
Thursday 6 February 2014

My first book NAPOLIA, Zuza and the lost Princess is now out!

I am just happy my book is finally out! 

Read the first chapter of my book on my official website which goes live tomorrow and order your copy now on Napolia: Zuza and the lost princess!

Its taken me 17 years to finally achieve this dream. I started writing books when I was 15 years old. Today my first book Napolia, Zuza and the lost Princess has been launched LIVE with my publisher Author House. I wrote this book when I was still a member of Agape, and Dr Masocha had promised me he was going to make me an established author and that he would get the book published for me. He tore my writing dreams apart, and did everything he could so that Napolia would never be read by anyone else. Today if Dr Masocha would have had his way, I would be somewhere locked up in a mental institute, and my dreams would have been shattered for life. But the higher he built his barriers, the taller I became. The furthest Masocha took my rights away, the faster I ran. The more he refused to hear my voice, the louder I became. There was always something inside me so strong, and my light will shine so bright that it will blind you Dr Walter Masocha. Its a shame I have released my first book without the support of the father of my children, as I write this Shingai Musuka is busy preparing for the court case as he will be Dr Masocha's key witness to testify against me in court.

As for me I fought back the system that almost took not only my destiny away, but my children. After fleeing the abusive cult, I was free to pursue my dreams, and today I am a registered author in this world in my own right. My children are my treasure, and they inspired the story of Napolia.

As you know I once did 40 illustrations for Dr Masocha's Threshing Floor book in one week, so much I had blisters on my fingers from drawing. Today I can proudly say I also did my own illustrations for Napolia, I drew them in my own time, and my three beautiful babies were with me all the way. My children are my greatest fans, i wrote this book for them, and everyone in their school knows that their mummy is an artist and author of a very interesting book called Napolia, Zuza and the Lost Princess. In fact my little boy will be taking a copy of Napolia to share with his class on his special share day this month.

I will be signing copies of Napolia at the 1st of March event being hosted by Muzvare Princess Betty Makoni. I really hope you all support me and buy a copy of Napolia. The book was launched today at Authorhouse and I am ecstatic!

Also you can read an interview I did with Bulawayo News 24 last week in preparation of Napolia release on One on One with Author of Napolia

You can also buy a copy on my official website on will be launched tomorrow. 

Please note Napolia only went live today, it will take about a month for it to be launched on major online retailers like Amazon and book stores. Please buy a copy!

Ever since I was a little girl, the only art I ever knew was to draw with my ballpoint pen. I love pen art. These are some of my pen illustrations in my book Napolia. 

Princess Tamara

 In Malia's bedroom

Please do come to the event on 1st of March where I will be signing copies of my book. 


  1. Well done girl GO, GO, GO!!!! The sky is the limit. As for you Shingi, I have lost every respect for you. Just being used naMasocha. You abandon your wife and 3 children to support a rogue leader like Masocha. Look at you now-pitiful boy.

  2. Is your book on Amazon, many overseas would like to get a copy!

  3. Oh Jean! I was waiting for this day. You are a beautiful talented young woman and I am getting my copy today! Well done Jean. You were made to shine!

  4. I forgot to say


  5. Jean you should sue Shingi for non payment of child support. Then he can join his beloved daddy in jail! FOOLISH MAN!!!

  6. Well done Jean! Ordering my copy!

  7. Shingi you bring shame to men. I am a man and am very angry with you. It does not matter your differences with Jean, this woman bore you 3 children. Masocha is using you for his own self- interest and reputation. Your family is scattered and he is enjoying his life with his wife and children. Where are you? The Musuka family you are a disgrace. Munonyadzisa mhani vanhu imimi. Kumusha kwenyu munombobva kupi? Masocha uses people simple. In fact in Nottingham Ian was telling the youths,'Don't worry we have set aside money to hire the best lawyers'. Who gave you the authority to do that Ian? All those remaining in the cult when you give tithes just know you are funding Masocha's legal bills. And they tell you we have a Miracle Rain Centre to build. You work that one out. The MRC will never be built kunyepa. Ini l will never go back to Agape even in the remote chance that Masocha is acquitted.

  8. Shingi testifying against Jean in court. Is this man still normal or he needs a mental health assessment! Jean please dont take this fool back he has disowned himself and is worse than a dog.

    Well done Jean your book looks interesting, is it out on Amazon yet?

  9. Jealous down ,this is amazing Jean, keep on moving, indeed the sky is the limit What is the age group of your book?

  10. Shingi anenge aikwirisawo Masocha handichazvioma mushe izvi. Why would a man his age do something like this shuwa? Asi Masocha anozviita uyu to turn partners against each other. I will come and tell you abt another family that he tore apart. Ngaafire kujeri gurwe uyu. Jean well done Agape wavanyadzisa. They Thot you were lying now daddy has been arrested. They Thot you lied abt the book publishing . Pane akati it's now end of Jan where's the book unonyepa bla bla bla... Agape, here's one to you , cheers. Muchasura chando chete Mati madiiko? Now you can write abt the cult Jean and expose them further than what the newspaper did. Uyo Ian uyo enda unofa iwe wanzwaka. Shindi yemunhu

    1. It is so true that Masocha breaks marriages and families..he is responsible for my parents divorce after he advised my mother to divorce my father after my father pleaded with him to help solve their marriage but instead Masocha brainwashed my mother so she spends all her money giving to the church..i just watch helplessly while she walks around dressed like a homeless but she has a good job..You will answer to someone greater than the police Walter Masocha you will answer to God..For all your doings..Welldone Jean well done!

  11. You don't know the other side of the story! Shingi as not said a word about his marriage. Look the other sides of the story. He is also a human, he goes through pain too. You think he us a happy his marriage failed? Ask him maybe you will also understand why he is in Taft position. Quick to judge!

    1. Iwe benzi iwe failed marriage my foot. Zvazvisirizvo zvinoita atadze kuchengeta vana vake. Munhu ari brain washed chete uyo. So many marriages fail coz of 2 pipo asi fathers should still look after their children asi veku Agape u are encouraged not to look after your kids what nonsense is that? Or you see munhu achikupa Mari thru maintainance kwakutoti uri murume ipapo? Or anokupa £20 a week for a teenage child? What's that? Mwana anorara pai? Anodyei, anopfekei? If they need activities college money etc. makaroiwa u pipo. Kuda kufadza kanda who doesn't care abt u. Shame on you agape fathers.... Masiyanei na Gumbura anoita vakadzi ve vanhu test drive varume vacho vachizvitendera? Over my dead body

    2. That is besides the point. The glaring fact is that when a real man divorces his wife, he does not divorce his children. This is enough for us to question his values. His family is free to show their craziness but we expect better from him as the father.

      Also, silence from these people does not mean innocence. Masocha wa silent since accusations began and now where is he? Has he even broken his silence? So we can conclude that silence is an admission of guilt in these circles.

    3. Taurai naye munzwe Shingi wacho then you come back here and pass your judgement! 90% if zimba men they are like that. You have to pull them by collar to support their children until later on. This nyaya still hot maybe akarambidzwa kuona vana vake??? How do you know? Most women do that wen they are hurting saka give it time. They will both settle and do the right kids for the kids. Jean ane dzawanda dzaari kumhanyisa.... Woti masocha, divorce, zuza, TV program etc saka regai ambo mira Mira to show the world what she can do. Kana iyewo Shingi angapindire pabusy yakadai.

    4. Futseke iwe nyarara and sit down. Kana akarambidzwa wat dd he do as a father? How does that stop him kupa vana Mari yekuchengetwa at least? Besides are u saying if Shing was there she wouldn't follow her carrier coz she's busy ? 2 is better than 1 shamwari . He would have supported her maybe but seeing he's a good for nothing sperm doner , he dd what most of them do n I think Jean is better without this idiot

  12. Jealous down ,this is amazing Jean, keep on moving, indeed the sky is the limit What is the age group of your book?

    1. You changed your tube Munyaradzi......!!!! ????

  13. Well done Jean, i will buy a copy soon. I hope you will go higher and higher, may the mercies of the Almighty God, be with you and your family. May he bless you in all things and may you ( Jean) remember Him, always.

    I am sorry about Shingi, i think he has gone too far. He must remember that if this man, has done wrong and he is helping him, destroy you, then the wrath of God, will also face him. Masocha has his children and wife, and he is accused of horrible things, so why support him. Shingi remember your children, they will remember this.

  14. Agape nyarai veduwe Jean has done it.

  15. I will buy this book in support Jean. If Shingi has decided not to provide for his own children, God will find other avenues to fund their livelihood. This book is only the beginning. God give you strength and I am sure your children will guard yoou jealously with pride.

  16. haaa me i still don't understand what went on between Jean and Masocha....
    As for Shingi, am sure he is hurting about his wife and kids, but again I don't understand why he would rally behind Masocha is he was sexually abusing his wife.
    Somebody abuses your wife, and you still hang out with that person, haaaa shaz unoda kubikirwa doro kuti spell yaMasocha ibve pauri nemhuri yako..
    I think thins Shingi man, is going to make Jean's story fall flat in the courts if he keeps supporting Masocha, you need balls my brother Shingi. Shingi you need balls to do the right thing, i can even lend you my balls for a while.
    The book.... it sounds interesting ,,, Jean is creative and I hope the book will sell and God will open doors , you will never know ,, maybe will watch it on movies.......

    Jean you are getting a lot of hits on this log of yours, why don't you stick one or two google banner adverts on ,,,, I guess most of your visitors are from USA/EU so you will definitely make a few pounds from all these visitors .... I know the blog is not about making money but to get your voice heard, but you might as well reap the financial benefits my sister.

    1. You are confused first you say you have no idea of what happened between jean and masocha. Then u insult shingi does it occur to you that he has been married to jean for 13 solid years. Credit him with a brain pluuuuuzeeee! Musangopindira nekutenga nyaya dzamusingazivi! Dofo

  17. Apparently many church leaders take advantage of women, i know a few pastors from Zaoga , Masocha's former church who tried but failed to abuse our church ladies....
    I think Masocha copied this habit from his fellow pastors in Zaoga.....
    Masocha must be related to Gumbura somewhere somehow,, maybe ma-spritual twins a Lucifer ...

