Having been reading BOTH blogs, ‘He is still my dad’ and
this one, but I am a supporter of the victims of Agape (AFANMI) and will fight
till the end for justice. I have written
this to show the difference between the two blogs and the dirty tactics of the
‘others’. So let’s see….
Taking that the ‘church’ is basically called Agape, I want
to remind you what it actually means:
AGAPE = Definition: Agape is selfless, sacrificial,
unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.
This Greek word and variations of it are found throughout
the New Testament. Agape perfectly describes the kind of love Jesus Christ has
for his followers:
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves
me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them
and show myself to them. (John 14:21, NIV)
AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST (I assume), we are called to
love our enemy; forgive our brothers/sisters - these are very difficult to do
when people become hurt through sharp, careless words, unthinking actions, and
abuse, yet we are able to turn to Jesus time and again for forgiveness in this
time of grace. We also need to learn to forgive those that have hurt us, so
that we can move forward in life, however, forgiving does not mean that we lie down and
accept abuse towards up in any manner. We are able to pursue justice for wrong doing,
forgiveness is totally separate, as there are laws we need to abide both
biblical and of the land. The Lord
teaches we are to follow the laws of the land. (1 Peter 2:13-17)
The whole saga of Jean vs cheaters in Agape; the other blog
vs Jean has become a witch hunt of who did this and that, many are being hurt,
but it has also enabled to give a voice to all concerned. It is time to start to turn away from the
personal vendettas but to seek the truth behind the abuse that has taken
place. This abuse is: Sexual, Financial,
Bullying, Lying, Cutting off families and silence of many whom knows the real
story. (This is just the tip of the iceberg!)
The other blog is determined to expose Jean’s past life is
not only degrading, but it show how low morally they are using personal
information to get back at her, and her family. They would disagree here by
claiming that they are only exposing the truth; but, isn’t it true we all have
something in our past we are not proud of, where we have done wrong? As far as the ambulance story….there is
always differing views on any event that takes place. People will recall the scenario as they view
it from which side of the fence they are sitting. There is always a right and a wrong and where
there are many people they will each give their own account of what happened,
sometimes people have their own agenda and fear to tell the truth for fear of being
an outcaste from where they want acceptance. These situations are complicated;
however, having witnessed a similar event in Liverpool (Satellite), I can
honestly say the event did happen the way Jean has told us on her blog.
As far as the sexual abuse visited in these blogs.... just
because a person has been abused previously in their life, it does not mean
that it won’t happen again. In fact, it is more likely to happen again as
people tend to put themselves into similar situations (http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/vanderkolk/) this does not
make them a liar, or someone who makes it up.
We can only surmise, as we were not involved at the actual happening of
the abuse; hence we take a side. Again,
many factors need to be reviewed: has the accused, Dr Masocha done this before? This must have happened as according to the
charges, two people have reported sexual abuse. A woman, who we presume to be
Jean, and a minor, who cannot be named for legal reasons. Also, others are saying they too have been
abused by the accused, Dr. Masocha. So
it has to be something much bigger than we can see, we again can surmise that
people are just saying this, or that as you have implied Jean is posting
anonymously, or maybe there is truth in these cries. I would say that there
have been others, many are afraid to speak out, many are blaming themselves,
all because of who the accused is and how he used his position to manipulate
and take advantage of vulnerable people, including children.
Having been abused myself, there have been posts of how an
abused person should be smiling and posing.
How does an abused person look? Have they got a tattoo on them saying ‘I
am abused’ – or do they put on a mask and hide what they truly feel inside? For
me, I blocked it out for many years, and then it came back and I had to deal
with it. So, don’t judge a person by
what you see, because you do not know the inner turmoil of hurt and pain.
The other blog, He is still my dad, has been talking about a
book Jean wrote they call it the ‘300 book’ – firstly, this book was written
and given to Dr. Masocha and ONLY him,
even though they say differently. It was
written and given to in confidence to Dr.Masocha so he counsel and give
spiritual guidance to Jean to bring healing from her past. It was NEVER MEANT FOR OTHERS to read or use
against the person who wrote it. Most of
us, if not all have personal secrets, some worse than others –many people use
the art of writing to express their troubling events to see them clearly. Jean
did this and gave it to a leader of a church (Agape) to help with healing and
prayer in the strictest confidence. I shudder that this confidence has been
broken; I ask who can one trust, especially if it is someone who says they are
of God? So, from the way that the other
blog is using this personal information given to Dr Masocha, I ask…… The self-proclaimed
‘man of God’ has broken trust and confidence with one of his flock. If he can do it once, who says he doesn’t
always do it?
On the blog, ‘He is still my dad’, they say they are
‘Children of Agape’, if this is true, they do not understand the meaning of the
word Agape. Within Agape we were taught,
‘Agape is love, unconditional love’ – seems it is only for those within that
church, as when you leave, immediately
you are called demonic, evil, dangerous and those in Agape are told to cut all
ties – strangely, this is even to family members, husbands and wives who do not
want to be in that church. I can already
see the comments how this is not true…. Let me tell you IT IS TRUE, IT HAPPENED
Our Mission now is to expose the truth, not through back
stabbing comments/posts, but by going step by step through the teachings of
Agape, to show how we have been groomed, manipulated and brainwashed, so much
so that we believed we were true Christians.
We will be exploring:
Dr.Masocha’s qualification to start and lead a
church - where he worshiped before starting his own church.
The Vision of Agape – how it was born, the
contradictions within it
The Dr.Masocha’s teaching in: Threshing Floor
(both editions); Dynamics; finance
Financial records
Surgeries: the dark secrets of these meetings
Conferences: Men’s; women’s; youth; couples,
family and others
Prayer retreats and Missions: what really
Other topics that arise.
I leave you with these words:
Ezekiel 34:4: "You have not strengthened the weak or
healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays
or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally."
Ron Henzel writing about Battered
Sheep explains the above verse: This was a terrible indictment against the
prophets, priests and governing officials of Israel in Ezekiel's day. It was
their job to strengthen the spiritually weak, heal the spiritually sick, and
bind up the spiritually injured. It was their job to bring back the strays and
search for the lost.
Sound familiar?
Former Agape Attaches Debbie and husband Arthur Mackenzie
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Police-reveal-child-sex-abuse-probe-Hinckley-s/story-20669317-detail/story.html
As I am writing this post, tears are roiling down my face. Debbie, the Apostle told me that in Zaoga, my former church before I came to Agape, God had deserted that church a long time ago. He then said my husband was a womaniser and was likely to give me STD or worse still hiv AIDS. This filled me with hurt and hate for my husband. With the ApostIe blessing, I immediately cut off ties with all to do with my husband, and was promised that God had prepared a new husband for me. 6 years after leaving my husband, im still waiting. I went to the South London Sutton satellite launch were board member June's daughter Jackie was prophesied a wedding, Mr Masocha actually said the husband was in the congregation, and I know up to now Jackie is still waiting, I remember Jackie's family including Muchengeti Hove rushing to the front congratulating Jackie. I am still in Agape, but my envoys have left, there is only 2 of us the whole area. My life is in ruins, what makes matters worse, my supposedly sick ex-husband is now in his 3rd year doing a theology degree to be a pastor. He is now married and they have twin sons. To my ex husband you know who I am if you are reading this blog. I can only forgive myself, and to your relatives, im sorry. To Mr Masocha, I forgive you, as Jesus forgave, as Stephen forgave and as Mandela forgave. To Debiie, your blog has brought reality of how rotten my situation is. I want to get out, I will email you on Saturday with information about the conversations I used to have with Walter Masocha, the monies I used to contribute for his retreat, and I will also email you text messages from his phone. Thank you Debbie.
Oh my God Debbie! Does this mean Walter Masocha will breach my trust by telling the whole world the number of boyfriends I slept with before becoming a Christian and being born again? I wish I had never ever gone to the Shechem women conference in Wales. Walter Masocha asked all women present to write on a piece of paper all the names of people whom we had had sex with. I wrote half a page. I know a woman who filled three A4 size pages with names of men she had slept with. I am not saying I am bette rbecause I had half a page, no...far from it. All it says is if you cross Masocha's path, because he is a false man of God, you are finished anokufumura! What hope do I have of getting married what with Masocha now playing dirty stabbing ex Agape saints....Oh my God! I vividly remember in the surgery Masocha asked me how many rounds did I have with my patner, and I said 2. And he said things will get better! what ever he meant! Jesus me! Please all men of God, we come to you because for prayer and not as sex toys please! Masocha and your wife may God forgive you as He makes your victims see the light again. May the law put you in a place where you reflect and learn and repent . Masocha why are your people victimising victims?
I told Apostle that I am HIV positive, I hope and pray that because I am now out of Agape, he wont demonise me. Your actions are synonymous with Satanism.
Thank you Arthur and Debbie for helping many hurt souls. The truth really there God is Agape but there was never a 'God of Agape'. This vision was well crafted under the sublime strategy of love. Instead of using other means like money, Walter used love.Why? Because love itself has a submissive, humbling and paralytical effect. It is hard to question because it sounds good. When he had everyone under control he went on a rampage with unchecked looting of money, abuse of women and infinite dictatorship. The 'love strategy, was a succesful tranquiliser for him but as the saying goes 'everything comes to an end'. No one would have predicted this shameful fall of the Arch-Bishop moreso by a humble woman from a very modest down in Zimbabwe called Karoi.
The counter blog has swiftly moved to bash Debbie for her new role. It is clear that Masocha is behind it because writer says'I will first ask from Apostle's legal team if it ok to publish the book'. I have always said the trial will deal on the evidence provided more crucially forensic evidence. What happened in Jean's past or ehat she wrote msy not help Walter. Masocha focuses on Jean but remains silence on tne other victim? Why ate they daft like that? This other wiman is not connected to Jean. Her testimony will ge crucial to the jury. Or is their defence the usual 'she is mad'.
Someone please help me. I can't sleep having nightmares. I told Archbishop Masocha that I am HIV positive. He also made me confess all my sins and write them down including all the boyfriend I slept with. I wrote the names of the boyfriends. Please help I wish I never gave names to him and status of HIV.
Dear readers
I know one woman who is in Agape. Most of you know her as you have written about her and sometimes she ministers to walter masocha(i will not say how as you will then know her). She has been a visctime of abuse many times. She told masocha and she also told someone from wolverhampton supports masocah a lot. She was raped when she came to uk and she was a victim to man advances in zaoga if though she is married. She is in pain and sometimnes very conused but she firmly belives that her salvation is in agape. Woman if you are reading this please get out. These prophets who have annoited themselves will not help you. You are being abused sexually, financially and spiritually. The things you have told to those people are now out in the open. I cannot name names but you know yourself , if you find the strength confide in your husband for he is a good man. Find friends outside this church.
We all know Jean is not the only person who confessed dark secrets to this imposter Walter Dr Evil Masochabongomam. 90% of people in Agape had to confess to Dr Evil. That is why most of his victims to date have not come out Dr Evil has a file of peoples sins especially women on his computer.
Ava ndi Dr Evil Masocha idi. Mazvikokota we Satanism. His blog is pure evil I cringed looking at it.
We all know its Faith Nechironga. Most of the abuse we know of is what she told Dr Evil.
This church is cruel. Are people born again Christians in this group? From the brief reading on their blog it sounds more like a cult than a church. There are peculiar beliefs and
practices which have an association with the biblical text but the fruit is far from what one would expect from a caring Christian church who understand the ways of God,
the teachings of Christ, or the integrity of spirit that comes from THE work of the Holy Spirit.
I am based in Canada and followed Jean's blog from its early days after it was emailed to me by a colleague. I never read much of the comments and most certainly never intended to post. I feel the need to comment and maybe educate and offer information that is very much needed.
What has happened with the counter blog is the climax of Jean's story and this is exactly where it had to reach if Jean's story was ever to be believed by even the most skeptical critic. The counter church blog is evidence and compliments Jean's story. Without the other side of the coin, Jean's story would have lacked the most crucial part, evidence that this is indeed a cult.
Please read this interview for a magazine in the UK: http://www.thehopeofsurvivors.com/news_notes/Marie_Claire_Interview.php
A victim of similar abuse to Jean says "The pastor, after uncovering all my life history practically (during the grooming stages of our friendship), knew all my weak spots and he used them against me to his own advantage.
Many people who find that their voice is not being heard use the internet to present their case. I am glad that this has worked for. It obvious that Jean is getting much backlash from the church people, but that is to be expected.
I just want to encourage Jean. I just heard a visiting speaker from the US yesterday on the campus of the Christian University near us. She shared her story how she was vulnerable as a child with lack of care, absent parents, and various kinds of abuses. She got lured into the sex trade. She was loved unconditionally by a Chrn pal and came to know Christ—who changed her ‘identity’!
She referenced Maslow’s 5 points, which is something that you might want to investigate for yourself. These are similar ways of recruiting vulnerable females into the sex trade!!
