
Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Prophet offers Ruvimbo Siwela Matorera a lumpsum to silence me, as third Envoy comes clean...

I will foot the bill for lawyers... Dr Masocha tells mother of two

Ex Agape Member starts petition over financial abuse

Former Envoy Elijah Chikwezvero writes an open letter to clear his name

Dear readers, it has come to my attention through a very reliable source that my former best friend Ruvimbo Siwela Matorera has been offered money by Dr Walter Masocha to foot the bill to hire a lawyer to take me and my blog down. University drop out mother of two Ruvimbo recently made a trip to Cosyneuk mansion to see her spiritual father over the distress the blog has caused her and her family. For those who may be new to the blog Ruvimbo was my closest friend during my ttwo year membership in Agape. Things turned sour between us the day I reported Dr Masocha to the police for sexually abusing me. Ruvimbo was the first person I confided in about the sexual abuse after my husband.  In fact the day when I called the police I first told Ruvimbo on whatsaapp that's I was about to call the police. When I first opened up to Ruvimbo about the sexual abuse, Ruvimbo was the first to admit she had always suspected it and she had even seen me being touched inappropriately in the Cosynuek mansion as she had peeped through a glass door one day when I was alone with the Prophet.  After I reported Dr Walter Masocha to the police, I also told my former friend Daddy's Dancing Girl Kuziva Wooldridge, who told Muhengeti Hove who told Dr Masocha. Ruvimbo had always expressed her desire to be close to Dr Masocha and she used to tell me she lived to see the day Dr Masocha would give her a call just like he used to do to me. Ruvimbo then made a U-turn in her position to support me as a friend after her dream came true and Dr Masocha called her on her phone for the first time.  I recorded a telephone conversation on the phone when Rivimbo told me Dr Masocha had called her to talk about me, " I spoke to Daddy, " Ruvimbo told me in the conversation I recorded, " He just said he knows I am the only one still speaking to you and he said he heard that you reported him to the police. He said please tell Jean I have been trying to get hold of her since I came back from Spain, tell her that Daddy still loves her and the Magazine work is still waiting for her. He said that he never remembers molesting you or sexually abusing you and he still loves you, "  Ruvimbo told me. I told Ruvimbo that I was not interested and Dr Masocha was lying that he tried to call me.  I then started distancing myself from Ruvimbo and she started sending me threats not to touch the anointed of God and said I was now cursed. Ruvimbo's husband Odingo Matorera then called me before the family Conference in Augast 2012 saying Dr Masocha had called him asking him to call me and tell me that Daddy still loved me and wanted me to come back to church to launch the summer magazine. I told Odingo I was never going to come back to Agape again. Ruvimbo then went wild and started harassing me and abusing me, the rest is history.
So now she went to her father Dr Masocha for help over the blog and what had been published about her. Dr Masocha then told Ruvimbo that she can engage a lawyer, and he would settle the bill as long as I would be silenced. Ruvimbo then went home and shared the good news with her relatives, but was advised by concerned family members not to accept the offer. Ruvimbo lives with her husband Odingo Matorera, sister who also dropped out of University to pursue Agape duties, Nigel Matorera, and Odingo's young brother Mcwatts Matorera who has a lot of inside information on the Liverpool Youth Sex Scandal. The family live in poverty (assessment based on state of the living conditions) yet Dr Masocha lives in a mansion and he wants to offer Ruvimbo a lump sum to shut down the blog that is exposing his abuse. Typical of Dr Masocha, he doesn't even give a monkeys about the poverty of the Matorera family, he just wants to pay the bill for the solicitors for them. I actually felt sorry for Ruvimbo when the news broke to me, I really hope her family has seen the light and these lost souls can be pulled out the fire before its too late. I also want to remind you dear readers, that the money Dr Masocha wanted to give Ruvimbo is none other than your hard earned tithe monies and offerings. If he really cares about Ruvimbo and her family he should offer them money to renovate their run down council house and buy them new sofas at least. I am not trying to be mean here but I am talking reality. The Matorera family is suffering in poverty yet the Prophet offers money for a lawsuit over a blog! All this to cover his evil deeds. Hello! The man takes home over £200 000 with his second uneducated wife Dr Judith. If he loves Ruvimbo so much, he should do something to better the mother of two's life.
Taking about the Prophet and his abuse of power and money, a concerned ex Agape member has started a petition She is calling on action to be done against financial abuse in Agape and she needs 1000 signatures on the petition. Please join the petition and sign and share on Facebook and Twitter. Its time to aact and do something. With that said I leave you with an open letter to readers by former Envoy Elijah Chikwezvero, who was the first Envoy to resign over the Agape scandal due to allegations on blog and lack of support or answers from Dr Masocha. He has written on the blog to clear his name. I personally knew Envoy Elijah as a gifted musician/songwriter  and a God fearing man.

22 January 2014  (Elijah Chikwezvero)

My personal response to clarify portions of the blog and certain comments that have seen my name being repeatedly mentioned, based on rumours and false allegations.

My Apologies:

Forthwith, may I inform the readers of this blog that I make no intention to transform myself into an angelic being, one that is supposedly far from offending other children of God in this walk of Christian faith, known and unknown. Undeniably, I could have verily stepped on many toes as some have already alluded to in the public domain in some quotas, for this reason and any that anyone maybe aware of, I apologise unreservedly. It is also my biblical belief that If ‘I’ as your brother sins, Anyone I wrong should come and point out my fault, just between the two of us. If I listen to you, you have won me over……... Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Why I have written on this blog:

My other reason for writing on this blog (which evidently has become a rendezvous for the children of Agape and those that have moved on, besides onlookers too, is to also communicate categorically my refutation of a bandwagon of falsehood proclamations by other supposedly siblings of the Kingdom of God. For without facts and truth, some have ignorantly but joyfully ridden thereon in an effort to peddle such lies against me. As for others, I cannot vouch for anyone, I speak for myself.

I have reason to believe that as my children are growing up, they will one day, in this generation of internet, if the Lord tarries, ask me why my name is appearing a lot on the world wide web and more so having been associated with ‘allegations’. So I rather chose today and the very same platform that they will read such, to provide them with an answer from none other than myself wherever my name has been called to check.

You may want to know that I now have the liberty to respond on this platform because I am no longer restricted to do so. I may have even read a restrictive statement to this effect in a church service during announcements, I can tell you this, that then, I was a sent one and doing my duties faithfully as a loyal follower and disciple. It is in this same perspective, that having understood that whatever I had to do, and whatever I had to say, I had to do all to the glory of God the Father in heaven, and in faithfully executing my pastoral responsibilities, that I may have then made others unhappy. For that, I have apologised even though mutumwa asina mbonje. I must say that I have never preconceived hurtful intentions whatsoever towards whosoever.

Where my name has been called to check:

Blog of 1 November 2013 – “Most Pastors and leaders 95% of them are recent divorcees. Envoy Elijah,……………” MY RESPONSE: Jean, you were wrongly informed. I am not a divorcee. Lewisham Borough Council has our marriage registered on 22 March 2003 and intact.

Blog of 8 November 2013 – “………. Envoy Elijah Chekwezvero a man i respect so much his only guilty is one wonders kuti how did he allow his image to be tarnished by acting as a Munyai or go between Daddy to getting a third wife (Marrying VIOLA) is this Godly definitely no. But this Envoy is a very good man.”

Other utter lies of comments of similar nature that were made by ‘Christians’ on different days:
. Whoever enlisted me in the ‘Roora Delegation’, if ever there was one started a viral lie, unfortunately, some bought it and continue to ride on it until this moment. I was never part of any such arrangement and I do not know of such arrangements. My relationship with Dr. Masocha only went as far as a being a son who joined ‘the vision’ in January 2008 and an envoy then. I do not know anything about supposed marriages, and I was not paid any monies to keep quiet.

 Blog of 8 November 2013 – “I'm from Coventry Satellite and ………, Envoy Elijah decided to go to dad and told him LIES and Dad blamed all the saints we were even accused of bullying Envoy Elijah. Envoy Elijah how can you tell Dad we saints bully you, ……………” MY RESPONSE: Writer from Coventry, I never reported you, and Dr. Masocha was never referring to Area11 as a whole. To those that were involved, in Dudley that is, I personally apologised to them individually way before. As a loyal envoy at the time I had the mandate to report the goings-on of the Area Satellites, which was a loyal duty. No one bullied me, neither did I (at least out of my honest knowledge) bully anyone. What antidote Dr. Masocha then employed to correct a situation was not my prescription. That was no longer in my hands. I only acted in obedience at the time, and still if it would suffice, I humbly apologise.

 Blog of 19 November 2013 – “….she had an affair with Envoy Elijah before he divorced his wife from Zimbabwe. I’ts very sad ask what happened when OXFORD SATELITE was launched…….. and Envoy Elijah wanted to sleep in daddys used sheets and they booked an axtra night in the apartment ya Apostle and what do u know ….. and Envoy Elijah slept in the sheets together hanzi tiwane anointing imiwe zvakasadharara zvemuAgape, ……………” MY RESPONSE: Writer whoever you were referring to is definitely not me. You had your information wrong. I was never involved in the Oxford Launch. I was not in Agape then. I was never married before 22 March 2003. You got the wrong person, unfortunately you just joy rode the bandwagon of lies. What has happened to Christians?

Blog of 22 November 2013 – “….ln Area 11(Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley) yesterday we received a text from Envoy Elijah Chikwezvero it read,
'No doubt we are in the midst of a raging storm, in the utmost trial of our faith. ……….
…..By his own admission that we are in the midst of an 'inferno' shows that things are not normal. People have questions and want answers Envoy Elijah Chikwezvero. Wishing this away will not wash- Rome is burning and the fire needs to be extinguished ……………” MY RESPONSE: Writer in Area11, yes you needed answers, but answers I never had them save for where my name is mentioned. You have been a follower of the blog abi? I guess you now know that no one had the “answers that you expected” the rest you know. However, I can tell you now that it does not mean that everyone who verbalise their quest for answers are the only ones looking for them. Some did and do so in the background. A body has external and internal parts. I for one could have been a kidney, but as is evident, my move does not mean a dysfunctional body….life goes on here and elsewhere.

As I reveal it to you this day, below was my final written plea for things to be sorted. Since the inception of sister Jean Gasho’s blog on 7 October 2013, it has always been my heart desire to see a totally different turn of events than the now obvious resultant. :-


Dear Envoy Muchengeti Hove
Cc: UK Commissioners & ……

Greetings to u & family.
I pray that this text finds u well.

1st of all, let me acknowledge seeing ur missed call & rcvng ur subsequent communication frm …….I must hv bn busy & not available on the phone.

2ndly,& my main reason for this comm, I would like to convey, as a concerned leader in Agape FANMI, my uneasiness with regards to the prevailing whirlwind of divers accusations that is rocking this Ship.