    1. Masocha dzosera mwana kuna Amai vake wawakabira ex-wife yako kuZimba.

    2. zaoga irikupinda papi apa nhaiiwe dofo.

  18. Go on girl but don't look too far too soon. Remember how Masocha started. He was with no doubt a man of God. When you praised his sermons he would quickly point where the glory had to be I.e to God. His ego grew as he became famous and started to take all the glory. Satan had won him over and that was the start of his downfall. His appetite for world pleasures and good life grew and surely became uncontrollable. My advice is stay grounded and focused. You have 3 kids who desperately need you. Don't let down your followers and God when the $$$$ start smashing your bank account. We believe your story now and we want to continue believing it. Good luck.

    1. Indeed our God is awesome Jean, He used your desperate situation to your advantage, All things work together for good for them that love Him. Keep looking up and never lose focus Jean and He will take you all the way. As I remember, sky is the limit.

  19. Dr lan will sue you and get all your monies from the book.Please do the sensible thing amd remove his name.I know you have worked hard to get thus far

  20. Jean , stick a google ad banner here please. its my advice and you will smile when google sends you a check ... ( again this might be insensitive coz of the nature of your block, not for making money but i guess it will be a good idea if you stick the google banner ads .....

  21. Well done.....stay focused .... Bought your book. All the best

  22. Iwe blaz iwewe Shingi unorwara chete nepfungwa. Koo iko kunyepedzera kumhanya-mhanya kuMedia netwumacamera netwutambo twekuconnecta. Uri kutora mavideo eyi maempty seats iwayo. Chausingaziwe vanhu vanenge vachiti 'Hallo my brother' kana vapira gotsi vokurima rough. They just pretend in front of you especially women. Sei uchiudzwa nemumwe munhu kuti mukadzi wacho haaite asi iye ane imba yake. Changamuka mhani mupfanha iwe kushandiswa mahara. Chengeta vana wako.

  23. Jean , last night you had around 580,000 hits .... now you have 590,000 ... thats 10,000 hits in one day.... stick google sense ads on your blog girl.

    1. I have tried to get Google Ads on but my blog is only 4 months and apparently the blog needs to be running for over 6 months to put adverts. I have tried xxx

    2. I have tried to get Google Ads on but my blog is only 4 months and apparently the blog needs to be running for over 6 months to put adverts. I have tried xxx

  24. Wow you did it! Well done shuwa. Will buy a copy soon as I am able to purchase a copy. Stay blessed Jean. God is looking out for you big time.

  25. Who told agape to alter the leadership structure, God? The Person who was supposed to have told the ( Apostle) WM to make it up that way. So does that mean now that God is out of agape, because the structure has now been changed by man? Well, I think the structure was man made from the outset. So agape can do what they like with Gods structure. No Church of God can do that.

  26. As Jean releases her new book Worota's Cosyneuk mansion is now up for sale. Jean why dont you buy Cosyneuk from your book sells and Judith and Stepdaughters can move into your old house. God is now restoring everything the enemy stole from you Jean.

    1. Dream on Jean Cosyneuk is not up for Sale.

    2. Cosy does appear to be under offer on right move. The photos shown are upto date.

    3. They have just removed the house from listings. I wonder if this was the directive of Masocha or perhaps the law smelled a rat and demanded the house be withdrawn from sale. Whatever it is, it was a swift reaction. You can still google is and see the notice of removal from sale. And indeed, it is in it's current repainted state.... The plot thickens...

      Those who know he legal ropes, what does this indicate if anything at all? Is the house in Masocha's name or the church? At this point are both the church and his assets frozen or only his?

    4. The status now on rigtmove is no longer for sale. It appears it may have been bought or maybe offer withdrawn. So Masocha has thought of doing a runner. Why is he selling his property now? The good thing is that they seized his passport. The proceeds of Cosyneuk should go to the victims for rehabilitation. This story gets more interesting now.

  27. Haa forward ever backwards never Jean. Kudenga kwati hongu hapana anoti kwete. Chiedza chavheneka paupenyu hwako chiona nzira mwana waBaba. You are the Esther of our generation. From Ashes to Beauty. We surely give glory to Mighty God.

  28. Congrats Jean about your book, totally awesome.
    Stand tall Ian is running scared... God knows and he will have the glory as this house of satan falls.

  29. Replies
    1. Jean is working hard for the money ! Unlike some who con vulnerable people! Go Jean !

  30. Weldone sister Jean, you are do beautiful and talented! God loves you dear! Good job girlfriend you Rock black girl! Award winner in my books!
    Masocha will answer to courts and God!!!!!! Nxaaaaa!

  31. Masocha anogoziva kukosha kwevana nevabereki sei? Mwana wake mukuru mukomana akamuba kuna Amai vake. Mushure mekunge aitabarika Judi akatorera uye akaparadza waniso in ova sungano yaMwari. Masocha ndokuita chikuru kubira mudzimai wekutanga mwana achiti ndotora mwana mhiri kwemakungwa awanedzidzo yakakwana. Masocha brain wash mwana izvozvi mwana haataure naAmai vake that is abuse. So chii chaangadzidzisa Shingi kuti akoshese mhuri? Mudzimai waMasocha wekutanga nanhasi ahataure nemwana wake so chii chinonzi Agape?

    1. Look at most men in agape who have children with other women. He encourages them not to support their children . kuti iye awane more money yema tithe . Kukaswera kuteedzera Masocha munofa muri ma rombe Ana Shingi vako vachirara nenzara whilst you are paying for Sharon's holiday. Shame on you idiot

  32. Jean, can you put here the ISBN of your book. I would like to request it via a library I go to kuno kuAussie. I sure would love to see the book in the Aussie libraries.

    1. Well done Jean can't wait to buy your book. And thank you for all the hard work you have done day in day out.

    2. Hi Pat, here it is
      ISBN: 978-1-49189-215-2

  33. Ini ndinobva kuBuhera kwaMudanda paChimbudzi Worota akanyadzisa zvikuru ndaivopamuchato wake. Mukadzi wake wekutanga vavakudzani zvinotsvodesa kani zvakaitwa naWorota. Uyu Judi wamunoona uyu achiti Agape woyeee! Ismall house yakapatadza imba Havanakuroora naWorota arambana nemukadziwake kwete. Worota akatanga kuita gumbokunze gumbo Mumba. Akatanga kuchera arimuZaoga kurara kunze remangwana tuturu-tuturu naJudi iye kuramba mukadzi waakawana iri mhandara ndokutora nzvana. Agape wooyeeee! Iwe Judi kaaa! Zaoga dai paripo pavakamutonga ipapo nekuranga saBaba asi vakatomuvakiradza muchivi. Hazvina kutanga nhasi izvi. Agape Worota usadaro kusvipisa zita raMwari.
    Nhasi vakubuda nhanzi muroyi royera kure vepedo vagokureverera tonyarira kupi isu veKwaChimbudzi. WekwaGoneso mwana wakati ibwa nhasi ibwa ndiyani? Judi small house unoparidzira nadzimai eAgape kuti kudiyi iwe Yuri small house? Hasi zvakuwanawo waiti ndiwe unomugona Worota chimugona. Mese murikutsura ini ndakamuona Worota uyu achitamba bora rechikweshe nemabhurukwa anezvigamba. Worota wanyadzisa Chimbudziyese taiti ndiwemunhu mudunhu redu tendeuka bvuma kutadza utendeuke Worota. Iwe Judi siyana nemurume uyo wawakaba denga hauriyone tendeuka wakawana zvawaida hupfumi vana vako muUK uchadeyi?

  34. The question which is of interest is why is Masocha selling Cosyneuk? The Agents are Slater and Hogg in Stirling. As a prospective buyer (kkkk) l am definitely going to phone. They are closed for now was just ringing them. The property says off market online but l am still interested as a prospective right. It is my right to know about a publicly advertised property. I am commiting no offense. You know when Masocha bought Cosyneuk it was to house a growing church and visitors. Has he realised that it is becoming extinct and so is disposing off his property or it is preparation for life in jail. He is making the most of his bail and this is worrying. He has publicly declared of his love for South Africa. Shame he was disturbed by the arrest. Rumours have it that he has bank accounts in South Africa. So Agapeans where are you going to stay if Daddy sells Cosyneuk? You are going to be abandoned like idiots.

  35. Update on Cosyneuk. I rang Slater Hogg 01786 397011 and spoke to a lady. She said the property is not for sale. In fact it sold 4 years ago. I asked her why it is still appearing online, she said she will look into it but definitely they are not selling it. Maybe a bit of relief to Agapeans, Cosyneuk is NOT for sale for now. The advert online seems outdated.

    1. That estate agent is not allowed to tell you why the house was pulled out of sale for legal reasons. Look at the pictures of the house when Masocha first bought it and compare it to the pictures that were on the advert. These pictures are of it after the paint work and improvement done by Masocha and his flock. Hence one can safely conclude that the house WAS up for sale but something has occured. Remember, some of the crimes are said to have occured in there so it is a crime scene. I am sure the police would not want it to be sold now. I think the police are keeping an eye on this blog because the house was removed at night just after someone mentioned its sale here.

  36. Why did Judith not take up the duties of youth advising???? Why was Walter calling himself BIG MAMA, young girls were to be refered to Him for advise and were told Never to disclose what happens in surgery to anyone even parents!!! Why?
    My niece is acting very suspicious , can someone please volunteer to talk to those kids who won't talk to their parents about what happens when they are in surgery?? Please.


  37. Zveshuwa! There is something fishy pano!! This BIG MAMA should be explored!

  38. Congratulations yummy mummy! Will definitely be buying your book!

  39. During surgery time I agree amai should be there if she is really anointed she should be able to keep issues to herself and besides she will be spending time with her so called partner therefore he won't be hungry kkkkkk

  40. Your storyline reminds me of narnia fron C.S Lewis' the lion the witch and the wardrobe but with an african twist. Interesting read and would probably make an interesting movie hope to get my hands on it soon. There is a micronation called Napolia in the North mariana islands named after napoleon bonaparte as well which might confuse a few people who know. there is also a fictional story called princess laura of napolia(did you write it?) on youblisher. I love fantasy reading so will definitely buy your book but I am critical reader as well.