This was the exact tactic use against you. You are not alone, since so many others have been drawn into this very thing in this same way/pattern!
I read your first blog in which you said: I felt like a lost little girl, and this man (my hero) had found me. ... made to feel special . . .from nobody to somebody . . . like this man discovered me.
You will see how unscrupulous people use the basic needs that humans have in order to beguile them for their wretched purposes. You have experienced that yourself in a place that should been a place of safety and refuge.
Jean you are in a battle for sure. Take your strength from God alone. There are many people from around the world praying for you. You have opened a door for many people and maybe you may not realise it now but your blog achieved the purpose God established it for. Take care
I have been named a few times on the blog, some saying the truth others ( agape ) saying utter nonsense about me. I DONT CARE! Bongosocha remains guilty! Vanhu va Jehova be encouraged! Whether Warota publishes the 'book' of your confessions or not! Dont even worry, like Debbie said, who hasn't done anything stupid in their past? I have and the bible says for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God!
Remember there will be casualties in every war! If your exposure is to the glory of God, you are blessed , time heals. It is a form of intimidation ! What can be worse than being in a cult ? He preys on vulnerable people. I was seen with a man, Warota tried his psychology on me and by the grace if God on that occasion i was totally innocent, the events seemed otherwise, he asked me to confess, i told him we did nothing, he went on and on about how he sees what we did and the only way God will forgive me is if it comes from my mouth....??????.... Agape you are being fooled, this dude is not a prophet ! I know you are excited reading about others right now, what makes you think 'you are safe' ??
This is encouraging. Thank you! I hope Jean you realise that despite all they say you are , true or false, The Lord has used you darling! I believe that from the Botton of my heart! Now i pray that you allow God to heal you, so you can be used without bitterness
Abusers pray on the vulnerable. And Jean entered this church a vulnerable young woman with emotional problems. Jean was the perfect ideal candidate for Masocha. She was naive, gullible to some extent and somewhat confused. I dont know what happened prior to her writing the 300 page book, but I believe this was Jean's way of making it to the top table aka pleasing daddy. If this book is about her upbringing then its very unlikely that she gave the book to her siblings. Jean has many flaws and with such a past, this is what has made this story brilliant. In all the evidence incriminating this woman, I still see and have always seen the brilliance in her. God had to use someone like Jean to blow the whistle in Agape, and I bet you 1 million that today Masocha does not sleep and can't get his head round the fact that it was Jean and Jean alone who caused his downfall. A vulnerable naive woman whom he had dismissed as "mad".
Alleluyah...God is good.
Jean let me encourage you by saying, you are crossing the red sea. These people are Pharoahs horsemen and horses, trying to stop you, from reaching the promised land. (JUSTICE). I will give you the israelites story, to encourage, then i will break it down for you. Usatye, iwe. Usavhunduke, God is with you.
This 300 book, is the last stage. It is the last stand of the devil, but usatye, it is game over for these people. You must understands it is the last act to try to stop you, but i bet you, normal people do not believe the blog. It serves as intertainment. Those people who are commenting, are from, the camp with a lot of dirt in their lives. Jean, they have proved, their cyberbullying to stop a witness, their cult like mentality, their controlling ways. Cults behave like this. Why does the blogger not put his face up?
Exodus 14 - The Crossing of the Red Sea
A. The pursuit of Pharaoh's armies.
1. (1-4) God draws Pharaoh to come out against Israel.
Now the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and camp before Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon; you shall camp before it by the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, 'They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.' Then I will harden Pharaoh's heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD." And they did so.
a. You shall camp before it by the sea: We could say that God set an ambush for Pharaoh. Even after the horror of the death of the firstborn, the change in Pharaoh's heart was only temporary (he will pursue them). He was quick to strike at Israel when he had the chance.
b. They are bewildered by the land: This was exactly what God wanted Pharaoh to believe. God told Moses to lead Israel in a way that looked confused. God told Moses and Israel to do something that look confused because God would gain honor over Pharaoh through it.
2. (5-9) Pharaoh decides to force Israel back to Egypt.
Now it was told the king of Egypt that the people had fled, and the heart of Pharaoh and his servants was turned against the people; and they said, "Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us?" So he made ready his chariot and took his people with him. Also, he took six hundred choice chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt with captains over every one of them. And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued the children of Israel; and the children of Israel went out with boldness. So the Egyptians pursued them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and overtook them camping by the sea beside Pi Hahiroth, before Baal Zephon.
a. Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us? This was a strange question for Pharaoh to ask. It wasn't difficult to think of at least ten good reasons - namely, ten powerful plagues - why Pharaoh let Israel go. This demonstrates how we are often quick to forget what God has done and demonstrated.
i. Perhaps Pharaoh thought that plagues were the limit of God's power; that now he could successfully strike against Israel.
ii. There is an analogy in this to the spiritual life. We sometimes think that Satan will let us go easily, or we think that that once we leave his kingdom he forgets about us. Yet just like Pharaoh after Israel, Satan pursues us, attempting to keep us at least on the fringes of his domain and hoping to destroy us if he can.
iii. Made ready his chariot: "This is not merely his personal chariot. The meaning is probably 'his chariotry', a collective."
b. Six hundred choice chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt: Pharaoh had the best military resources. Chariots were the most sophisticated military technology available at that time. Israel had nothing except that the children of Israel went out with boldness.
Any person can tell, also jean never wrote on that blog, hanzi ndini Jean. This blog is from the pits of hell.
i. The idea behind the Hebrew words with boldness (ruwn yad) includes the idea of rebellion against authority (1 Kings 11:26-27). The rebellious nature of Israel was good when it was against Pharaoh and all it stood for; it was bad when it was against the LORD, Moses, and all they stood for. The trouble with most rebels is that they rebel against the wrong things.
3. (10-12) The response of the children of Israel.
And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD. Then they said to Moses, "Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us up out of Egypt? Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, 'Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians?' For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness."
a. They were very afraid: It made sense for Israel to be afraid. They could see Pharaoh's armies on one side and the Red Sea on the other. They seemed to have no chance for escape.
i. God led Israel into what seemed to be a trap. There was no way of escape except the way they had come in, and the Egyptian army had that path blocked.
ii. "Humanly speaking, they might easily overcome the unarmed and encumbered Israelites, who could not be supposed to be able to make any resistance against cavalry and war-chariots."
iii. "There were no two ways to choose from: they could not miss the way, for they must needs march through the sea. No room for wandering remained: their road was walled up and they could not miss it."
b. The children of Israel cried out to the LORD: Israel did the right thing. When we find ourselves in dangerous places with no easy escape, we must cry out to God, because God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
i. "The panic of the people is hardly to be wondered at when we think of their circumstances."
c. Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Their fear, and their cry to the LORD made sense. Yet their words to Moses showed little faith and a loss of confidence in God. No reasonable mind could really think that Moses planned all this to lead the people of Israel to their deaths in the wilderness.
i. Moses said or did nothing that would support such an accusation, but the children of Israel still thought this way.
ii. "They mocked in the most satirical tone possible (since Egypt specialized in graves and had about three-fourths of its land are available for grave sites)." (Kaiser)
d. Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians: Israel was not yet a week out of Egypt and they already distorted the past, thinking that it was better for them in Egypt than it really was.
4. (13-14) Moses responds with great courage.
And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."
a. Do not be afraid: At this point, Moses had no idea how God would help them in the situation. All he knew was God certainly would help. In a sense, Moses knew he was in such a bad situation that God had to come through.
i. When we see that our only help is God, we are more likely to trust Him. Sometimes it is the little things - the things we think we can do in our own strength - that get us down, not the big things that we know only God can do.
b. Stand still: Moses told the people of Israel to stop. This is often the LORD's direction to the believer in a time of crisis. Despair will cast you down, keeping you from standing. Fear will tell you to retreat. Impatience will tell you to do something now. Presumption will tell you to jump into the Red Sea before it is parted. Yet as God told Israel He often tells us to simply stand still and hold your peace as He reveals His plan.
c. See the salvation of the LORD: Moses didn't know what God would do. Yet he knew what the result would be. He knew that God would save His people and that the enemies of the LORD would be destroyed. He could say to Israel, "the LORD will fight for you."
i. "Salvation is used here in its literal sense of saving life, or of victory instead of defeat in war. As the Old Testament moves on, 'salvation' will gain a more spiritual and less material sense (Psalm 51:12), although the Hebrew was not conscious of any sharp contrast between the two."
d. You shall see them no more forever: The idea behind this implies much more than at first look. Moses perhaps spoke in terms of eternity as well as their present time.
B. God leads Israel across the Red Sea.
1. (15-18) God's instructions to Moses: stop praying and start doing.
And the LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. And I indeed will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them. So I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, his chariots, and his horsemen. Then the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gained honor for Myself over Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen."
a. Why do you cry to Me? Before the people, Moses was full of faith; before God he cried out in desperate prayer. This was good because Moses had to show confidence before the nation to encourage their faith.
b. Why do you cry to Me? There is a time to pray, and a time to act. It can actually be against God's will to stop doing and to only pray in a particular situation. This was a time for action, and Moses could pray along the way.
i. "There is a time for praying, but there is also a time for holy activity. Prayer is adapted for almost every season, yet not prayer alone, for there comes, every now and then, a time when even prayer must take a secondary place."
ii. "There is something more to be done than to pray. We must not only crave God's help, but be forward in the course whereby to make way for God's help."
iii. "There is a favourite sin, of which he has long been guilty; he does not give it up, but he says that he will pray about it. God says to such a man, ' "Where fore criest thou unto me?" Give up thy sin; this is not a matter for thee to pray about, but to repent of.' The man says, "I was asking for repentance." Ask, if thou wilt, for repentance, but exercise it as well."
c. Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand: These were simple instructions connected to a mighty miracle. In the same manner, the greatest miracle of salvation happens with simple actions on our part. As the rod of Moses did not actually perform the miracle, so we do not save ourselves with what we do, but we connect with God's saving miracle.
i. "Neither Moses nor his rod could be any effective instrument in a work which could be accomplished only by the omnipotence of God; but it was necessary that he should appear in it, in order that he might have credit in the sight of the Israelites, and that they might see that God had chosen him to be the instrument of their deliverance."
d. Then the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD: God was not finished answering Pharaoh's question from Exodus 5:2, when Pharaoh asked "Who is the LORD, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?" God used the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea to speak to Egypt as much as He used it to speak to Israel.
i. This is an aspect of the spiritual life rarely reflected upon, yet Ephesians 3:10-11 tell us that God uses His people to teach angelic beings. When God delivers us from a temptation or crisis, it is as much a testimony to our invisible adversaries as it is to us. God uses each victory in our life to tell our unseen enemies of His power and ability to work in and through frail humanity.
All due respect KBW Anonymous 12.25 am not sure if we really need gossip right now! I think we are at a crucial stage where we need to encourage more people to come out against this man who has done sooo much damage! I don't see what Abie or Agie or any of these people got upto will help! Unless otherwise. We don't want to emulate the other blog! Malicious !
Human weakness is not an excuse for moral failure. A pastor is someone called by God to stand before the people in Christ’s stead.
To all those who confide their secrets to Walter don't be afraid, Walter can roar like a lion frightening you but he will never be The Lion of the tribe of Judah. Don't be intimidated by him just surrender yourself to God and he will protect you and He will never leave you not forsake you. God loves you don't trust men of God but trust the God of men.
Thank you Debbie and Arthur for your love and standing for the truth. We came out of Agape three years ago and we will continue to pray for the agape people to see the truth about their leader Walter. We are seeing the hand of God that our prayers are being answered. Those people who are still fighting for Walter very soon will be joining us mark my words. When we came out of agape people treated us like mad but we didn't bother because we knew that one day it will be their turn to come out of the cult. We will continue to pray for the truth to come out. People are being abused right now as we speak but let us not lose hope but have trust in God that the few left will see the light and their eyes will be opened. I encourage those who were abused esp sexually to report to the nearest police please. We are tired of just praying but not acting. The truth will set you free. Save a soul by telling the truth. Jean don't be intimidated by agape people though you walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death don't fear any evil For God is with you And He will comfort you. God will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and He will anoint your head with oil and your cup will runs over. May God continue to give you spiritual and physical strength. God loves you continue to stand for the truth.
Jean i know this is weird, but have you considered that the blogger is lucifer himself typing? Why i say this, is because if he stands for truth, and he hides his self, then it has something, evil, dark behind it.
Please people, is it not weird, that if Jean is this evil person, as he claims, but she can, put her face out there in full broad light and this other blogger hides behind the screen...it says a lot. He claims everyone hates Jean and everyone thinks she lies a lot, but he hides himself. Hmmm
Today is a big day for me. so far I have learnt that:
1. Masocha has opened a blog to supply it with exAgape saints confidential information that see them in bed light. If you get out of Agape, according to Walter Masocha, its your fault if a sin you confessed one on one in secret to him in Surgery is outed on the social media.
