
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Former Archbishop Masocha makes headlines in home town local paper with two sex charges




Dear readers
A lot has been going on in the background. Today I was in Scotland at Falkirk and Stirling  for reasons I cannot disclose on the blog. However I managed to pick up the local paper at Stirling and it was no surprise to me that former Archbishop Dr Masocha was making the headlines on the front page in Stirling for all the wrong reasons.

Agape Head Office in Stirling were the former Archbishop conducted his "surgeries"


Church Leader on sex chargers 

By Stephen Robertson 

An Archbishop of a church based in Stirling appeared in court this week charged with two sexual assaults.

Walter Masocha (49) leader of Agape For All Nations Ministries International Church which has its head office in the city's Melville Terrace, appeared in private and on petition at Stirling Sheriff Court on Monday. 

Masocha, of Cosyneuk House, Sauchieburn, is accused of two charges of sexual assalt- one on a child and one on an adult. Both are alleged to have taken place at his home. 

Appearing from custody before Sheriff Wyllie Robertson on Monday afternoon, Masocha made no plea or declaration and the case was continued for further examination. He was released on bail and will return again to court in relation to the charges on a date yet to be determined. 

Up to 40 members and former members of the church attended at the court building this week and a number packed into the courtroom itself prior to his appearance. 

With the case being heard in private, as is normal court procedure in relation to petition cases, they were unable to sit in on Masocha's appearance, however, and had to make their way out of the courtroom into the corridor. There, some began to pray, one on her knees- before the group's sheer numbers led them being advised to clear what is a non waiting area of the court and to wait outside. 

The church website says that the Archbishop Masocha was both "leader and founder" of the church, which was described as "a fast growing Church established in August 2007". It is also stated that Masocha "is a renowned preacher and teacher of the word of God, a powerful evangelist and prophet of God with a clear calling of an Apostle of Jesus Christ". 

The church itself is also said to have a number of "satellites" in Africa as well as others in Europe and North America. 

An Observer reporter called at the Church's unassuming head office in Stirling's Melville Terrace yesterday (Tuesday) where the only indication that it was based there was a handwritten intercom nameplate showing the word, "Agape". 

While there was no one available for comment at that time, a spokesperson for the Church later called the Observer office to provide a statement in relation to the matter.

It said, " The National Executive Board has accepted the offer from the Archbishop to take leave of absence from his role to protect the name of the ministry and also to concentrate on legal proceedings"

Dear readers, it has also been reported to me that my former friend  Felistas Mudzingwa has been making the comments on this blog lately because she is reported to have been bought a new Mercedes by Dr Masocha to cover up the Liverpool Youth Sex Scandal. Staff Nurse Felistas Mudzingwa and her husband former Nurse Roy Kudzai Mapfumo of Southport are Youth Advisors in Agape and are responsible for giving biblical sound advice to the youth in Agape and making sure they don't engage is illicit sex during conferences. Felistas's husband Roy Kudzai Mapfuma is no stranger to controversy, whilst members of Agape Church Roy was sentenced to 9 months in prison in 2009 after being convicted at Liverpool Crown Court following an investigation by NHS counter fraud.

Felistas Mudzingwa and myself  on 2 June 2013 the day after Sandra Masocha Tutani's wedding in Stirling

A picture of me this afternoon 5 February 2014 in Scotland at Falkirk Police station, were Dr Masocha spent 4 days and 4  nights in custody last week. It was a very emotional experience for me today. 


  1. Finally a mainstream paper has put this sorry-excuse-of-a-man on blast. I was getting concerned. I wonder if someone has paid off or warned off all the other main Zim News sites because the silence is rather loud. Let's hope other bigger papers like The Sun, Daily Mail...carry this story so that more people hear about it and those affected can step foward.

    I bet his crazed sheep will be comforted by the fact that the counts are 2 but by now I'm sure the number has risen. Also, the child case is a huge deal and he can't escape that one. 1 child is enough to get him locked up and jail is horror for child molesters in UK. One rape is a rape too many as far as I'm concerned so there's nothing to be happy about.

    Blocking Zim papers will not work. When God wants something to be known, even the rocks will cry out! I bet by the time a court date is set there will be more than 10 cases that stick. It's not as if there are really only two, I'm sure the police will not declare cases where the evidence is not 100% so there must be more on their files.

    Anyhow, the fact is Masocha and his true coolors are out for all to see. by the way, who selected that LGBT rainbow flag for Agape? Did that not strike anyone as rather odd?

