just because men of God in the bible were arrested does not equate to this case. Joseph was arrested for alleged rape but it was from one scorned woman, in this case we hear several woman have come forward. Ah zvechisa akati Tuku

  116. Misi Calisto The Idiot Touch Not, anotonanzva pasi pebhutsu dzaApostle. That's why he found "Fortunate" akatoboorwa (not a virgin)

  117. All writing about Viola please leave me alone. That apostle loved me more is not my fault. Why are you so cheap? So jealous of my car. I work hard for myself. Jean leave me alone you need help. You failed to work as a nurse. I succeeded. I did not break your marriage. I dont even know you. You wanted fame you got it. So leave my name out. Apostle loves me not you. All you team jean team jean you will burn in hell for what you say here. Stop it. Cindy you are a very bad person. I kept quiet for too long now i am fed up. Come to Nottingham we can talk. Oxford people just shut up. I know you. Babra please stop spreadibg lies about me. I love apostle he loves me not you. To good people dad needs us now.

    1. Iwe hauna kuroorwa here na Kanda? Yes or no? PluZ waimbovepi pese apa? Wakuda kutaura nhasi coz Masocha asungwa?

    2. Hahaha...people are so jealous of your car. Chimbori chii chinoshamisa pamotokari. A car is a car and anybody, even a 16 year old can buy their own car, so I do not see why anyone can be jealous about your car because anybofy can buy a car they like.

      If you were loved by your daddy and he slept with you instead of his wife, then there is a problem indeed.

      People feeling jealous about you is probably something playing in your own mind. People cope through various ways...some tell themselves everyone has jealous

  118. I think Sochas is carrying like a horse, thats why they flock. Ever heard of "MUBOBOBO". The women are dazed in juju and sexually exploited without rising up. Some are very lonely women. Look at Choga, she cant unhook from Sochas, look at Lydia she suppliments on Sochas. When i cvisited Cosy i saw things i saw desperate women crying for Sochas' touch, like Ethiopian hungry kids, crying for sochas to sex them up. I think he takes viagra. Look at viola she is too hooked and ready to marry an old man like that. The way chidhishi wiggles her bum when Sochas enters the dome its so sick i puke. Winnie is the horniest of all i think she used to be a chimbido chete. Kongonya kongonya like she has not been touched by a man in years. Choirmaster lol she faints all the time lol.
    Grow up women grow up leave this hades before its too late.

  119. DADDY's gonna have them in all sorts of sizes in prison. Since he likes it so much haaaaaaa vachanakirwa. Kujeri they can tolerate someone who has killed but if you have abused kids, they can not tolarare that. Mukosho uchadhamba Masocha

  120. The Tshumas have have left, Otlia takes over from the Tshumas.Ahoy Team Jean.Keyboard warriors woyee!

  121. I am in Agape children of Agape lets not make things worse please I am begging you all. Dont mock mum saying she was smiling today. Her eyes were swollen Dad is no more. Please don't lie children of dad we are not fooling anyone pano. Ini handisina zvekutaura zvakawanda ndirikuchema baba vangu. Mum cant do this on her own. Jean watigona wena. Did u have to do this to a church of God. Jean wachemedza vanhu vakawanda. I hope you sleep at night ndakutya wakaoma mwana iwe.

    1. Iwewe which mum are talking about? Tibvire apa kusadekunyepa lm looking at mum right not

    2. Iwewe what are you doing blogging wakatotarisa mum vako. Have u not read the statement bullentin kuti don't comment on this blog.

    3. Im also looking she is so sad actually very very miserable. I blog because telling us not to blog was a way for sad to oppress us from saying the truth

    4. Im looking at her definitely NOT smiling.

    5. LOL if her eyes are swollen they're swollen from being Sochas punching bag.. Countless times people have seen that woman with a black eye... One time we went there and the woman was sitting in the lounge with dark shades... and then Sochas came in and said "your mum is tired i have to get her to the hotel and rest" LOL i was like no1 ever went into her bedroom so she could have easily rested.. and then after we had left that's when some intel from their house that she was beaten up the night before....