1. A pastor will fish skeletons from your closet to be used as bribery or weaponry at times like these.
2. Coming out of a cult/ 'church' is risky business, you will be painted black.
3. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can remove the black paint.
4. It takes bravery to not fear, only if you believe God is God of David who killed Goliath
5. At first, we were told not to read the blog, now even the Agape media is busy posting the Agape blog on people's phones.
6. Point 5 shows Masocha and his relatives, especially Cheneso Dube, are hypocrites. Cheneso Dube stop sending me your Agape blog please, otherwise I will report to the police for peace order.
I got twisted in my vocabulary and I repent! NOW KEEP QIUETE
God bless you.
12:25! Why are you carrying people's information? Does it have anything to do with main reason for the blog? Why wasting your time to go sit in church just for makuhwa? Info you have abt all the named above is it gonna help in your life? Physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally? No wonder Jean called or people here, uneducated bimbos!!! You are def one of them!
Thanks you for sharing this news article with us; yes we need to be vigilant as to where future meetings will be taking place, especially now that there have been charges brought against Dr. Masocha.
Ndini ndaresva ndafurirwa na mai chisipo chii
I look forward to hearing from you. I feel your pain and pray that you will find the courage to move away from your current worship place and find a decent Bible based church, where you will get the support and teachings.
It is going to be a long road and very different from your experiences in Agape, but Jesus will hold you and never leave you. God Bless you my Sister.
The next weeks would be interesting as we dissect through this Agape vision. According to Walter he has not even finished writing it yet, still downloading. The masses who were once captured by the pomp and fanfare, energetic dances have since evaporated. It was called Praise and Worship the New Generation style so he claimed. Walter tried by all neans to present Jean as mad, a prescriptive diagnosis given to snyone who disagrees with him but it failed. Certsinly, Jean would not have made up all the stories coming about him. More pertinently some glaring issues like youth scandals, church accounts have nothing whatsover to do with Jean.
One in thirty-three women who currently attends church is a victim of clergy sexual abuse (CSA) and clergy sexual misconduct (CSM) as an adult. Of course, that doesn’t take into consideration the women who have left the church due to pastoral abuse. Most church folks have never heard of such a thing, mainly because it’s not discussed in polite circles. I was once in the majority, too, until I was sexually harassed by my pastor.
What began as a six-month counseling relationship ended as a scar on my soul. Because I was raised in the church and taught to give automatic trust to faith leaders, I sought out my pastor for guidance during a spiritual crisis. I thought nothing of his wanting to meet off-site, away from his church office, because I assumed he wanted to protect my privacy. I didn’t see that he was guarding his own privacy. When he told me that I had “deep spiritual gifts” and that he was learning from me, I hoped he was discerning something about me that I couldn’t see in myself. I missed that he was pulling out all the stops to make me emotionally dependent on him. When he admired my outfit or the way I styled my hair, I was appreciative of his kind words. What I failed to see was his leering at me. When he asked probing questions about my deepest insecurities, I divulged my childhood wounds, believing that he needed to know intimate information to provide better counsel. I didn’t see that he was exploiting my trusting nature for his own pleasure. When he shared his own personal information with me, telling me that his wife wasn’t interested in theological conversations and that God had brought me to him to fill a gap in his life, I felt sorry for him, flattered that he would choose me to be his sounding board, and emotionally bound to him. Yet he was abusing my compassion. When he tried to convince me that my husband and children were abandoning me yet promised he never would, I accepted his words as truth, because he was a man of God. I was blind to the fact that he was crafting a story wherein I was his main character. I missed all the signs that he was grooming me—breaking down my defenses by gradually and methodically desensitizing me to inappropriate behavior by using warmth, flattery, secrets, and abusive spiritual language. So when he slipped the first of many sexual comments into a conversation, I thought I misunderstood him. Pastors don’t say things like that, do they? But I did the most dangerous thing I could have done: Nothing.
As weeks turned into months, my husband saw that I was irritable, distracted and rapidly losing weight (due to the stress of being in an abusive relationship), so he confronted me. I confessed that I had conflicting feelings for the pastor and that I was afraid to end the relationship because of my dependence on him. With my husband’s help, ended the relationship, sought counseling, and addressed the areas where I was vulnerable to abuse.
To continue
I remember that Ladies Conference, I too was sucked in and wrote a list. If I remember it was all about 'soul ties'. This is very unconventional as we should have been taught about the beautiful women in the bible.... not about sex and partners.... there should of even been a message about what the bible teaches of marriage and sexual intercourse out with marriage.
But... sadly, it was not like that in Agape. But it has now been exposed that even the founder and leader did not fit the Biblical laws of how a Bishop should be in marriage.
1Ti 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
This is scary stuff. It is like horror movie. So, in agape, they video people in toilets, burn their possessions to take evil out, encourage victims to confess because they need it as a weapon when they break away. Honestly, you can not make this up. This is the strangest thing, i have ever witnessed.
Like the other comment 13.06, why is the author hiding his face. This book was written maybe Jean was in a trance and made to write this information. With the way these agapes behave, there is a form of brainwashing going on. Jean was under brainwashing, this has mushonga behind it.
CSA/CSM victims are filled with shame, blaming themselves for the abuse. I became depressed and suicidal due to the spiritual trauma. Most CSA victims battle trust issues for months or years after they leave the abusive relationship. A tremendous source of wounding is that the place where an abuse victim should be able to go for help—her church—is no longer safe. My family and I have left both the church and the denomination where I was abused. But the greatest wound is that many victims have difficulty separating God from their spiritual leader, so once they realize that they can no longer trust their pastor, they walk away from God. My faith has ultimately been deepened by my experience, but it’s been a bumpy road, and I grieve for and with those whose faith lives have been destroyed.
The upshot? God provides healing. CSA education saved my marriage and my life, searing some important facts in my mind that are share-worthy.
CSA is not an affair, emotional or otherwise, because the term “affair” implies consent. CSA is an abuse of power between people of unequal status, so it is never consensual. A pastor has spiritual power over his flock as well as a sacred trust to protect his parishioners’ best interests.
It’s the pastor’s responsibility to maintain professional boundaries at all times. Parishioners should be able to trust their faith leaders to minister to them without sexualizing the relationship.
I learned that the right language is critical to healing. Diana Garland, Dean of the School of Social Work at Baylor University, published a paper on CSA/CSM that should be required reading for anyone attending church. My correspondence with The Hope of Survivors, Tamar’s Voice, and FaithTrust Institute, gave me a verbal framework for my experience, which taught me to stop blaming myself. And, because I also learned that I was far from alone in my experience, I was able to face my life.
Recently I read a statement that affected me profoundly: You cannot heal what you cannot talk about. I confided my story to a few friends who believed me and provided me a safe place to share. Having trustworthy friends is worth its weight in gold. In the telling, I reclaimed the power of my voice.
Months after I left the abusive relationship, I brought charges forward to denominational leaders to hold the pastor accountable for abuse. While this step isn’t for everyone, it was a crucial one for me. Even if victims don’t get justice, healing is still possible because, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:26, “With God, all things are possible.”
I agree, she was under brainwashing, that is why masocha kept her book for years. This is sad.
You had courage to confide in a person who you saw as being trustworthy, how painful and fightening it is now for us who have told him things believing he would pray and support us in our times of need.
I can only offer my support to you, sadly I have no control over a person who is double minded and uses information to manipulate to obtain what they want, regardless of who is hurt or not.
I refer you to Psalm 12 - the link will take you to a commentary of Matthew Henry. http://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/mhc/Psa/Psa_012.cfm?a=490005
We will be looking into the Agape Vision and what it is built on. I agree with you how our emotions were manipulated and that this was taken advantage of.
The blog is poorly organised. The author said he is watching Jean. This person is a stalker.
I am aware of the counter blog saying things about me, and to be honest - If they are throwing insults at me, at least they are leaving someone else alone.
I can understand how you are feeling and how you have been emotionally and spiritually abused from that Ladies Conference; please remember we will support you, and what you say will be confidential. You can contact me personally on my email: secretarykbw@yahoo.com
You are in our prayers and thoughts during this distressing time.
The blog is a representation of demonic forces that tormented Jean. It is so satanic and reading it is very uncomfortable and down right creepy. I don't know what the devil looks like face to face, but Agape is certainly an incarnation of the face of the devil. Jean's history or past has nothing to do with the serious allegations facing Masocha, never mind the 300 page book. Masocha knows hes going down and want to take Jean down with him. Jean you have a host of army fighting with you, and the whole world certainly does not hate you. People posting on that blog are less than 5, 10 at the most. I believe this is the crack of dawn for Jean, the Agape blog has sealed their fate. Like someone said this is the climax and confirmation that Jean was telling the truth from the beginning that he was cruelly bullied in Agape.
Team Jean for life!
Sharing you experience of what happened to you and what you were asked is SHOCKING. Never has anyone in any church I have been to wanted to know intimate sexual details of what I have done or not done other than in Agape. A person like Dr. Masocha has shown how perverted he really is by what is being commented on and what was taught in various conferences. He also does not care what he repeats as he uses it as a tool to get what he wants.
I thank the Lord you are out of Agape, but will pray for your sister.
Please let her know that there are people here that will support her and listen without judgement. She can contact me: secretarykbw@yahoo.com
Thank you survivoralways this is so scary reading this. This is beginning to open my eyes to how pastors abuse valnurable women. I pray for healing for victims not just Jean but even the others who have not spoken as you say you cannot heal what you cannot talk about.
You are right, we never realised he ways, but we know now and will stand firm as our feet are planted on the rock, not a man made of sinking sand.
When we to professional counselors they always tell you first thing that all information is strictly confidential. I cant even begin to fathom how a Man of God can breech this simple rule of integrity in such a ruthless way. Evil evil evil evil. He has sunk so low and he will never run a church again, this can only be the end. Jean hold your head up high, you are dearly loved and a rare African jewel. Shame on you Masocha!
I too was and am shocked at what they have been saying; however, they need our prayers to set them free from this cult.
Barbara, you have clearly outlined how easy it is for a vulnerable person to fall into the traps of wily, crafty people in positions that should be looking out for them, only to use and abuse them more.
We thank you for your prayer and words of encouragement.
After reading some blog entries on this new blog I have to say that I had tears in my eyes. I ask myself how could I be involved in something like that. I praise God that I am now free. 2nd. Corinthians 5:17 came to mind. I praise God that I am a new creation no longer in condemnation. Its by the grace of God that we are saved, and, His grace is sufficient for me. (2nd Corinthians 12:9. Its not surprising that a chorus was composed.
I am a new creation
No more in condemnation
Here in the grace of God I stand
My heart is overflowing
My love just keeps on growing
Here in the grace of God I stand
And I will praise You Lord
Yes, I will praise You Lord
And I will sing of all that You have done
A joy that knows no limit
A lightness in my spirit
Here in the grace of God I stand.
Children of God we don't need any titles from a man, vs.20 says we are ambassadors for Christ. HALLELUJAH. Now we are free from agape we can be a new creation.For some it will not be an easy walk, it is to you that I put my thoughts and prayers especially. Congratulations, for you have broken the chains that hold you, you are no longer in Dr. Mascha's movement. If you can, then read Isaiah Ch.41, if not let me encourage you by highlighting vs.10.
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. As you read and meditate remember that you not in that vision anymore so focus you eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.
May God bless you.
Was just checking the Agape official website, they have moved swiftly to replace the departed Envoy Shylet Njanike with Gumbwa. This is for Area 17-London South, Ealing,Kent,Canterbury. Of note is the appearance of satellites that have closed already. It would be interesting if we would have some breakdown per zone 1-5. Changes were inevitable, they have abandoned the traditional Wales Ladies Prayer Push Venue to some place in Walsall. They have also unofficially abandoned the flamboyant Doncaster Done Venue. This year the Passover/Easter Convention will be held in Coventry. That is how Agape has decimated from Dome to some 'tuckshop' in Coventry. Numbers and finances tell. No doubt they are feeling the financial blow, they are bleeding.
I took some time to read your story and the sorry responses from church members.
I think it's a shame how the church has become what it is these days. People are blinded and constantly manipulated and no one can do much about it.
It behoves women and men who can to speak up like you have rightly done. I am happy for you. I know that whatever happens, you will be better for it by speaking up about this.
I know that because of people like you, me and a multitude of others who will rise up and speak , there will begin to be a shift.
God bless you dear Jean.
P.S: Know that all will be alright in the end. You will come out stronger and better and completely healed.
masocha (deliberate small letter) is sending people to write a blog and paying them off, do these people ever realise that they are been used to cover up crime. Let me ask the Agape followers, did you realise how unrespectful masocha was when they were writing bulletins on their webpage, all the messages were short and they were not addressed to anyone or signed, yet they can write 10 pages of a smearing blog.
KBW do not worry that blog is being written and commented by a selected few who are on a payroll using agape money, masocha is behind the whole project, why did they not start the blog until they realised that the ship was sinking and there was no turning back.
