DISCLAIMER. I would like to thank the newspapers that have covered the Walter Masocha story as they have helped raise awareness of abuse happening in some churches which has been going unreported. However, I have not given any national newspapers the right to waiver my anonymity as a victim of Walter Masocha. This is a personal blog and its within my legal rights to express myself here. According to the law my identity is protected in the media. At this stage, I do not wish to be named in any Scottish or English National Papers. Any newspapers that will name me/ or have already done so have done this without my permission or consent. Any newspapers which have published my picture have done so without my consent. I do not wish to have my pictures published in any Scottish or English newspapers. I ask the media , which I greatly respect for their support in this case in covering the story to respect my right to anonymity as a victim and not name me in any newspapers unless I sign a consent form and agree to do so. I am not ready to be named and I want to use the protection I am granted by law at this time. Thank you.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


  • Simba Nyemba speaks out about his Agape arranged marriage to Jose Nenzou
  • Shocking revelation of how Jose Nenzou attempted to kill him and he ended up hospitalized. 
  • Walter Masocha told him to drop charges and not give evidence to protect the Church
  • Police advising him Jose Nenzou can still be charged with attempted murder and face imprisonment amid Walter Masocha scandal

Okay before I start writing this, I am pleased to announce that  He Was My Daddy Blog has now reached over 1 Million hits! Thank you my dear readers, please keep reading till justice is served!  When the  Walter Masocha trial was postponed to April last month, I knew that God had allowed it for a reason. My prayer was that people would come out and share their experiences so that when the trial starts the prosecution has a clear idea of how this man destroyed lives and even caused the deaths of many. I advised ex Agape members to reflect on their experiences in Agape. I always say that even if my post touches just one soul, for me the job would have been done. I am pleased to announce and confirm that one woman who was allegedly sexually assaulted by Walter Masocha successfully reported Walter to the police and gave her evidence in support of her claim, her files were transferred to Scotland Police to be added on the ongoing sexual assault case in which the trial starts on April 1 2015. After she finished reporting the crime, she told me how relieved she felt as this was the beginning of her healing process and moving on. I therefore continue to advise women who were sexually assaulted to report to the nearest police station, the police will take it from there. You have the right to remain anonymous as a victim of sexual assault.

However I feel one of my prayers has been answered as I formally pleaded with men to also come out about their abusive experiences in Agape. Women are not the only victims of Walter Masocha, men are too. Walter Masocha destroyed the lives of both men and women. One of the men who was lucky to survive was Simba. Simba was a victim of domestic abuse and spiritual abuse from his ex wife Jose NeNzou and Walter Masocha. Simba told me that he wanted his story to come out because he feels Jose Nenzou , a woman who strongly supports Walter Masocha should be prosecuted for aggravated body harm and attempted murder.

In a shocking explicit interview to He Was My Daddy Blog, Simba narrated his ordeal under Walter Masocha in what  I believe is one of the most disturbing cases of abuse by Masocha on a male victim.His voice still echoing the horror he experienced which almost cost him his life, Simba narrated his ordeal.

" I did not know who Jose Nenzou was. I didn't even know her. I did not know she had openly testified that she was HIV positive. Walter Masocha just told me that she was my wife and God had shown it to him. He told me I had to marry her. Because I was so brainwashed and feared disobeying God, I had no choice in the matter but to accept Jose as my wife, even though it wasn't my choice. We got married in May 2012. After we got married thats when Jose told me she was HIV positive and on medication. I had to accept it as she was already my wife but I protected myself. Soon after our wedding I started to notice things I wasn't comfortable with in my marriage. Walter was always texting and phoning Jose at odd hours at night. They were constantly on the phone to each other. The house had Walter's photos on the walls all over. Jose was constantly verbally abusive and showing signs of cruelty to me, she was always shouting, but busy in church calling herself " a woman of God".  I couldn't stand the hypocrisy. She doesn't know who God is because she has no love in her. In less than a year our marriage was on the rocks. My family had warned me against marrying a woman I did not even know. I never even dated her. I never thought it as an arranged marriage initially, but looking back it was an arrahnged married organised by Masocha in his “Agape Vision Marriages” propaganda. 

One night Jose was on the phone to Masocha and I got angry and started removing Masocha's pictures from the walls. Jose flipped and got into a fit of rage, saying it was an abomination to remove the pictures  of the Man of God and started running down the stairs after me. She was screaming, punching me. I tried to escape but she was too fast for me. She then went in the kitchen and smashed a plate and started attacking me in the head with it. I thought she was going to kill me. I remember seeing blood everywhere and being in so much pain in my head I couldn't even fight back or defend myself. The neighbours who heard her noise, screaming and smashing of plates called 999.