      LOL if she was truly crying those are called tears of joy people so don't get it twisted..!

      finally shes free from being physically abused.. good on her

  122. If you are one of the victims and have truly encountered an inappropriate behaviour from the man of the cloth, now it is your time to bring your perpetrator to justice. Yes you may be afraid that no one will believe you or much time has gone by, justice has no time limit. “What’s on your mind”, you are concerned that your close family and friends will cut all ties with you or probably end your marriage, but would you really rather choose to let your tormentor walk free and take it all to the grave with you?. What then, if this happens again to someone you know?.
    Speak to someone or contact the following organisations, they will help you overcome your fears and get justice for the pain you have gone through for all these months/years. England and Wales Scotland

    PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID, come forward now the tide may be turning in your favour.

  123. I was born and raised in a non-pentecost environment but due to certain reasons I decided to join Agape UK in 2009. At first it felt right to be part of the crew but things started to loose shape later on, 2yrs down the line to be precise. Between 2011 - Aug 2013 I was cranking myself every Sunday/Conference even though I managed to hide it from others. I tried to break free but I just couldn't until the God in heaven heard my prayers and delivered me and my house in Aug last year.
    Why am I saying this?? It is not easy to break from cults my bros n sisters, you will need grace from heaven. I had dreams throughout my time in Agape about Apostle Walter, everything that is happening now God showed me well before hand. Guess what I didn't believe non of the dreams, I thought it was the devil messing with me destructing my focus from God yet it was he was only warning me. Those who think Jean is being steered by the devil sorry makasara.

    I really feel sorry especially for those that were dragged from Zaoga by this man muchanyarirepi kana vamwe vokubvunzai??

    So sorry home-boy.

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015 #ProphecyProphecyProphecy

  124. The devil is blamed too many times and sadly even when he is not to blame.

    * Listen to me Agapeans and ex-Agapeans. I told you I witnessed an incident in the surgery. The problem we have here is a condition called hypersexuality.

    * Hypersexuality is abnormal sex drive.No human being can cope with the sexual demands of such a person unless they have the condition too. Hence the affairs and the alleged abuse and the simulation of sex acts at the COUPLE's MEETING.

    * This has nothing to do with the devil but the work of the FLESH.

    * The GOOD NEWS is the condition can be treated. As believers the simple way is to PUT YOUR FLESH UNDER which is also called CRUCIFYING THE FLESH. I Corinthians 9 : 27

    * In the world such a person can be prescribed suppressants to REDUCE SEXUAL DESIRES.

    * So PLEASE my brothers and sisters STOP blaming the devil. The man in question has failed to put his FLESH under and mature leaders will do well to go through the scriptures with him.

    * DR Ian MCChardy you're a GP and these medications are widely available and in Scotland FREE on prescription. You could have been a HERO and saved the ministry if you had prescribed suppressants.

    * WHATEVER HAPPENS to this case the MANHOOD in the TROUSERS will have to be CONTROLLED for the sake of the ministry ( If he was CALLED ) and to protect the liberties of others, especially vulnerable women and children.

  125. Chisingapere chinoshura... Zvino things will never be the same in Agape.Walter achanovharirwa ne vision yake.Vanhu vhurai maziso,test the spirit moona kuti zviri kuitwa mumachechi nezviri kutaurwa zvinofambirana here neshoko raMwari.Tengai muverenge maBible,shoko raMwari.Musaendere kuchurch nekuda kupfuma chete,kugara zvakanaka,hanzi tsvaga humambo hwedenga first,zvimwe zvese zvinotevera.Ndanyara hangu nhasi paNottingham apa.Vanhu vasingasvike kana50 shuwa here veduwe.Mai Masocha mutoro wamasiirwa naKanda muhombe.Free yourself from this burden.Hamuukwanise uyu kana baba vakabatwa nemhosva.Munofa muchitambura amai muchirara pasi pebridge munhu ange ane mansion.Free yourself,do the right thing.Kana pane zvamunoziva turayi mutoro unokuremerai uyo.Munonyura naKanda amai mhuri ikasarawo ichitambura.Agape yawora shuwa.