These are the last kicks of a dying horse from masocha, his mistake is that he is concentrating on Jean and yet forgeting what is happening behind the scenes, its not only Jean but a lot of people were abused. Most people do not want to come forward because they are married or still brainwashed.
Even if masocha escapes prison, Jean's blog has done more damage by exposing what he is, the church will never recover from this. Its really painful to see that a lot of people still beleive in the vision. there was and there is no vision trust me.
masocha is very selfish, he kept quite while a lot of innocent saints were being slandered before he started issuing statements, when he got arrested he felt it was time to issue a statement. that guy does not care for anyune but himself. The way he is paying out people only leaves him open to blackmail in the near future, his life will never be the same.
From today onwards KBW 'S we no longer address masocha with a capital W, he is not worth it at all, he is kanda the paedophile yes paedophile.
By the way ask Sifiso why she chose to runaway from Scotland with her kids and keep quite. hint!!!!!!!!!!
A prayer for Jean
You are a child of God, beautiful inside and out
There is no longer condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus
Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor be dismayed of their insults
The Lord your God will protect you, and will keep your feet from being snared
You may feel like running away
But stand still and see the salvation of the Lord
God doses not remember your past, only the devil does
Even though your sins were like crimson
God has made them as white as snow
You were born for a purpose
And everything will work out for good
Who knows maybe you were brought to Agape for such a time as this
You are in a spiritual battle
The Lord would not have allowed this to happen had He not prepared you.
To be used by God you first have to be broken
Let God now use you without bitterness or anger
In Jesus Christ's name
I am one of the people who wrote down names of my past boyfriends. I am just afraid that maybe one day I will wake up to a blog post of names of people and the boyfriends they slept with. I also told masocha some things I have never shared with anyone. This is scary people, i am now suspecting that the reason why no man proposed to me in agape was because the s called man of god told them ll my secrets. Can anyone else relate to this.
Kikikikikikikikiki yes they have updated their website but they continue to fool HM revenue by writing down satelittes that do no exist,Dundee is long gone why is it still on the web,Kilkardy closed doors long back,Eastbourne closed long back,Plymouth has a family of 3 would u call that a Satelitte or branch rather,Cheltenham has since closed,Swindon has.5 people since the beginning of the business!!!! Wales there are no people,Muche thinks he will revive them,all these issues going on Muche u know people who warned you!,,, but you are turning a blind eye.manchester & Canterbury has no people,Ealing has 4people single ladies who vow to stand till death do them apart.Bournemouth is slowly drying out,it has bored members & attaches mostly,we will keep you informed.Yes today the ladies are probably on the way to ladies.their blog is boring to read so guys keep away from it.Northern Ireland does not seem to have the names of Envoy's,I wonder if they left.watch out to all those going to the ladies because the war vets will be patrolling to see if kws are around ,agh Agape I am shocked by your actions.Thank you Lord for setting us freeeeeeee.Enjoy your monies people.On my way for dinner to enjoy my money
I am man from northampton. i used to be in zaoga but never joined agape, I have asked the person behind the other blog to reveal themselves several times and today and taunted him with several messages untli he replied. he is no longer publishing my things but i know he reads this blog. I wants him to know that I am not Jean. I want to ask him another question since he has now shown himself, Why are you fighting a woman you do not even know? I have told you many times that you are in possession of stolen material and you have now admitted that you do not care how it got into your hands. I will repeat again, why are you fighting masocha's battles? This is no longer a church issue, it is beyond that. I doubt that it is really you in that picture you posted an I am going to find people who know you so that I can come down sit with you and try to understand your mind. Blog readers, please help me understand - if you see someones diary , will you pick it up and expose it to the world because that person has shown your leader to be a fraud? This is what you have agape people, munonyadzisa, btw I have some names of people who were said to be hiv positive in agape and there is an envoy who left her husband and children , spent 6 month s in zimbabwe with her ex-boyfriend and masocha smooth talked the husband when that woman came back. masocha then started mouthing off about that woman and her extra marital adventurers and also her hiv status. A number os sermons were done based on peoples confessions to make them feel guilty and some were told they were scalenes - just take note of frequent surgery visitors(the scalenes). hanzi masochagorus. Your gun has misfired and you were pointing it the wrong direction , the bullet is coming back to you. You better find the written diaries and private conversation of the other victims my friend because we now know that you are MISEO not AGAPE.
Act 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
NOWHERE in the bible does it say for us repent to man.
The death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His shed blood is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1:7 says, "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace."
Amen to that!
God uses the most unlikely people to bring his will together. We can see many women in the bible who came from backgrounds that seemed unworthy for them to be citizens, treated as outcasts, yet without them many prophecies would not have been filled.
eg: Esther, Ruth, Rahab, Mary Madgelene
Regardless what comes out of the 300 book, if it even does, Jean is the victor as she knows that it was a twisted mind that instigated her to write it in the first place. Jean we support you, believe in you and will stand with you through this journey till the end.
MISEO - Hates – In Greek, the root is miseo. It usually implies active ill will toward someone or something. It is the opposite of agapao (to love, cf. Matthew 5:43).
The reason why people are bullied after leaving agape, why jean is being treated the way she is treated is because hatred was mimicking love, a ravenous wolf had sheep's clothing on but now it is exposed. How can a whole church divert resources to fight Jean, one woman, grown men fighting Jean. Zvakafana nevarume vanorova vakadzi nevasiri vavo. Kete kuti kurova mukadzi wako kwakanak asi zvinotiratidza kuti haafunge kayiri kurova mukadzi wake. Ungarwire hondo yemumwe murume uchirwisa munhukadzi here nhayi varume? Zvinopisa tsitsi vakomana. Pastors who have been accused before have issued statements and will not bring the house of the Lord into disrepute. Even kuna gayakaya wacho ndine muvhunzo, ndochiyi ichoci chamunoyita imi muchiti muri chechi yamwari, musayite kunge synagogi rasatani kana muri vanhu vanonamata.
Jean wouldn't waste her time or effort writing on the 'other' blog. It is mind games that they are playing to make people believe she is the one that is wrong.....
Jean hold your head up high;
If there has been unlawful goings on that you know about and are keeping quiet, you are aiding and abetting them - in other words you are just the same as them.
Please, we don't need gossip or hate mongers against people, what we need is action! Action takes courage; action brings consequences and action puts a stop to wrong doers.
So; Please inform the relevant authorities with the information you have, instead of just working your jaw!
Area 11 is only left with Attachees-Birmingham-2, Dudley-1, Coventry-4 That is the whole area complete. At ine time the Area had about 60 people now it is only 7. Interestingly it is only Attachees left. Is it love of power or titles? We know your scandals yet you stand by Worota.
To understand what and who 'The Lion of the tribe of Judah' is; The bible says in Rev 5:5: But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, "Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David's throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals."
So, I agree with 12:54, draw near to God, he is the only one that will never let you down.
As we journey through these murky waters, we encourage each and everyone of you, help those in need, pray for your brothers and sisters.
I agree, it is indeed a mystery who the real person is behind the other blog - he calls himself Michael, and admits that he has 3 helpers from the UK who are supplying him the information needed.
We will continue being transparent.
WHETHA JEAN HAS A DARK PAST SHE IS NOT THE ONE AT THE DRAWING TABLE YOU AGAPE MUPPETS.... Jean never abused children sexually n she hasn't eaten people's money's . She hasn't sexually abused half the women in church saka siyai mwana. Kanda is going down and iyi ye breach of confidentiality ichamusungirira futi... With the amount of comments I see here this twat was obsessed with sex n I wonder wetha u guys went to church kunoparidzirwa or he was acting like mbuya Chisamba. These things u discussed are not things I would even discuss with my friend let alone a (MALE) church leader
Leaving a cult is especially difficult as there are a lot of emotional ties and indoctrination we have made.
Upon leaving you are totally cut off from those who are family and friends saying you are demonic, evil and dangerous.
Be brave and know that what you have done is the right thing. Plus, we are here to support you and encourage you to continue your walk with the Lord.
I just want to take you back about this overly hyped concept about this concept of spiritual fathers. Scriptures are quoted to say the biological father represents earthly things whilst the spiritual fathers take more dominance over them. This was one of Walter's script that whoever does not obey him will be cursed and will not receive a blessing. This concept of domineering spiritual fathers is manipulated to instill fear, coerce and threaten people against standing up. Walter always said 'he is a father to the fatherless' and used this to abuse women. I certainly believe we don't need these mediums to communicate with God. It is an avenue if abuse.
KBW Moderator, please do NOT allow such nonsense as we see @ 18:49. These are the very people who fit the profile of what we call bullies. How do you seriously expect Jean to answer your call when you are out of your wits. Please depart and go we're they use your type of language. No wonder she is NOT answering your call. Please Jean, do not allow this to happen. We are dealing with serious issues here, and certainly not wanting our contributions on the same blog with these cult figures.
Thank you 1947pm. Many of us women want to come out of our shells and speak. We fear the people who have access to our details, and start saying uyo ndiningi anyora nyaya iyi. We are ashamed of the things we discussed na Masocha but kana blog rakho jean richiti exposer, zvirinani kunyarara zwedu. Tine vanha, vakwasha, nevazukuru old enough to read the blog. Help us jean kuti when we have said our stories, vanhu vasara mu agape don't victimise us through witch hunting. Ndatenda Hangu. Ndini wenyu. Mama Tinaye. Kuno ku midlands.
This is definitely like a horror movie but every horror movie has an end.
We are here to support, encourage and help those who have been affected by what has happened to them during a time they felt safe and secure.
It is going to be an exciting time looking into the Agape Vision and how it came about....
Jeans keyboard warriors. We facing the red sea in front of us and we are dealing with strong satanic strongholds coming after Jean. Its time to move forward please lets stop looking at Pharaoh's horses. Jean has been chosen by God to lead us to the promised land, ( freedom from the cult) Now Moses and Pharaoh (Jean and masocha)dialogue is long finished. Pharaoh is just persuing. Lets not spend time fighting with the horses its now time to be still and see the salvation of the Lord. The battle is already won. Jean I am prophesying do lift the rod and staff so the red sea will part. Do not be afraid of the water ahead. It looks like a dead end but use the staff in your hand.
Yours truly
Thank you so much for sharing your story and your advice which is needed at this time.
I pray that those who are crying alone and afraid will read this and know that there are people here who will support, encourage and love them without judgement.
Wonderful supporting and encouraging words. Thank you for sharing. We also pray that others who have not yet spoken up and taken action will do so as soon as possible.
We are here to support you and you are welcome to contact us if you need a personal ear.
Amen. It has also now become practice in churches where meetings are never done by the Pastor (man) and woman alone. Keeping the meetings in the open and with another present will stop any form of abuse happening.
Sadly often it was encouraged for couples to attend separately where Dr Masocha would play on against the other. This also happened with church leadership when dealing with problems in the satellites, he was not a peacemaker but a trouble maker!
Lovely words encourager; always a smiling word and thought for those who are suffering. We thank you for your biblical words of wisdom and the love you share through them.
This is scary and shocking. Masocha should never be allowed to lead or counsel anyone ever again. He has caused way too much damage on vulnerable pple. Please something must be done.
Welcome to the free world Shylet, may the Lord bless you and comfort you as you readjust to 'normal' life.
As the numbers decrease we celebrate with those who have escaped the bondage of Agape. We pray that those who are stubborn and are still blinded see the truth and realise that we are here to support you. We do not do as Agape as they cut off family and friends, but we open our arms in love and acceptance to help you through the transition.
Yes! Again I say YES! We are better for being out of Agape, we have time for our family and friends, we have our finances back and we are not made to feel we have to constantly attend conferences. Phew...... I'm tired even thinking what we had to do!
Jean you are a strong and stronger for who is in you. Some days will be bleak but after every storm comes the sunshine.
Psalm 119:105 says (the Lord's) Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
He has guided you and used you in a mighty way; thank you Lord for using our sister Jean.
To correct you mamaTinaye, its the 'other blog' not this one that is being used by masocha to put in public what he discussed in secret in the surgeries that he illegally conducted. In case you don't know, Agape has opened their owm blog.
How can a person accept 'blood' money; or in this case 'abuse of a minor' money? That is the lowest of low dealings..... what is even worse is that some of these people still going to Agape have children, are they not afraid of what could happen?
If you are in contact with Sifiso (I do not know her), but encourage her, to know that we are here to comfort and support her. Just by what you said, we know how she is hurting......
It is time for ACTION; you know something and maybe you are the one who can help her, rather be that true friend that just hinting at what transpired. She needs your love now, your support now, you to help her know it was not her fault...... Please those who know the people who have been abused and hurt, help them through it dont just make it a point of conversation.
I can relate to this, but what you did in the past is now gone. We find it hard now trying to understand the motivation of why we made those lists; at the time it seemed logical and would heal us, but now we have learnt the truth it was just for a sick perverted man wanting to have a hold over our lives.