I later woke up in hospital realising Jose had slashed my head with a broken plate. She had been arrested and charged with attempted murder aggravated body harm using a weapon. The police were saying she was going to face imprisonment. Jose was in police custody all night and the next day. I started getting phone calls from Masocha telling me I had to drop the charges and could not let an agape child and woman of God  go to jail. It was not good for the church image. I was also getting phone calls from pastors and elders of the church telling me to show agape love to Jose and not let her face jail. The pressure was too much and I was forced to drop charges and not give a statement. The police were disappointed saying Jose was a dangerous woman  and the public needed to be protected from her and needed to be brought to book for the violent crime she committed. But I was forced not to give a statement because Masocha said the issue would be dealt with in the church. The case was then closed and Jose was released from custody without charge.

Not surprising nothing was done in the church,  Jose continued doing her flower decorations calling herself a woman of God even giving testimonials on the pulpit. She showed no remorse and never once apologised for nearly killing me in the brutal attack. She never even appreciated that I saved her from jail. She then went on to give a testimony in the church that she was a victim and now homeless, and she was warning Agape church members not to do anything that tarnishes the image of her father Walter Masocha.

After Masocha was arrested and police reading about him in the media, police have previously contacted me saying the case could still be reopened and Jose could still be charged with attempted murder and face imprisonment. Jose is a dangerous woman with an aggressive temper who could abuse another man and kill. When angry she can use any weapon to attack. The fact that she went for my head means that Jose’s intention was to kill me. I have to do my part to prevent the cycle of abuse.

I also want Walter Masocha to go down because I almost lost my life because of him. Jose almost killed me. If the neighbours had not called the police I would have died.  I didn't even know this woman. This is what angers me that I was a victim of an Agape arranged marriage.  I didn't want to marry her. She was given to me by Walter. This man has just destroyed too many lives and he needs to go down with his daughter Jose Nenzou." Simba said bitterly. He wants justice not only for him but also for all male victims of domestic violence and church abuse. He wants to be the first man to lift the lid and speak out about the atrocities of Walter Masocha.

Simba however wants to encourage people who have left Agape that there is life after the cult. Simba has started the process of rebuilding his life and is in his final year at university studying for a degree in engineering. He is looking forward to his gradation this year in October.  As a survivor of domestic violence Simba is here to tell the world that church abuse and domestic violence happens to man too, especially here in the diaspora. He is encouraging men to play their part is ensuring justice is served for the victims of Walter Masocha. I am so grateful for men like Simba, may God raise more men like him to speak out about their life threatening abuses in the hands of Walter Masocha. 

In other news, Nino encouraged me to express myself in spoken word  and said I should share this on my blog, he always brings out the best in me. I would like my dear readers to listen to my first attempt at spoken word, I was inspired to express this poem after the Faith Mutema story, be inspired, and listen here

Jose shows no remorse for trying to kill Simba and continues to call herself a woman of God 

Jose with her cousin Heather Grace Njenje who has now been arranged to marry Charles Chademana

Life after Agape, Domestic Violence survivor Simba looking forward to graduating in his masters degree this year. 


Anonymous said...

Well done Simba. Forced marriage happens to men as well as women. Many men are suffering in silence. But what I don't understand is if it was an attempted murder charge why was she released without charge even when u dropped charges. You were still in hospital and a victim so you were valnurable. She would have still been prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

Wow well done Simba wanga waurayiwa sekuseka. Jose ane maphepo ekumusha kwake. shavi as they call it. She is going to face the music na sochaz.

Anonymous said...

Wow well done Simba wanga waurayiwa sekuseka. Jose ane maphepo ekumusha kwake. shavi as they call it. She is going to face the music na sochaz.

Anonymous said...

Masimba! Am watching your wedding DVD. Do you know you had a slip of the tongue when doing your vows and you said I TAKE JOSE AS MY AWFUL WEDDED WIFE!!!!
Worota had to correct you to say lawful lol. Words have power for real!

Anonymous said...

Well done munhu waMwari. I have a friend who was sexually abused but doesn't want to take it further. I wish I had also kept my receipts of all the money I paid because he financially abused us as well.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. Jean this whole tantrum your throwing will surely get you nowhere. Find something else to blog about.

Jean Gasho said...

Hahaha. You are here reading aren't you? This "joke" got your daddy Walter Masocha behind bars. This "joke" caused your daddy's empire to crumble. This "joke" is making your Daddy have sleepless nights as I write. Need I say more? By the way thanks for increasing my traffic, I need you lol. I think the joke is actually on you mate.

Anonymous said...

Inga chakafukidza dzimba matenga shuwa. Anoita nezvei ko Josy wacho?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe with all this clear evidence of a cult and brain washing of people there are still some fools who still support Masocha. Really? You must be brain dead people. Well done Simba. It's your year of restoration as well as Jean.

Anonymous said...

don't know who's worse Masocha or the fools who follow him

Anonymous said...

Those who were in the cult posing under the name agape will remember Jose doing offering like a woman possessed and she verbally abused people including envoys.Walter got up laughing and to quote 'that's my daughter Jose, ask people in Newcastle they will tell you she beats them up if they don't pay their tithes' and there was one gathering gave a report after the so called fake missionary work where she was so violent and aggressive about money, threatened to beat people up and dramatically threw the mic away.
She tried to please Walter by threatening others about money so I believes this guy. That woman is possessed
Just one question to Walter, which scriptures in bible depicts a violent woman as a mama of God?