    #muzukuru waKuleguyfox

  126. Among the massaging team who is this Joy where is she from

  127. Embassy Cleaner, if he gets convicted even if he was called 1000 times and gets castrated, the fact is he is not going to work children or the vulnerable. After this,he can only be called in another country not England. There is no need to waste Prescriptions on such people because his abuse is not only sexual. It's all in his head, the lying, manipulation etc can not be overcome by that prescription you talking about. The only remedy is he gets locked away from the public until the brain is suppressed by age. Agape is nomore cause he was the vision bearer. He is also a bad influence so I don't know if there is any prescription for that as well.

  128. Ha ha ha
    You truly do your research cleaner.
    Unfortunately this illness dates back to plus 3 decades and i don't think trousersnake wanted healing or coz form of suppression. He was unrepentant throughout Jean's cries and he carried right to day mangonjo akati pfacha ne santana. As for being called nada what sort of apostle celebrates the departure of pastors.last week he was celebrating within remaining handful of envoys, hanzi vasara we are in one accord.
    Its a ring of paeddos in one accord.
    He will be looking around for an EE. Nhaka

  129. Anonymous 00:27, you have a real problem. You misinterpret the meaning of touch not the annointed ones. If so many women are coming forward to complain about your daddy, it implies your daddy must have done something. He can't just be completely innocent.

    You are also foul mouthed which also implies you are not displaying qualities of a born again Christian and that implies that Agape is indeed a cult.

    Look in the mirror and see who is dumb. If indeed Masocha is yr dad, then your mother must have been going through terrible times knowing that her hubby was sleeping around and touching other women inappropriately. In any case because your mother is not Masocha's first wife, then maybe she also understands she may lose him too just like his first wife did. Maybe vakagarirawo mari.

    Do not misuse God's name. Your father was supposed to come right and be repentant when this blog first came out. He chose not to and it is that arrogance that spurred people on. Now the dumb unwise leadership makes a statement this late after your daddy got handcuffed. How unwise.

    You are threatening Jean. Cult followers do that, not Christians. Jean wanted justice just like that old lady in the bible...vindicate me against my adversaries...She did everything good to find justice for herself and other victims. So she did well.

    Who knows some of these men who so much support your daddy have wives who also slept with your daddy? There is always that possibility and yet you see men supporting a possible abuser. I am told he left Zaoga coz of stories pertaining to women and yet some men still followed him. Wake up Agape.

    Food for thought - you say yr daddy did nothing to Jean and others - how do you know? Your daddy knows things that uou do not know.

    So, don't threaten anyone coz there is nothing you can possibly do to stop what is happening to your daddy.

  130. It's not my position to judge...but guys do not give Satan a chance to ruin God's work. Although I was rejected and left feeling like a dirty and the worst sinner in Bournemouth by his 'HOLY' congregation, I would like say "When God commands even the devil will
    obey." The reason is...Satan found God's work so powerful to destroy...He is now attempting
    to destroy the church from inside. Be careful...We never know if the wolf in a sheep's skin is our sister who is alleging abuse or the most "holy" Masocha. Who are we to judge?

    1. Anonymous 06:43, une zvakatokugara. You don't know which is which. You need word of deliverance. Just because you were too ugly for Masocha does not mean She was nit abused. Why did not she claim the same of other pastors from the churches she has been before, where they were even better looking pastors. Enda kunoroorwa uku, washaya nyaya!!

  131. Penga muzukuru wangu. Ini sekuru vako kuleguyfox wangu mukadzi ndinosheya nadaddy. She is a nymphomaniac and I can't manage her alone. Daddy was subscribed mubobobo by a witchdoctor in Buhera. The same nganga who predicted the fall of Jongwe by using an analogy of 3 cocks. I know you are too young to grasp what I am on about. Yeah, albeit daddy being blessed with mubobobo he got periodic dosages of viagra from Dr Ian McHardy.

    Mai Masocha is hanging on the man loins for the money. She was well aware of daddy's shenanigans, and unbeknown to anyone she has got a toyboy of hers as well. She was of the opinion that if you can't beat them join them- indeed she showed the philandering Masocha that what you can do I can do too.

    One other thing muzukuru,, I am afraid if the police goes to daddy's mansion they might pounce on the numerous cams he rigged in every room so that he can zoom on women's punanis. Daddy sochas might be charged vhoyarizimu. Ini zvangu ndinoita mawet dream na mama Judith saka daddy ngavaende ngavaende I-door-tea. Ini I will inherit Judith and the immoral daughters.