You may not have found a husband in Agape, but lets put this into perspective now - PRAISE THE LORD you didnt. There is a wonderful man out there for you, let God know your desires. Remember Hannah how she prayed and prayed for a child? God hears your cries, he is the one who will give you the husband fitting for you. Personally selected by God, not man, who could ask for anything more?
ps: God gave me my husband, I prayed to be married again in a specific time period, and guess what, he waited until the last month, and produced the most amazing man just for me.
Yes things are 'already better' in Agape's words. Better for us who have been set free........
Praise the Lord, and praise him again and again....
Thank you for your posting..... and once again we hear of confidences broken by that man who was trusted.
I would ask you to please email me: secretarykbw@yahoo.com
thanks again for your words of wisdom
It can only get better........ it is already better.......
Soon the scam will be over, the Lord will be glorified....
Anonymous 12:25 agape member wolverhampton. You are still in agape worshiping a man not God that's why you are so backwards and you don't think about your future. Whether you are Siboni or Muchaneta or Lydia whoever you are we will find you. This blog is to give light to those who are still in dark city of agape. Are you jealous of these people who you mentioned? What have they done to you? Please don't waste readers' time by writing nonsense. We got people who have been abused here, financially, emotionally. If you are on jean's side what are you still doing in agape then? Don't call yourself keyboard worrier whilst you are chatting fart. Keep your tones of information to your self you fool, that's why you got nothing, unoto fungirwa na Masocha. Now you can't think of anything coz Masocha is not answering his phone. Go and get check you might have early dementia. Go on Masocha's blog or website and write your nonsense not here.
Again people are noticing that the focus is on Jean...... as you have rightly said 'the one the focus should be one, is sitting in the background'.
We can see now that the scales have fallen off our eyes just how sex was included into so many sermons, at so many conferences..... really perverted!
Please Anon, please use language that is right and fitting on this blog - you can think like that all you want, but we would like to keep the standard of this blog above smut names and comments. Many thanks
You have just reminded me of that.. how suttle these scripts are used, but over time we believe them because we continually hear them. How right you are this was abuse, both spiritually and emotionally, as many people who have had a trouble childhood, or estranged father figure looks for acceptance and love, from what they believe is going to be a substitute father figure in their lives. Even I fell in this trap, how frightening is it that our emotions/feelings can be used against us.
So many abused, so many types of abuse - that man masocha has a lot to answer for.
Medical records in this country are confidential and no-one is supposed to divulge your medical information anywhere unless you consent. If this happens , you need legal counsel on how to proceed next
I understand your fears, it is because of this we are taking extra precautions for confidentiality and do not want names branded on the blog.
This is not a gossip column but is a medium to support and help those who need someone to talk to. Should any post be seen on here which is naming names will be removed, or not even see the blog.
I would like to encourage you to contact me privately at email address secretarykbw@yahoo.com
The people who keep bringing up names of victims are obviously from agape or adopted the culture. This blog has done so much good and thank you secretary for that.
Anonymous 15:37, why dont you talk to her in private and help her come out and tell her story! What is this hint hint!! About? Its people like you who are intimidating victims, if shes a victim, whom are you sending to ask her? Why not you?
Secretary: discussing someone in the blog using their name when you don't even know them doesn't sound encouraging.
Stop abuse
Envoy Charles and Jane Madanhi why are you writing people's name on the blog, Did Muchaneta, Priscilla and Pat stopped bringing love offering to your house? Debbie said agape means unconditional love of God that means whether the person left agape or reported abuse you need to love them. In this cult unconditional love is given to Masocha only, he raped under age girls, he sexually abused women, he slander his followers, he steal the money from poor people, he wrecks people's marriage but you still love him, Lord have mercy. Open your eyes envoy stand for justice. We thought you are mature enough to lead the people but I can see you are being controlled by Dr Masocha and Muchengeti or you are still enjoying free gifts from the saints. You can't preach the gospel of Jesus Christ that's why you can't leave this cult and You always preach Vision of man, and then Walter sow rainbow and then angel and then doves and then singing trees. What a shame go and seek God not apostle. Charles Madanhi go to a bible school before it's too let. Do you want to leave agape when Dr Mudazvinhu Masocha is in prison? Don't look down upon yourselves, you can do better than this. leave this cult, close down wolverhampton satellite.
How many people are left in Wolverhampton satellite?
Our lord Jesus gave a warning that in the last days deceivers shall come. They shall come among you as sheep but in truth will be wolves.Upon just hearing and reading about the name Walter Masocha an enlightened bible reading child of God will soon discover that Masocha is a prophet of profit. One of the characteristics of a wolf is craft. Wolves are generally very enterprising animals hence the deceit of Masocha. For now I will try to deal with the goats behaving as sheep in the fold. Where in the bible do we see the term surgery as allowing one's daughter to be counselled by a paedophile ? Where in the bible do we hear or see a person called an envoy ? Where in the bible do we see people taking off their jackets and spreading them for a leader to trample on ? Where in the bible do we see young child being ordained as a deacon ? Where in the bible did the apostles heal people in their secret (bed rooms) Where in the bible do we see Jesus taking people's moneys and buying a mansion ? May I say this, wolves move in packs. Walter Masocha is not the only wolf, he is just a cornered wolf in the sense that his activities have been high lighted and focused on. A long long time ago a young man had a wife. This young man was called Pastor and he had a wife. Back those days a car was a very very very rare commodity. Since the so called man of God needed transportation to and from church a willing good girl offered the man of God and his wife that privilege of transporting them weekly to church. The willing girl had this charm and charisma. Ladies and gentleman allow me to cut the story. In a very short space of time the pastor and young girl would be seen in bushes in their car and the car would be shaking. I suppose the man of God was praying for the young girl for favour. Since the married pastor found it hard to part ways with the seductive rich girl .....finally a marriage was arranged. Dear reader this is a true story.. The poor man of God found himself with 2 wives. It is common that the poor first wife could not match the young rich girl.Since the young pastor was in a church were polygamy was not tolerated he left the church and started his own. Ezekiel Guti started ZAOGA as a result of being expelled from AOGA. What has this to do with Walter Masocha. ? In shona they RWONZI RUNOBVA KUVUSWUVURIRO simple meaning like father like son. Walter Masocha is the express image of Ezekiel Guti. Or AGAPE is congruent to ZAOGA. Look at the scandals in ZAOGA and relate them to the scandals of Masocha and the truth is the difference is the same.Where in the bible did you hear of a man who ordained their wife as a bishop like Guti did. ? Time des not allow me for now ....but MORE TO COME
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
"For every disappointment
For every broken heart
For every one in darkness - a light
For every wounded person
For every tired mind
For hopeless situations - a hope
The cross still stands
The cross still towers
His blood still cleanses
Eternally the same
For everyone who's desperate
For everyone who's lost
For everyone who's fearful - a shelter
For every painful question
For everyone's regrets
For every cry of 'Why God?' - an answer
The cross still stands."
These are the lyrics from the song still by artist David Hind.
Love and God bless.
We need to continue helping all that need it.
Some people are unable to hold their tongue.... the bible teaches us:
1Pe 3:10
For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
1Pe 3:11
Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
Tools specific to 1Pe 3:12
1Pe 3:12
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
I ask those who continue to name others, why not speak to them and help them instead. Be like the Samaritan and not a Pharisee.
Again people are surmising who have written comments. Please do not accuse unless you are totally sure, which we can not be.
You can make the same comment without using names: We are trying to stop this type of speech on here.
A very enlightening comment. I too am eager to understand ZAOGA as this is where masocha broke away to form Agape. We know that masocha does not fit the requirements of a Bishop that is outlined in the bible.
Doctrine in cults is twisted to suit their needs, people believe the teachings because words are taken from the bible.... but we know that the devil himself used scripture.
Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing them
You are right that what we have done in the past does not matter; however, it can still bring shame, distress, embarrassment and fear depending on how it is used against you.
Also, as you said, masocha also has a past which too has secrets, including the ones you have mentioned. How much more is going to come out?
We will not be doing it maliciously, but to show and educate those who still do not believe just what he is and why Agape was built on lies and as a way to manipulate people in every way possible.
AGAPEEEEE WHHHHOOOOOO BANG!!! A universe surrounded with satellites. Well the big bang is to come, the universe will be no more.
I have mentioned on this blog in previous posts that zaoga shall be touched by this scandal and here we begin, i wish you all knew my name so that I could say I told you so but for now let us remain anonymous as we are all professionals with a lot of skeletons in our past lives. This scandal began more than 30 years ago
If anyone anywhere divulges this personal information, go to an organisation that deals with such health issues in an area near you. If you don't know, ask your GP or GP practice near you, google HIV organisations countrywide, ask them then they will deal promptly with these confidentiality issues.
Thanks secretary for your comments, indeed a church built on lies, with no firm foundation whatsoever, now crumbling down. Secretary a lot of people the world over are behind you and are supporting you. You have a team in Zimbabwe praying for you especially and praying for the truth on the 1st of March. Those envoys and attaches of darkness I' m sure you know what this means. Be very very afraid! Indeed In the Bible there is nothing like envoys, attaches, surgeries, kingdom dynamics and theorems!!!!! Mwari tibatsireiwo panhema dzakadai meaning God help us!
This AGAPE thing was a business venture good readers. Woro did a careful study of the business idea, had a vision and wrote it down and used the Bible to justify his vision. He did a careful study of his niche market, their ages, their needs, what they do for a living. He studied their lifestyles (surgeries and lists mentioned earlier) and carefully thought about how different his product would be, why people had to buy into his ideas and not others, what was new, and how to tell them his business idea - his church. Woro had an action plan, marketing strategies etc. _ see how he sold his books, his music, combat gear, towels, entrance fees, headscarfs, target market was the vulnerable and those with particular needs in life. Does this ring a bell anyone? If you feel used and abused by this so called pastor for anything stated above, its not too late to speak out. His is a sinking ship, you dont, want to stay there. Also a business is about to sink, those who benefited will fight hard to protect is as we are seeing
There are some of you who say what has ZAOGA to do with this scandal ? ZAOGA has everything to do with this scandal. For starters let us face facts. In London a nurse was abusing a mentally retarded patient, which church was she from ZAOGA. A pastor in Norton Zimbabwe raped a mentally disturbed child .....which church ..ZAOGA ......How many scandals open and known have been reported by people involving ZAOGA leaders world wide .....and the final verdict AKAROWA NESHAMU .....and after some few months we have the same perverts leading again. Am I trying to use the ZAOGA issues as a VEENER of Masocha issues .....Nooo. For us to understand the mindsets of these paedophiles we need to trace their backgrounds. Guti at one point had 2 wives as a Pastor. Masocha followed that. Gutis church has pastors whose duty in the diaspora is to sleep and earn money for nothing. May I put it across ladies and gentleman that theologically these pastors are lost. They preach a prosperity heretical gospel. Walter Masocha used a simple strategy. (1) Look for vulnerable people with no status in UK ...(2) Look for desperate single ladies (3) Look for young mature people ready to start families (4) Look for greedy and corrupt professionals (5) Promise all these people heaven on earth if only they are agaped.People looking for a status in UK cannot report abuse ...one down ...single ladies looking for husbands are very vulnerable...Young people believe everything and corrupt professionals can conceal matters and the game was over. Masocha is an intelligent conman I should confess. One of the most shocking things about this paedophile is that he has even managed to cheat the British government in taxes ...
I very well know this blog is for agape and the Masochagate. May I take this opportunity to inform the dear reader about what the word of God says about the likes of Guti and Masocha. The false prophet of Islam Mohammed, the founder of the latter day saints Joseph Smith, William Marrian Branham, Ezekiel Guti and Masocha have all very similar claims. They claim that God spoke to them in a cave. Jesus made it plain that you shall know them by their fruit. A holy God always produces a clean life style from a man who claims to be his true follower . So in a nut shell Walter Masocha is a wolf in sheep's clothing
mas·och·ism (măs′ə-kĭz′əm)
1. The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused.
2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.
3. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences.
[After Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895), Austrian novelist.]
mas′och·ist n.
mas′och·is′tic adj.
mas′och·is′ti·cal·ly adv.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Adj. 1. masochistic - deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated
sadistic - deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Please note the date when Masochism came about:
[After Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895), Austrian novelist.]
Thank God for the Secretary. Naming victims on the blog doesnt not help, if anyone knows someone was abused, they should extend a hand to help not blow a trumpet! If you feel you can talk to the person and you are sure she was abused. , we have people like Cindy and Debbie. Tell them in confidence and maybe they will find a way to help. This is not a blog of haters! Hint!!!