Anonymous said...

My brother did Jose tell you she was HIV positive? That's another criminal case. She testified about it and said daddy had told her to stop her medication. So far two people died from full blown AIDS after daddy who is on his regular medication with wife for same disease takes his and washes it down with Welsh grape juice and cherries bought by his concubine.

Anonymous said...

Charles na Heather? I thought he was already married to Trudy's son wegitare? Charles doesn't even speak to his mother. That boy is cursed.I am sure mai vake is not invited. Church iyi maSatanists ega ega
I wish the American woman whose husband was given to Ruth would speak out.

Anonymous said...

Simba Jose testified on a public video that she is HIV positive but has stopped taking medication because Walter told her she is healed. You can get her arrested for that!

Anonymous said...

Wives bashing husbands in UK | Celebrating Being Zimbabwean - http://www.thepatriot.co.zw/?p=7372

Anonymous said...

Wives bashing husbands in UK | Celebrating Being Zimbabwean - http://www.thepatriot.co.zw/?p=7372

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy!

Anonymous said...

Arranged marriages never work unless kana Iri mvana ne Mudhara. Even ipapa panenyaya. Snodia and ex hubby are victims. There are many more. Masocha encourages divorce and thereafter arranges (or there is a stand by already) a partner for the one who remains in the church. It's a shame really. Masocha needs to repent big time. As he is leading all astray. I heard someone say unodya nazvo saka usabude church unongo actor actor. That's why you see the so called WOG and MOG are up and about in church and in private zvikara. Same feathered birds flocking together. We wait for April and we pray for justice and repentance.

Anonymous said...

I am a victim of Masocha arranged marriage. My husband was given to an Agape lady. I watch to come out but am scared of my ex husband. Please help.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Farai Chriseri? Update us Jean please.

Anonymous said...

Contact Jean dear don't be scared there is nothing your ex hubby puppet wil do. We need more people to expose this phoney Masocha

Anonymous said...

No matter what you say about Agape or the Man of God, there are many successful marriages in Agape. It's not dad's fault of someone decides to divorce. Akon sang blame it on me. You want to blame the Archbishop for every marriage failure.
Jean Simba forgot to tell you he was an alcoholic drinking everyday non stop and being a public nuisance. Jose had to deal with that. There are always two sides to evry story. Jose is not perfect but she loves God and will not stoop this low like Simba do u think she doesn't have her own exclusive interview. How many marriages have flaurised under the Archbishop Hazel and Tinashe, Sandra and Geff, Envoy Vic and Kudzi just mentioning a few. How many marriages has the Archbishop saved?
Jean your desperation has reached a peak. This are just the rantings of a scorned woman you will do anything for attention, but as you can see people are getting tired of you and your dying blog. Just give up the keyboard and give it a rest love. Your fifteen minutes of fame is over.
Archbishop will be cleared of these silly unfounded charges and accusations, all evidence points you as an unstable fantasist who doesn't know the fine line between reality and imaginations. Imagine his comeback when he gets cleared. He will be bigger than ever. You actually did Agape a favour Jean you shall be used as a footstool and stepping stone to a higher calling in Agape. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Never mind Jean. Your dad Will need to convince the experts he did not engage in sexual activities with underage girls. Jean is not relevant to the charges facing your dad.

Anonymous said...

www.breakingnews.com. This has come as the most shocking news ever. Joy the adopted daughter of Masocha has been married off to Blessing and this is a boy who nearly paid lobola for Mercy and now he has been given to Joy. This is shocking l tell you , another arranged marriage

Anonymous said...

What! Joy is the ugliest woman in Agape, Walter had to do something for her before he went to jail!

Anonymous said...

Walter some news for you!
Friday 27 February 2015
Gary Glitter was today jailed for 16 years for a string of historic sex attacks on three schoolgirls.
The 70-year-old former pop star faces dying in prison after after he was found guilty of having sex with a girl under the age of 13, one count of attempted rape and four counts of indecent assault between 1975 and 1980 after a three week trial.
Sentencing him at Southwark Crown Court, Judge Alistair McCreath said Glitter had “done real and lasting damage” to his victims, who had been “profoundly affected by your abuse of them”.

Anonymous said...

Blessing say no to this arranged marriage before its too late. Walter is going down mate you will be left with that rhino you are not attracted to. Has Simba's story not taught you anything. Physical attraction and chemistry matters in a relationship.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 09:08 you're the epitome of a brainwashed and indoctrinated soul. If you had half a brain you would have figured out by now that Jean is just a scapegoat in the wider scheme of things.

Have you ever wondered why your daddy's doctrine emphasises teachings like "judge not" , " touch not the anointed of God"( as if) , "only the devil accuses brethren" and all such mantra?

I suppose you're aware that besides this court case your daddy has many other controversies following him?