  41. Ayas gonzo nachin'ai. The Masocha/Lewis clan are now turning against each other. Nobody but the family knows about Walter and Judith's amorous propensities. These two continue to have an affair then because it sounds as the chapter 37 (marriage) between Walter and Sheilla  (Tinashe's mum) still stands. So Judith is busy covering up for her boyfriends heinous crimes because she knows she is not entitled to anything if Walter goes down. Bongosochaz is a polygamous fraud. So evil stepdaughters are not entitled to hang on a minute, none of them is not entitled to anything because its all money stolen via a fake vision anyway. Saka yaaa we were played guys, Bongos used to potray a holier than Jesus attitude when his closet is so full and overcrowded. I am out, now Itruly believe there was never a vision, so Judesi (Judas)the rhyme fits, you were tallking about prodigal when you are the biggest one.Taking whats not your in fact, benzi.Now I do believe you let Kandavhurafongo rape your sisters coz he wasnt even your husband. You hard hearted woman, you have sowed terribly for your children.Sandra's marriage will not see 2015 andSharon will have umpteen babies with different men. Its all because of you Jud(a)esi, how many lives have you ruined. Tinashe is now as far away from the family because it was all about your daughters. You take his mum out of his life and then you whisk his dad away. You let Kandaidapwere ruin your sisters childhood and you are walking around like mother Teresa. I hope this police use this blog to nail you, you are worse than the paedo because you could have stopped.Do you get your kicks out of your boyfriend raping yopung children?Were watching when he messed up Viola and Juliet.You have no shame, making a trip to Viola's house, 20 somethimg years kater you are still coveri up for this beast. Viola had 3 children, you never stepped foot into her house but to protect your beast of a boyfriend you board a train to offer a fake apology.If it hadnt come out you would still be treating Viola like a psycho and being all proverbs 31 in agape.You ahve no shame, you will be preaching to women in 2 weeks when deep down you know your story.

    1. You're right Judi small house Tinashe kuparadzaniswa naAmai vake shame! Agape wooyeeee! Do you people really know what's Agape? Muchasungwa mese nemweya mutsvene. Bvunza Tinashe Masocha kuti akapedzesera kuona Amai came than you can say Agape wooyeee!

    2. Judith you are a dog fullstop. Is it because he is giving you good sex not my words but yours remember you told us that Walter is very good in bed he goes for 7 hours just that now he work's a lot so he is not as good as before but still
      He goes from 2 hours.
      He goes and wash it with ice cold water went he comes back he goes for another hour.

  42. I think Cheneso Dube is selling the family on blog now. Welcome Cheneso to the good side, you have seen the light. Check on  Porrtia though because she was openly slagging off Judith saying she asked to sleep with Walter, like share the bed the whole night with Walter and Judith and Judith had got angry and told her off. Portia was saying that woman has got issues achinyeya Judith but in front of a whole load of people. Well Thutukile then made a comment saying Portia needed prayer becuase he was suprised she was even thinking of going near the bedroom considering an incident that had happened when Portia was there in Judith absence. So when Judith wasnt home something happened with Portia and uncle Walibongos. Investigate coz pafacebook your Portia is wild. She is clubbing big time and drinking a lot

  43. About the pictures of Cosyneuk being updated you are right. I now think also the Estate Agent lied to me. At first this lady was saying she can't find it. I gave her the name and the property reference no. and after a while she gave me that answer NOT for sale. Again if you look at market value it is £500 000 which sounds reasonable. Masocha was trying to sale this house. He has bungled here. The prosecution will use this against him.

    1. Walter is making silly, crucial errors. I think the pressure is getting to his head. He should have lost his mind in the cells. Here is a person who calls himself DR and by the way we are told say it 3 times (Dr, Dr, Dr) who is making such mistakes. The police obviously would have raided the house, forensically examined it and confisticated anything of interest- including CCTV and alleged secret cameras used for vouyerism against women in bathrooms. Don't surprised to see sex toys exhibits in court kkkk. This man was loaded.

    2. Yes the house was on sale they got the house 327 now quick sale 500

  44. Kanda is such a pervert with some sick fetishes. Do you remember he started with men doing dancing girls (DDGs)only at men's conferences. It then filtered into main conferences when he would say god said let men minister and Joseph Dube would be the first one dressed in dhuku and zambia and apron, THATS SERIOUS CROSS DRESSING oh man. How can a real God who destroyed sodom tell him to tell men to dress up as women and dance for him. Guys we were so blindfolded and brainwashed. Well Dube would rova chipisi loooking Kanda in the eye. Hehede, no wonder Cheneso disappeared to zimbabwe for months hooking up with an old boyfriend  from facebook connections. She then went back a few weeks ago and hooked up with him in South Africa. No wonder, you go girl, when your husband is twerking for Horita. Oh yes Chene you trust Charity choir lady of the abortion saga, she told us. Also that you were giving your youngest, I 4get her name to your sister to look after so you do live in coz you are fed up with your marriage. Warriors this Dube is the socks scandal one, the one who preaches for an hour about Horita socks. Oh yes, here goes the sermon,
    Hallelua agape,
    when you go see man of god
    Take a new pair of socks
    Swap for his old ones
    Dont ever wash his used socks, go to bed in them every night
    You will have wet dreams
    In a more excellent way oh yeah (this for one hour)
    Blaz, mukadzi ari kuspakwa pa facebook while you dance for Hori. This whole clan is sick, who is not sleeping with 'daddy' Hori

  45. People vachiri mu Agape, Hama dzangu, i was hurt when Warota and the step daughters during one of those evenings when the family sits down and toita nyaya. They were laughing about ' testimonies and the way they were said! Imitating and Warota achifa nekuseka! " i saw an angel bla bla" when you are not there muri laughing stk, ..... Haaaa get this one! Judisi in the minibus was asking ..." Where is David? Then quickly where is Sean ( Shoni) " Akomana ka, people laughed! Little did i know what they were implying ! Remember these 2 are suspected to be g...!
    Warota na Judi??? You don't know these 2!

    1. Such vari kuda kuzobuda yanzi Agape yavhara zvachose. Yaa ipapo ndipo pavapinda basa kutsvaga machechi. Vamwevo ndiwo vakateya zvigaro. A number of Evangelists and Envoys left and some have seen an opportunity. Remember Walter's teaching there is value in chaos kkkk.

  46. What you guys are saying about what happened in agape is truly sickening. How can grown men and women stand for that shite? Man cross dressing, couples groping each other at a meeting with masocha watching, children being abused, grown women crying for hugs from masocha. misi, dekeza, gayakaya, nhliziyo makatarisa, muri mapenzi evanhu mese, wapusa wapusa chaiyo. Regayi masocha abhaude chechi yese nekuti hamuna kukwana kana kurayirwa. You make me angry mhani

  47. The rise and fall of men of cloth

    Author: Judas Iscariot

    Men of cloth continue to fall from grace in pursuit of sex and fun as statistics would reveal.
    The list includes the defrocked Roman Catholic Archbishop Pius Ncube an outspoken Mugabe critic. He was caught by a hidden camera allegedly undressing and parading his ‘holy’ body to Rosemary Sibanda his sexual partner.The man of God's lurid pictures with the woman were flighted in Zimbabwe local media.
    Mr Coltart of the ailing MDC T party dismissed the Clergy's conduct as a moment of weakness asked.
    On hearing the news Robert Mugabe later told mourners paying their last respects to the late Brig. Gen Muleya at the national shrine that he would pray for Ncube, ‘so he has good manners.’
    Rosemary Sibanda, the woman in the alleged relationship, was quoted as saying that she had been visiting Jesus’s disciple at his house for over two years after her husband had separated from her and married another woman. She said that they would have sex ‘once every three or four months.’
    Last year Benny Hinn, known for wielding the “fire of God,” was reportedly having a sexual affair with Paula White, proponent of the ‘Holy Ghost enema.’ In February, Hinn’s wife Suzanne filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences.” The two were at that point living apart.
    Ted Haggard, a televangelist was exposed by a male prostitute Mike Jones in 2006 as a client of his escort service, saying the minister engaged in gay sex and drug use. Haggard resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals and fired from his New Life Church.

    Jim Bakker another church evangelist resigned from Praise the Lord Television ministry in 1987 after allegedly being blackmailed over a sexual encounter with church secretary Jessica Hahn in 1980. Two years later, he was convicted of conning investors in his Christian theme park out of $158 million and spent five years in prison.
    In 1988 Jimmy Swaggart confessed to “moral failure” and resigned from the leadership of the Assemblies of God church over an investigation into alleged sex with a prostitute. Three years later, police found Swaggart with prostitute Rosemary Garcia in Indio, California. Swaggart then stepped down as head of Jimmy Swaggart ministries.
    Douglas Goodman the head of Victory Christian Centre near London was sentenced in 2004 to three and a half years for indecent assault involving four female parishioners. Later, the church was closed after investigators accused Goodman of receiving unauthorized salary payments.
    Last week, a charismatic leader and founder of Agape for All Nations Ministries International Archbishop Dr Walter Masocha (49) was arrested and bailed on various sexual offences. The leader is currently embroiled in financial abuse matters with congregants for awarding himself a hefty salary.
    After release from detention the leader’s National Executive Board accepted the offer from the Archbishop to take leave of absence from his role to protect the name of the Ministry and also to concentrate on legal proceedings. Before the proceedings started everyone was instructed to leave the courtroom and told the hearing was going to be private due to the nature of the case. Jean Gasho a published author and former congregant blamed prophet Masocha on her blog, ‘He was my daddy’ for wrecking her marriage...............