  2. Father bring Walter to justice
    Father bring Walter to justice
    Father bring Walter to justice
    bring Walter to justice wherever he may be!
    All who claim that you were abused today is the day and now is the top to speak up and speak out against him so that justice will prevail. Evil prevails where good people do nothing.Be bold and say the truth. God will back up his word.

  3. You look a million dollars, in that picture. Keep your head high and walk strong. I am here, still following the blog.

    God bless you, Jean.

    1. Amen!! I thought so too Jean is a beautiful girl!!


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  7. Jean please help me out here. I am a bit naive, and I don't expect men of God to commit certain serious offences ...
    Please may you answer yes or no to the following questions , am sure it will help a lot of people out there who don't actually understand your blog...
    1. Did you sleep with Masocha
    2. If you slept with Masocha, did he force himself on you.
    3. If you slept with him, do you feel he manipulated and used you? ( You don't have to answer this one)

    Please care to answer the two questions for me, am confused ,,, I read all your posts, but I cant get my head round your story and the criminality/sex abuse part of it?

    1. That is none of your business. If you want to know the charges follow the story in the link below. Jean this person wants to set you up so they can use this evidence against you, don't answer

    2. How will Jean help you grow by answering such silly questions. Jean you don't have to answer this. More over there are several people who have cried abuse. So how will Jean help you answering those questions. Please read this blog from day one it started, and why this blog became a hit then you will get your answers as you are not in a position to ask Jean such questions unless you are a the Law Enforcement Officer of which this is not the right platform for you to ask such questions.

    3. I second this. Please Jane answer any of those Questions above, been following this blog for sometime but some of the things are not clear

  8. Here is the full story

  9. I hope i did not offend you Jean by asking those 3 questions, if you ever had sexual contact with the man. am just so naive, or am in denial, your response will help me grow in so many ways .. thanks

    1. Jean can't answer those questions mate. It wouldbe sub judice. Jean be careful of some people here. They could be sent to undermine your case. If you want to know wait for the court proceedings. No discussions here.

    2. 1 + 1 = 2 .... honestly am still in denial, I guess all the details of the case will be made public after the trial, to convince my stupid self....
      Anyways, Masocha used to come to my old church ZAOGA, personally i found it hard to call him daddy when everybody was calling him daddy daddy ...Not that I was stubborn , but to me the whole daddy crap was over the top... Women used to throw themselves on him, and a few grown men as well.......
      Anyways, "if he indeed raped anybody, forced himself on any woman, i hope he gets convicted, gets put away for at least 10 years, all his ill gotten wealth confiscated by the courts. Maybe if he goes to jail, he will come back repented.....
      Well if he indeed attacked a minor, he should get 10 more years in maximum prison, without parole .... or even 15 more years .... !!!!!

      On the other hand, (my dead side of the brain is thinking this, forgive me) if this man did not force himself on Jean, let the almighty God in heaven get him acquitted.

    3. Its a SPELL dear, those who have had the grace and left will tell you! These Men and Women are under a strong spell! They need prayers more than ridicule!
      Mwari anogona! This man does all this under the guise of PRAYER! Thats Gross !

  10. Nemiwo vakadzi muchinyanya! Daddy daddy muchinogara pamakumbo nekumassager!!! Vako baba vekuzvara wakpedzisira kugara pagumbo riini! Daddy daddy kana vazoita daddy chaivo maki chema kuti abuse. I know a lot of people who use to sit on his lap vakadzi vakuru not pwere!!! Heeee daddy this oh daddy this kuzoemerera nxa! Masocha munhu murume with feelings very strong feelings!!! He is not God! Vakadzi zuva limits with man, I mean any man!

    1. Ipapo uri right kuti vakadzi vamwe havazivi malimits. Chava chirungu icho chatinobatira pamusoro zvekuti mai nhingirikini vanoita bear hug baba nhingirikini. Eheka varume tinonzwa kudziirwa ende anenge achizviunza mudhuze zvakadaro tinofunga kuti anoda...senge hug yacho ichitora maminutes kuti tisunungurwe kubva mairi. Vaiita izvozvo zvekusazvigadzirira maboundaries havegoni kuuya vachiti vakanzi...Vakamanikidzwa ndivo vane nyaya pano..ndivo vachaita kuti murume uyu avharirweaGumbura

  11. This part of the report ----> 'Masocha made no plea or declaration and the case was continued for further examination' <---- Is a loaded statement. Not even denying the charges and pleading not guilty and still his people blindly defend him? Does that make sense to you people that the accused does not bother denying the charges yet you are saying he is innocent? I am now very convinced he knows Sh*t has hit the fan and he is going down. In fact he knows the storm is about to get stronger than a tsunami... There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth when the ignorant sheep can no longer ignore the truth that is glaring at them.