Just for interest's sake could you please tell us what Jean has got to do with the following:

1. Your holy daddy abandoned his legitimate wife back home and eloped with his mistress( your supposedly virtuous mummy/ prophetess) and , not learning his lesson, carried on with his sexual shenanigans in Zaoga UK where he got the boot leading him to dream up his Agape enterprise

2. Your loving daddy and mummy were taking between them exorbitant salaries amounting to at least 42% of church earnings once the 'church' had started generating revenue

3. Agape is 8 years old but hasn't got a single church building while your devoted daddy has got himself a sprawling mansion

4. Your daddy's flamboyant dressing, dietary demands/preferences and his many other idiosyncrasies paint the picture of a man consumed by the excesses of this world.

5. 12/12/12 and the whole lot of other prophesies that never came to pass

6. Your daddy is claimed to be blessed with the giftings of prophecy, discerning spirits, deliverance and whatever else. Now if that's the case why did he not suss out and stop the fantasist (that you lot claim Jean is) before she rocked his empire?

This list is not exhaustive but the moral is: forget about acquittal or no acquittal come April, your daddy still has a whole lot of other matters to address. Your daddy may be a gifted teacher but he dances with the devil too often ( euphemistically at least)

And don't allow anyone to pull wool over your eyes and deflect your attention towards Jean for your real problem lies much closer to home.

Anonymous said...

I am a victim, when people talk like 9.08 am tempted to pray to God that they experience what those who raped by Masocha experienced. I know there are a number of followers who think mdara is being framed, or it's all lies but they are quiet , thank you for NOT insulting us.
For me reporting Masocha is for my healing , it's to stop him doing same to someone else and hopefully a chance for him to repent, I HATE what he did to young girls, I know am not supposed to hate him, but am human, I do hate him at the moment and pray God will enable me to forgive him at some point.
The spirit in this man is EVIL, believe me even jail is not enough for the spirit in him.
Manipulating , lust, greedy , doesn't care about ANYONE else. People just have an open mind, it might save your daughters , mothers etc

Anonymous said...

9.08 "..............Archbishop will be cleared of these silly unfounded charges and accusations,..............."
Go to Hell!

Anonymous said...

Joy the maid is now getting married! Arranged marriage yacho so kikiki. Ko when is Sharon's wedding???? The silence about this wedding is rather loud kikiki

Anonymous said...

I have just heard about this arranged marriage of Joy and Blessing , the saddest part is the fact that Masocha wanted the lobola for joy and it caused problems

Anonymous said...

The maid is married traditionally already!!!!!!!!! Sochaz achiri kumukwira till white wedding. Joy akapata

Anonymous said...

Eish kwasara David the gay adopted son. The boy man is 32 and never had a girlfriend never been kissed. Ma one.

Anonymous said...

He has used all the 3 girls and now married them off that is very typical of a abuser. If l was Mercy l would protest kutorerwa murume akasvinura naJoy ha maya.

Anonymous said...

Please give us full names of this arranged marriage and the parties wounded in the process.

Anonymous said...

Who is Blessing? Which city does he live? Full details please we haven't been to AGAPE for AGES.

Anonymous said...


Agape will NEVER BE Big my dear keep dreaming and losing Christ. Even if Daddy is CLEARED, still he is a thief .The fact the he sacked every penny from the poor to finance his stylish lifestyle. Agape is FINISHED. If he had love for the church he should have stepped down to save the church. But because he is greedy AGAPE is going down with him.

Anonymous said...

Blessing is this very tall guy who is in divine he lives in Glasgow and akapusa zvekupusa zviya

Anonymous said...

Facebook name please

Anonymous said...

I know many Man of God who rose up after being maliciously accused. One of them is Bishop Eddie Long.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 09.08 can you explain the link between Jean and your Daddy undressing himself to 12 year olds! Ah this brain washing is painful man! Why does God allow this, seriously! I'm now considering being an atheist after reading Jean's blog. This is damn unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

It's very sad and painful. We all went through that and we look back and feel so ashamed.
5 accounts of child Molestation, let's just leave the actual rape to Judith's sister and any indecent assault to any grown ups and certainly leave Jean out!
I personally witnessed 1 of them, so DONT dare insult those BRAVE kids!
Parents talk to your kids, I know there's hundred plus more who are quiet!

Anonymous said...

Your evil dada touched my daughter , I pray to God that he pays for it. I even remember the day vividly but because I was brainwashed, when she cried, I thought wow, the 'man of God has delivered her' , but NO! She was upset and from that day , she NEVER agreed to go into surgery alone.
Masocha destroyed lives! You have NO clue what you dealing with. Pure evil.
Those who used to dream and see Masocha with Abraham ( as if) , why did they not see all this?
Most teenage girls were assaulted, trust me, they are scared to come out, but God being God, He will make a way ! No less that 10years for this evil act!

Anonymous said...