  48. continuation.................. Rise and Fall

    In the same week RMG Independent End Time Message leader Robert Martin Gumbura (57)
    was sentenced to an effective 40-year-jail term by a Harare magistrate, Hosea Mujaya for raping four congregants from his church. In addition, Gumbura married to eleven wives, was slapped with a further four months in prison for possession of pornographic material.
    Before sentence the magistrate said, ‘In this case the accused was like a wolf in sheep’s clothes. The core-business of the church is to worship God not to sleep with girls and women and threatening them that misfortune would befall them’ adding that ‘teachings in church must be monitored internally and externally.’
    In 2013, a Kenyan preacher Gilbert Deya was charged with multiple rape charges in a London court. Deya who once set up a branch in Harare was arrested in London after investigations were opened that he allegedly inappropriately touched a 14 year old girl. Other charges before this one were three counts of rape and one count of attempted rape against another female church member.
    His church crumbled down fast with numerous pastors deserting as his case for child abduction and molestation flared up.
    Zimbabwe's first post-independence president, the late Canaan Banana, a former Methodist minister, was found guilty in 1999 of 11 counts of sodomy and abusing his power to sexually assault and carry out "unnatural acts" with men, most of whom were on his presidential staff.
    The trial included lurid testimony of how he drank, danced and played cards with his bodyguard before drugging and raping him on a carpet at State House in the 1980s.
    His wife out of shame left Zimbabwe for England where she allegedly sought asylum. But Banana's trial was an embarrassment to Mr Mugabe, when it became clear that he knew of Banana's sexual misconduct and did nothing to stop it.
    Banana's trial, which included testimony of sex with gardeners, cooks and bodyguards, overshadowed his positive role in ending the ethnic violence in Matabeleland.
    Pro- Mugabe church leader and the then ZANU PF deputy political commissar for Mashonaland East Lawrence Katsiru was convicted of rape of a 13 year-old church member and jailed in 2004. He lodged an appeal at the high court stating that the magistrate had erred by convicting hm.
    Katsiru's counterpart Madzibaba Nzira of Johanne Masowe wechishanu Apostolic Faith Sect went down for twenty years in 2003 for raping seven women from his church. His conviction sparked a fierce riot at Harare magistrate with Nzira's supporters threatening to cause harm to court officials.
    During the same period Reverend Obadiah Musindo Mugabe's ‘sacred cow’ appeared in court for allegedly raping his maid on five occasions.
    Musindo Mugabe's most vocal ecclesiastical supporter claimed that Mugabe was a ‘black, political, economic Moses’ who intended to raise ‘millionaires and billionaires’, and that George Bush the then USA president was an ‘earthly representative of the anti-christ and the devil on earth’.
    Meanwhile a Zimbabwe man is bitter after a self-styled prophet wrecked his 18 year-old marriage by disappearing with his wife. George Gutsa of Gutsa Village in Nyava, Musana revealed that the prophet, only identified as Madzibaba Regiments, disappeared with his wife Esther Chanana six months ago only to find them in Mahusekwa canoodling.

    Author: Judas Iscariot

    1. Thats true, man of God always fail us, I had put all my trust in this vision.

  49. "Sorry, I was trying to wake you to explain that my hand had accidentally fallen on your leg." this is just epic and a classic defence. Sorry just had to repost this as it makes me laugh every time

  50. In Nottingham: Last weekend we had a Board meeting, i as a board mbr i now agree with the crying saints that we are just a bunch of toothless dogs. Mum Prophettess Judith is the one who came with this new ''AAB (Apostolic Advisory Board) to my surprise of all the mbrs present noone objected the (AAB) I wonder what happens next. From the look of things its like Prophettess is the one running the show taking orders from Apostle Walter under the disguise if Julius Gayakaya.
    On the other serious note. Board Member Mandy was allowed to attend the Nottingam Meeting after she has been absent for 18 months. The rule is if you are a board mbr and you dont attend meetings for 4 consecutive meetings then you will automatically be dismissed. I wonder which rule they used on Mandy.

  51. If Kanda is 49 years old, then I am a 60 year old virgin with grandchildren. This man is there any end to his lies.

  52. APPEAL TO SUTTON KBW (keyboard warriors)
    Fresh news coming to my desk or in fongobishop's own words, here is whats coming to, god has just slapped my mouth.nxa crazy.
    Well its abuzz that fekipostle was with Viola abroad when he was meant to be on prayer retreat. Also that second trip to Egypt we hear he wasnt alone,CONCUBINE ALERT.He was also in South Africa moving miracle rain centre monies when he was meant to be on retreat. Can any KBW, we know the Sutton satellite were some of the first to have their spiritual eyes opened and its now only Viola attache Masocha left (well if Judith can use the surname why not Vee) they are both small house. I am so excited I have news that will blow up your minds, give the dates when Viola was away on holidays. We also hear that during cooking sessions sajeni siyapwere (sgt leave kids alone) disappears to the toilet and Viola is on the phone texting non stop. Sochaz shasha yesextexts neporno manje.Dzi archibishop zvigadzewega,not with sochaz,inozvigadza iri zii zvayo kana anoti bufu. We hear gulez Judi threw Viola out at Rotherham launch when she woke up for the toilet and found Viola hovering looking for 'surgery' at 3am. Well really Judi babes, you both in the same boat. Viola its time to arise and take your position in this barika. Viola in bongosochaz words, know who you are not------you are not different from Judi so speak up and move into cosy, put your bed in the boardroom and nyaya yatopera.That way maybe our children will be safe before sochaz becomes sajeni kotamamushawa (sgt bend in the shower)

  53. So anonymus 16:13 are you telling us that warota has children with Vee. Ahhh this is called manenji at its best .
    Vee my foot so all that time fake prophecies at our expenses nxaaaaaaaaa.
    Elijah speak up what happened on your first trip to zim after getting miracle stayyyyyyyyy visa in england . Wakatambiswa front na satan mzaya nokudakuita fulltime pastor and get paid but warota wasnt stupid he used you for a purpose to marry his second wife. Wakangora you are fake and then you come into our houses heeee call me later ndiri muclinic as you called yr unfruitful surgeries fake like yr father warota. Viola small house hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre rega Judy nevana vake valaze mari they know kuti their time is borrowed in luxury. Sharon when you stand by the mirror unonhiti from nothing kuruzeva kwawai pukuta dzihwa nehembe uchityper nyika nedxa adam manga achidaidzira to being a princess .
    You and your evil sister you will never forget lufe yamakapihwa na stepdad daddy deddy diddy doddy duddy wenyu .muchidya mari dzevanhu pedzezvo you busy imitating ma testimonies evanhu. May God punish you all evil witches. You shall never test piece, you will not dream as long lm crying about all the monies youabused.
    Texting your selfish father for pprayers"oh lm praying for you my daughter" yet arikutorova gambi zvake muhotwra nemari dzedu . May God punish you .even if you dont go to prison but you shall never have piece in yrlife and u ou are nobody now .chawakadya chamuka .sure hawuna tsitsi vana mai mapingure kuita kunge munhu wekusomaliya achishandira iwe .
    I hate you . You know there was a ladies conference with a lady l think from birmingham ayipenga if so she kept on advancing to you l thought you were going to pray for her but instead she was restrained away from you .never prayed for instead you ordered for her to be taken to a ppsychiatric hospital l heard. A man of God were you not supposed to pray for her ?????????.
    Saka after seeing kuti Jean was to clever you tried to play the same game but wakatamba natsuro mdara .satan akati wasbika pa bus stop nhasi akakusiya wega.wanga wadyaira mdara .
    Vakadzi vese vakarara na kanda endai munotariswa chirwere hamuoni miromo yakatsuka who knows .
    Tinashe make amends with your mum its never too late whatever evil was poisoned in you buy fake Judas Hod will deliver you .your mum will always be your mum. As for Jazebel Viola buda pachena wakaroorwa na elijah chikwezvero we know that. You eat the same blambi na judisi that is if she gets it

  54. Please elaborated the woman taken to hospital and why from the ladies conference.

    Just to say that a woman's conference is normally ONLY woman.... What are all the men going for supposedly to do media....

  55. Jean how can I order your copy from Zimbabwe?

  56. This Walter guy has always been a rare character.. Anyone remember the prophecy given to unFortunate Misi about her being pregnant.. Our eyes/ears are still open buoy???????

    Maybe you should tell us what God is saying about your going to prison and how long you are going to be gone.. As a true prophet of God I can tell you if you really want to know.

    You are going to prison my friend.

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015.

  57. Ko ava vanonzi Jessie vekuCorby vasiri kubatika nezveAgape chimbotiudzaiwo nezvavo? Kunomboitikei kuCorby, sei vachivhaira plus hakuna akabatwa batwa here, kuitiswa massage kana kuitiswa surgery kuma 2am here. Toda kuziva nezvavo amai ava.

  58. Worota can not be 49. Takafunda naye ari way older than me. Tichitovati madhara and lm 49 ngaatange kutaura chokwadi pamakore ake.

  59. Ko ava vanonzi Jessie vekuCorby vasiri kubatika nezveAgape chimbotiudzaiwo nezvavo? Kunomboitikei kuCorby, sei vachivhaira plus hakuna akabatwa batwa here, kuitiswa massage kana kuitiswa surgery kuma 2am here. Toda kuziva nezvavo amai ava.

    1. iwe siyana na envoy Jessie wanzwa, dzako nhamo wapedza here kumba kwako? Kana uchida kuziva nezvavo enda kunovavhunza kwete kutsvaga makuhwa. namata mwari wakanyarara , hapana chavakakutadzira.

  60. Ko mkoma Ravumore Taruvinga achiripo here Ku Glasgow

  61. Manji Kanda Manyengavana padzaive kuZimbabwe dzichishanda kwa Auditor General dzainyebera madam wadzakazorarisa kuti ndanzi enda kuno auditer kuNamibia idzo dzichienda kusmall house. Zvino dzakazoti dhuma dhuma namadam Monday morning bvadzazobvunzwa kuti babaTee ndokuNamibia here uku, dzaakungoti bwai bwai. Agape ngwarirai hazvina kutanga nhasi izvi.

  62. Can someone give us more information on the sectioning of Agnes Madhani? Agape has always been in the business of calling ambulances during church services. This time they did it to the wrong person.