I must say this openly to u my brother as the 1st port of call that I am failing each passing day, to stand firm & defend the Baby & the Mother, the Vision of Agape & our dear father the Archbishop anymore simply becoz of lack of ammunition. I feel now like a soldier & defender of the Vision who is on the battlefield in our kind of Afghanistan but with no weaponry even to defend myself & my family, hence my name has bn dragged unnecessarily into the mud for things that I do not know about.

As I was preparing this text, I noticed that u hv put 2gether an Envoys Board for the 21st. In my candid opinion, we hv an urgent crisis b4 us that not only needs prayer but action too. As much as I had sold myself to the Vision my Envoy, I need real answers on real issues of real concern & encouragement later. I faithfully led souls that hv broken down & worse some hv gotten lost. It's become that difficult even to encourage them.As an Envoy, I am blank, no idea even answers,yet the saints still look to me & keep thinking we r all harbouring & covering things. Now I refer u to pg78 of the new TF book, but it starts on pg76(the  Whirlwind),para4,the man of God started by saying, Now, don't get me wrong; I am not advocating silence over matters that need to be validly dealt with in the church. ..... he wrote on & on. Now, SILENCE Envoy Muchie has bn predominant. It's not helping.

The meeting should be held sooner & AS A MATTER OF URGENCY B4 THE NEXT GATHERING. Let's fix the leaking roof b4 we invite the rest of the saints into the house.

It has not bn easy for a Timothy like me to jot this down, it simply means a lot is playing in my mind Envoy & my feet r no longer on the ground.
FROM NOW ON,I WILL ONLY be reachable by Text-No phone calls pliz. 

Thank u

 As a follow up to the above, I employed austerity measures as taught in the vision. I understand I made a personal choice and I pray that such a powerful teaching as above comes in handy for me at a time such as this. I also understand that SALVATION IS PERSONAL, and so this was my own decision which should not affect any other. People do not follow me, people follow the visionary. My leaving should not in any way cause anyone to follow suit. I am not the visionary and I have no intentions of starting or running a counter ministry. I am serving God where I am now since 15 December 2013.

 I then left Agape on this note (extract only from the communication I sent to Dr Masocha):-

14 December 2013

Good evening ………………………………………………, I write to inform you that due to personal reasons beyond my control, I have decided, as an individual, to relinquish my responsibilities as an Envoy with immediate effect and seek the face of the Lord away from the day to day activities of the Vision of Agape FANMI.
It is my prayer that God will direct my steps as He continues to build His church the world over.

For the sake of sanity, I take this communication to be my second and last, after the one I sent to Envoy Muchengeti Hove. Again, for personal reasons, I therefore will not be available for further communications.

Mr. Elijah C Chikwezvero. 


  1. I am a wife, I am a mother. I have children. I feel for any mother in Jean's situation but I dont see how blogging will help the marriage. But the church is indeed affected. The marriage is being pulled further and further away from any reconciliation. Nonetheless, If God allows I will talk to Jean. She is too hurt and lashing out for now. But one day I hope to seek to help this young couple reunite. My Message to Jean:- Hope is not lost even now Jean. Shingi is hurting too. I can say this - hope is not lost. You two could decide to stop hurting each other. The children need you both under one roof. I believe people can move on but so far you both haven't so hope is not lost.

    1. Hear Hear..... Well said

    2. Uyu ndiJudith uyu. Benzi remukadzi. Foolish who allows her sister to be raped at 14 years. Dont come to covenrtry again, we dont like trash like you. No heart heartles profitless

    3. I agree with 23:33. Liar you are writing from Manchester (01:09) You are off topic. Unoda kuti Jean asadzokerana naShingi? Why? The writer above addresses the issue yeimba yaJean. That should be the focus of those who care. To some reading the blog is a fun thing yet there is a young woman with children who needs her husband. As for Worota, witnesses are to rise up, quickly. Although writer does not say much about the abuses, addressing the issue of reconcilling Shingi and Jean must be the concern of all.
      Do not just insult people who make better contributions because it lacks the thetoric of insults. So I agree with 23:33


    The police force is adequate enough for that if he is resisting arrest, which he wont as its my duty to convince him to do the right thing. So i will persuade him to hand himself. I am his wife, friend, confidant, i keep his secrets. Of course nothing sinister because he is a good man otherwise i wouldn't have married him!

    1. She did not support abuse, she took position of many wives. She doesnot need to do what Cindy will do. No harm there. Bill Clinton abused Monica but Hillary stood with him. It doesnt justify the abuse. We all wish Judith would write here. What can social services do nhayi iwe? Her husband is not Worota! Not every man has become bad for the sake of this cause. So allow free contributions. Insults are used by those without some ideas to share.

    2. Iwe bill and Monica had an affair , these victims her were raped, manipulated and abused... How dare you compare the two , where is you conscience . If I wake up and discover that I married evil..I am dragging him to the police dead or alive. Besides blog is to expose abuse by Walter . If Jean wants to reconcile with shingi. She will do it at her own time buy we want JUSTICE to the rapist and liar , fake shepherd who has lost the fear of God because people exalted him to a point where he thought he was super man and invincible ..... Sorry Walter you are only human.. REPENT and save you soul ... As for your unfortunately flesh is heading for

  3. I wonder who the next envoy on blog will be, I suspect Envoy Tshuma

    Envoy Elijah you testified with your own mouth at couples 2011 that you divorced your first wife in Zimbabwe. What do u mean you are not a divorcee?????????????

  4. CINDY - I am amazed at the lack of wisdom you have displayed here. I agree with You sound like a just person but have no idea that that the scales of justice are balanced when you hear from all parties involved. As I said they are referred to as scales meaning you put one weight on the other side and another on the other side before you conclude Cindy. The problem here is simple - dad nominated people into a higher office without training them. Mind you he also suffers from the same lack of pastoral training. But I will address dad's inadequacies later. An envoy who listens to a wife and fails to call the husband - is impartial and very dangerous to the institution of marriage. We thank God you left as you would have caused a lot of acrimony in many marriages had you been approached. Why? Because you jump to conclusions without hearing the other side of the story. The principles of natural justice have been violated here by you. The principles of natural justice concern procedural fairness and ensure a fair decision is reached by an objective decision maker. The "audi alteram partem" rule here is that a person like Shingi and Jean has the "right to be heard" and "nemo judex in parte sua" i.e. no person may judge their own case" this applies to Jean who has made herself the only wronged one. Shingi is very accessible, as a woman of God I believe that once anointed you remain a pastor unless if God says He has removed it from you. (If you were really annointed in the first place) So do the right thing here. I am emailing you Shingi's contact details, talk to Shingi about the marriage issue. I am blessed I have had an opportunity of hearing both sides, Jean through the blog, Shingi face to face.
    Trust me here, when you hear his side your eyes will open up. Also sit down with ambuya Musuka, as well as Envoy Getrude and Jean.
    You could have been an instrument of peace by sitting down with these people and reunite this family. You could have used wisdom and tell Jean not to abuse her in laws as well. Two wrongs do not make a right if she was abused nothing justifies her abuse of the Musuka family. We teach people with love. The word of God is very clear it says "Vengeance is mine". Since dad has chosen to do nothing, a position I dont support but who is ininiwo pakadayi? But you had a chance, you still do to be a peacemaker. Coming to the blog like this will not help as Jean needs her family and you haven't done anything yet to help or bring these two young people together. Get wisdom. In all thy getting get understanding! You have poured fuel to an already raging inferno! Now you have reminded everyone yet more contentious issues. Inzwaka envoy Cindy- une basa, gadzirisa vana ava kwete kutira masides usina evidence. Be wise arise and shine.

    1. Had Cindy heard Shingi this marriage could have survived. Team Jean we need good people to sit Shingi and Jean and get them back together. Thats the best way forward.

    2. Well said, this is KANDA Walter BONGO and his stupid themes, ashaya WOKUPARIDZIRA NHEMA DZAKE. Its not cindy its you worota who told the musukas to call the ambulance. Marriages kuita sei, how many are there worota, you destroyed them all uchibata ma ladies avo kusugery. Fokoro. Mbwa. hu hu hu worota

    3. Uyu ndi masocha asuwa mateachings ake. Ibva apa 7 years uchitinyepera. Cindy was you Walter to rise up and sort the whole church including jean and shingi. KANDA BONGOMAN WATANGA IBVA APA.

    4. Walter Masocha stop blogging.

    5. We know Walter has ignored the blog , so making like he is blogging how do address issues? Jean's marriage is paramount. Walter just needs witnesses to rise up and help Jean. So if you were abuse start getting guts and help our Jean.

  5. Well said blog 23:42. This cult must just shut down before before the government agencies gets. Involved investigating all these allegations.zvinenge kutamba but to those who watches bbc panorama will agree with me.someone will go to jail i tell you now.if this petition becomes a successful event then hokoyoyi dear brethren in Christ.i left the cult way before this helahela and went back to my old church.i wasted a lost of money to this so called daddy.i nearly lost my wife of 10 years after i suspected that the cult leader masocha was sleeping with my wife. Warning to you varume vanevakadzi vanoyenda kuCult masocha,vanokwirwa anababawe.muface uya anonzi Walter haana kumira bho.secret cameras record madzimai while using toilet.PERVET MASOCHA. Tutukhile wakeup and smell the coffee my brother.follow your friend Phanzi out of this misery.your wife is getting squeezed in the holy surgery by Walter mate.Jean you have saved a lot of people.May God bless.

  6. Please leave Cindy alone.Can you not see.Open your eyes .Why is it that all sex allegations are Walter ,Walter?Why only him Not CHIKWEZVERO,NOT Muchi,NOT Chikoore?I bet he surely did it .After all Baba Masocha is NOT THE ONLY MAN in Agape. We will see. Cindy is right even if it was me would have done the same.