All along I thought this blog was a platform to air accurate views on what we know and can testify about masocha but it appears there are some followers of masocha who are using diverting tactics from masocha to Ezekiel Guti. Well there are too many errors which appear to be deliberate or out of sheer ignorance. Zaoga has been accepted in more than 120 nations and states and his life history is well documented in books written not by him but others who know him. How can one be judged for the sins of his son? The bible says do not be a false witness. I don't know much about zaoga but having read the books of the history of the church and about the founder, I can confirm in my spirit that Ezekiel is a genuine man of God with the true marks of an apostle having founded the church with a clear vision, at 90 he is still planting thriving churches. If you need any more information go to their website and or call the HQ which is in Zimbabwe. Diversion no more and let's be focused on what's on the table and when we finish that and we have the energy and God giving us the direction wewwill fofocus on the truth and not malice. Let's not forget that we will be judged for every idle word whether against masocha or Guti
Will not be blogging on Sunday, so as we end one week and start another week lets praise God. As we retire for the day give God a praise offering, we can all praise God for our Salvation and give Him thanks for all that has happened through the week. Can you imagine the sound of praise in Psalm 148, lets praise him in the way that you feel comfortable. If you believe that you receive when you pray, then start to praise God for the answer, for the Bible says He inhabits the praises of his people.
Psalm 148 King James Version (KJV) Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights.
2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.
3 Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.
4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
5 Let them praise the name of the Lord: for he commanded, and they were created.
6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.
7 Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:
8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:
9 Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars:
10 Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl:
11 Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth:
12 Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.
14 He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord.
Let me say try and find a place to partake in Holy Communion, I will just leave you with a familiar verse. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
May God bless you and grant you the desires of your heart.
KBws wats happening @ the ladies??
GAL5.19.NKJV Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. A lot has been said about what happened and it won't need some expert to conclude the spirit which was at work in the so called church and this only proves what the bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge and not because of the devil. Most of us now spend so much time reading and researching about what went on where but is there any evidence that our findings will help those are hurting or are we continually poking on an open wound. We can't change the past but let's not allow the past to steal our future. May I suggest through the secretary that our discussions be focused and structured so we avoid making others go through what we are running away from, eg name calling and writing things about others who may or may not agree with you. The bible says vengeance is the Lord's. Let's show empathy to those who lost their marriages, families, innocence etc. Special thanks to the encourager for providing an atmosphere of healing through the word of God. Slander, backbiting, malice and all corrupt talk is not usually associated with children of God but those on the opposite. More of the word is more beneficial to help us move on for its only the word which can heal and give light to those in darkness and those who just left the darkness. Let's be united as the body of Christ for if a house is divided against itself, how can it stand. Let's be aware that what has happened to agape will cause a lot of changes in the whole body of Christ in the UK and let's not furnish the devil with details he will use against the body of Christ. The bible says if my people who are called by name will humble themselves and call I will answer them and heal their land, that's God 's prescription for healing.
http://bible.com/114/MRK2.17.NKJV When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Well people toof God I just want us to focus on the statement above because the bible says for all havesinned aand fall short of the glory of God, notechnical ALL we therefore received Jesus as our personal saviour and attend church regularly for "service " we have to remember also thathe people go to church because of issues, heaven is the destination but issues drive us to seek God. Jesus said the above statement because people thought they didn't deserve to be in the presence of Jesus. Jesus gives you hope today, nomatter what you did in the past be confident in knowing that Jesus loves you unconditionally, let no man/person accuse you Jean and all the abused women you stood up for. Remember that woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus, Jesus said whoever is without sin let him throw the first stone but noone dis
Today we have people who have the guts but remember the words of Jesus, has no man condemned you? Neither do I condemn you (John 7:
Pliz Jean keyboard warriors can someone tell me the agape blog I will be very intrested to read both blogs.
Hallo everyone! Can we leave ZAOGA and Dr Guti alone coz after he got married to his second wife we never heard any scandals of women again. I never been in ZAOGA but I have seen the vision how it started and Dr Masocha jus copy and paste it. To be real guys can you go in a cave in UK and spend hours and days in it, with this cold weather? I believe Dr Guti about the cave because the weather in Africa is very hot. Anywhere my concern is we gonna start another battle with ZAOGA we don't want that. Also they are people from ZAOGA who are supporting us. Let God finish what he started. It's a suggestion.
AGAPE 666!!!
Desperation has finally kicked in with the few left in Agape. Hey hey hey, what a mess of a blog. If the blog is not connected to Agape why write issues concerning Agape on social platforms when their leader has said no. It's all about blackmailing now, with all the information the leader was given. What a shame of a church, No wonder some are stuck and can't get out cause they know theif information will be next. I could not believe what I was reading from a blog of (saints). Pure satanic at face value. Everyone is now talking about crucifying Lloyd for the victims of sexual and financial abuse and within 3days this guy will be resurrected. You can hear the sreams and shouts,Crucify him!!Crucify him!! And what's next then? They even see themselves now in a position of control by trying to talk people to come and plead with them. I have not seen people with no wisdom like this. The talk about some 300 pages, how do this book help in the sexual and financial abuse. Everyone has a past, even Jesus himself. So I don't see why it's become a big deal in their camp. Desperate Desperate Desperate !!!!! What I can assure those that have come out of Agape is be still. Never compromise with the devil. I can prophesy today that you have already won the war. Whether their leader goes to Jail or not, this church will never be the same again. The ministry has now have a tattoo/Mark (666) and it's not gonna go away. If their was not about Agape, a wiseman would have waited until the outcome of the trial. They have caused more damage for their leader. AGAPE 666!!
Here in the UK you do not go to prison for a crime you did not commit. Police officers in this country are thorough, so we know prophet's case will be thoroughly investigated. If he is guilty he will definitely go down, I can see people mentally preparing themselves for this possibility. Even if you committed a crime years ago this will catch up with you. Please people or pastors or so called bishops or prophets ( I say this reluctantly) stop committing crimes thinking you will hide behind the pulpit or the cloth, argue that you have agape love when you didnt , then get away with it. If anyone is still holding on to information, and they are scared to report for one reason or the other, please go and report. This might be your break through to what you have been waiting for (tongue in cheek). If bishop (groan) was abusing girls, this could potentially be your daughter, wife or relative, how painful is that, and how selfish not to report. To anyone who has been abusing, why not confess that you were groping, kissing, fondling, doing the unspeakable to vulnerable women and girls. The net is closing in guys, kbw can assure you this.
The problem with the church in question is that the leader has not received salvation yet, in Shona havana kutendeuka. You can tell by the spirit, mabasa avo, Arguably some people somehow got help from the leader but from which spirit? Hello, even the devil can perform miracles! I can see people are missing a chance to be saved here. If the bishop confesses today, and accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour, Agape, God will restore your church today! I think it's very difficult to preach to someone who claims to be a prophet isn't it, coz they think they know it all. Dear readers, put simply, this has been the root of all these problems.
Do not open email from Envoy Letwin Mandizvidza its spam. If she sends you an email don't open it.
I was raised in ZAOGA my parent sused to be elders in ZAOGA. I I remember when Masocha left the church. Women used to follow him!left that church/ZAOGA have always found it to have cultish tendencies.
I would like to get in touch with Arthur and Debbie. How can i contact them please
They said they dont respond to social Media but they have just done so with a Satanic horror show of a blog. Agape will never be the same they have just tattood their forheads with the Mark of the beast 666. Jean once said Agape is satanic no one took her seriously. Masochists has finally unveiled himself he is Lucifer on earth. Where is he today is he at the ladies? News please KBW??
True Masochist is not saved or born again. He does the will of his father the devil. There is no truth in him. He's a false prophet maybe the worst of this generation. His blog is satanic.
thats not necessarily true i have a relation who was convicted in the Uk
for a crime he never committed. He was later released a little too late with his reputation in tatters. I have also seen people walk away just because they had a very good solicitor. I do hope Masocha gets convicted
but if he does not will that make him any less guilty because its the uk.?No justice system is perfect .that even includes the uk justice system.
The bible says, for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. The Guti story differs from our masocha tragedy , unless am not well informed . Guti made a mistake and we don't hear that he continued to do the same thing and we don't hear that he raped young children. Right now we want to stop evil from continuing.
To be fair there has been all sorts of scandals in Zaoga but never child sex abuse. Never heard Guti broke anyones marriage. Never had Guti does surgeries with women on his own. Never heard Guti was charged with sexual abuse of a child. Never heard Guti took secrets of church members and put them on a blog! Never heard Guti paid people money to buy their silence over sex abuse. I am not supporting Guti but to put the fellow in the same boat as this evil monster called Masocha is a serious misjudgement.
Even Gilbert Deya is a far better convict than Masocha. He never started a blog tormenting his victims. Masocha has made even Gumbura look like a saint. No false prophet has ever gone to the depth Masocha has gone to cover his evil. Masocha has dug a pit for himself and will never be redeemed from this one. Guti, Gumbura, Deya and all the other fakes out there don't deserve to be put in the same boat as this monster we are dealing with here. Even Jesus said to the pharisees Sodom and Gomorah will have less wrath on judgement than the false teachers. Masocha is in a league of his own am sorry but Guti is a super saint compared to Masocha.
What is Agape 666 cult blog called ?. Can someone post the link pliz.
Many Thanks
Visitor From Chiredzi.
stealing is a sin. adultery is a sin ,child abuse is a sin .maybe we should encourage people to stop abusing children but abuse women in surgeries because it the lessor of 2 evils. somebody define hypocrite for me please.agape people are evil for opening their own blog but hey lets do our own bashing on this blog SAINTS
UnAgape For All Satanic Ministers International
A new Vampire for new Generation
Finding the vulnerable and hurting the weak
A church sweeping over the world with the viper blood from Hell
Agape is a church of Demons full of the hatred of Lucifer
It's books are:
Vampire Dynamics
Witchcraft Floor
I don't Believe
This church is pure evil. Its satanic and should be closed whether or not the leader goes to Prison.
Agape 666 for sure !!
HEY! Get a look at other blog 22nd.Feb. 23:15. The Bible says 1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; That means that Jesus will an advocate on our behalf before Almighty God when satan accuses us. God will see us through his Son, pure and spotless.They say God will not be absent when His people are on trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their behalf. Does that then mean that person that appeared to Masocha in the hotel room in Crail is going to stand between Masocha and the Judge in court to plead his case.
I am not sure what is happening here it just does not make sense. It looks like anyone left in AFANMI is now standing beside their leader, nice gesture. Along with people receiving quite money you are just as bad, for you are surly trying to cover up the truth. Anyone receiving money to stay quite, you should now go down with him for you are worse.
I have never been to Agape and I will not go. That other blog it really pisses me off. What does Jean's back ground have anything to do with the this paedophile .what the hell is that people supporting a sexual abuser brainwashed
http://www.batteredsheep.com/confessions.html check this out
Ezekiel 34
New International Version (NIV)
The Lord Will Be Israel’s Shepherd
34 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? 3 You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. 4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 6 My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them.
7 “‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock, 9 therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 10 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them. (Rumbi )
I praise God for teaching you wisdom I also praise God that you are showing wisdom. God be with you.
Just read this, wow i thank God for his mercy and kindness to us! We are free!
I agree totally our discussions require to be appropriate with out the name calling. I am going to try and use this blog to portray the truth, looking into Masocha teaching and how they look against Biblical teachings.
However, many are hurting and are angry, I can't blame them, so I still wish them to speak and also encourage them to contact us personally, Jean, Cindy and myself will support them and advise them where we can. It is going to be a long tough road overcoming this abuse as it has cut deeply in spiritual, emotional and physical areas. We will come together and support each other.
Reading the other blog is depressing!
I have since stopped. Its sickening when people support such evil! A man who raped a child, devastated her life for such a long time! Evil !
Once again we ask PLEASE REPORT ABUSE, if you are afraid and want some support please contact Jean, Cindy or myself. We will help you to know what to do.
As far as the justice system it is not perfect, but it has worked more than failed. We have to stay positive that justice will be served.
Please contact me via email as I would like to get some background from you about ZAOGA days.
We can compare one with another over and over, BUT sin is sin. What Masocha has done is tragic and evil, we need to report the abuse, help the abused to find healing and reassure them that Jesus is the way. Many will be discouraged spiritually and want to turn away from God. It is our place as believers to gently turn them back to God through love and support.
Please do not use this blog as a bashing of others....
Please email me. I won't advertise their blog openly.