    1. Yes Agnes Madanhi came to the PUSH camp unwell but now looking back she was the only one in the spirit coz what she was saying makes sense now.She went away worse than how she came.i came away from that conference heavy hearted and left agape not long after that.i asked Walter why a demon was in control of the service because everyone was watching her and she was being restrained.Walter as i thought then ignored Agnes but now i know he had no anointing at all that's why.i asked how some demon was not vacating yet it was in less than 20 meter radius of his dangerously anointed presence.he told me its because Agnes was disobedient and had been going to the vapostori and that she had messed with the vision that's why god had told Walter to leave her like that. I remember he said 'vision ino haisi yokutamba nayo unotsva'.Nah it didn't make any sense and i left not long after that. Mai guveya performances put me off too

  63. ihhhh Masocha anenge akapihwa drum re-Testosterone coz chinoda vakadzi zvandisakamboona ini..... am 27 years but i don't think i can match havi yaWalter ...... God knows, maybe akatomboravira vana Sharon na Sandra,,,

  64. Its true what you are saying keyboard warrior about testimonies and gossiping by Walter and his step daughters.
    One night Walter you watching a conference dvd and Kuziva started singing during worshiping and Walter made some horrible comments about how someone should have shut her up and why she wasn't singing in her heart.he said something about her kuziva doing it to be seen etc. Then invoy Helen chapisa came on as service leader and went on and on about the garden. Walter again commented saying she was wasting time with a lot of rubbish which didn't make sense and that she lacked wisdom.

  65. Ndaka tombobvunza iye Judesi kuti anniversary ndirini zvakanzi its been years cant remember kkkk

    1. Judisi zvawaikanyayira semombe zvinochikanyaira tikuona kanya-kanya! Dai wakango gara hako nevana vakotwo or makagohurana zvakasarira kuZimba. Wakadziya moto wembavhaJudisi chawakadya chamuka wakachachura zvausina kubika. Amai Tinashe vane hupenyu hwavo havanombomuda Worota gara naye ndozvawaichemera zimbavha/mmharadzi/nhwabu/ngwaumbu/chidzoi/boraremakweshe/dzungu/gororo/kondo/chipfukuto/marutenga uye gororo.

  66. Anogoiziva sei akaita kujamba boarder. Inini l believe kuti Agnes was powered by the holy spirit nokuti sge was prophesying him big man .she kept advancing achida kumrova so mai ghuveya the body guard was busy ensuring she stays away but now l believe vairatidzva.
    Ko sister vaye vanodecorater na mai ghuveya ava veku tastify negative HIV vanespeed vanonzi ani vatsuku .mai vanovundikira ivavo .
    U know what someone once told me kuti mai ghuveya vakachenjeresa thats she was abused as a teenager nasekuru vake ndezvechokwadi here nhai .

  67. Well done Jean. I thank God for your book. I told you right from the beginning to stand still in the Lord, waiting for His appointed time. His timing is perfect, and no-one cannot stop an idea whose time has come, l mean no-one. Target the sky Jean, never allow it to be the limit. Sam Matema (ZIMBABWE)

  68. vasara mu AGAPE munoti chii neyizvi from prevous posts "In an email to Dr masocha I told him three things that had informed my decision to resign and these were (1) his salary and his wife’s were too excessive given the income of the charity. In particular there was no reason to pay his wife given that he was not doing anything for the church. (2) Despite the members of the church being asked to buy DVDs every Sunday that were produced by the media, the money was not going into the church’s bank account (3) Despite the church paying pastors in international satellites, the money from tithes from those international satellites was not being deposited in the church’s bank accounts. I concluded the email by saying that for these three reasons I tender my resignation."

  69. It seems agape was walters business - "When I asked him why he was earning so much given that the church was still young he said that it was because he had put up some money to start the church. I then told him it was wrong to earn money that way. I advised him to start a business instead!!!!"

    1. Walter was just greedy. Between Judith and him for the past 7 years they have consumed at least £1.2 milli. Meanwhile the church has no buildings or assets. Had he allowed the ministry to grow and flourish he still was going to earn that in the future. The Nottingham land is mortgaged and with the financial situation now it maybe reposessed unless he sells Cosyneuk. Agape should be having 2 or 3 buildings and Notingham Miracle Rain Centre land, a long term project. The money was there and enough, it was just misused and looted.


  70. Hie Jean, Congratulations,Makorokoto,Amhlope!
    God is good all the time and always in control. Right as you know, we work behind the scenes so at times we are the ones to comment last in your support or defense(Back Benchers). I read about Shingi taking Masochas side to try and discredit you in court. This is the first time to learn about this.
    1- It's very sad that Shingi has kept his eyes, ears and heart completely shut in support of someone who abused the mother of his 3 lovely children.
    2-I have read some post about his mother saying she will comit suicide if Shingi was to get back to you.
    In relation to the two points above my sister, I would like to refer you to Genesis 19:12-26 although in the past I have prescribed for the Agapens. At some point I refered to you as being David vs Goliath(Masocha) and I can tell you that,"you have won that war" whether he goes to prison or not. If he goes to prison, it will just an added bonus for us knowing as the Agapens say" vengeance is for God.
    God tells us that we are kings like him. What we say can build or destroy. Our words are so powerful and this only refers to a born again with the living holy spirit in them not to anyone in the world. You have spoken and the Cult has gone down and continues to do so. Many people continue to be saved to date cause you have spoken to destroy the Cult to the approval of God.
    Now as for Masocha his words seem not to do anything as he does not have the holy spirit in him. That's why the his world continues to crumble. No wonder why he did not say anything in court. Maybe he will later say "God was holding his mouth".

    Anyway, today I will refer you to Genesis 19:12-26
    In this case you represent Lot.
    The Lord has came to save you and your family, in-laws etc. Now you have been saved with your children whilst Shingi has turned to be column of salt by supporting Masocha. The Masukas are being destroyed cause they took you and what you said for madness and the kings in Sodom and Gomorrah Agape(Hove,Gavakava,Zunguzurwa etc being destroyed under God's order for their acts of evil doing.God's timing is always right, You have now come out of the Cult destroyed it and your book is out. If Shingi was still with you, your sales could have all now be going to this Cult with Shingi telling you it's because of Masocha that you have made it. Although one might still argue that, it's because of Masocha cause if he had not abused you then your talent could have been shuttered in this Cult.
    On the other hand on shingi, the word tell us that if your husband/wife want to leave you let them leave.
    Shingi has not only left you but wants to destroy you and the lives of his 3 children. Shingi has saved God's purpose in your life and what he seeks to to with Masocha won't have any effect to your life. It's time not to take any notice of him but focuss on your writing,children and yourself. A man is not everything in life as is evident in this Shingi case. Now still young and have eeverything it takes to enjoy life without the worry of starting a family. You have your 3 children and the road is clear with only the sky being of limit to a prosperous life. Yes we do feel as for the children not living with their biological father but I have faith that our Lord God will father them and that he will make them understand that it's their father who failed them.

    Unrevised material!!
    Ps: Anonymous 07/14 12:14 should not try and criticize your book here. Why asking if you published the other book. Is it not written who published the book. I don't think he is what he says he is. Its not worth justifying/explaining anything to such people. If he is going to buy so why jaba jaba for nothing.

    1. Thank you Moses your words are always full of encouragement and wisdom. God bless you xxx

  71. The Musuka family are a disgrace. I am disappointed with Mbuya Musuka standpoint. I respect her just like my mother so l will not hurl insults on her. All l can say is 'Mbuya Musuka musadaro muri munhu mukuru'. To Shingi the wars between vamwene nemuroora hadziperi, vanogadzirisana. It is an old saying. The problem is that vamwene vanoti uri mwana wangu, Jean anenge achiti murume wangu. That causes conflict. Words can be exchanged asika history has it hondo yevaviri awa yakagara iriko. I would have liked a situation where you and Jean lived far away from the tetes and your parents. Of course, the house complicated matters. However, the ball is in your court to salvage the situation. By supporting Jean you are moving thither from her. The worst nightmare for you is if Masocha gets convicted, what will you do? You are busy being used now you are planning a strategy of lies. I would never forsake my children even if divorced, to support a man of God. Mukadzi vaune mwana naye you are tied forever. Forsaking your children in the name of one side of the story can't be justified. Ask yourself when your son or daughter gets married what are you going to do. Vana vari kukuraka awa.
    PS: Ex-Agapeans don't forget to cancel your hotel bookings at Premier Inn in Doncaster for the year. You will be charged for nothing imi magara makabirwa kudhara.

  72. Jean where are the Musuka family from I am doing a case study on families who destroy each other and I am doing my research on Shingi his mother and Getrude and Patience. Can I please have background details of these four individuals please Jean.

    1. Aya anenge maBrandaya kana maMoskeni chete. MuShona medu hamuna zvakadai.

    2. I agree these are not Shona there is no such abomination in our culture.

    3. Ini ndinofunga kuti ana Musuka ma Tonga mairerana nehunhu hwavo. Hunhu uyu ndewechitonga.

    4. what ignorant bigots you only need to read the zim papers to know hw filthy people can be despite their culture.ndiri muzezuru akakwana hapana
      rudzi rusina tsvina

  73. If Shingi's mother is threatening suicide then good for her. She deserves to rot in hell she destroyed the lives off all her children. She is a disgrace to motherhood and is not fit to be called a mother. Kuita kunge vanorarwa na Shingi mhai isinganyare kupinda mu bedroom memuroora. I hope she commits suicide zveshuwa hatidi kutambisirwa nguva nechembere isina muganhu.

    1. You are so evil! Satan chaiye! How you happily write such a post. How can you wish someone's mum zvakadaro. No one is perfect. Jean wacho, Shingi wacho, all of us no one is perfect! Do you have a mother??? No I don't think so??? How do you feel if you someone wishes her to rot in hell. Pray for one another... Tipinde denga tese.

    2. I think bits true Mbuya Musuka wants to commit suicide shes not eating and has lost so much weight. She's been off sick not going ku shift anymore. I really hope she doesn't kill herself shes a nice old lady I work nights with her agency here in Southport. Shes a hard working woman she has worked hard for her family. She's always talking about going back home to start a business in child minding or hair salon. Sometimes I cant believe ndivo Mbuya Musuka vandinoverenga pano I never knew her problems with Jean were this serious. Chakafukidza dzimba matenga.