  7. Why Tshuma next back your statement?

  8. Ah well zoomed, its Walter pauzima. Jean take this out raguta mari yedu. Fat with our money.

  9. Its not about Jean and Shingi. Envoy is want truth of abuse. He kiss me and I tell him to but he says I am chosen. Thank you envoy cindy

    1. Are people blogging whilst drunk now. What do you mean? Weird statement.

  10. LEVITICUS 26: 17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.
    18And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. (judgement day is coming madzibaba Walter)

    Despite the enemy's camp hacking into my emails, so many people have responded and it is the doing of the Lord. The number 7 signifies COMPLETION or DOING A WORK COMPLETELY and also RESTING.Agape, those who have been abused have walked round Jericho (agape) 7 times in its 7th year. But there is celebration as those who were victims become victors and REST and restoration is coming your way. God has heard your cry, for some you were kissed and told the 'blessing' was sealed for no other man to kiss you. For some, it was the 'fat tongue' in your mouth before he pushed you into kneeling position before pulling his zip down, for some it was a slap on the bum and some of you couldn't talk just crying was enough. One thing is common, most of you were told you would die or the wrath of God would be upon your whole family. Let me tell you sisters today, 365 times the bible says 'DO NOT FEAR'. Thats enough for each day of your life yearly.Claim your 'do not fear' daily. Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Let this be your prayer, you shall live.
    Let it be known that today I am openly calling Walter Masocha a paedophile and the truth is surely coming out, sue me or send your cohorts here to curse or come at my door. Your youngest victim was 11 years old and you know who I am talking about.One of those three innocent little girls.You both know baba namai masocha what I am talking about. Let me publicly say, those who covered up your time is nearly up. And I know all the people you called saying I was possessed and being mightily used by devil and told them not to pick up my calls; on Christ the solid rock I stand.Everyone of you cover uppers, God is going to expose you one by one very soon.You have young children and you think its ok? All you envoys, vulnerable women were tampered with and you left me to rot in that meeting, who is your shepherd?My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow saith the Lord.Commissioners answer me if you are so sure you know the truth.That steward/attaches/saint who used to bless went through a hellish ordeal and today they are talking to me instead of coming round to your house a few miles down the road for hug and a good cry.Do not even try to call me looking for gossip. Ndarwadziwa mhani.I am in pain.Man of god kuita sei. Walter and Judith you made me feel like a traitor, well the spirit of the Lord is upon me and my message to you both is I KNOW/I KNOW/I KNOW and I will not rest until everyone who wants justice sees justice. Today as my mum brought me up in the Salvation army i stand as UTO REMUPONESI

  11. Just can never understand why some women cheapen themselves like this. Men will tell you anything to get into your pants, shame u enjoy to see another woman being bad mouthed my dear he probably does the same to u when he is with somebody else. Have some pride dear he is gone, u think if he leaves this woman he will not book the lodge for her or someone else. Describing his anatomy like that why really. If u love him u wouldn't do that. Naivowo EE Ava vane mabasa. How can the man of God be surrounded by adulterers and not know it.loll. Murume anobva Kuna Jehovah my sister. Bed hopping with another woman's man cheapens you and yes the effects of that will be felt later don't kid us and act like its all glory. Your parents are reading this please think of the shame they will experience when fingers will stretch towards them each time they pass. Why don' t u sort your issues with the EE away from this blog. I am one of those people who are supporting Jean's cause. Abuse is not right and u dear by allowing this man to keep coming to u is like opening yourself to abuse. As women we should fight against abuse of any kind, we should never celebrate when one of us is being mocked regardless who dated who first the point is he went to somebody else. If he truly loved you why didn't he tell Masocha that he had someone else in mind better still leave the church go kwauri dear. Bitterness is a bitter pill hon it will kill you. Pray and stand on the word of God he will do for you what he did for Hazel. Sorry for unsolicited advice but really we women need to rise up. You are better than that my sister. May God be with you and loosen all Zimbabwean women from this 'small house' syndrome.Iko UK uku kunenge kune mabasa indeed. Tanyara neAGAPE.

  12. anonymous 23:42. U sound like Masocha. I will answer you kwakachena. In the mean time, well before you sleep make sure you leave your brains to soak overnight in bleach. Please!!!!!!!!!! When you wake use your Mrs brains, I think they should do you better until yours is well cleansed!!

  13. ng about the Prophet and his abuse of power and money, a concerned ex Agape member has started a petition She is calling on action to be done against financial abuse in Agape and she needs 1000 signatures on the petition. Please join the petition and sign and share on Facebook and Twitter.

  14. Agape yapera zvino!!!!!!!!! the cult is bursting at the seems. waiting to see another leader putting their names were their mouths are!!!!!!!!We are also reliably informed that Evangelist Walter Nhliziyo and his lovely wife have been RESIGNED by the Agape-mafia and repressive order for being the 1st Envoy to put his name and raise complaints against Agape on the blog. Brave Heart (Nhliziyo). We are also reliably informed that the 11 year old girl mentioned above by Cindy Martin is in the safe custody of the Martins and Nhliziyos. Nhliziyo is also believed to be in possession of copies of the letters that he wrote dating back to 2009 that expose Masocha, McHardy and the entire Mafia gang bullying tactics, which will be made available to the press for the whole world to see. Contacted for comment, Nhliziyo said that one needs to “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” asked what that meant, Evangelist Walter Nhliziyo said, it is time for him and his family to move-on and find another Home.

  15. .Please let's sign the Petition.We have had Talk.We have walked the Talk.Action speaks Lounder.SEND IT TO ALL NATIONS AND send it what's up too.

  16. Cindy don't make me cry.How could he do that?.Parents please talk to your children nicely they will tell you the Truth .Or parents give you children Cindy's mobile number at least their is A willing lady who wants to help.We need a committee for these Sexual allegations. What about boys?Haven't they been sexually abused.

  17. The net is tightening on Kanda Bingo! Bongozozo muAgape woyeeee! MaEnvoy muchafa nenzara nekutsanyisirwa mahara ku retreat uko! But go for a suspended jail sentance or shorter jail term. By the way thank you Mr Mademombe from zim. This guy says chikurubhi is waiting. Mazimba akakumirirai baba worota! Precious ukadakuendesa sadza kuJeri unobva dzangochenawo! And to Elijah Chokwezvero, your letter is factual and as clear ad Cindy's. U rely fought for saints, its evident in the letter. Nzhliziyo, I can't get what you are tryiing to say. Anyone wanting to cone out in the open please be clear and don't meander. Straight to the point. ONE TIME!!

  18. 0149. You hv my full backing on that one.ths is 2014. Pane ya nhzhlyo, chinodzi gwazhi (people who ate books). Kwanzi dont fight monsters otherwse you end up a monster newe. Unotamba nemu facey uyu. Amwe ma envoys went to higher skool shazi. Wona english ya nhlzyo na elijah, magraduate ari ku westwa ne agape!! Power une mongo

  19. Its not nhliziyo, ndi reporter who spoke to him. Vakomana!!!! Read before yu ask questions

  20. I stand up in Judith Masocha's defence. Please bear with her and whatever wrongs she has done put on my account. Judith too is a victim. I have watched her pain when her husband engaged in promiscuous relationships in the church. There are ladies and girls she never liked in the church because they were too close to her husband. Judith asked for help to push these ladies away. She blamed the men in the church for not rising up to prevent these ladies from breaking her marriage and the work of God. She tried her best. Those familiar with Forth Park you know Judith refused food or help from certain ladies.
    She tried and she tried. The signs Judith is exhibiting are the signs of an abused woman.
    Whatever happens please remember Judith is still being abused and ill treated in Agape.
    To me she was a very gracious woman and she is still my MOTHER.
    I am sorry mum for what you have gone through. Whilst you seek healing, escape and closure you have been condemned with the abuser.
    May the LORD vindicate and set you free from the strongman.
    Thank you for saving my wife from abuse. You may not remember how you did it but I will never forget. For that I am grateful. Otherwise I do not know what could have become of our marriage.
    I salute you mum. You'll remain my mum but certainly he is not my daddy.
    Please mum consider your children and the innocent lives being destroyed daily and those whose wounds have been reopened as they re-live what has happened to them at the hands of your husband.
    Do the right thing mum and distance yourself from all these as God will repay according to the principle of sowing and repeating.
    Your testimony can bring liberty and justice for the souls in anguish and will make you a true daughter of Zion in the sight of God.
    I love you mum and am sure most here do. Please do not let us down by being silent or defending tge indefensible.
    Join with us and let us get justice for you and for all victims out there
    You have been exposed on account of sins you did not commit.
    'Daddy' does not love you. If he really did you would not have brought this shame to you.
    He is a disgrace but you are a victim. Remember the Word of God to Esther. "If you remain silent at a time like this, deliverance in Agape will come through others but God will hold you accountable and a partaker of your husband's sins.

  21. Beloved Envoy Elijah the man of cliches. Area 11 is perplexed with the way you left. You told the area that you wanted to have a private time alone in your last text to the Area. You never said goodbye which l find unbecoming and untoward behaviour. Like the typical Italian captain you jumped off the sinking 'Concordia' and left saints to steer themselves to safety. You actually worsened the inferno by your behaviour. To add insult to injury Envoy Theresa is telling people that you are still on board and having a quiet time. This is wrong. It is also questionable why she remained in the ministry to minister to very few saints. Any backpayments received? On allegations about Viola why of all the Envoys was your name picked? There is an old saying there is no smoke without fire. Now you are free to respond like Envoy Cindy on the blog.
    Area 11.

  22. Ruvimbo declined the offer???? Go back to ur sources Jean you are very misinformed. Ruvimbo ACCEPTED the offer and shes suing u big time. She has hired the best lawyer in Uk as money is not an issue. U should recieve papers in the post tomorow and u will be embarraased how wrong u were.

    1. Legal action or not Agape is now is complete paralysis beyond repair. Masocha's reputation is damaged permanently even if the blog shuts down. No sane person will ever trust him and of course he is now fighting to stay out of prison. The church is now in financial malaise and very soon there will be no £100 000 salary for him. Jean has long won the battle.

    2. Suing someone with no money shows how brainless the litigant is. All she will get is more exposure if Jean maintains her stance. She will get no money. And Jean will be assigned a free defence lawyer who will try and make his name through this case.

      In fact, whoever will be suing Jean will have nothing to gain but a lot to lose. This Masocha thing will be played out more in the courts and world media will be zooming in on it and justice will at last be attained...meanwhile, if Walter Masocha kills himself after tjis Riuvimbo wacho will be left asina kana cent and will continue to owe the lawyers until she pays up from her salary.

      Waiting to read this being played in court.

      Ruvimbo after all has no case to pursue against Jean. Jean has only to prove the litigation financing from Masocha to prove the Ruvimbo is being used.

      Tell thatRuvimbo girl kuti she stands to lose more with this litigation.

  23. Elijah thank you but ungaramba hako, you did become the go between for Viola. We welcome you on the blog. When you are ready please expose Worota as he can not be marrying every now ans then. He must change or be changed. We know about Viola!
    So give us a real confession so that we deal with this Worota

  24. Nhliziyo is undecided. Atomiriea kudzingwa first mucult yaanoziva kuti icult. We need him to publicly renouncethe cult

  25. I can't see my comment which I believe is not abusive and does not cross any boundaries. In my comment I only supported Judith Masocha whom I believe is a victim too. Also stated how Judith saved my wife from abuse. Still believe she is a gracious woman. I am not bothered if it is not published. There may be good reasons for that but certainly wouldn't waste my time writing what's not going to be published even if it seems to meet the guidelines. I am not on Masocha's side but I firmly remain in Judith' s side. She is a victim too and even if no one seems to see it. I am quite established in my area of expertise and Judith knows me very well and I am one of the few who she confided in. I'm not writing what I wrote previously and not sure if I will write again as I did not see anything wrong with my comment.