    1. I cant wait to see the faces of hypocrites who know its true, but still want to side with evil!! Repent!

  12. Felistas Mudzingwa needs to be reported for using fake papers to do nursing. I am phoning the same fraud team that got her husband Roy Mapfumo locked up. This cant go on. NHS fraud will have no choice but to investigate the fake papers used. She also has to pay back all the money she obtained during nurse training or else face up to 10 months in prison. I hope she will be going down with her father Kanda Bongoman at the same time.

    1. I do not know this young lady Felistas but please people show remorse as I do not think she benefited, she may have been brainwashed like many who jumped the sinking titanic and soon she will learn from her mistakes. This is about abuse from one man and his mafia who benefited financially. Some will agree that initially they were against this blog but now have seen the light.

  13. There is something I want to point to team Jean on Monday afternoon daddy had a first private petition appearance in court of Scotland,it's not cause God did a miracle for beloved daddy it's the procedure for every Tom and Jake it's just the charged and his lawyers who appear before a Judge and normally the Judge must give bail to the charged unless there are very good reasons not to grant the charged but in most cases bail is always granted saka don't be fooled by Agapeians that it's cause we prayed chero any person who doesn't believe in God still gets the same treatment.thus why we really don't know how much he payed for Bail cause it was him and his lawyers not even his wife was allowed not even vana on this first petition private appearance not even vana Jean will be in court or contact with daddy chokwadi if you think I'm lying ask Mr Google he will answer you just type what is private petition court it's all under Scotland court laws learn to research Don t be fooled by Tsitsi Chikores tears and noise making pa court room it's not a miracle it's a procedure done in Scotland 1st private petition court is just for the charged and lawyers why be fooled

  14. Yah mazofarisa manje vana veAgape.
    1) murikumanifesta madhimoni amanga muchifamba nawo muchechi ekudhistroyana
    2) maakunatso ratidza humbwa nehufuza hwenyu
    3) zvigovei mapera kudzingisana mabasa better mese muzvitsvagire sununguro
    4) Mazobatwa nemweya wemarovambira. Zvamurikuda kudyara muchazvikohwa nekuti even though u do it behind closed doors kunaMwari varikuzviona. Zivai zvekuti Masocha asungwe huye Agape yenyu hapana kwairikuenda ichaparara to ground zero wait and see.
    5) iyemi maakuda kufumura vakatenga mapepa imi makarambidzwa naani munoda kusunungurwa pamweya wegodo iwe mwana wasatan chenjera kudyarira vana vako rushambwa nekuti zvinegoho

    6)Dai matsvaga Jehovah vachawanikwa. Mustambe nemadhaka pasina mvura

    1. True this is an occult. People have been brainwashed dai matonorutsiswa idzo mvura dzamainwiswa muchaziva here kuti maive nei. A proper satanic church. The word of God says by their fruits u shall know them. Hayoka ma fruits ehupombwe makuhwa kuvengana, kudzingisana mabasa. Vana venyoka inyoka. Sarudzai daddy chaivoMIGHTY JESUS HAVE MERCY ON THESE FOOLS. They are stupid oh my Lord have mercy varatidzeiwo chiedza. Ndapota kwamuri Kumatenga. Well done anonymous they need deliverence


  15. HARARE - Independent End Time Message church founder and pastor Robert Martin Gumbura plans to appeal his conviction and 50-year sentence, his lawyer Rekai Maposa confirmed.

    CHAINED…Gumbura, who is facing multiple rape charges, is escorted by prison guards for an inspection-in-loco at his home.

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  19. Zvanga zvagara zviripachena kuti daddy Masocha ava vanoda chepakati. Vanoda maDress zvisingaite.

  20. Gore rino tichanyarira kupiko? Masocha huori vakauwana kuhurumende kwavaishanda. Iko kungogovera mari yechurch to silence people. In your own words you have become a DAMAGING DIRECTOR. Imo muno vanonzwisisa fani varungu. Dai kuri kwedu tabokuendesa kuCHAVAGONA HAPANA tokurova pasi petsoka. Kucell kwavanga uri kuRemand rugare rwenda. Kumusha taikuendesa ku D Section paHarare Central apa vainonyatsonhadziriswa zvomene. Idi zveshuwa vaiti baba nemuridzo, vaiswatuka zvirokwazvo.