    3. If Gogo Musuka is thinking of killing herself nenyaya ya Masocha should the relevant authorities not be informed so the elderly woman can get a mental health assessment before its too late.

  74. Blog remakuhwa iri

  75. Musuka family are manyika from Mutare. Sorry Zimbabweans but this is your breed.

  76. Aaah ndiWasu nhayi? Asika vamwe vana Wasu vakabva kuMozambique. Handiti maboarder anoganhurana. We could say they are Zimbos originally from Moskeni.

  77. I know Collins Musuka hes originally from Mozambique. Please we can all safely conclude kuti these people are not Zimbabwean. I know Collins from Zimbabwean he is very much a Moskeni. Lets not bring a curse upon our land these people are NOT Zimbabwean. Thank you.

    1. The Musuka family is cursed. Everyone sleep with anyone in the family. They are all incestuous to the bone. Shingi sleeps with Patience, Patience sleeps with Oga. Collins sleeps with P atience. Oga sleeps with Get rude. Mbiriye3some sleeps with Lucy Mukucha Musuka. They are into threesomes and orgies. These sex orgies have also rubbed on their children. Vana va Get rude vanorarana neva Sherpard. Yes indeed the Musukas can't be Zimbabweans such deplorable behaviour is unheard of in our Zimbabwean culture. Collins Musuka is a manyengavana thus why his kids easily identifies with Kandabongoman. I

    2. Please people, Team Jean don't be 'agaped' remain good as you've always been!

    3. And the Lewis family are from Mozambique as well. Look at how Teddy Lewis stand behind a man who raped his own sisters. Tsvina dzevanhu. In shona culture the brothers would normally fight for their sisters. For these Shingi and Teddy Lewis its normal. Its in their blood. They can comfortably call 'DADDY' a man who raped their wives and sisters. Chivanhu chenyu chakaora. Munoti semesa mhani. How can a normal man support someone who raped your own sister. Teddy Lewis uri murume pachii shuwa!!!

    4. I truly think the Mozambican dimension you are taking here is getting really offensive. Just stick to your analyses based on the people you speak about, no broad brushing everybody.

      Last I remember is that when most people are having sex, they do it in private, without anyone else watching. The fact that one heard that so and so slept with so and so without the culprit in question making a statement is tantamount to hearsay.

      So, please do not broad brush us. We are Zimbabwean, Mozambican, Australian and so forth but one man's behaviour cannot be used to broad brush an entire tribe.

  78. Ndaende Ngaende Febbie I-door-tea. Go- d zva chairo. I-door-tea. Famba zvakanaka Febbie uri door-tea. Enda unofira Moza. Uri door-tea remunhu

    1. CONNIVING PAEDO ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Walter masocha is running around like a headless chicken trying to cover his tracks. In so doing he has made a lot of errors. He tried to get someone to discredit Jean via the media and made up a lot of rubbish about her. Walter you have no idea, we are watching every move but above all God has got your number. You can fool those who are still brainwashed but the truth is coming to get you. Your wife Judith has been taped begging one of your victims not to report. Won't say much on that issue but you are in for a shock.if you continue some of that stuff will be leaked here. Stop your games. FEAR God and confess the truth now. Any more tricks then you will know all about the media when some of your texts are splashed all over the papers you stupid fake prophet.I have the tapes with me so tamba wakachenjera Kanda. Zi paedophile remurume.

    2. I don't get Judisi! This is her chance out of abuse! What does she do? Try to defend Warota ! She needs help! It wouldn't be the first time they beg a victim not to report . I wonder how much budget there is to pay off victims, agape might need to increase their giving .... else..

  79. Judith being a Moskeni is okay with her young sisters being raped by her paedophile husband. A shona or ndebele woman would never stand for this. Lord what is wrong with Moskeni people the Musukas and Lewis families are Moskens.

    1. Very true. Mashona and Ndebele people can't tolerate this. Judith nana Beuty you can do whatever you want. They will support peadophile Masocha for a few pieces of silver. Kwavari they don't see anything wrong with children geting raped. Mwari itai nyasha .

    2. Teddy Luwisi haunyare here iwe.Apa unoshandira government uchiita madhodhi akadai. Unofanira kumboverengwa munewspaper pamwe ungachangamuka..."MAN STANDS BEHIND A PEADOPHILE THAT RAPED HIS OWN SISTERS".

    3. Why don't you restrict your analysis to just the persons you are writing about and not paint Moskans with one brush? Shall we say therefore that all Shonas are paedos because the blog claims Masocha is one? Wrong, isn't it?

      Hatisi tose maShona and Ndebeles pano. Ngatingotaurei nyaya idzi sezvadziri without broad brushing other nationalities.

  80. Walter is not repenting. He can try to cover up as much ah he can but here is what we found out via Jean's blog
    +Walter has been prospering using church monies
    +he had most waiting ladies paying £75 into his personal account under the guise of God said
    +he is not married to Judith, it all started as an affair that ruined his relationship with his wife mai Tinashe
    +Judith pretends she can't remember her wedding anniversary, she is a liar because she never got married,she is small house
    +Sandra and Sharon are not masochas as we were led to believe
    +Sandra only got together with Jeff after her affair (like mother like daughter) with a guy from Dubai ended and failed to 'agape' attaches Kelly son. She then ran to poor Jeff and speed up a wedding sponsored for by the poor agape fools.
    +masocha did not only destroy agape marriages and shingi relationship with his children, his negative influence in Sandra life led to Mr Tutani heartbreak and death after he was frozen out of Sandra wedding etc and masocha ate bride price.
    +envoy Tume left agape after masocha tried to give him Sharon with his God said rubbish not knowing God had really said to Tume run my son
    +agape borrowed money to buy miracle rain land
    +there grace suspected ring of paedos in agape who are paid by church monies to protect Walter
    +Judith ill treated tinashe until he checked out
    +75 percent of the church have left after their eyes were opened
    +Elija went and married viola on behalf of Walter
    +Judith watched Walter abuse her whole family for the sake of having a boyfriend
    +Mary covered up her daughter's rape but ended up sleeping with masocha under the guise of prayer retreats
    +Walter is a false prophet
    +Walter gets massages in dark rooms with waiting ladies while wife is listening in next to the sheenanigan
    +there is cameras everywhere at cosy including shower rooms and toilets and Walter watches from his bedroom
    +Walter has accounts all over the world
    +Walter had an affair with Yvonne Chibanda,was taped by tsitsi and paid her off. Also called Daniel a true son because he was having the wife
    +appeared at checks house one day complaining there were too many people at cosy therefore needed a shower. Checks last remember Walter coming out of shower with a towel wrapped round his waist and the last please remembers is waking up naked in bed with Walter. Where was your children checks while you were having sex amnesia, did Walter also mess your innocent lovely daughter. Someone please if she has a dad notify the father.
    +Ruth is ordered to employ Max the paedo as Joshua child minder, is this not the biggest indication that a ring exists in agape. Does Joshua have a father, Ruth has no brains at all, please someone notify the dad.children need to be removed from around this paedo run cult

    I will leave you to add on to how the blog has revealed a lot of hideous hidden truths

    1. Thank you ! This summary helps a lot! Missed out Sandra university saga.

  81. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Is this a joke? Amai...!??

    2. Judith ano rwara shuwa. Zvaachaurayisa mai ne BP.has anyone told her Walter said he buys her pants and weighs her bum for size.she doesn't sound like a woman who would cal Walter dad. So she is not in agape. Wise woman.
      We hear the so called gogo agape joined agape nekunyara.even Walter brother has testified that they were surprised he lasted this long.his brother ku Buhera is enjoying this blog he hates Walter big time

  82. Its normal in Teddy Luwisi for another man to rape his own sisters. They don't see anything wrong with that. Chimoskeni chiri mavari mhuka idzi. If Masocha had raped my sister angadai akafira mumaoko angu senda. He would choose to go to jail than meet me. But kuna Teddy Luwisi its normal. Ndiye anotoita number one kuti 'Agape Woyee'. Teddy Luwisi unoti nyadzisa. Supporting a rapist shuwa. Manje kuno kuZimbabwe mbwende dzakaita sewe tinogadzirisa.Uchamuka zvako muface.

    1. Can we have teddy Lewis details please so we can send green bombers to pick him up for a bit of tlc.

  83. Jessie, Jessie, Jessie envoy kuita sei, envoy wwasatani, ndepapi pakambonzi munhu wenyama nganzi envoy mubhaibheri. Mutumwa waSatani, hezvoooo. Agape Woye Agape woyee chinyi chacho. AnaRigioni Vega vega. Seka zvako mafirakureva

  84. Makuhwa ndizvooooo


  86. Yeah not sure what budget masocha is on. Do you know masocha contacted a whole list of people to also call the victims and put in a good testimonial on his behalf. They are all talking coz the see now that he is a crazy pervert. He thinks he has everyone wrapped round his little finger. I am watching you bongo and i have a file full. I am getting pissed off now.

  87. Baba imi Mr Bongo haiwa maiwanza. KuNew Hall kwamaive muri, Majors aye kuma mid 80s muchinyebera vanhu kuChristian Union C.U, bt vanhu vaikuzivai zvenyu. Ivo mai nhiya kwaa kuwira vachiti ndawana brother wekuCU. Baba imi munechitema nehutsinye chokwadi. Iyi hamutomboibudi gore rino, inonzi karma self appointed bishop. INI ndikakuonai ndinoseka hangu, kubuda misodzi chaiyo, munosekesa fani shuwa. Zvakuwana Worota, kunyebera kungwara pasina, tsek mheni.

    1. @ 23:25 Worota @ that achifamba negita nehat yemurara kunge Mukadota tichati ndovanonzwikwa zvenaMwari ichiiiii!