    1. Blessed morning Embassy Cleaner. I am sorry about your comment. I would like to say I did not see the comment you are referring to in the moderation inbox. As you may be aware, the blog gets hacked into almost daily, I am constantly changing my passwords. Recently two comments I had not put through by a supposed Itai targeting Cindy Martin where posted on the blog when I had not even seen them. The blog gets tempered with by Agape at times, by the grace of God its still running. I have no issues regarding your comments if anything I find them enlightening and refreshing, you always offer a different perspective well written. I can see why your comments may be tempered with by hackers. Cindy Martin's email was hacked into so was poster who no longer posts as her computer was hacked into. Agape does hack into the blog I know. I will look in the spam if not please do repost it. Maybe save your comments before posting in case somehow it doesn't come through. God bless and good day xxx

    2. Thanks Jean. I have now seen my comment.

      Samson destroyed the philistines with a JAWBONE. Agape has been destroyed by JEAN's KEYBOARD. Allow me to paraphrase this verse by substituting jawbone with keyboard as God can use anything.

      Judges 15:15 - 17 Paraphrased

      15Then she found the keyboard and started a blog. She picked it up and brought Agape to account with it. 16Then The keyboard warriors said,

      “With the keyboard ,
      We’ve piled them in heaps!
      With the keyboard,
      We’ve brought Agape to account!”
      17When they finished their boasting, they threw away the keyboard; and the place was named Agape Destroyed By The Keyboard"

      Readers I would like to leave you with these verses about leaders who fail in their duties and Judas Iscariot as I believe the ' Apostle, Dr, Prophet, Archbishop,etc' has betrayed us like Judas Iscariot did Jesus. So his fate should be more or less the same.

      Psalm 109:8
      "May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership."

      Acts 1:20
      "For in the Book of Psalms it is written, 'Let his estate be desolate, and let no one live on it,' and, 'Let someone else take over his office,'

      Isaiah 22:17 - 19
      17 “Beware, the Lord is about to take firm hold of you
      and hurl you away, you mighty man.
      18 He will roll you up tightly like a ball
      and throw you into a large country.
      There you will die
      and there the chariots you were so proud of
      will become a disgrace to your master’s house.
      19 I will depose you from your office,
      and you will be ousted from your position.

      Agape leaders you MUST rise up and remove Walter from the leadership. His position has become untenable. Ichabod! The glory had departed from him.
      Like Saul, the Spirit of God has left him and another spirit is now tormenting him and before you know it the same spirit will transfer to those under his headship.

  26. Embassy Cleaner, hope you ok. Just read your post and thought let me help you on this one.
    1- firstly if you are not bothered about something next time don't mention it.
    2- You started very well on this blog but from what you have said about commenting in favour of Judith, I think you got it wrong. I mean the timing!!
    1The campaign here is not about how good Judith is.
    .2-It's also not about what she has said to you and continues to say to you about how good or abused she is.
    This platform is not about but for people who have been abused and those who are seeking justice against abuse.
    listen my friend I know you understand so let me not take time. Your timing to support Judith is wrong.
    This is time to press hard on these people until they open up. If she's good as you say and tells you that she is innocent. Tell her to go to the nearest police station not you. Also,if Judith has told you about her abuse, it's an opportunity for you to tell the police so she can be helped. Trying to seek justice for her now won't help cause as long as she remains in Masocha camp, she is wrong as are all other leaders of this cult choosing to be deaf about the crisis. The blog is open to everyone so she can come and defend herself on the platform. Tell her,she doesn't need to pay conference fees, leave her house, or be face to face with someone she hates. We don't do overalls here, no threshing of the floor, no book sell, video taking, no sweat buggars Walter so no need for towels and 100% guaranteed she won't get her boobs fondled or told to do a BJ. But if she doesn't like many other leaders who are benefiting from Masocha, then it will be good to tell her she still remain prone to attack on the basis of hiding the truth.
    Hope you will find this helpful
    We are in the 6th gear and no going back.


    Unrevised material

    Ps: people can you please sign the petition. The quicker we get it done the better.
    Jean can you keep posting the link at regular intervals please!!

    1. The voices are high today, they are talking to each other. Zvakaoma.

    2. Moses! Thanks. We're on the same path. I agree with you I need to choose my words carefully. We're inseparable and will continue together in this fight. Instead of saying 'I am not bothered' I should have said 'I understand'. We have since corrected this misunderstanding. I am proud to be fighting alongside Jean, you and all the keyboard warriors.
      You can correct me any time if needed to ensure we stay on track with one mind.

  27. Embassy Cleaner!!
    Oh! I have just read your post, I think that's the one you were referring to. You can disregard my reply to you as I see nothing wrong with it. It seems we are talking the same language though the other didn't seem to suggest that.
    Sorry mate, nice post!
    And so the campaign continues!!!!

    Always unrevised material

  28. Elijah denies kurorwa kwa Viola keyboard warrior woyeeee muriko here uko?? Chitipirai tinzwe what else is not true on this fucked up blocked. Everything absolutely everything. The funny one out of them all is about masocha paying ruvimbo for lawyers. Kikikikiki hohohohohoho it cant get any better than this. Zvinonzwisa tsitsi manyepo akadai.ndaita weti ngekuseka. Jean waparara give over your lies. Go tell your reliable source to do one.

    1. WHy Envoy Eijah did you do this write up if you want to just give us a half response. Be honest taurayi chikwadi. Your wife is still an envoy why? Because she disagreed with your role as Masocha's go between. Now you come here and deny it kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Tibvireyi kumhepo plEEEEEEZE envoy. Your account defies logic. From what you wrote there is nothing valid for him to leave the church. Cindy at least makes sense. Hence, we go back to the real reasons why Elijah left. He was used by Worota to marry viola, now that we all know he jumps ship. We know that he was loved and cherished by naworota. But was abused and used to do one on Judith. Judith is an abused woman. If a man can marry and you have no say as a wife - you are indeed a victim. A victim by choice unlike Jean here. The silence from walter Nhliziyo these days means he like Ruvimbo was paid a heft sum of money - anokara mari Nhliziyo, we worked together years ago, this man loved praying but money was always his weakness. We need the Nhliziyos to come up and ive us all the abuse real time stories as we hear they have a lot of evidence. Nyasha the fallen EE, tipe matape Recordings edu eabuse tipe mapurisa. With Faith deployed to distribute monies to the fallen soon we will have many coming back. Elijah repent and confess, dont play games with this blog. Kuuya here pano kuzofadza tuvanhu turi mucult nekunyepa. Howmuch were you paid?

  29. This is interesting now elijah denies going kundorora lol

  30. Hahaahahaha laughing my head off Ruvimbo hasnt been to Cosyneuk in months lol

  31. Its true i think like ruvimbo and nhliziyo he has been paid.this happened more than a year ago and people asked you questions elija and you never answered.the blog has been saying this since from the start.why answer now when masocha is offering people monies.hmmm we know there is money trafficking from masocha camp and all of a sudden you answer.then masocha camp starts discrediting this blog of truth.wagutisa £20000 of our tithes manje.
    You were also sent by masocha to viola the abused 14 year old Judith sister to ask for forgiveness on Walter's behalf.answer that for your children then. Sent to sweep rape under the have always done masocha' s dirty work under the guise of truly agaped son.answer me like what envoy Cindy did.


    1. Letter from Mbare, Harare. Ndaverenga, had a great laugh. Viola is my cousin. Akaroorwa nnaWalter Masocha wekuBhuhera. Munyai Elijah Chikwezvero, paid almost $19500.00, n'ombe dzese takapiwa. Is this man now denoucning marying our cousin or what? Manyepo aya. Anonyepa Elijah wacho. WHy do you think murume waViola akanyarara? Anozviziva. Takatomupa mudzimai wake

    2. Simple, Elijahanswers now because he has been paid a hefty sum to lie to us. Viola has been dumped by worota. Who will marry Masocha's leftovers? EEs - over to you - Worota, dad venyu has discarded the mbare wagon for anyone to ride kkkkkkkkkkk. Kanonyanya kachembere aka, kuvanza mwana, parading as a gril kari kamvana. Kuchera vamwe kuna worota. Next Worota is in surgeries branding many peace breakers kari viola kaita makuhwa. Elijah, newewo uchinyanya. Next time check people's background before you are used. Mai Tinashe must sit down with you as she knows this man better. So Elijah, really? is this the best shit you can come up with? HOW MUCH WERE YOU GIVEN ELIJAH TO FINNALLY WRITE THIS DENIAL?
      Unonyadza kani iwe!

  32. Faith fats Nechironga biggest snake. Being used mightily by DAD SNAKE masocha to lure people back. Envoy Cindy watch out if she phones you asking you to lead the sheep.she is still in her dads camp and loves dad and the vision.she is on mission from her dad who slaps her bum.

  33. Dear Jean please seperate fact and fiction love. Your ex friend Ruvimbo was already s paid money by Masocha last year. It was a good amount she renovated her council house to a good standard and her mother in law Blessing Matorera is now running with the Vision in Wigan evangelising to everyone. She was given the money already to cover lawyers and house renovations so go back to your so called reliable sources.

  34. Someone can we have a list of people who have been paid by Kanda Bongo to shut the blog besides Alois Zunguza and Ruvimbo and M15 Tinashe Manyati. Im sure theres more.

  35. Breaking news agape noooye
    Hazel manyati had fainted big when she founded out truth of Walter Judith wages. Guess what that pretend to be quiet snakes envoy Joyce took her to crossover and she back in agape.envoy Joyce she says she talk to nyasha and says a lot of negative but she still in.what's there in agape to encourage people


  37. Can someone post names of all high profile people who have left the house of slaughter ( agapecult ). Thanks

    1. I think its better getting the remaining names cause people have really left agape.

  38. Some news to. Faith Nechironga is on a missoin to re-agape certain targets, one of them being EENyasha and Attache Mafurutu. My source from the iner ladies circle also informs me that they have got HAZEL MANYATI hooked on to the vision, and has told some ladies that EE tinashe is tioling in a sea of confusion regarding his continued attachement to Agape church. If you are reading the blog tinashe get yuor wife to stop mouthing and listening to Faith on the phone. Hazel Manyati's name and subsiquently yours Tinashe Manyati, your names are mudded and soon beyond repair. Tinashe get your wife off the phone. Such is Faith. Barbara stop listening to Hazel. Farai get your wife to stop it. Envoy Joyce Ruwona be like your husband and be quete, pleeeez! Be wise falks about the Faith Nechiranga- Mai Chikore combination. And to Mum Masocha, the afformetioned combination is part of a section of the AGAPE WOMEN'S LEAGUE that has seen the downfall of your husband. EE nyasha where is your resignation letter, dzevamwe tadziona wani. Mai Ruwona is she really your relative? Varikutaurisa mai vaye asikana!