Nhai vana Mai! Report this Masocha, we know that most ladies in all satellites were messed one way or the other. It doesn't matter, ku batwa zamu kana magaro, it's wrong and you will live with that bitterness for life unless and untill you report, no one will know you reported, even your name can be kept secret by the police and you do it in your area. You talk to people you don't know and you get help, counselling and your life back!

Anonymous said...

I am anonymous 09.08
To answer your questions. Ask yourself why the church was thriving before Jean came along. Jean is the one who was used by the devil as a seed to bewitch the man of God. All these unfounded accusations stermed from Jean and her fantasies. Even Hitler had followers. Where were the parents of these so called under age girls? Lies lies lies.
Remove Jean out of the equation and the church of God would be a pillar today. The vision had to go through the fire because come April the Lion of Judah will roar and Jean and her followers will be scattered like rats. What will she do then? What will she blog about? Zvichanyadzisa!
in the meantime the vision keeps giving birth to God ordained marriages, Jean remains a spinster of which whoever wants has their turn. I dont envy her at all.

Anonymous said...

I am anonymous 09.08
To answer your questions. Ask yourself why the church was thriving before Jean came along. Jean is the one who was used by the devil as a seed to bewitch the man of God. All these unfounded accusations stermed from Jean and her fantasies. Even Hitler had followers. Where were the parents of these so called under age girls? Lies lies lies.
Remove Jean out of the equation and the church of God would be a pillar today. The vision had to go through the fire because come April the Lion of Judah will roar and Jean and her followers will be scattered like rats. What will she do then? What will she blog about? Zvichanyadzisa!
in the meantime the vision keeps giving birth to God ordained marriages, Jean remains a spinster of which whoever wants has their turn. I dont envy her at all.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame! I left before Jean and I told to dada he belongs behind bars! Ask him he will tell you.
Before Jean yo dada has been accused several times and Judith has had to beg parents to forgive and pay them off .
You are in darkness and I don't blame you. Ask Winnie, ask Mai Chikowore, ask Linda, ask Yvone......, the list goes on and on.
Ask Vimbai, Precious's daughter how your dada used to come spend nites with Precious!
Who would have thought Sifiso would leave Agape, why don't you find her and ask what she saw?
Most Envoys know it's all true!
Vision going through the fire of God? You could be right there, God removed His children from a cult! You sound so dull! May God help you , at least have an open mind.
You are under a spell . Shall I say ask Tinashe Masocha's son? You will be shocked! Wake up !

Anonymous said...

I don't know what God will allow come April, but let's say Masocha goes in jail! What will be your explanation ? " god of Agape was sleeping? Or Hittler Jean has powers greater than god of agape!?!
Achanyara ndiwe kana kuti ndi Masocha? I don't think Masocha will, he knows it's true. That's why they are busy trying to bribe parents and husbands into dropping charges.

Anonymous said...

Saka Jean awuraya church of God? Church yacho must have been built buy grass. How powerful is Jean to destroy a church, in all countries?

Anonymous said...

Jean was used of God! She opened a tin of worms, we should actually be celebrating her. She's brave

Anonymous said...

Who said Church was thriving before Jean? You still listening to Psycho Sochas! Evil Walter! He is the devil in the making and has all the gifts of the evil world.
We are protected by Jesus Christ!

Anonymous said...

Kikikikiki everyone else is permitted to divorce but not daddy. Can you tell me how many churches have buildings after 8 years. Zaoga FIF has bn ariund for over 20 years and they have only acquired a place/land a couple of years ago. In the bible Joseph went to prison for years for a sexual assault crime he didn't commit. That shows am following a real man of God. You can say whatever u want but HE IS MY DADDY and I love him.

Anonymous said...

You left before Jean, so did many decievd souls! Nothing new. As many left God replaced them with new saints meant for the vision! For your own information Jean has always had problems with pastors. Before Agape she was kicked out of a white church by a white pastor! Thats how twisted this girl is. Whatever was happening before Jean came the church was moving forward. People were being blessed receiving their miracles!
You are the fool! All the people you mentioned are still standing by the man of God! That should tell you something. As for Sifiso I don't know this lady and I don't want to know. Every person who left Agape was not meant for the vision. That doesn't mean it's not a church of God. Evangelist Chikowore is woman of God. So is Evangelist Winnie. I don't need to ask them anything. You should be asking yourself that even after all this smear campaign why are people st is standing with the man of God???? The answer is simple, what God has started no man can tear down!
Tinashe what??? Tinashe disowned his own mother and chose his Dad. He sees the Prophetess as his mother. That should tell you who the righteous one is. Dad was already divorced when he met the prophetess. Tinashe has benefited from the input of the Prophetess and that boy doesn't have ONE BAD WORD against his Father! Fact.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:43
Preach it sister! Dad divorced his first wife because she was a pyscho like Jean. Then he married the woman ordained to him by God. Tinashe loves mum to bits. That says it all about Dad. He is still my Daddy too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tsitsi Chikowore is a woman of God???? What definition of WOG are you using. She murdered her own disabled child in Zimbabwe by throwing her in fire. Then she had her own children taken from her by social services. Then her daughter went mad and beat the shot out of her. Woman of God my foot!