  88. Ruth Dzingai from stirliing is the biggest brainwashed individual. Walter really worked that girl who sells his merchandise. Yes a photo of Walter in his self ordained archibishop gear is £100. You better believe it. In agape Walter signed bricks and they went for £10. Aha and he likened himself to JK Rowling at the 'signing' of his book, he said agape was blessed to have him there signing when others have to queue for book signings.

    Back to Ruth, Walter told her her ex had wrapped a snake around her son to stop him growing and for him to misbehave. Also that on his way up to visit Ruth, god showed Walter that this guy was stopping in every city to sleep with a girlfriend.Walter was shown 6 stops this dude stopped at in the one night before getting to Ruth. What a mixed up individual this Walter is. He told Ruth to cut all ties since he had killed the snake and that Joshua was delivered. Well if only Ruth would wake and smell the cult coffee, the boy is now in a special school. If truth be told its Walter voodoo making that boy whatever it is coz he was so well behaved with Debbie. Once you move away Ruth your son will be brand new. Arikuitwa chidhoma naWalter.let medics check him for any funny business too coz he poor around cosy on his own while everyone except Walter is downstairs

    1. This might be truth that we all try to avoid. This man had some form of power . Be careful Ruth, and all of you. Pray to the true God and you are protected.

  89. Iyi yenyoka ne portrait yandipedza manji iyi, haaaa amana munhu aiwanza uyu

  90. Moses will not see the promised land,we now need a Joshua,Walter Masocha apera because of disobedience,never has this Masocha been a man of a God,always been a womaniser,many are testifying about his filthiness from a long time ago,many from Zim are surprised he even leads a church,he is a trickster and has a demon rekuda vakadzi,Judy kachingovharidzira that she knows about her evil & sick man,naye brain dzake don't function like a normal woman,she knows all what he does,she once told me kuti Worota beats her up and wished he did not lay hands on people,when she told me that I left agape 3 years ago because I wondered what was wrong with his laying on of hands,kutora anointing dzevamwe,zvino zvamupandukira,he touched God's anointed,Kanda masutu ako uchaapfekera mujeri gore rino kikikikikikiki

    1. Its true, Judisi warned those she got close to, she advised that they should not let Warota lay hands in them, hanzi, unotorerwa ngirozi yako! She should be there testifying against this man! Worota wutsinye, handzi Judisi mukuru kwa ndiri saka Akandi birira!! I understand Judisi is much older than Warota.

  91. Flag for Agape the support gay because their flag is for gay. Worota singing : kana kitsi ikashanduka kuita poto,kana huku ikaita ndiro! Next song Judi akupinda akudainzwa kumberi : isn't she lovely,isn't she wonderful bhindidhidhiiiiiii! Jude : Agape woyeeee! A-ga-pe!!!!! Woyeeeee imi mashura akaunganinzwa.

  92. Ko idzo number dzaMasocha wacho dzinomboti chii timunzwewo zvedu isu.

  93. Ini ndini Walter ndakamonyengwa namai would be prophetess Yvonne Gayakaya vandishevedza kuti ndivagadzirire mota yavo. Amai munandi ivavo. Kana Juriyasi Gayakaya akaiita kunge Gumbura arikufairwa coz fire fire na Yvonne.

    Walter KK

  94. Yohwe ini I know Febbie Musuka maiden name Febbie Ngoshi. Kuno ku Glen Norah tiri kushama nenyaya dza Febbie. Ainetsa raini rese kuno achiti ndine vana kuUK takachiona kuno. Ana Ngoshi veku Centenary hapana anoda kuvaona kuno Febbie aigaro pa testimoni ye kuti akakwidza Shingi ndenge nemari yekutengesa bhutsu pamusika. Hatina kumboziva kuti achatera ikoko kuno punza Imba ya Shingi gotwe komana rake. Vanhu vekwa Musuka nekwa Ngoshi munonyadzisa fani. Iwe Febbie Ngoshi ndizvo zvawakakwirira ndege here ndanyara fani. Kuno ku Glen Norah vachariverenga vese blog iri. Kwana Febbie semari yebhazi unongoti kureba kusina mughanhu.

    1. Hanzi na Febbie Musuka regayi ndidye ndega mazai angu, Shingi ndakakwidza ndega ndege nemari yebutsu saka Jean halume. Beta ndife than for Jean to enjoy the fruits of my labour. I will have my Shingi to myself come rain come thunder

    2. Inga yanetsa nyaya ya Febbie. Saka ndopane nyaya yese nhai. Shingi came to England nemari ye bhutsu.

    3. I think in part kuwanda kwehama dzaShingi dzaakaunza kuUK contributed to his marriage downfall. He has almost all his family here. A situation like that zvinonetsa kuti ugarisane nemikadzi moreso kuchigara padhuze nepadhuze. Vana tete vagara vanoda kutonga imba yemuroora vachiti ihanzvadzi yedu. They want to control too much. Idzowo chembere dziri kunakirwa nabacon ne apple juice hadzichadi kudzokore kumusha bodo. Plus nemafree state pension aya. Unoona chembere ichidemander childcare money kuchengeta muzukuru wayo. Dzakuzivisisa mari mhani.

  95. Takambobzwa nyaya dze vana mwene vano shusha varoora but this one takes the cup. I am mother of three boys I have no girls my prayer today is Lord please don't let me be like Febbie Musuka. I'm sending my boys to school njani njani but I would not want to destroy their lives zvaitwa Shingi na Febbie mai vake vakamutumbura. Uku ndokuroya masikati machena. Mai inotyisa iyi, kana kuda England kwacho kwanyanya ngaidzokere kumusha chembere iyi please.

  96. Reminds me of the film Neria. This is a replay of Neria Shingi is now practically dead. His relatives have taken over illtreating Jean (Neria). Usawore moyo Neria mwari vanewe Jean. This storm shall surely pass Febbie will reap what she has sawn.

  97. So Judith has some conscience sometimes then. I remember her complaining about youth coming for their holidays to number 9. There was some suspicions about Sifiso daughter from Judith and her daughters. But this girl stayed on for a while and they didn't want her there but they said daddy is the one who wanted her there to deal with her demons.she was a very pretty young thing with beautiful eyes. Looking back now the girl looked a bit petrified. Oh Walter is danger mouse mhani.

    Sandra Tutani, she who was adopted by Walter and married poor Jeff pretending to be a virgin when she started sleeping around in form two is pregnant. Between one and two months on. Thanks cosy insiders for letting us know. Unless Judith confesses poor baby is embroiled in serious generational rape sin.
    Over to you the Chihuris. Do you even know seeding as you are treated like neighbours. We notice throughout the wedding that you had no say, not even one bufu

  99. RUTH. Today, take time aside to search your heart and soul. Look around and examine yourself. Fear not, for there is LIFE, and LIFE more abundantly outside of agape, BE FREE to worship the one and only living God.

  100. Shingi's father should have stepped up the plate in all this to resolve the situation. Where is he? I also think traditional dialogues between the Musukas and the Gashos should have taken place privately. Getrude and Patience vanofamba vachitaura kuti hamuziwe muroora wedu takabva naye kure, hazvina kutanga nhasi. I am sure this helps the situation. Shepherd Musuka as the older brother should also have done more l think. Shingi confides in Shepherd obviously. Langton Mburayi must learn to shut up. Haupindire nyaya dzatsano naambuya. Uri mukuwasha rudzii anobata/restrain ambuya haunyare? Isu hatisati takambozviona. Iwo vana Mburayi kumusha kwavo ndekupi?

    1. Shepherd sees himself as the king of Southport akambopera magetsi when he was diagnosed with TB last year when he almost died. He didn't even tell his family he had TB. Its only when people at work Guild Lodge where alerted of his TB because he was posing a risk to the community that the truth came out. Hes not a man that one it might have been the TB that affected him it affects the brain.

  101. Let's continue to name and shame. Zvese ngatitaure amana, imbotii deee zvekuBuhera uku, nezvekwa Auditor general, nezvaiitika kuZAOGA zvavakazodzingirwa baba ava, kungoti dzutu dzutu maziziso zvemahara

    1. VeBhuhera pindai murikupiko taurai zvamakaona zvokwadi inosunungura vakomana/nevasikana taurai zvokadi zvana zvavaTete Bhuhera tichidya zvedu sadza remhunga memukaka.

  102. It seems this family inotongwa nevakadzi chete Patience, Gertrude and Febbie being in the driving seat and Collins, Shepherd and Shingi in the back seat. These three man need to be castrated immediately. They don't deserve to be counted among men and should have their balls thrown in the rubbish bin.

  103. Vanhu vekwa Musuka mhosva yenyu iri pakuramba kuchengeta nhiyo/ dzinza renyu. Hatikurudzire zvakashata. Mangwana vana venyu kana vabudirira hamuzovachiwe here? Rubbish dzese dzamunoudza Agape yese about muroora wenyu zvinoratidza kusakwana. Vana Langton nemumeeting, nemumeeting. Mukuwasha uyu ibenzi chairo. Dai vakaroora kwangu taiti dzoserai mombe.

  104. Im coming to the book signing.

  105. I am still or was still in agape but just caught up with the blog. If its true that Judith nicked the husband it means she had her children already, how come at the wedding Cheneso Dube made some 'emotional' statement about knowing Sandra from birth. I remember she said she needed more time to speak because she had known Sandra all her life. Its so unbelievable the lies that are publicly declared in front of church.

  106. Live from Zimbabwe

    We are nearly catching up with Mr T Lewis. Here we lock up this kind or make them disappear. Gumbura will tell you we don't mess with rapists or their supporters

  107. Could we please have those work details of those professionals in the Agape leadership. We have to be serious in our campaign to shame their evil acts and wrong doings . If we could also have the details of those who were/are on the Agape payroll as they could be claiming benefits as well pretending not to be working. There is a lot that needs looking into and reporting within this Cult. The Petition also needs signing if we are to get answers.

  108. Voni gayakaya celebrating divorcees on her Facebook , how Christian is that

  109. If I remember very well, Dr. Walter Masocha used to tell the church,that each men/woman should workout their salvation... and also titles means nothing if you are not a child of God, and also if whatever he was preaching was against God ,s word people should correct him or stop following him.