    1. So true !!! She's also opened a Travel Agency . Where did Faith get the money from considering kuti she hasn't been in paid employment since 2003. She will remain in Agape just to get paid. Rombe remunhu. I feel sorry for her husband , Francis Nechironga deserves better. I've changed my number saka she can't call me anymore . I was tired of bring bombarded by continuous meaningless texts and calls. So true !!! She's also opened a Travel Agency . Where did Faith get the money from considering kuti she hasn't been in paid employment since 2003. She will remain in Agape just to get paid. Rombe remunhu. I feel sorry for her husband , Francis Nechironga deserves better. I've changed my number saka she can't call me anymore . I was tired of being bombarded with continuous meaningless texts and calls.

  39. Kikiki lolest clearly bitch you cant differentiate fiction and are sick in the head. Wakungorutsa kutaura manyoka chaiwo

  40. Vatendi vemu agape maimbonyatso namata aniko imi. You know the foundations of you church where originally built on lies, betrayal and deception. And from my knowledge of the word spiritually these things are passed on. It's becomes the ruling spirit in the church affecting all aspects of your structure as a church. Did you not see the prevailing spirit of backstabbing , pleasers of man than God, spirit of jezebel wrecking marriages , raw deception manipulation and suppressing the poor and weak . All against the word of God . Attaché and envoy are not eve biblical ... You should have known then that it was all a sham and circus.. The commotion here and in you church is because of your foundation . Anywooooo!!! Those you who know God and have a relationship with Jesus Christ yfind yourself a good church and love The Lord your God with all your heart and you might. He will restore and bring healing . I pray for your guys

  41. If you remember orange suit ya Woza, it's in Faith's house, whether she bought it or she was given I don't know. So how can you expect her to leave agape when she was told its a point of contact to have apostle's suit. And she was told that whenever she feels lonely she can wear the suit or hold it. She claim that since she had the suit every is going well in her favour. Franco can you burn that orange suit in your house or return it back to Kanda

  42. You have a conman of an Apostle Agape. I am shocked. But why Dr Masocha? After all this do you sleep at night? When you look at Cosy, the cars, fat bank accounts what comes to your mind? How about your conscience? You are such a disgrace not only to the family of God but to the Masocha family.

    1. Masocha does not care about anyone. If he did he would acted long back. What kind of a father does not protect his children? People's private life have been exposed, relationships ruined and saints left depressed. Some have gone back to the world and will never trust a prophet again........and you call him FATHER?

  43. FAITH Nechironga that one wants to be incharge of zvese i think Kanda knows bthat she is capable of doing anything thats why he sends her .i feel sorry for the sister P Domingos uya achafa asina chainacho npamusana pa Faith who uses her .Faith chero vana vake they dont even have manners apa tinoti tiri mu church .Hazel na Tinashe vanofira nhaka gore rino iwo muchato wamakazobatsirwa kuita .Francis Nechironga murume uya ndimwari chete vanomuchengeta .we hear that any man anenge awuya achida sis yake P SHEhas to say yes orno kuita here uko.

  44. Who is this Ruvimbo I have never seem her at a conference. Does anyone know if shes coming to the ladies PPUSH next month I need to have a sit down chat with her. I think its fair to hear her side of story too.

    1. No PPUSH your Dad will be in Prison. Forget it

  45. Kana wamuziva wodini?


    Just to let you know we will be publishing all names and workplaces of those who will still be in this establishment by midnight as final draft of the names that will be released to the press as animals who celebrated and stood by a nasty paedophile who molested a girl who was 10 turning 11. Stretching your hands towards such a monster, hee god told me you have reduced my servant to your level,hee how can we put him through this he doesn't deserve this, hee lets just carry on hee prayer prayer,hee you don't know my alabaster. What about the young girl who was pinned down, such innocence lost.look at your children and imagine it was them. What does your god say now. The minute mine turned 11 hanzi you are old enough to be seen on your and God not god cancelled that rendezvous and i am doing this for your children while you fast and pray for your dad.Just wait and see you disgust me you lot.Zaoga is talking those issues you thought trustee money had buried are going to resurrect. I would make a bee line for the nearest police and report if i were. Vamwe venyu you will go home and find the whole community, non Christians who detest monsters and stand for the truth gathered outside your home.vamwe mu courier and fife free press. All your nonsense in the meeting i have it all and the world will see.

    Yours truly
    Uto rehondo yeruponeso.

    Ps shasha dzekushandiswa phoneing some who have been trying to survive this and how can you mai nhengi even say there is no evidence noone will believe you, the agape children will defend him, past is opportunity for you esp and you ana shasha mune vana vasikana vega vega.Police now and save yourselves or let him go and turn himself in.the time line means a lot i tell.ndiwo mumwe mukana wamaiimba,save your jobs.

  47. Belloved Cindy Martin and Walter Nhliziyo, thank you guys for being there for all the saints, stewards, attaches. Yes some Envoys like Elijah Chikwezvero decided to jump the boat leaving it sinking on resurfacing today saying his rubbish and nonsense. Elijah you are just a useless barking toothless dog. A big lier.
    You are not a man. You stupid divorcee, Mari yawapihwa na Walter to silence you, fool. I have lost all the respect I used to give you. Worse your mosquito wife Teresa. Kuma kwamaiita upkeep nd groceries from saints kusanyara. You are jumping out today from where. Be like Cindy, Nhliziyo, Caleb, Ven.

    1. That is Envoy Concordia Elijah for you. Jumping ship and saying to saints 'save yourself'. Envoy Theresa your loyalty is now under scrutiny. The area is left with less than 10 members from a high of 60 now so what is your motive for staying? Why would you sacrifice your husband and children to remain in Agape? Kuda chigaro? Koo iko kunyepera vanhu mukadzi mukuru asinganyari. Unofunga kuti takapusa nhai?

  48. Yoweh! muAgape muya zvamakunge kuIraq nhai! Baghdad chaiyo! Zvirikungoputikaputika amai! Yambiro....musatize muchisiya vana veduwe! imi! Me I go to seventh day but the noise yehondo yamuka muAgape ndati cha Chii nhai! I think some one somewhere in your church Agape took God's glory. He is a jealous God. I hope hama dzangu dzabuda, ndirikuto zeza kuvafonera, cos ndana daddy this daddy that!.

  49. Ivo Bishop ava ma nickname! ah! Daddy, Mukoma Walter, Big mama, Jinda, Kanda Bongoman, Worota, Profit, Conman. iii Inga ma1chaiwo!

  50. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i love these stories

  51. To WALTER MASOCHA (Prophet)
    Walter you are likened to an angel of darkness,but now you can run no further,you can hide no longer. Even your defenders will not be able to defend you for The Lord of Hosts is about to rise up against you. Walter you know the scriptures and there is always a warning before destruction so I will not preach to you,it is still not to late. Can I highlight to you James ch 4 especially vs 8 and vs 17.Walter the wages of sin is death. Ro ch6 v23.But GOD demonstrates his own love for us in whilst we were still sinners Christ died for us. Ro ch5 vs8. Now Walter even though you know the Word of God open your Bible and read Romans ch10 vs9 and vs13. Come now,and let us reason together,saith the Lord:though you sins be as scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;though they be red like crimson,they shall be as wool. Is ch1 vs18. Jesus Says,Behold I stand at the door,and knock;if any man hear my voice,and open the door,I will come in to him,and sup with him,and he will be with me. Love from a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  52. This is to Mr Masocha,in am not in Agape but been following the story unfolding pano.I know you read this blog.You have been tainted my brother and only you knows how deep the truth goes zviri kutaurwa pano.Open your heart my brother,Mwari vanoziva zvisi mukatikati memoyo wako.You might try to pay vanhu or kunyarara uchiti all will be well but chokwadi ndechekuti your life will never be the same again.Gadziridza nyaya iyi nekuti kana ronda iri roputika honye dzacho dzinenge dzisingaite.This will and has tainted not just you but vose vakakukomberedza.For generations to come zita rekuti Masocha rinenge richinyadzisa.Kunyarara kwako hakuna chakuchabatsira nekuti kana rugare rairwa mauri hamuchina.Wakucheuka chero mutsindo wesvosve uchitya kuti nyaya dzako dzazokubata.Sort this mess out but no one will solve it for you,not even those on your payroll kunze kwako iwe muridzi wenyaya.Rinemanyanga hariputirwe mukoma

    1. I am still in Agape and yes I read the blog daily. Yes dad, please save our church I am appealing to you. Pretending the blog is not in existence wont help. This issue should have been resolved long ago. What is so difficult? Whats hard to sit down with Jean, and we close this chapter? If all said here is true why not sit down and give real apologies. I cry for my church. I cry for you to be strong and to stop sweeping this dirty scandals under the carpet. Lets face it, some issues raised here are very true. They need to be addressed. The whole church needs to be born again, i mean change must happen. The current Board has failed and needs to be dismissed. By failing to respond to this blog. The board too the cowardly way out. Wishing the blog to go away is a dream, not happening. So please please dad - do something. The whole church knows there is a problem? So why not address it? How do you think this will end? Problems are solved by sitting down and talking. I am appealing as your child. To err is human. You are human. To fall is common, its rising after falling which is difficult. Please rise up my dad. Apologise and save our church. Act please. A good name is better than riches - the bible is clear. Mistakes have happened, show that you take and accept responsibility. Kutukwa kunge mangovawo kamunhu kenhando here dad? Kufumurwa, kubviswa nguwo pane vanhu so.
      Look at how the saints have been insulted and abused. Jean started it but dad you facilitated it. You allowed it. You have shown that you do not care about your saints' reputation, their jobs and livelihood. Whats the role of a dad? Its to love and protect. Have you done so? No. Arise and shine. Where is the wisdom? Turn to your wall and pray. Talk to Jean. Its only you she will listen to that you know. So please dad sort this messy.
      Maria K.

  53. Cindy Martin you said, I quote, "let it be known known today I am openly calling Walter Masocha a Paedophile, and the truth is surely coming out, Walter MMasocha's victim was 11yrs old and there are 2 more. Plz tell us the victims names thank you.

  54. Calisto Misi, Touch not the anointed Walter, you now know the definition, Cindy Martin has spelt it out for you. Don't go again on the pulpit shedding crocodile tears, about Touch Not, mwari vanditi. Ok!