  21. What kind of daddy is this. Raping children? Why Masocha? Wadii waenda zvako kumahure pane kubata vana. Imbwa yemunhu. a dog is better than this devil. Time to clean up those protecting him. Watch this space Noria. Bring Felists Mudzingwa to the authorities. She can't get away with this. Evil.Evil.!!!

  22. I have just phoned Felistas Mudzingwa nursing home. The manager is in today please phone Elm House Nursing home to report this woman. She is part of the people that bullied Jean and she supports a pedophile even being bribed by a car. Its time to bring all the culprits down. She forged an o level certificate and its time she faces the music. Please Team Jean bring Felistas Mudzingwa to the authorities she has to go down with her peodo father.

    1. Is she still taking her ARVs?

  23. maybe for once you will stop adressing him as a staff nurse thank you Jean be blessed.

  24. Dr Julius Gayakaya Acting Bishop of Agape Cult please come and clear these allegations against you or else we will expose you very soon.

    Visitor from Chiredzi

    1. Visitor from Chiredzi - these type of men do not come out into the open, the hover in the dirty, smelly and dark shadows where they think no one can see; but with the Light of Jesus shining through his children they are exposed for who they really are.
      He will never clear the allegations he is not man enough - just take the information to the police/authorities and let them deal with the scumbag!

  25. If the SteIrling Police are reading this blog and comments, I strongly urge them to thoroughly investigate every comment made here. Please do not miss out on vital facts mentioned here, they could be allegations for the time being but I urge the Police to dig very name, to ask individuals mentioned here in confidence what happened to them and I'm sure they will get to the bottom of this. Names have been mentioned for a reason, so Police please investigate.

  26. The Bible instructs that "children of God" ought to respect and obey the law(s) of the land in which they live in. Which poses the question, do you genuinely believe that God blesses ILLEGAL people? People need to stop buying into this "immigration officer from heaven" nonsense. Firstly, Walter is not an immigration officer, and secondly, he is most certainly not from heaven. He is a human, from earth, just like me and you. I've never been a fan of Walter's self-righteousness. Always giving himself titles from the top of his head - not forgetting to mention the fact that he's a self-ordained Apostle. Anyway: well done Jean, I now have my very own copy of the local newspaper from yesterday. Keep up the good work.

    1. Caleb, you have grown in wisdom and am really proud of you. I agree with your input on here, and you are showing how the bible has been twisted to suit agape and their lies, manipulation and deceit.
      God Bless you, Debbie (ex-Stirling)



  29. I don't see why this man is said to have taken 'leave of absence'. He should be fired period for bringing the name of the organisation into disrepute. He must not be given a salary. However, with Ian in control you know what that means. The solution is to dessert it and have it closed down. I know those who are still in it a lot don't tithe now. The war is now financial. Get it squeezed until they are unable to pay the £100 000 salaray-no donations. The land in Nottingham which they borrowed money to purchase is going to be reposessed. Money talks, no feeding into a corrupt system to pay for Masocha's legal bill.

  30. Ndinokunzwirai tsistsi XAgape and Agape members. Chikaindi chipi ichi. Kudzingisana mabasa. Kurepoterana kwese kwese kkkkkkkk seka zvako. Ichurch rudziiiko yakadai. Chingovharai zvipere izvi. Daddy daddy vakapedza nemi mose. Church rudzii ine 75% single women.

  31. Hapana nyaya apa. If these charges were true there would be more than one lady accusing the man of God. This is a setup. No weapon formed against the man of God will prosper.

  32. This man is probably on the run now,that COZY mansion is now under offer from someone for £500k.....and most of you Agape members do not even know that! Shame on you all

    1. It's not for sale that's the price he bought it for. And it's green

  33. Masocha is sex abuse and u Jean ur judge him. Do u know that u committing sin. Because the word of the Lord said jugde not. If u dnt want to be jugde

    1. Masocha can be judged by other believers for sexually immorality read your bible in all its fullness and God will show it to you. In fact read all of Corinthians and if you are diligent enough you will find the scripture which allows the church to judge sexual sin or immorality practiced by those who call themselves believers. Those who are in the world/ unsaved we do not judge God judges but believers who behave like the unsaved we are to judge, exhort, rebuke so that they align themselves with the behaviour expected by God of those who have been saved.