    My questions is why were agape leaders silent all this long, with the blog, it appears most people knew what was happening in church, but choose to be quiet. I know most people,s hearts were really up for this vision of a green olive tree, a new thing, and enjoying church like before. The agape leaders are also accountable to everything that was taking place in agape, yes they knew how things were going, but chose to be silent.
    I think Ian,s wife told him what she had seen or gone through, but Ian decided to pretend to be ignorant, but inside his heart knew what his wife was telling him..
    Agape leaders should be brought to account everything , all events, meetings
    conferences etc..
    Masocha was not alone in all this, some people out there knew what they were doing. Tell us more about the BAG which Dr, Walter Masocha used to have around him always, what was in it , pliz help.

    Jean you are an evangelist, a true preacher sent from above. , God loves his children you come at the right time. 2014 is a year of total freedom from agape bondage, we have heard testimonies of how people are now enjoying life to its fullness, buying new cars, going on holidays, buying their children gadgets for christmas which was unaffordable during the agape error.

    Jean tinenge tiripo pa 1March apa, all roads will be leading to Essex, Huyai ti zotsigira mwana we kumusha, tikunde huori mu ma kereke umu.

    1. I am feeling sick right now just thinking about Mr masocha. The ladies conference he took our jewellery he said he had come as Shechem whose sister was raped in the bible and he sick is this man and woman.he really is so sick.he said he came as our brother to right the wrong done to us women.someone give these Lewis brothers that dvd, he is actually mocking them and the sisters he raped

  110. Walter and Judith birthdays even the day Walter is meant to have been again are well publicized and a money making scheme. For real i never heard them talking about their wedding anniversary neither have i seen any wedding photos.if Walter is still married then Judith will still be using her surname or if they faked it, got married here and kept it quiet then its still illegal.whats on Judith passport? We will know at court coz she is going down too anyway.
    Yayaya these two are as thick as thieves, how can they stand in front of people in the name of the Lord when they are so filthy.

  111. By virtue of Walter's own testimony, he said his mother hated Judith. Wise woman gogo Agape she stands for what's right. She loved her true virgin muroora and detested chihure cha Judith.we need more gogos like her.God bless her.

  112. Today i went through Judith's teaching when she said spectators are dangerous. Well well she has proved not only to be a dangerous one but a nasty one too. Watching her sisters being raped by zidhara raaihura naro and still covering up to this day.what a spectator hey, for the sake of a small house.i hope those two sisters speak and i do hope for once their brothers rise up and stand for their own is important sure teddy na Richard. Can you imagine what your sisters have been going through.can you take time to cal them and hear their cry and nightmares. I was raped but my brothers went round and beat the guy up, he died later in prison. Do right and give your sisters peace and correct the wrong you have don

  113. Today is the 9th of Feb: Have you completed your 40days of fasting n prayer Masocha????

    Lies lies lies - you used to feast while we fasted.. You shall see them by their fruits.. True, fruits are now ripe n ready!!!

    Lock this man away.

    Yours truly,
    Agape will not see 2015.

  114. Masochism,masochastically : its self-defeating personality disorder. Also know as masochistic personality.
    It was discussed in an appendix of the manual's revised third edition (DSM-111-R) in 1987,but was never formally admitted into the diagnostic and statistical manual of
    Mental disodisorders (DSM) official code # 301.90
    (2) Masochism: deriving pleasure or sexual gratication from being abused or dominated. I know we have a lot of Doc in Agape who good in research.
    To very male young/old the need deliverance because all of you have joined the covenant. Please look for the spiritual leaders in your area so the pray for you & your children. The masochism its a spirit let's joined together & pray. Walter Masocha its your time to repent God gave you second chance He is a God mercy. This spirit masochism Will destroy our future generation let us remember Masocha's two sons Tinashe & Tafadzwa Masocha. Yes we can talk i know you have your rights but let's join to pray. Masochism spirit i came to you in the name of Jesus brake now goo! Now in the name of Jesus Amen. I pray deliverance to every child of God & i soak you in the blood of Jesus. Holy spirt take over from here Amen! Pray is the key.

    1. Just wondering how Walter said he got the vision from god precept upon precept and that it shouldn't be edited or diluted. The same Walter said many times that god was showing him a vision of him running ahead wife behind and whole church millions of miles behind. My question is how come now Walter can be advised on a vision that god gave him and advised him not change it. How come he can now have human beings to advise him when he always said he sits at the top with Jesus just a few inches away from him. He always said noone prays like him and he hears straight from God-fresh manna everyday. What's happened now,god is contradicting himself or there never was a vision and you were never a man of god Mr 13th apostle

  115. Walter Masocha teaching yekuti nemaDc kutopa huchapupu hweraindow/muraraungu. Agape wooyeeee! Ndadhiraivha 4hrs at my
    Window screen ndicndichiperekenzwa nemuraraungu/ microwave, shower vedu!!!! Ravaibhaibheri murinzwise munorasika. Agape idi kusumudza mireza yengochani muchirumbidza Mwari tendeukai.

  116. How did l miss this one? Remember on one of the Men's conference Walter was saying; ' It reminds me when l was in the bush but mhamha does not want me to say this'. This is after a guerrilla song for the Commander in Chief led by Att Dube- 'Vana Baba motorova mwoyo dzamara taitora chete'. Of course dressed in camaflouge. This man was claiming to be a war vet and to have participated in the 'bush'. Checking his age is 49. It means in 1980 he was 15. That means he went to train as a guerilla soldier in Mozambique at 12/13 yrs. Wow that's unbelieveable, a boy of 12 fighting in Chiomio. What utter lies. It would not be surprising he claimed 100% disability on the War Victims compensation fund in 1998. Remember those $50 000 that were given to war vets.

  117. Somebody help!!
    Could we please have those work details of those professionals in the Agape leadership. We have to be serious in our campaign to shame their evil acts and wrong doings . If we could also have the details of those who were/are on the Agape payroll as they could be claiming benefits as well when not entitled to. There is a lot that needs looking into and reporting within this Cult. The Petition also needs signing if we are to get answers

    1. It is called 'OPERATION TORA PIN'. All those professionals-nurses, social workers who stand by abuse you know your respinisibilities. You are mandated by your professional bodies to be of good credence and repute even outside the workplace. You are contravening the rules by supporting Walter so it is legally appropriate that the PIN be taken away. Don't cry foul about my family etc we warned and reminded you of your obligation. Hausi hutsinye. The feeling you are getting when you hear this is the same as the victims. Don't say we did not warn you-It's your choice.

  118. Ko Kuziva uyu woku imba ne discord nyaya dzake dzokurova vana dzaka repotwa here .......Chembere dzinosiya varume kumusha kwa nzi ndave Mrs Woodwork ...Hahahah ....Chembere iyoyi yaiperfoma pamberi pa Masocha.....Ndakaenda kuchurch iyi for 6 months ......Masocha may have abused every women in that filthy cult. Zvadakaona ku Newcastle zvakandinetsa.....Totaura hedu isu ve Chiredzi

  119. Congratulations Jean on your achievement and using you God-given gift to write this book. Will arrange to get a copy if I don't make it for the 1st of March.

    May God open more doors for you.

    Like Moses said I have been watching the developments here and will respond in word and in prayer to any serious threats by the sinking CULT.

    * Keep up the good work till the Embassy is cleaned, with no commissioners, no attaches, no envoys and no consulate staff and no citizens.

    1. Wot about future envoys ect. I mean you never know who you are sitting beside lol.

  120. Chabvondoka gore rino, Agape woye, Judisi, Worota Manyengava, Vee, Jessy, A-liar. Pane anosara here pano?

  121. Advise please on how to get over Post Agape Depression plzzzzzzzzz.Agapeans get very angry when one leaves,joinus & leave please don't be angry

    1. OK. Its a hard one to deal with. My wife and I left agape 2 years ago. We then saw that we were cut off from all members of agape who would have nothing to do with us. Have since learned that that was masocha's doing. The only advice that I can give to you and others like you is first of all realize that you have done the right thing, if you have not realized that, then you may as well return to agape. Remember that God has not forgotten you when you are low. Try and find another fellowship, that is hard after agape for a number of different reasons, but try. Listen to Christian gospel music, that helps you keep your focus on God. It is easy to say pray without ceasing but also that is hard, but find some time to spend alone in prayer. Be ready to hear Gods voice through the reading of his word. Well that is all I can advise you, like you and others I am finding it hard to deal with, there are certain things that will not go away, like how did I manage to be blind for so long when it was rather obvious that the teachings so to say were not of God. On hindsight I know that I was not in a church of God for all reasons that have already been stated on this blog. It was the freedom to worship and the praise time that I enjoyed, even though it was hyped up and the so called vision that kept me there. Wish you well as you pursue your future and I am sure that Justis will be done. Arthur ex Stirling attache.

  122. Ko vana mai Mukora Salome? Muripiko, makasaraeo here pagukura hundi iri? Vana Charity Mudiwa na Miriam brain washed. Masurgery enyuka aya. Salome kuti rwira Daddy ende kusanyara zvaienda nepiko.....



    1. Its a good one, you remain anonymous till you decide to come out. Thanks. Masocha should be stoped , if you know anything, it might help. Ndatenda hangu!

  124. Hanzi Jessey weku Corby aita seiko?

  125. Jessie ndoo kamwe ikako

  126. Jessie hapana zvekunamata paye, munhu anonanata is humble. Vedu musanyebere Mwari mukadaro. God will punish you for all those lies. Chionai papa venyu Kanda. Zvainge zvanyanya, over 30 years uchinyebera kunamata us in a kutendeuka, Mwari vanokurova neshamhu inorwadza, Judisi tendeuka, Worota tendeuka not too late, vasara mucult iyi budai, be warned zvakabvira kare musati mamuziva munhu uyu here.

  127. Ko iyo nhumbu ndeyani inauguration Jessy?


Due to the amount of abusive comments now being posted on this blog from Agape members, all comments on this blog are now being moderated. I do not have to put up with abuse from Agape Church members anymore so please be civil if you want your comment to be published here. You are free to disagree with me but abusive comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.