  55. Latest from a reliable source Tinashe masochogorus theoram left home because Warota slaped him after exchanging wirds and he laughed at him sarcastically at the dome .
    Vana chikowore kunyarara kudai hanzi wavo mwana mkomana ndiye ane yese manje akanobata chibaro mwana wa attache vekubika kuma conferance vaye varikushandira hu envoy vanongoteera kwese kwese mkadzi nemurume vachirarama na benefits.
    Saka tsitsi haachagona kutaurisa nokuti vana vakagadzirisana .uyezve zvirikunzi mwana sikana wa Tsitsi chikowore aripamadrugs ndosaka akarowa nababa vake akatorwa ne social services ivo vachiswera vachiteera warota.
    If God is for all the truth shall come to pass.
    Titi is no longer going to church hiding at uni. Vanamubva ndiripo Sharon and Sandra vakaziva high life through other pples monies ndovachiri

  56. Apparently faith nechironga big ass inopedza ma tissue she is the one who gossiped the news of Tinashe being slapped because she has been promoted lately and she parks her car near Warotas convoy

  57. Just look unto the qualifications and jobs of the Board Members??? Apostle Walter, you have to blame yourself for all that is happening in the church and on the blog. It's because you decided to handpick B/Mbrs without any leadership and management skills, above alkyl they lack education. You only wanted them for a ride and ur votes. Noria, June, Constance, Gift, Angela, Young, Maxwell, Gladys etc, what can they advice you apart from gossiping. You got it wrong Apostle. You need people with proper skills and good strategy.

    1. Readers I want u to look at the below Board Members on professional basis then make a comment regarding being effective in the meetings and their leadership qualities:
      BM Angela (grade 7 - hair dresser)
      BM Knock (bus driver - zjc certificate)
      BM Enock Wife (zjc certificate- care assistant)
      BM Evang W. Chikoore ( bus driver- zjc certificate)
      BM Tsisti Chikoore (care assistant- O level
      BM Chiedza Zunguza (Teacher- zim teaching cert.
      BM Gift Guvheya (zjc certificate- Security Guard)
      BM Mai Guvheya (Mental Nurse- zim diploma)
      BM Shadreck Masocha (Mental Nurse- UK Diploma)
      BM Gladys Masocha (Mental Nurse- UK Diploma)
      BM June (Grade 7- care assistant live inn)
      BM Noria CHokuda (O level 5 Us- care assistant
      BM Young Chokuda ( SIA badge- Security Guard)
      BM Gochera (zjc -care assistant- live inn)
      BM Constance Paedophile wife (student uni)
      BM Max Nyakutya the Paedophile (sex offender reg)
      BM Julius Gayakaya (Mental Nurse- zim diploma)
      BM Yvonne Gayakaya (Mental Nurse zim Diploma)
      BM Dr Sarah Aturia (GP not allowed to practice)
      BM Francis Aturia (Teacher-Ugandan Diploma)
      Dr Ian (GP/Partime- Agape Fin Admin-Fraudster
      BM Tendai (Hove sister Finance background background( Nil qualification)
      BM Wise (student university-partime care assistant
      Bary and Mandy (very succesfull business partners, interllectualls)
      BM Winnie (Mental Nurse- zim Diploma)
      Do you think the above leaders will spearhead the church to greater heights or they are just puppets of Walter just good at saying Yes to everything? ???

    Lock up your husbands hure guru, rather DDG HURE GURU HILDA TAVARWISA is back. She is the ddg Dr Ven had an affair with.Walter hates Dr Ven because he took left overs.she moved to Edinburgh and was one of the concubine that paid for and went for prayer retreats.she was mightily used by masocha.masocha advised her to enrol at stirling university but his aim was to get it on tap on demand.But she was just being used because he knew she was too thick and used to laugh at Dr Ven for choosing a shapeless woman when agape was full of beautiful women.she got kicked out of university for and worked tirelessly as a carer so she could sponsor the prayer retreat but thought she was the only one until precious sussed her out.well trouble began there was was in teletubby land for horomba yegudo Kanda bongo of the green and pink wedding was war in TELETUBBIES land Dipsy vs Tinky winky. That's all masocha was competition all the way.Hilda ziana, she would phone the whole of England and claims to be masocha's favorite.Then enter Teletubby 3 Laa-Laa blessing chibanda who takes the oscar for most shapeless in became a tripartite theorem for real. There 3 competing but Blessing would show off as the best now because she is doing nurseing and the other 2 being carers.Hilda have masocha ultimatum to leave the other two concubine,he called her bluff by sending her back to Dr Ven but sweet talking her into replacing envoys yafele in running with the vision.the other two Teletubbies are not talking because they don't know which one will be attache.not sure if agape will still be around to see the conclusion of the whole matter.but i will keep a watchful on Jezebel Hilda and all your husbands here.i will blog the minute she pulls her stinking underwear down.
    For those who are not in the loop, common knowledge to all agape youth as told by cosy neuk, her son gay Shawn went with gay David once. Ask Titi big mouth masocha, used to tell anyone about these two gay eye brow waxing boys late night calls to each 'you put the phone down first David, no you put it down first Shawn' this would go on for hours.That's why David doesn't want people in his room.
    Will keep zooming
    Ex youth

    1. Why are you targeting David. He's not gay at all and I know this for a fact. Just because he's quiet and humble. Jean gasho why are you doing this to people?

  59. Follow me as I follow Christ. Elijah just to remind you that there are (true sons if God and true sons of Walter Masocha)
    You Elijah are a true son of Apostle Walter.
    Cindy Martin, Walter Nhliziyo, Dr Ven, Caleb, Jean Gasho and saints who have been sexually and financially abused are true sons of God.
    All the Envoys and BMs you are true sons of Walter, surely you heard and some individuals saw teenagers having sex at the Dome Doncaster nd decided to keep quite, shame on you all.
    To make matters worse the Liverpool Youth Conf it was all sex 13, 14, 15 year old girls being sexed, hey this is sick. Ok what did you all do about it nothing. Only Cindy Martin and Walter Nhliziyo are true genuine leaders, they have set a lot of saints free.
    Shame on you Walter's puppets.

    1. Cindy Martin: Thumbs up to you. As one of the former pastors for you to come up with such a statement, "Masocha you are a paedophile" this can only be said with someone who has the truth/evidence and i wish all agapeans not only pastors all in agape may know the truth that you know. I am in shock that the youngest of his victims is only 11. l believe many young people may have fallen prey and not knowing they are being abused. Many young people think that only sexual intercourse constitute abuse. Iam appealing to you as you may be aware of some of the things/tactics that Masocha may have used/done to these younger people to abuse them. May you please spell them out so that the young when they read they can relate and know wether they were abused or not. People of Agape stop name calling each other because you were all victims. Even those still in agape they are victims lets find ways of opening their eyes other than picking on them. Jean let the blog concentrate more on abuse other than people settling their personal vendettas.Mrs Martin may you explain some of the things that Masocha did to young people. You are very brave l salute you. You are not there to save only your skin as Elijah did but to save even those who are still aboard the sinking ship. Your anger is directed towards the abuser and you are very aware that those still within are also victims they can only be helped not by intimidating them but exposing the truth about their leader. Why didnt Masocha see it coming he wont get away with this one. I cringed to read he had informants planted everywhere, my foot. Remember the Jim Jones story, followers were so blinded that they followed their leader sincerely to the point of death. So people do not blame the people you are blaming for being used by Masocha, they are in the dark. Entries like Cindys will help open everyone eyes. This means if convicted Masocha will be 1. go to prison 2. be on sex offender register 3. will not be allowed to work with children.4 this will be his downfall no more ministry or vision. Now i understand 7 being the number of completion. Agape is finished. Cindy you have put the last nail on the coffin. This is the first abuse allegation against Masocha that has evidence thank God at last after six months of blogging Cindy has brought Agape to a halt. Bloggers do not divert from this one, we now want more younger people to come out with their experiences at the hands of this man.

  60. does anyone know where board member Mandy L is? we haven't seen her at church in a very long time

  61. 22:45 hrs. Well analysed. Contrary to what has been said of Cindy Martin, & Walter Nhliziyo, I certainly believe that it had to take Mr Walter Brave Heart Nhliziyo to trend in uncharted waters. Elijah, shame on you, you left area 11 high & dry. Shepherdess and you call yourself a Timothy....whose Timothy? Masocha's? You resigned or should I say, abandoned us more than a month ago, and you now resurface after realising that Nhliziyo put his name to his letter followed by Cindy. Now you hEar that your colleagues have survived persecution, you surface as a Timothy. Get serious Elijah. And we hear that it's official, evangelist Nhliziyo has parted ways with agape. God Bless Man of God.

    1. Elijah thinks we are stupid. Masocha thinks we fools. Just reading at what Elijah wrote here, you see the real Elijah. What are you hiding Elijah? You left us without an envoy for what reason? Its shame; handitika! Why were you so stupid to be used as a go between when you knew Judith? I say you are a snake. Double faced tsvikuviri, with two heads. From your letter you have left yourself an opportunity to go back to Agape, when this inferno goes down. Teresa's decision belies your actions. She could not support your decision because you are tainted.
      Viola is a cheap common prostitute, you should have checked her first. The affair you and marriage you deny is not a secret. Many saints have been seeing Masocha at Gatwick with Viola snogging each other's faces in public.
      For Agape to be a good church, walter and Viola must go far away. Out of over 500 women, the name viola is picked. Why? Out of all envoys why you Elijah?
      So please, get your story right to us. How stupid do you think we are? How could you let Masocha bribe you? Wanyadzisa Elijah

  62. Elijah you are a Dead I repeat Dead Olive Tree. Look how Walter used you with that Touch from city to city I mean Agapelympics? Was that Godly A big No even you yourselfvyou said it to us in Coventry and Dudley. I know and the Ppeople know why you jumped the sheep. Stupid Envoy how can you not come to the rescue of the underage girls who were having sex with over 18 boys. Is it because pakange pasina wako mwana. You send a text last December about your steping down from Agape. It's over a month now and today you decided to resurface by blogging tosh. Uri rema, imbwa yemunhu. When we wanted you to rescue us what didcyou do, kutotikanda mudziva mune sharks. You have forgotten already love offering, fuelmoney, hotel money for you nd family, conference fees, monthly groceries, Agape regalia alkyl the above we used to buy them for you. Fiddle you and Teresa offer any saint a single T shirt zvayo abig No!
    Do you bbetter shut up close ur dirty mouth how can you fail to address the parents of the minors which were sexed. To hell with all the bunch of Envoys just good at demanding Love offering nd groceries but you are not givers yo your saints.

  63. Ko EE vekunyemwerera vaye STEADY CHIKORE vakaenda kupi haven't seen him since super 7. Vainge vachasvuura Daddy nekuvapukuta face ha! I'm asking cos I'm just watching a DVD re agape and ndangoti ah that man I haven't seen him. Vanopisa tsitsi askana I hope hava bombwewo manzi mu Baghdad umu. Mukadzi wacho handitombomuziva ndeupiko nhai? Vakandireiwo life jacket please.