I feel Masocha should be deported and face the wreath of Zimbabwean jail because this country is too lineant with sexual predators. This man found a money making machine which was the Agape. I don't believe he has an anointing he had fallen from Grace when he left ZAOGA and Baba Guti wouldn't have tolerated him for a second. He took advantage of the deprived looking for legal rights to live in this country and made his own benefits. The house he lives and the house he owns should be frozen and given to his abusers and some of profits can be channeled to starving children in Africa. He needs to go and meet up with Gumbura in Chikurubi. I am sick of these so called Pastors painting a bad image about our country Zimbabwe. I believe this man really did this there is no story without a headline. Right now he is disturbing the course of justice my counter attacking and trying to discredit Jean by setting up a blog. Walter Masocha is a disgrace please stop calling him Dr or Bishop or Whatever. God's judgement is waiting for him. Please don't pray for this man to be blessed but instead to receive his punishment. All Agape followers if you need a church to fellowship in Milton Keynes please let me know there is a Zimbabwean fellowship Group know as Mushakata Fellowship we don't have Bishops, Pastors or sexual predators but the way we worship God and give him Reverence will heal the wounds inflicted by this man. Thank
I think it is only fair to leave him alone but do you remember at a zaoga conference in birmingham when baba guti stood masocha up and said this is my son and people should stop saying bad things behind his back or something to that effect. I did not go but my wife was there and she told me that bab guti silenced other pastors and people over what masocha was doing. women were going to scotland for counselling leaving their own pastors. Also people were raising questions as to why masocha is allowed to counsel women one to one against church policy. Rumors were circulating big time about sexual misconduct amongst a number of pastors as well.In zaoga I can tell you a number of UK pastors who left the church for naughty behaviour and started their own churches(check POCIM leicester) others who were close to guti or samasuwo were disciplined then put back into the same positions. One girl was raped by a chruch member close to the leadership in London 2005 but the for-mentioned guy covered it up , youth were in uproar but their leaders were silenced swiftly - if recall correctly it is said that the local church in london was punished . The problem is these matters are not recorded on paper and the people involved will deny everything but the victims will speak out with the right support as I belive many are suffering. let us leave him alone but just know that many things in zaoga were covered up. there is a zaoga pastor who raped a child in chitungwiza and i believe he is bab guti's nephew or cousin. Ask people like misi , they were close to the leadership in zaoga and knew everything.
08:59, you are spot on. AGAPE 666
The Michael guy is now dodging Questions about sexual abuse and how the church money has been used. He is even talking of going to publish some 300 pages About Jean's past yet he has a blog trying to suggest that Debbie has to take down some comments.
He seems very ignorant to the post that insulted Jean,victims and those who supported Jean.
He has shot himself in the foot cause people now want to hear the other side of sexual allegations and Agape finances and the guy seems to concentrate on trivial issues. Agape always after making deals to cover their evil acts. Very true the are running out of ideas. He says the courts are going to read the book and he is going to publish it so why should the comments on this blog be taken down. He is talking as if its a nuclear bomb he is holding. Only a History book ,come on Agape be serious with life. People want to know the important issues surrounding the sexual and financial abuses. Please explain!!
Someone please help me understand. Why does agape call them Satellites 666 when 666 is known as the mark of beast/antichrist????
I doubt if this Michael guy is who he really claims to be or writing from Zim.Agape media in UK men u should b ashamed of yourself writing on behalf of bongo.l know who you are and l will reveal all your secrets past and present and shame you .You should be ashamed of yourself.Grown men with families,supporting rubbish ,no wonder you are failures in life.Jean do not be afraid ,the Lord is with you.
Anonymous 21:20 everyone knows 666 is the Mark of the beast. It's frightening that people continue to attend this church when the Satellites are marked 666. I also noticed a lot of subliminal messages on their website. Masochist in the English dictionary means someone who takes pleasure in evil and abusing people. All these can not be coincidences this is scary stuff. The mark of the beast is seen on this church and behaviour. The gown that this so called Archbishop Masochist wears has a satanic symbol. The blog by this fallen angel Micheal is the demonic seal and final sign that this is more than a cult, its pure satanism.
Mainini Rosey, i wouldnt bother, The Lord sees and hears, they will reap what they sow! Warota cares for noone and will drag anyone down with him! Woe to you blogger, mocking victims!!! Have not head about " touch NOT""!! It works where it is the true anointing of God, and you know how God lives inocent children, the ones masocha molested?
Blogger, the guy has people praying for him, i hope he included you and your life in the prayer points!
Ku paparika unozotambura wega!!! Thank God your mum prays!
Please explain. Do the agape people actually associate their satellite with 666?? This seems bazaar.
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This will be an amazing REUNION FOR US! I miss you all genuine children of God who were in agape. We were all abused one way or the other and our HEALING has started ! Backward Never!!!!
I have always avoided Reading the he is my daddy blog. The issue is very simple in that it is Masocha sponsored. In the world of politics we have spin doctors who can call white black and red yellow for the simple reason of gathering a vote. As a neutral Christian observer I have come to the following conclusions (1) Masocha is a very sophisticated Satanist. (2) He loves a very posh life style at the expense of very ignorant people. (3) Agape is a cult. As I have already stated in one of my comments it plain that in the bible there are no envoys etc.Here is a man who has bought a mansion,has a lavish life style and is about to lose this soft life . What do you think he will do ? He will kick to his last breath and the last kicks of a dying horse are fatal.As things stand the man is as dangerous as a terrorist in SYRIA,
True, no justice system is perfect, let us pray to Lord Mighty in Battle, the true God to come against the god of masocha and the spirits fighting for him! In Jesus Christ Name! Amen.
I pray that even as you are in that cell, you repent and seek God.
Sorry to disappoint many of you. But Walter Masocha is not going to be fit to stand trial. Physically or mentally. The man already has some serious physical ailments ie excessive sweating etc. His mental health has been questionable of late. Mark my words he will not be fit for trial. Its goung to be a case of its kind.
This is why someone said Masocha needs to be deported and fail the wrath of Zimbabwe justice system where there is no such a thing as not fit for trial. Here he will just plead insanity and if he does he does have a case.
If someone is fit enough to commit sexual offences, manipulate people, and commit financial crimes, then they are fit to stand trial.
Masocha is a spent force. life is like a bed of roses and one has to watch out, as it is extremely full of jaggered-edged pricks.
Blessings to you all in Jesus name, the name above all other names.
Today it is time to search and meditate, our meditation and learning will include three Bible passages. ENJOY: ( What or who is the word?)
Genius 1:1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
JOHN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1 JOHN 1:1-2.
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us
PROMISE: Luke 1:37. For with God nothing shall be impossible.
God bless you with his word.
masocha is definately fearing for his future; remember the leader who was found hiding in a drain underneath a main highway. what happened to him? met his fate at the hands of a 17 old boy who was only interested in his pistol made out of 24carat gold. the Aturia, Otilia, Muchi and the likes, are waiting in the hood to loot what will remain in cosy after Walter & Judith are senteced. shaame on you. Masocha, you are laughing stock, we are hear that they Apostolic Advisory Board (my foot) has written an open letter to the owner of BenTV, PLEADING with him not to allow Jean into his studios, and NOT to air the 1st March event. as like before, Agape, you are working behind the clock. in less than 60 hours, the whole world we know exactly what type of a fraud you are. for the Musodza;s or whatever your name is, your boss is going down!!! period. one also wonders why you dont stand up for your boss, and give us your real name, and attach your face-less face to your blog. for those who believe in the truth, always put their REAL names and FACE to their cause. Now, to your blogger from Agape, i put it to you now, you are a BIG FRAUD, but be assured, the long hand of the law is onto you for cyber bullying, and we will know who you are soon. just watch this space, and by the way, you will be in imprisoned and deported for harboring a paedophile on your blog site.
Masocha should be deported if convicted and jailed. But we know Human legislation is so geneous here in rhe UK. He can use right for family life as an argument etc and not surprising he may be allowed to stay. That is the other side of the coin regarding the law. If he has a British Passport the Home Secretary may withdraw citizenship but this is unlikely. New guidelines of withdrawal of citizenship relates to terrorists. Either way if cleared, l think measures will be put in place to keep him in check. AFANMI will be under more scrutiny regarding measures it has to protect vulnerable women and girls against sexual abuse. On the public front, l think his profile has been damaged beyond repair. It will be difficult for Agape to attract new saints with him as the face.
Walter not being fit to stand trial makes interesting reading. UK laws are strange at times the way they are drafted. These are loopholes in the system that may be used by him to delay trial. However, l don't think he will declare himself unfit. I guess he wants to get cleared and resume 'normal life' whatever that means.
Every reason why he should be locked away! Insane he is, no sane person can do such! There are places for people like him. Thats where he should go! All we pray for is safety for other children and women. Men also were mentally and financially abused, they know it but probable think its not abuse.
How desperate has the fake prophet become? Please Jean and kbw dont lose focus fighting for justice for those who were abused by this filthy childhood thief with minus zero conscience,emotions,sympathy-no shred of humanity at all in him. As for knowing Christ ptu ndasvipa that monster can't even spell salvation and he sure never ever hears from God. In some instances God intervened and shifted things so as to make way for the downfall of this stiff necked Idi Amini. We celebrated when he left ZAOGA because his aim was to destry the whole church. This man chikomba cha satan, a proper boyfriend to lucifer.
Well after being exposed by jean concerning his blog he then announces on the cult web that agape does not respond to blogs. Oh please!!!!
Kandasochas claims he has stepped down, as judge Judy (not the wife but but American tele judge) would say that's a load of boloney.He is still running the show and to quote 'comes across as a psychotic demented ogre', Shrek yemunhu when he is barking orders down the wife's phone. Well well well so much for the new masochistic structure. The few 'chosen' envoys now have access into board meetings, so the dictatorship continues as the gotsi kotsis who pay (tithe,offering,building,love ofering etc) for the priviledge of having warota as their boss. Oh yes you pay to be a pastor led by war(lord)ota, and you pay him to lead you. Do you see that in ZAOGA. No. Now for some pastors like Daniel you also pay by your wife doing the manhede ministry. and you get the priviledge of being openly called a 'a true son of the vision, a true son of mine' and a spanish holiday to get in there with Shrek leftovers. Now its very clear how true sons should behave: make your wife available. Dont dare compare this despicable paedo to our baba Guti please, he repented and God used him and he is married to his wife. He has led the church into global acceptance and he doesnt play with sunday school. Our mama Guti was never sisi Una mukomboni like sisi Judi who didnt just parade herself as wadawatora but also put her little defensless sisters into the hands of this Shreksochaz. Shrek we at ZAOGA are well imformed and we even know how your blog operates. We had all your dvds and we were praying for this day to come because we knew it would surely come. You left ZAOGA as if if you had been victimised but you were too rude and proud to repent. You are not the only one capable of 'buying' people, they are some in among the ones you think are for you whose relatives you messed up but are in to make sure you fall shrekers. You forget some of the women you lured to your Crail hotel where you 'got the vision', no you always had that vision mate, god has slapped my mouth chii chacho, its your innards in your baggie trousers watching pwere. I will email you and referesh your memory very soon, you are going down
Wow pheeew!!!!!
Jean is there Accomodation right where the venue is? Please supply details so we can all be together and have an after party.
@1400 i sent a blog, to the moderator, please do post it. "To the Children of the most High GOD"
Your comment shows that you the most balanced person on this whole blog. You see things both ways, unlike those trying to sweep things under their carpets.
Please those good at answering the past is the past. But dont defend a peadophile just because he is in Zaoga where you go. From reading here, I see these issues as coming from one family. ZAOGA and AGAPE are all one family. 75% of Agapeans came from Zaoga. Worse these churchs were seen as very spiritual churches, talkning in tongues. I have been to both, women pretending they can hear the tongues. False prophecies from them. "Oh my people, my people I hear you" Pretending that God was talking through them. The scandals of ZAOGA pastors are worse than in Agape666. Agape becomes the focus because worota was the leader. But if Guti married or had an affair whilst he was still married then I see no difference here. Its just father and son. The son walking in his father's footsteps. Basically if Guti had been here in the UK at this age and time there could be a blog on him and his pastors who cant keep their flies like Soracharism.
The elders in Zaoga, were also put pasi peshamu after committing adultery, the scandals stink all the way up to high heaven. Who taught worota to steal money and enrich himself. All he did was exactly like what guti does. The tithes, the love offerings, worse in zaoga there was a competition of PLEGDES many losing monies, and those who had money easily rose to elders and decons. Same in Agape666, those who paid more became envoys and attaches. Lets be real. Lets be fair - Kanda is coping his father Guti. And like all the other scandalous Zaoga pastors he faces the fall.
Guhwa/ Rumours have alwasy been the epitome of Zaoga people. They appear very spiritual but are gossipers and here you see the effect. In Agape it was worse, worsened by exZaogaeans who knew what money could buy them. Try analysing each scandalous Agapean - they are all a product of Zaoga at one time. As for the UK Zaoga pastors ah, one can open a worse blog than here. Basically if you have children in these churches remove them and find a new church unless you want the fruits from them as we see in Agape.
Now that the culture of blogging has started watch what will happen in Forward and Faith soon your scandals are going viral. We talk here of Kanda's past so lets visit Guti's past as well. They are the same. See the difference from other churches which did not come from Zaoga. Zaoga is the root and Agape is the product tree. We need to cut the tree, dig around the stamp and set fire to the main root. We need to weed out evil doers.
You are sweeping the dirty under the carpet Agape 666 and Zaoga are at the same level - stinking in scandals. Please those good at answering the past is the past. But dont defend a peadophile just because he is in Zaoga where you go. From reading here, I see these issues as coming from one family. ZAOGA and AGAPE are all one family. 75% of Agapeans came from Zaoga. Worse these churchs were seen as very spiritual churches, talkning in tongues. I have been to both, women pretending they can hear the tongues. False prophecies from them. "Oh my people, my people I hear you" Pretending that God was talking through them. The scandals of ZAOGA pastors are worse than in Agape666. Agape becomes the focus because worota was the leader. But if Guti married or had an affair whilst he was still married then I see no difference here. Its just father and son. The son walking in his father's footsteps. Basically if Guti had been here in the UK at this age and time there could be a blog on him and his pastors who cant keep their flies like Soracharism.