Anonymous said...

I don't post or comment on this blog but I was notified of a certain post in the comments. Children of Agape can we refrain from commenting on this blog PLEASE lets not give her the time and energy! She is not worth it!

Anonymous said...

You are a liar! You read and comment , only you realised this time this 9:08 is not clever, how can you say Tinashe chose his dad to his mum? Clearly you know nothing about them! Find out the truth before commenting !

Anonymous said...

Oh My Days!! Agape is rotten, you are saying Tinashe's Mum was a psycho like Jean! Thank God she was delivered from the horrible evil Masocha !

Anonymous said...

Wanyepa! Notified by who?

Anonymous said...

Tsitsi Chikowore started ALL this not Jean! It was The Chikowores and Sikhosanas who alerted people of this evil going on! Tsitsi vowed to stay in Agape till this evil is eliminated! So , never think you know what is going on. Ndiyani asina kunzwa zvakataurwa Na Mwari to Tsitsi.
All this , Tsitsi was shown and the two know why they are there.
Sad Anonymous 9.08, you don't know even 1 hundredth of the issue.
Your Envoy is right! Shut Up!

Anonymous said...

Lol anonymous 0908 your fellow Agapeans are embarrased by you kikikiki

Anonymous said...

Tinashe loves mum to bits! Really??? Is that why he was kicked out of Cosynuek by Judas? Whilst Titi Sharon and Sandra are well looked after using tithes money, Tinashe was homeless sqauting around. I feel for that boy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous0908 you are going to be kicked out of Agape at this rate you are going. Please listen to your envoys and stay mute, pray and await the trial.

Anonymous said...

Your Daddy is a pedophile just like his best friend Maxwell. This has NOTHING to do with Jean.Its only God who used Jean to Discuss AGAPE IN PUBLIC anonymously .We were Brain washed in Agape. We are Free .The truth has set us free..Agape yaora with handful people. Many Envoys than saints .If you love your daddy .be prepared to serve his sentence with him in PRISION. That's called AGAPE LOVE

Anonymous said...

Yes dear. Even worse than Jean, hence she was given her divorce token. Prophetess is loved fervently by Gogo Agape and all of Dad s family. And that's includes his son Tinashe! So get over it!

Anonymous said...

Yes it's true Dad divorced her way before he met mum. She had a Jean Jezebel Spirit on her put dad through so much he went off women vowed never to marry again. But God had other plans, whilst he was in prayer in his work place God showed him his wife Prophetess Judith. Like Jean his first wife tore down her own house with her own hands that's why God gave him the prophetess. Judith ndiye akaiswa panyanga by God. Say whatever about mum we love her till death. Those who left because of Jean, lol where are they now????? Thata the question you dumb followers should be asking? Vakawanda dzimba dzaparara starting with Jean wacho. Touch not the anointed of God, ask Elijah Chikwezvero he knows the meaning of that.

Anonymous said...

Yooo yooo! Thanks 9:08. Now we know what lies your dad is telling you ! My goodness ! Just the fact that you are talking like that about Tinashe's mum shows how deluded you are. Wa nyadzisa dad vako. This am copying and sending to the lawyers against Masocha . Weldone darling.

Anonymous said...

Elijah was waisted in Agape! I wonder where he is now.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying " yes it's true dad divorced her way before he married Judith" because you KNOW it or you were Told?
Dreaming !! That's all wishful thinking and if it's Masocha who was telling you, he probable wants your salary and by the time you get the truth, you will be done. Concubine

Anonymous said...

Masocha is that what you are telling these people ? Yaaa desperado

Anonymous said...

I thot the bible does not encourage divorce apart from adultery?Who of Tinashes parents committed adultery?What are you justifying AGAPEANS? Are you saying Jean was right to say you demonise disgruntled followers and label them mad,satanic,prostitutes ,gays and lesbians when they don't agree with you?HOW UNBIBLICAL YOUR MENTALITY IS and contradicts your so called vision of love!Here l was thinking it was death that was supposed to do people apart..not "madness" or concubines.............................................................l understand Tinashe was 4 when his family was ripped apart HOW ON EARTH DID HE CHOOSE??Imi ka imi !!!Zvati singazive ngatisiyei purizi."Whole Masocha clan loves who"?Go to Buhera and get your facts right.So sorry for Tinashe.Be strong bro.

Anonymous said...

I now know they teach castigating, hatred,malice and revenge in agape!How do u celebrate divorce of people just becoz they left your church?Chikwezvero IS A MAN OF GOD AND IS HUMBLE AND MEEK.May God open your eyes.Ko how come Judith had 2 different man before your dad,isn't that being possesed by the Jezebel spirit u talk about?Pafunge

Anonymous said...