  132. 06:43 , what's good about lying that you have been abused sexually. Get your head straight, it's not only Jean who has been abused by what you call holy Masocha. You are thick headed and you are going to find it hard even to get married. That's why they rejected you in Bournemouth I think. Jean made a platform for those abused like you but you still think otherwise. If you say he is holy why did not write to him and air your grievances about being rejected. Wise up woman. Jean is not your sister, and if you continue being confused as you sound, the chances are everyone is going to reject you.

  133. Just type DR Masocha on you will his background

  134. Another bulletin posted, Gayakaya and Ian holding the fort. Wonder what took them long to issue a statement regarding the blog. Now they are issuing them like hot cakes

  135. Don't expect anything major on Monday, Masocha will be advised on what he is charged on in court and he will only be asked to confirm his name, address and age, this is normal procedure for the first hearing.
    The lawyers will decide on whether to apply for bail or not at that moment, obviously the prosecution will refuse sighting the gravity of the offence (s).
    Bail maybe given on the first hearing depending on which coir they are in, or they maybe advised to apply to a higher court. It's more likely that bail will be refused by the lower court. For Masocha to be kept in cells over the weekend it shows the Crown Prosecution Service did their homework thoroughly and decided that he had a case to answer (they are highly qualified lawyers for he state).
    The police must have been working hard behind the scenes before they decided to haul him in on Thursday ( what a coincidence akasungwa

  136. Cont... What a coincidence kuti Masocha was arrested on a Thursday musi weChina zuva re madzimai just a thought����

  137. If there is one thing this man is guilty of, it is failing to protect his "children". Handiti kunzi Daddy it comes with responsibilites, and one of those is to protect your children. Since October vana ve Agape vakafumurwa and were scandalised pano, whether its true or not but sa Daddy why couldn't you put a stop to it? At some point didn't you think that enough is enough maybe I should step in and put a stop to this. Its obvious at some point you had a close relationship na Jean, why couldn't you reach out to her, pass an olive branch and straighten things out. You left Jean hurting and hurting and this extended to all your other children who were collateral damage. They may stand there and claim to support you but kuchema kwavo munamato kumatenga. "Daddy" (I use the term loosely) kukanya makakanya zvenyu. This is not the end of you though this is the end of the pride of man. Its time to look inward and repent, God will meet you there sir. On this note I refer you to the book by Francine Rivers called "And the Shofar blew", you could learn a thing or two there. I know baba Masocha blog kuverenga munoverenga even hama dzenyu dzepedyo dzinoverenga and will pass this on to you if you can't access the net in the pen. Nyasha dzikuwandirei.

  138. I agree with you 06:43, if one is not a victim nor a witness of this abuse, they should proceed with caution. God is watching everyone. Two possibilities here, our very own sister funning for revenge or the apostle guilty. The devil could have decided to bring him down when he realised how strong the ministry is and will be. But i trust in God as a God of justice. A faithful God who sees it all. He is Jehovah Shammah ever present. So he will be there for the one who is innocent in this scenario. I say let God's will be done. For the apostle and for the victim. Whoever is telling the truth may God rise and help that person or persons. May the truth prevail.

  139. ZAOGA of Guti was started in adultery by the naïve and not so eloquent Guti. Ask anyone who knows the history of how Guti left AOGA and you will see that Uanor was a maid ( Musikana aichengeta Guti's children and serving Guti's first wife. So Masocha is just a product of Guti. Vanhu ve ZAOGA ko Mukadzi airara nemupengo ku London mamukanganwa here. Was she not a worship leader in ZAOGA. Ko a Guti who raped a mentally disturbed girl in Norton mamukanganwa. Hey seems you are not informed with the going ons in your rotten church. Time will not allow me to pen the other scandals in your rotten organisation. For the sober among us, whoever in their right senses ever anointed their wife as a bishop except the demintiated Guti. Isnt it ZAOGA which takes church money and sponsors a football game between Dynamos and Highlanders. Where does God enter there besides that its what the bible terms things of the world. ZAOGA and AGAPE are one coin with two sides ....ZAOGA is HEAD and AGAPE is tail. Vanhu ve ZAOGA ne AGAPE munonyangadza mhani


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