The elders in Zaoga, were also put pasi peshamu after committing adultery, the scandals stink all the way up to high heaven. Who taught worota to steal money and enrich himself. All he did was exactly like what guti does. The tithes, the love offerings, worse in zaoga there was a competition of PLEGDES many losing monies, and those who had money easily rose to elders and decons. Same in Agape666, those who paid more became envoys and attaches. Lets be real. Lets be fair - Kanda is coping his father Guti. And like all the other scandalous Zaoga pastors he faces the fall.
Guhwa/ Rumours have alwasy been the epitome of Zaoga people. They appear very spiritual but are gossipers and here you see the effect. In Agape it was worse, worsened by exZaogaeans who knew what money could buy them. Try analysing each scandalous Agapean - they are all a product of Zaoga at one time. As for the UK Zaoga pastors ah, one can open a worse blog than here. Basically if you have children in these churches remove them and find a new church unless you want the fruits from them as we see in Agape.
Now that the culture of blogging has started watch what will happen in Forward and Faith soon your scandals are going viral. We talk here of Kanda's past so lets visit Guti's past as well. They are the same. See the difference from other churches which did not come from Zaoga. Zaoga is the root and Agape is the product tree. We need to cut the tree, dig around the s
ZAOGA should come and testify, character of this man ! It might help the Jury to decide.
Oh so the Apostollic Advisory Board wrote to BEN TV to stop the complete annihilation of Agape? Who directs the ABB? It is Masocha period, the ABB is just a front to circumvent his dealings. He still uses Judith's phone to date side-stepping bail sanctions of not doing pastoral work. The ABB reports to him and he tells them what to do. Masocha is controlling events in Agape hiding under ABB. I can't wait for 1 March kkkkk. Let us use their blog language- Sando dzako idzo Jean NGO-NGO-NGO-NGO!!!!
Someone forward me a text about a church starting. Please jean or secretary don't advertise it here. We are in th process of fighting and getting rid of the agape stench. We don't need some loser coming here to manipulate people who are hurting and vulnerable. Some greedy so and so trying to loot what masocha left over. I now know the dodgy individual behind it and i will name and shame him. Please no nonsense about a new church. Since when do real man chosen of God use a blog opened by a woman trying to deal with abuse use that as a platform to start a church.that's a calculated move of a masochist reject.you know who i am chancer and i will post those emails here for everyone to see. Go advertise elsewhere.
Pastor Haisa, Pastor Kasi .zviri kwese .
Our lord Jesus gave a warning that in the last days deceivers shall come. They shall come among you as sheep but in truth will be wolves.Upon just hearing and reading about the name Walter Masocha an enlightened bible reading child of God will soon discover that Masocha is a prophet of profit. One of the characteristics of a wolf is craft. Wolves are generally very enterprising animals hence the deceit of Masocha. For now I will try to deal with the goats behaving as sheep in the fold. Where in the bible do we see the term surgery as allowing one's daughter to be counselled by a paedophile ? Where in the bible do we hear or see a person called an envoy ? Where in the bible do we see people taking off their jackets and spreading them for a leader to trample on ? Where in the bible do we see young child being ordained as a deacon ? Where in the bible did the apostles heal people in their secret (bed rooms) Where in the bible do we see Jesus taking people's moneys and buying a mansion ? May I say this, wolves move in packs. Walter Masocha is not the only wolf, he is just a cornered wolf in the sense that his activities have been high lighted and focused on. A long long time ago a young man had a wife. This young man was called Pastor and he had a wife. Back those days a car was a very very very rare commodity. Since the so called man of God needed transportation to and from church a willing good girl offered the man of God and his wife that privilege of transporting them weekly to church. The willing girl had this charm and charisma. Ladies and gentleman allow me to cut the story. In a very short space of time the pastor and young girl would be seen in bushes in their car and the car would be shaking. I suppose the man of God was praying for the young girl for favour. Since the married pastor found it hard to part ways with the seductive rich girl .....finally a marriage was arranged. Dear reader this is a true story.. The poor man of God found himself with 2 wives. It is common that the poor first wife could not match the young rich girl.Since the young pastor was in a church were polygamy was not tolerated he left the church and started his own. Ezekiel Guti started ZAOGA as a result of being expelled from AOGA. What has this to do with Walter Masocha. ? In shona they RWONZI RUNOBVA KUVUSWUVURIRO simple meaning like father like son. Walter Masocha is the express image of Ezekiel Guti. Or AGAPE is congruent to ZAOGA. Look at the scandals in ZAOGA and relate them to the scandals of Masocha and the truth is the difference is the same.Where in the bible did you hear of a man who ordained their wife as a bishop like Guti did. ? Time des not allow me for now ....but MORE TO COME
Control, Domination & Manipulation
Often a spiritual abusive leader or system will use various forms of manipulation to control an individual or congregation for their own purposes, whether that is for power, money, sex, prestige etc. This is otherwise known as “Witchcraft”.
The signs are not always obvious at first, but there are certain factors that may indicate that spiritual abuse is operating in an organisation/church.
This list is not conclusive and there may be other things that have not been included which would also indicate a spiritually abusive environment.
Possible indicators of a spiritually abusive system;
Covering of sin in the leadership & punishing those who complain about them.
Sexual impropriety with anyone in leadership that is not a spouse.
Ostracising those who do not conform to the "rules" of the leadership.
Individuals expected to consult leadership about personal private matters.
Minimising the seriousness of sin - implying that God "overlooks" certain sins.
Inappropriate outbursts of anger and/or shouting at congregants.
Excessive time in church at the expense of family/friends relationships.
Pressure to give financially even when in personal debt.
Friends cut you off and shun you when you leave or are forced to leave.
Negating an individual’s own discernment about what God is saying to them.
Purposely spreading gossip and slander about former members.
Leadership refusing to report criminal matters to the appropriate authorities.
Positions of authority & power given to members as rewards for 100% loyalty.
Manipulating the scriptures in order to control others behaviour/thinking.
Minimising the obvious giftings and talents of an individual.
Promoting or creating a culture of absolute reverence for the leader - idolatry.
Alienation of former members who leadership regard as being a “problem”.
Inappropriate public berating of members/ex-members during meetings.
Confidential information shared with leaders spread as gossip.
Leadership refusing to answer/discuss genuine concerns of members.
Labelling non-sinful actions/behaviours as sin.
Yeup that is agape to a BIG T.
Wow. If its true how Zaoga started this is turning out to be a freaky horror show. It's important to know your church history. Bishops should be men of good reputation.
Masocha is not only of bad reputation, he's gone to great length to cover the bad reputation.
Shrek vharazipimusundayschool hanzi asara dzoro chete. Where is the anointing then. He used to big himself, where are the angels to do devotion with you then. If this was a storm passing and you were innocent would you not be fatter then because you would know its coming to pass. Confess and live. I hope you have cancelled your coventry venue.if ever there was madness that is it.those who are comin on 1 March and more, we will cause Godly havoc there. Don't you dare, you have tormented her for years and now what is this madness. Judith if ever you had any humanity, make sure this is changed to elsewhere.Kana iri juju from Uganda you want to spray to subdue our beloved couple mafarisa.you are finished woro nasisi Judi, you have had your run but as we all teamed up behind jean and so shall it be in coventry. Panotsva demo gore iroro.
Why did Agape choose Coventry as venue for Passover? Ummm something fishy. We know Judith's little sister lives in Coventry. Are they trying to score a point.
Please look in the right direction for a new place to worship and fellowship with true believers. DO NOT GO TO A 'NEW' CHURCH BUT TO A WELL ESTABLISHED CHURCH OR YOU WILL END UP IN ANOTHER CULT.
Sorry to be so blunt but it has happened to us already and as we are already spiritually bruised healing is unable to take place.
This is to PROTECT THE VULNERABLE as we have all be abused spiritually, emotionally and financially.
I think we can all safely conclude Agape is a satanic church led by a demon possessed Walter Masocha. Their blog was the evidence we all needed that this church is devlish.
I just wanted note something important. Someone mentioned subliminal messages on the Agape website.
Satanists do not come out openly and say hey I'm a satanic. The Bible says the Satan himself perpetrates as an angel of light. When the devil comes to you he doesn't say hey listen to me I am the Devil. He comes as the angel of light. Thats why hes known as the deceiver.
The bible warns us the revelation to work out the MARK of the BEAST. Its a number and its 666. Satanists work with numbers. They will mark whatever they do with the number 666 and it's normally hidden in their slogans/ logo
Jean once wrote a post about the 666 Satellites, but I think she didn't realise what she had just done. Since that time I started looking deep into the logo of Agape especially slogan, because I knew the number 666 would be hidden somewhere in there. After they started their demonic blog on Jean, I cringed reading it and couldn't anymore so I dedicated my time to studying the website and videos posted there. The satanic symbols are so many especially in the videos on the website. If I could upload the videos I would take u through the satanic symbols in that Church.
Go on the Agape website Team Jean. For now I can only work with whats written. The logo and the slogan have the 666 hidden in them.
Agape For All Nations Ministries International (6 words)
A new vision for a new generation (6 words)
Finding the lost Equipping the found (6 words)
This is the LOGO of Agape. Made out of 666 words.
This is the Mark of the beast on Agape. You may think it's just a coincidence. But Masocha would have chosen 666 symbol for his slogan well knowing what he was doing.
It is very sad to read such comments on the other blog, clearly the blog is written wth the influence of masocha. He tries to dodge but its very easy to catch him. I just browsed through and met a comment by Michael/Charles , whoever it is, he says he will talk about the relationship between masocha and Jean! I thought he said he is in Zim, and WHO knows Jean and Masocha's relationship besides them TWO! Saka , Jean told us her side and ONLY masocha can tell us his side. So WHO ARE YOU MICHAEL/CHARLES???
Walter the faceless blogger. At least put her face where her words is. Some who say we don't respond to social media now run their own blog in the guise of Michael aka Charles. The last ounce of respect that was reserved for this Apostle Reverend Most highly Masocha dude has sunk deeper than the titanic. What a way to end your ministry mate. You could have gone down with some dignity had u not stooped to Jean's level and started your own faceles blog. Remember Jean is a 'mad' woman. Sarcasm intended. If you were gonna do a Jean at least put your real name and pictures to it oh fallen Walter.
Dzimwe sando dzaDebbie NGO-NGO-NGO-NGOOOOOOOOO. Dzimwe kuma KBW NGO-NGO-NGO-NGOOOOOO. Dzimwe futi kumapurisa eku Stirling NGO-NGO-NGO-NGO. Back to me mupi wadzo sando NGO-NGO-NGO-NGO. Kkkkkkkkkkk.
Agape 666 for real !!!!!
Reading both blogs has taught me two things about Jean and Masocha. Jean was willing to do ANYTHING to get Masocha down. She did. Masocha is willing to do ANYTHING to get Jean down. He has. The question now is who's God is real? Jean's or Masocha's? Both Moses and Pharaoh could perform miracles. One was by God the other by Satan. Both very powerful. But in the end the one who sinks and the one who sunk determined who was of God and of the devil.
Masocha knows he is crushed , he will go down with anyone or anything! I havent read much on that blogg but its clear that its 2 or 3 people commenting or rather trying to Tarnish Jean's image! The other few ask genuine questions and Michael has no answers! I really dont care what Jean is or is not! This is about a man who has devastated and destroyed a LOT of lives. The problem is that , most of the remaining members are very naive people, they have parts of their sight covered! I know there are a few who are clever and when they go to bed, they don't sleep. Fear has overtaken them, it is so sad. Let us pray for them.
Jean has helped to expose tragedy and no matter how bad she was, the good she has done now exceeds the 'bad ' . Jean is not a danger to anyone, even if she was a Lesbian, Masocha on the other has IS A DANGER! He thrives on molesting young kids. If the allegations that he is HIV positive are true, he is spreading the virus .
One other observation , Jean spoke about a few people on this blog , but the rest of the slandering was from agape , slashing each other.
If ? A big IF masocha is not involved in that blogg, where does a Person in Zimbabwe get 'private' confessions of saints to masocha. ???????
Secretary please can yo remove 1857 and 2016.we are all in one accord here and in agreement the new church business is dead and buried.we thank God for our secretary and her encouragement.
1924 and Mimi thank you for those revelations. Its so scary but true, those who have eyes can see now that agape is satanic. Ndapindwa nekutya
Please be in prayer! We are against a cult and its not easy. I ask other churches as well, to do prayers for us. This is a spiritual war and casualties might be there! But ultimately, The Lord will clean his church! The bible talks about Pharoah's hardened heart! But Jehova reigns!!!!!
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