  64. Agape ooye AGAPE well well who is Hove that chikwezvero addresses his letter by name.Hove is above all of them it's kanda bongoman Judith then Hove but remember Hove is on shift kubasa kwake so he has to protect ndokunobva Mari ikoko .

  65. Big sis coming

  66. Voila ihure ra daddy .hamuone kuti zvese izvi ndezve chihure chete chete did you hear what Judith said hanzi Buda mu Agape you are not forced to stay tell me is that language of women of God.hadya Mari dzedu zvakunzi Buda mu church amai vakaoma ava ihure rewo reku kambuzuma .u think caddis abusing her intact she is the one abusing worota to his skills and talent to open church imimi Judith is a green snake in the green grass.she appears victim she is not at all remember daddy is younger than tis kambuzuma hure bank hure she used to sleep with man to raise Sandra and Sharon saka imimika don't be fooled by Judith' s pretend nce quite ness she talks amai vaya daddy is being used for good living ne vana vake saka imimi most of the time what's obvious is not the obvious if you really want to get to the bottom of every action in fact mum and daddy are in these 50 50 hapana arifani apa can two walk together if they are not in agreement imimika open your eyes go kumasowe kunovhurwa maziso nefungwa

  67. Judith amai vakaoma vaya vanotonga murume kabusira

  68. reply to 23:53 iwe mu wetting lady siyana na EE Steady, he is married to a beautiful, quiete wife. U want to teach her makuhwa? you want to link her to faith nechironga gamba rekutaurisa? bodo. Envoy stay away from ana "phone panzeve", but stay close to your hubby anga hwapurwa. EE steady handsome pfacha! wasvotwa. Wangu murume has never liked Agape so I'm lucky. Akafara pandakabuda weduwe!!! !

  69. I am commenting for the first time. I am an Envoy in Agape. Reading Elijah's post and following comments I don't know what to think anymore about the Apostle and Viola. I have now recalled Rotherham official launch. I remember that Viola went to the Man of God's apartment. I thought she was going to minister as she told me. I also had to go to the apartment to see the Apostle, nothing alarming I just needed urgent prayer over a financial difficulty. Jean's story had just broke it was in October. When I went to the apartment I met EE Enock and his wife Mai Enock outside the apartment They looked very angry and said to me I could not see the Apostle because 1 I had no appointment and 2 Viola was in the apartment with the Apostle. Mr Enock started shouting saying Viola agarisa muApartment nadaddy, ngaachibuda ndizvo zvinokanganisa vision izvi mhani! Mai Enock looked very angry and she was also saying Viola ngaabude. Now looking back I saw Viola in servce later on and she was walking with her legs wide apart kunge airwadziwa nepakati pemakumbo. Something was not right chete. I am not implying anything but she did look suspicious.
    Another thing before I forget at Rotherham Shingi joined us in the Envoy meeting the Apostle brought him in, Shingi was even crying when Apostle said look at my son Shingi he is the main victim of Jean. We all felt sorry for Shingi but looking back now it was just Apostle trying to make himself a victim using Shingi. I am an Envoy but I just needed to say this because more things are unfolding everyday I don't want a bad conscience in this Agape saga, even Pilate said I have washed my hands in this matter. Ndageza maoko hama dzangu chokwadi chandinoziva ndataura.
    concerned Envoy

    1. Stupid Envoy or shall i say Convoy you write as if you are pa toilet seat .kupi kune mukadzi anofamba akavhura makumbo this Bitch was already used to Kandas saka unopenga .

  70. Envoy Cindy I have questions for u how come you kept quite all this while knowing what daddy was doing kuvana why talk now ko dai pasina blog iri radio Jean where you ever going to want justice for anyone .pls did u not know kuti Sandra liked u coz of the gifts u used to shower her with .you were their bank ndosaka when daddy and mum were away they used to come to your house or call they knew you were their bank .Sandra never really liked to be honest.what did you buy Sandra for wedding present ndimi naJessie Maida to be daddy's favourite by spoiling the gals.So you mean you never saw that AGAPE was after people s money .Ok envoy Cindi what did or do now see of Sandra s wedding .that wedding just said it tell us cindi why certain people were invited to the wedding what was wrong with those who were not invited .ipapo they contradicted with the mission statement of Agape why on earth do opposite of what you preach or mission statement.can I remind you cindi what does AGAPE mean unconditional love of God weather poor or rich weather you you worship God or not saka muchato uyu sei not all AGAPE children were invited and few Sandra didn't not know blesses mama she gave them personally invitation.did you not see anything wrong with that .

  71. 0016 you must be a ngochani yaida Sandra or you are one of masocha concubine and you are so so so angry since last June.get a life.go to surgery and sort it na daddy. Get away kamu lesbian kapenzi. Read last blog, she said she didn't know even about the sex scandal at youth conference.we have someone standing up against masocha and you are busy about Sandra.enda ku chair and look for a woman.pihwa Joy uko

  72. Brother Elijah Chikwezvero24 January 2014 at 04:19

    Eh eh eh eh hold your fire!
    You will need your bullets kuhanga, dzichauya. You have a taste for njivawo zvadzo.
    If you cannot handle the truth about me, then it's your choice what you decide to take in or discard. You can ride on lies until Christ comes.

    You brought up negatives against my name, I gave you the corresponding positives, meaning balance. I cleared my name. I told you that I do not vouch for others. Zvinhu zvemweya izvi. Mangwana wozoti baba vaye ndivovakandiburitsisa kereke. Kudenga inhangemutange. I run my own race. Concentrate on what can make you enter heaven. Anouya Jesu wakashama muromo for the wrong reasons.
    When you BADMOUTH, it only serves to describe the WHO you really are and WHAT fills and controls you. Your anonymity speaks volumes. Budaka pachena kana zvose zvakachena mwana waMwari kana kuti ndi mwari. The bible talks of such in Jude 1:16 KJV
    These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words , having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

    Ever read in the bible in Isaiah 54:17 KJV,
    No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord , and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord?
    I guess you don't/didn't expect me to undo your faith, if it is authored by Jesus Christ.
    Handina wandakatukirira. Musatukirira, it's not of God.
    The decision to leave an organisation is entirely yours the same way you got in. I was never a Captain on any ship. There is always just one Captain on any ship.
    So you believe that your ship is sinking. Guess what?, the Captain is still on board. You have the wrong target. So hold your arrows, musatyoke focus.

    If however, there are calls to reason, then bata panoponesa. Even the Word says in Jude 1:23-25 KJV
    And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. [24] Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, [25] To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

    I personally do not condone bad acts, abuse, misuse etc, where these are proven and by whomsoever they are committed. If anyone has evidence of anything be free to prove your case. I cannot give you mine, tsvaga yako and stand by yours. I guess that's what law demands.
    I also did not/do not/and will not castigate those that have left or will leave Agape. The choice is all yours. Mangwana unobudawo (remember neako mareasons or reason) wozotikudii.

    I HAVE NOT COME HERE TO DISCREDIT JEAN'S ENTIRE BLOG, WHEREVER THERE IS TRUTH TOLD. But wherever lies form, they become weeds and tarnish reason. I DO NOT SPEAK FOR DR. MASOCHA HERE. Those with evidences of lies of financial transactions TO ME, keep them to show Christ and be a true witness against me on judgement day. Musafadze varikutsvagawo chokwadi zvirokwazvo nenhema.

    Mumwe nemumwe achanomira nezvake kudenga. In fact, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV says,
    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. [14] For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

    Mhosva kana iripo hairovi.

    Put your guns away for better use.

    Now I sing amazing grace with understanding.

    To the wise, I have no more reason to respond after this post. I owe God an explanation, not man. Galatians 1:10-12 KJV
    For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. [11] But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. [12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it , but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

    The truth that I know set me free.

    1. Well reasoned piece Mr Chikwezvero. I cant see any reason why people are baying for your blood. But you have done an homourable thing, responding without maliciously attacking anyone. Well done for that. One day you will be exonerated. God bless you.

    2. For posterity sake your response will not go unchallenged. Everyone has freedom of choice and it is your right to leave. What Area 11 is criticising is the manner of your leaving under the false notion of privacy. If you don't understand that you were a leader shepherding the flock therefore ordinarily saints would look up to you . What would happen to them? You had created relationships and friends naturally. You may not have been the Chief Captain but to just send a simple whatsapp message to say respect my privacy etc to the Area 11 beggars belief considering you were leading the same people who supported- paid Envoys upkeep, fuel, grocery etc. In fact I call it arrogance and blatant selfishness. What was wrong to make a dignified exit which is your right anyway and say goodbye? This has nothing to do with encouraging saints to leave-it is just proper. What so happened to your own (or is father's teachings) chidhishi chiri mudhishi, leaders must lead etc. If you can't see this Envoy (now turned Brother) you have a serious personality and mentality problem.

    3. Elijah, ELIAR you better stay off this blog than come here to tell us bullshit iwe wakatengwa. No one is saying you should have stayed in Agape. From the day you went and participated in Masocha's concubine viola's marriage, your hands have blood. From the day you allowed Masocha to bribe you by giving you mullah you went down from a man of God to a man of evil. How could you stoop so low. We thought you were better but alas no, you are just Masocha's puppy. He whistles you follow. And please stop preaching to us because everyone in the Area feels that when the going got tough you abandoned them. Why? You could have repented and God would have forgiven you. You name is mired in every scandal involving Masocha. So all along you kept quiet and waiting until Masocha was dishing bribes then you surface? Unfortunately you dont rank as Cindy or Nhliziyo. You are lower, yes salvation os personal, but you are a hindrance to heaven's gates. Sing a lot of that song because you need a lot of grace after what you did. We had a relationship based on lies, deceit, half truths and game playing thats what our relationship has always been. You use people and you always let them down miserably. Faithful are the wounds of an enemy than you Elijah as a pastor. A deceitful scales displeases the Lord. Thats who you are a liar, deceitful and now a loose cannon. We once respected you but now its all gone. Ungori kapepa. If you were honest you would tell the truth. But after 5/6 years in Masocha you are truthblind. I bought groceries for u. I want my money. I paid conference accomodations for you, payback it back. All of it ELIAR

  73. To Those who where ate the Youth RETREAT.WE NEED THE VENUE DETAILS AND THE DATES. Taurai tinzwe

  74. Come on people of so called area 11! Makubhowa sure ur bitter kuti hamuna kuonekwa mushe? Inga envoy you were in an impossible area! Don worry u have been heard in your points Elijah, and to area 11 why don't u call your dad and he will appoint one of you, sure makupenga Kunge pwere. Kuchemera kutungamirirwa muchurch yaora zvayo kudai? Get a life. I think its one writer akunyadzisa kana nevakabuda.