  34. Well Agape is a church not Masocha. Fight Masocha not the church of God. People need to ditferentiate the church and an individual being. No matter what he has done the church has nothing to do with that omly those persons who are busy fighting let them fight. Why would I want the church of God to fall down. Kufa kwemujoni camp haivarwi. There are good people in Agape who are part of the living church of Jesus Christ. I do encourage those reading these stories to bear in mind that all we need is the truth not making scores. Life is too short for gaining popularity on the things that do not help us. If Masocha is found guilty all we do is to pray that the church leaders should learn from his mistakes and also to pray for him for a quick recovery so that he can continue to lift the name of the Lord in his life. I also pray that people's opinions and facts of life be considered in the church of God. Even Apostle Peter lost it three or more times. Christian leaders should always know that we lead the people who are placed under us by God himself and we are not different from the poorest person or the youngst person we all make mistakes regardless of our status. So hold hands with me to pray for all this cup to pass so that we can move on. Let the church pray for their leaders mot to be found wsnting.

    1. I doubt very much that a true Christian can be fed in agape! A Berean kind of Christian who searches the scriptures to see if the things taught in the pulpit in agape are true will not last long in a place where man is glorified over God. What kind of Christian will stop singing praise and worship of God to sing praise to a servant walter. What kind of a Christian blindly follows leaders who bully congregants. What kind of a Christian watches another Christian being accused of insanity and sees leadership call an ambulance for sectioning and has seen leadership successfully do so in the past (getting another Christian sectioned for differences in opinion ) .What kind if Christians sees and ignores sexual immorality under the guise of do not judge, touch not. What kind of Christian sits under such a filthy greedy self centered ministry. Jesus Christ left Agape ages ago and His true sheep followed Him out of Agape. His sheep hear his voice a stranger's voice they will not follow. Agape is full of strange fire! Masocha is a snakeoil salesman his greed and lust have finally led to his downfall.

  35. Nhai chimbondiudzaiwo kuti hovhorosi ndedzechiiko muchechi menyu. This is the first church yandaona inopfeka mahovhorosi. There is something very very weird nechechi yenyu. I am oversease I need a genuine answer from someone please. Nekuti kana makuona nembuya dzese dzichipfeka hovhorosi pane nyaya.

    1. kwete kumboti hovhorosi tomboti vanzi vavake, ko combat gear - jackets, skirts, shirts, t-shirts, combat underwear ne combat helmets, there is a lady who is always looking ridiculous wearing combat helmet and gear everywhere she goes. At least mapostori nedzimwe chechi vanoti i uniform ko ku agape chi haizvo? Who sells this stuff?

  36. Walter Masocha raped Judiths sisters back in Zimbabwe he needs to be punished for that he is a peadophile how can the LEWIS FAMILY COVER UP SUCH EVIL THE WHOLE OF LEWIS FAMILY ARE EVIL how can they let him get away with that evil evil evil evil Lewis family pure evil.

    1. watichii ? ,,,,,,,,,,,, raped who ? .... saka mupengo chaiye!!

  37. I m surprised kuti vanhu mese munoenda kuAgape u didn't know what masocha was like .i have heard a lot of stories abt his since 2004 frm a lot of ladies who used to go to Zaoga Church in Sterling.i was shocked whn he started his own church .its so sad kuti up to this day pane vanhu who believe in all this masocha business.its sad tht it's now involving a lot of people becz of this man who is self-centred and very good and manipulating vulnerable individuals.

  38. Please PEOPLE WHO WENT TO ZAOGA if Masocha abused or tried to abuse you, please speak out. Contact Jean if you need help, she will help you. We need to show that this man has been doing this for as longer that just at Agape.

  39. Aingodaro the same ku Zaoga and he was kicked out of ZAOGA. Vakangoti uyu ndiwo mweya wetsvina chaiwo wanga wapinda muchechi. Tinoto shama kuti he had the guts to open chechi yake ega.

    1. He had the guts to open his own "church" because he had not been reported to the authorities. This was wrong. We are still to follow the law's of the land. Those who just threw him out of one church without notifying the police look now? You are accessories to all his acts. This is just so shocking. How long was this going on while people kept quiet? Tragic

  40. Name and shame jean you have really opened our eyes. I am so happy that you have reavealed wicked people and their acts not forgetting killia ndekwere known as attache kelly stevenage satelite hure remakoko. This lady known even to hate her daughter in law lauren such that she showed so much favouritism and manipulation to the other daughter inlaw alice who has now left agape. This woman is also believed to be daddy's better half. She is also one wicked woman who even forsaken her grandchildren to follow this dirty man. Its high time to close that church it seems most of its members are wicked to the born and after destroying so many families in the name of agape.

  41. Jean about Tsitsi Chikoore's child who ever told you was wrong. The child wasn't disabled she was 100% normal. The problem was she was not Worota's child that is why she burnt her. That woman doesn't have a heart at all.


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.