Prophetess was Walter's hure. Shame Anonymous 9:08. Buda pachena tikuwudze TRUTH. You know nothing! Judith is the worst devil, her sisters were raped at ages10 & 11 years old. Judith covers it up and pays the husband off!
Why don't u ask you self why mtemo wemu Agape is to " shut your ears" don't follow up those who left! What happened to following backsliders!?
It's all because Masocha doesn't want you to HEAR the other side of the coin, which happens to be the truth

Anonymous said...

I just send a message, was suppose to be anonymous please, it just send

Anonymous said...

Jean please dont apprve my comment, rather send as anonymous, thank you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 15:19 equally the bible says a foolish woman destroy her own house with her own hands!!!

Jean Gasho said...

I think it already came as anonymous dear ;)

Anonymous said...

Let me share my two cents before I go out tonight, again! Went to Leicester Tocki Vibes last night wasted my £15 venue too small sound system NOT working!!! I think there is something wrong with the black race particularly Zimbabweans. We just have to cheat at everything. If it's not Masotcha robbing you its Zim promoters!!!
Off to a dinner date with my white friends, who are paying by the way! That's my two cents hope you get the message ma Zimba.

Anonymous said...

No it has not

Anonymous said...

As an academic endeavour I was taught to always analysis both sides of a coin before coming to an informed decision about a debate. This saga has dragged longer than it was intended to, dramas folding along the way.Even though I have never been on Jeans side for personal reasons I would rather not mention, I find her to be one of the most fascinating creatures to emerge from Zimbabwe. However I can't help but feel disappointed by the way Masocha handled this saga, well knowing his established empire was at stake. Was he a clever cookie, he would have taken care of this "problem" hours after she released her first blog. He thought ignoring the "unstable girl" would make her dissappear, but the "unstable girl" took him right down in such an spectacular way,too embarrassing as well,lol, and hes now paying a bitter price for his pride. I put my money on a guilty verdict in April, but then again the law can be ass. Whatever way it goes I would pay to watch this drama on screen, because I believe Jean deserves to take the national trophy for 'Drama Queen' lover her or hate her!

Anonymous said...

Agape ya enda neNyika oh oh oh .Payanyura hameno ikapunyuka oh oh oh .Mbiri hombe kune akati Sika .Tocky Vibes. We are now enjoying our money without been brainwashed. Fuck Walter, Fuck Vision my ass .We are dressing well .We paid £15 only at TOCKY VIBES Show but in AGAPE we used to pay £30 yet Walter will appear later in the day mamama ne nzara. Thanks Jean .To be honest l didn't support you at First but when l read about Maxwell the pedophile and the So Man of GOD salary l left church that money. Mari yangu yakandirwadza kusvika kuMoyo .Gorosviba rekuBuhera richidya mari yangu. One and half years later l bought a house and a new car l have saved a LOT. Wish you had joined AGAPE earlier. Anyway can't complain. I am FREE. Rega waste zvemarema .Those remaining they believe to be the leaders of tomorrow my ass .kikiki

Jean Gasho said...

You actually made me laugh with your comment lol. Let me know how it goes kwa Tocky Vibes, ENJOY!!!

Anonymous said...

Going kwa Tocky Vibes kikiki
Shouldn't we be heading to the Miracle Rain Centre for all night praise and worship kikiki
But jokes aside I am angry with m myself for the bullshit I believd. Miracle Rain Centre my foot!

Anonymous said...

It's 11:20 Tocky hasn't shown up! This is just bad munoziva, show was supposed to start at 9! Ndakutouya hangu pa bhurogu...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.08 when did you join Agape???? Your Dad been telling lies since he started the so called vision!
Mai Tinashe was a victim of domestic abuse from Walter. He repeatedly cheated on her then eventually he left with his hure small house Judith. Tinashe was only a little child he did not choose anything! It just shows how evil Masocha is he separated a mother and son! I pray your Dad rots in prison, satanyoka yemunhu!,

Anonymous said...

Takakuudzai kuti AGAPE will not See 2015 .Hezvo vana vaKanda busy to write on Sunday. Kikiki Agape hakuchina .Go to church as an only Saint and PAY the Rent yourself. Sascam raWalter and lie to people THAT ZVIRI KUFAYA .Church was full . kikiki with Empty chairs kikikiki. Huri. Makugara kumba Church hapasisina anoda to fit all the Bills in the name of GOD. Please post the photos of your Conferences. Jean l salute you and vakakubereka vakoma. Wish l was you sibling. Takanga takanyura.We had more than 200 000 followers Worldwide .Now everybody has left except 40 .God is really destroying this church. Sandra ' s Wedding was an EYE OPENER. We need Testimonies on LIFE AFTER AGAPE.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:08 ndi Judith chete!

Anonymous said...

Ayiwa Judisi uya we kuti "it's not by mighty oro by power ..." Hagoni chirungu. Ndi Sandra side ya Warota.

Anonymous said...