  75. Brother Elijah Chikwezvero24 January 2014 at 11:33

    (I am sure you know what that means after I mentioned that my previous post was the last. Of course, there can only be one P/S...It has had to be long though)

    Matthew 7:1-5 KJV
    Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

    By the way, do not confuse this with bible bashing. It is to point out that some here you might play God in ignorance & the arrogance you so refer to.
    Usually, what you see in others is a mirror of your own self.


    Do not be selective in your reading of my responses and in your receiving of truth when it faces you.
    You fail in your attempt and quest to paint me with your chosen colour to notice that I gave, in my opening words - unreserved apologies to anyone and everyone I wronged in anyway, that includes ALL the beloved in Area11 and YOU critical anonymouses. Kutaura makahwanda, matyei? Excluding yourself from my sincere apologies is entirely your choice. Woda kuti nditi HORAITI SORRY KA!, ungazoida iwe kana kuitambira? Ah ah, I am not like that. By the way, all good relationships and friendships that resulted during my time with you, such I have maintained intact. It only shows that YOU who criticise & judge me were not in the journey we shared for the good. If I failed in my exit, does it mean you have to fail also in your MOUTH TO LET? Since you speak for others.
    LEAVE ME ALONE! & FOCUS ON THE REAL ISSUE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF JEAN'S BLOG. She has a cause to fight for. For what it's worth, what's in it for YOU in shooting me?
    You are not helping Jean, rather you are diverting genuine people's focus. Zvamunenge makafunda wani, inonzi out of topic "reason for the blog" hamuna kumboinzwawo? Kureva kuti you are still in your ship. Stay there and fix things. Arikunze unomudii? Ah sorry, handidzokeko! Kana dai maizoevangeliser kana kunditumira madifferent delegations, your hatred is sickening. Saka ndiyo language yemuchurch manji yamunotaura pano? Bodo.

    Do not forget that part of the teachings you seem to remember very well included the one about sheep and goats. Sure, some I led purely as instructed and some were in the lead. Again it depends which one YOU were. Since you are good at judging, you play judge of yourself first.
    You ask about what the saints will do, the shepherd is still with them and they hear and know his voice. Kuswera kusonana naJanitor zvake. Ndakatadza hongu, ruregero ndikakumbira chaizvo, ASIKA IWE CHIGONAWO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Inini yenyu iyoyo ndakaitadza.

    Elijah paakatorwa ne whirlwind ndipo paakazoeneka Elisha kuti mumwe wangu ndaenda? Iwewe kana wada mantle yadonha ndiwe chinhonga tione kana uchizvigona. In the heat of the moment under the prevailing circumstances, things happened and I was no more. Therefore goodbye & FOCUS FOUS FOCUS.
    Stop wasting arrows, asi kune bounty prize of the year on my head? Aikaka!

    God have mercy.

    I am out, postscript done.

    1. Now the devil's spirit is out in full force in you ELIAR! Kakafana dad vako Masocha. Zvino zvaunorasa muromo kunge Judith mhoti ndimai vako. You stabbed her on the back. Wakabuda nekutya Kumamiswa naJudith aftrr wandiroora viola. Kusanyara, u come here now as what? You do not support Jean, yet you want to gain momentum on her blog. So what do you and Teresa talk about when she gets home from her sunday service? What do you ask her?
      PAY BACK OUR MONEY WHICH WE PAID FOR YOUR FOOD, CONFERENCE ACCOMODATION. Pay it back ELIAR. DONT preach you are not worth to quote a verse. After the bribes you now feature on this blog to do what? Clear yourself. If you want to be believed here start telling the truth. Get one thing right Team Jean is a strong team, we do not need a liar here. You must give Jean an apology first for letting all those envoys touch her abusively

  76. Elijah do not treat us like we are DADDY'S DANCING IDIOTS. Where do you stand on how our Jean was abused? Why are you silent on that? Do you support the abuse? Why did you not intervene when our Jean was manhandled and abused under the guise of exorcism. I bet you were there.
    Ahoy team Jean. An abuser in the house!!!!!!!!!! Elijah turned a blind eye and still sits on the fence. Ducha remurume

  77. Ruvimbi is not going to PPUSH I have been reliably informed. She hasnt paid either. Faith Nechironga found the venue and shes busy phoning around to get pple to pay but only 23 women have paid and are going. No phone calls from faith are changing pples minds! Get off the phone faith were did u get Ruvimbo number frpm the girl has gone thru enought leave her alone! Shame on you FAITH ppush ppush kuita sei kwacho everyone is boycottin your ppush Faith!

  78. Faith Nechironga please stop phoning people so what u were on the phone to Ruvimbo for 1hour today. I wish ur husband would read this blog and see mabasa ako. Sort your marriage out Faith Fats Nechironga and stop phoning the whole church are u being paid by Masocha Fats? Manje ur dad is going to jail uchawonda gore rino mafuta ese achapera kikikiki

  79. Anonymous24 January 2014 06:50
    To Those who where ate the Youth RETREAT.WE NEED THE VENUE DETAILS AND THE DATES. Taurai tinzwe
    Jean, im writing with reference to the above bloger
    I posted a reply 6 hours ago, still it hasnt appeared on the blog. APPARENTLY IT HAS BEEN HACKED. I HAVE CHANGED LOCTION AND IM RE POSTING THE REPLY...
    It reads: The details of the venue and dates are in the hands of the Youth co-odinators Barbara and Farai then Envoys Mr Calisto Misi and Mrs Unfortunate Misi. The police will take care of that dont worry. Nekutya kunoita Barbara Farai wototsvaga gweta rakasimba. But Farai and Babu shouldnt worry too much, from what i gather the cops want to zero in on Misi na Mrs vacho.

  80. The ladies PPUSH will be a reality check to Masocha that he has been desserted. He used to boast about how women love the vision and are committed. This will be a wake up call for him about the filth and malaise in the church. The women are gone with their daughters as well kkkkk. I do not even know why they put the Men's Conference on the calendar. Who will the Dome? As for profit raking Cathy and Outreach no more raking profits saying 'women buy'. Your personal business is going down.

  81. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
    New changes in Agape.
    1. No more AGAPE MAGAZINE
    2. No more PERFORMING ARTS!

    Comments please team jean!

  82. 0116am Concerned Envoy, we will give you more reasons to be concerned about. for what you are worth, do the honorable thing,, speak like a leader and tell us who you are. stand by your statement like your colleagues, (Nhliziyo/Martin/ Chikwezwero) who have shown their FEAR of GOD and not of man....i quote (don't want a bad conscience in this Agape saga, even Pilate said I have washed my hands in this matter. Ndageza maoko hama dzangu chokwadi chandinoziva ndataura). now, concerned envoy, stand up and be counted, otherwise dont bother telling us you are a leader.

  83. Iko kamukadzi kanonzi Cathy outreach she is so rude mafunga kuti she owns Agape iko ku Outreach after Mary takanzwa kuti akamboenda kuchipatara with same Yvonne Chibanda and Judith style kuti vese vatanga vaita condition imwe chete anofunga kuti ndiye ailuma Ega Dad this Dad that your mouth needs mouthwash Cathy you are so Evil there is that small girl who used to help yu sale kana kumbomupawo T Shirt for free but yet you can travelwith our money to Zimbabwe Holidays muchienda ne Mari dzedu Heartless bitch ndosaka wakarambwa ne murume you have no respect.

  84. Elijah uridodi kamhanza unofunga kuti pane pulpit pano pa blog imbwa who really do you think you are with that Gossip of a wife of yours both of you needed to go for angermanagment courses you were just assholes the way you write proves it all unoda kutonga enda ku Zanu your next step border jumping kunobvisa Mari ya Viola shuwa ko akabatwa unotichi you wanker nhasiuripi ana Man of God this Man of God that get a DVD and just listen to your self ko mukadzi wakasiya mu cult.

    1. Nhai munaonawo zvine musoro kuti zvinonzi murume aenda asi mukadzi asara. Pane iripo chete. Sei Theresa anyanya kusimbirira nesangano raora? Munombotaura kuti chii kana Theresa abva kuchurch? Pari kutamba mari apa. Vakatoliner zvawo homwe dzawo. Heya moti tiri mafuza nhai.

  85. UNDERAGE SEX, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct

    * Sex with a girl under the age of 16 is classified as SEXUAL ASSAULT and a CRIMINAL OFFENCE in the United Kingdom.

    * A girl under 16 CANNOT give informed sexual CONSENT. Because girls of that age are considered vulnerable they are protected by the law.

    * A boy who has sex with a girl under 16 is breaking the law. Even if she agrees. So youth be very careful because a simple mistake can land you a criminal record even if you are dating.
    * As believers you know fornication is a sin anyway before we even consider the point of law.

    * If she is 13-15, the boy could go to prison for two years.

    * If she is under 13 he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

    * A girl age 16 or over who has sex with a boy under 16 can be prosecuted for indecent assault.

    *So, once you're 16 it's OK to have sex?

    It's legal, except with someone who's in a 'position of trust' over us. This includes teachers, carers and doctors, who we trust to look after us. It's illegal for them to have sex with under-18s in their care.

    * AGAPEANS, EX-AGAPEANS, Keyboard Warriors, Bloggers and all those concerned what we have here is serious allegations.

    *Putting all this in context, what we heard happened at a Youth Conference about young people engaging in sexual matters. If you a responsible parent or guardian please talk to your child to find out what happened and if in any way your child was violated.

    * Taking your child to a church which does not protect them from illegal sexual activity is not only irresponsible but pure MADNESS. You should now consider finding a biblical church which will provide them with the protection they need.

    *Agape is nothing but a CULT where sexual orgies are common as people are initiated. Sexual activities at the Couple's meeting, sexual activity at Youth meetings.
    SLEEPER! What will it take for you to WAKE UP?


    * If you were involved in consensual sexual activity in surgeries in Agape it may still count as Sexual Misconduct.

    *Sexual misconduct can occur where one person uses a position of authority to compel another person to engage in an otherwise unwanted sexual activity.

    In Conclusion: If you were abused,

    * Do not allow feelings of guilt.
    *It was not your fault.
    *You are not to blame. You were violated. It was wrong.
    *Fight back.
    Join Team Jean. Two are better than one and a three-fold cord is not easily broken as the scripture says.

    * Keep fighting for justice. The truth is coming out.

  86. Rape Rape.Hokoyo Marlvin Kadiki and Tafadzwa Aribeto Cops are coming to your door.Sex with underage girls.My daughter is Witness. THIS IS THE END.Tumadhara ka Under age. Shit

  87. Judith and walter have made money .they have made serious moneys


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.