Sandra neka Sharon, if you take them to Jeremy Kyle, the truth will come out! Step Dad on Step daughters! Evil

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:03 even if, against all odds, your outlandish claims about Tinashe despising his birth mother were true the best explanation for that would be that your evil mum and daddy have worked him from his formative years till now, feeding him the same vitriol about his mother as you are dishing out now. And who could argue against that proposition seeing your daddy is the master of manipulation and brainwashing?

I suppose Tinashe is very happy with Agape dunces calling his mother a psycho.

Anonymous said...

If what Agape is sayin is true then Masocha is one evil bastard to turn his own son against his mother! It's bad enough he left her for Judith, but turning Tinashe against the woman who carried him in his womb for 9 months that's just pure evil! So now Walter a man accused of molesting children is the one who now seems who is a psycho and who is not!!!! The irony of it all! Tinashe if you are reading this bro amai havarambwe, Judith is not your mother, have a heart and reach out to your mother. God still loves you and her. It's never too late. Please.

Anonymous said...

It is true about Joy and Blessing and Masocha took the lobola and gave Joys parents peanuts

Anonymous said...

I am not a supporter of Walter but in all fairness to him he did this maid a massive favour in life. Caroline Tsungai Mahachi was a pimple faced, paperless, uneducated immigrant with no future prospects of ever owning her own bed never mind get married! Masocha took her ugly aas and put her in his or church's mansion, gave her her own bedroom, she got to eat the cuisine of Cosynuek, went on every holiday with the step daughters, and now shes been given a fine young bharanzi as a husband, not evil is it? For a maid she has done well. Maybe Masocha is not that evil after all.
And why would Joy' a family get a dime for the roora. I think Walter actually deserved it on this one, he needs it for the lawyer fees.

Anonymous said...

Masocha was re-writing the bible, crossing out some verses. I wonder how much Lydia has typed .
It would be interesting to see which verses Sochas crossed out. I bet do not commit adultery is OUT!

Anonymous said...

However you want to put it that's an Agape testimony there! Testimony after testimony!!! Aspiring to inspire before you expire!
Whilst others are getting divorce after divorce, Jean, Snodia, Elijah and co those who remain in Agape are getting married ma double double! Agape woye go Joy go, can't wait for your wedding darling, don't worry haters will always hate, and God will keep preparing a footstool for you here on Jean blog. HE IS STILL MY DADDY!

Anonymous said...

JUDISI had more than that, the 2 Ugly step sisters have different fathers. Then comes Sochas

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:08, you may rumble all you want! Masocha raped Judith's sisters, he molested Sandra and sexed Sharon. He sexually assaulted our teenage girls and vulnerable women. Married or not Married. Was caught with Envoy Yvonne of Glassgow. You will never change what he has done dear!
He is dangerous and he knows it.
As long as you are giving, he will always lie to you. Seriously ask God to spare your heart and £.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are right he did Joy a favour! But hey, knowing Masocha the way I do, he does NOTHING 4 nothing ! Trust me

Anonymous said...

Yes your daddy loves your mum?????? Really ??? Is that why Walter bit her up and gave her a black eye when she protested about Masoha marrying Viola? You have no idea! Shut your mouth!

Anonymous said...

Joy stop blogging. Sometimes kunyarara kunokunda zvose.

Anonymous said...

I thought Joy was an orphan, her parents are still alive!!!! Mwari huyai!

Anonymous said...

A self-styled 53-year-old pastor from Nigeria who impregnated more than 20 members of his congregation, including several married women and young girls, claiming that the Holy Spirit told him to have sex with them has been arrested for sexual abuse.
Ebere Amaraizu, DSP, a spokesman for the Enugu State Police Command told NaiJ that general overseer of Vineyard Ministry of the Holy Trinity, Pastor Timothy Ngwu, was arrested for abusing his female members.
"The pastor claims to be obeying prophetic/spiritual injunction to do the will of God, which is to impregnate any one chosen and revealed by the Holy Spirit, irrespective of whether the woman is married or not," said Amaraizu.
"When the woman is delivered of the baby, the child remains in the ministry with the mother for life," he added.

Anonymous said...

Marriages have been broken. Yes if you left the church because of the nonsense in this church the one who remained was told divorce your spouse. I quote "hapana mwana wangu anoroora outside Agape" if you left the church and your spouse there then certainly your spouse would be assigned to whom ever Mr Masocha wants. I understand @9:08. He has been brain washed. Mr Masocha tells a story that 1st wife was this and that so I left and vouched never to marry again but to dedicate my life to the things of God. Tells that the 1st wife committed adultery and was reason for divorce. No no no, actually, that there is no where in the Bible that says God hates divorce or that what God has joined ..... (The same being quoted by @ 9:08) except he is using it to defend the church of Agape. What double standards. I would like to see this Agape Bible being typed away! The @ 9:08 states it's correctly but his phrasing is wrong. It should read , if you want to live a lie remain in Agape and married to the greatest pretender spouse, an angel in church surrounds but a demon in the house surround. I would not recommend anyone who had left Agape to go back. NEVER! Move on and thank God your eyes were opened. Back to the central point, marriages destroyed! While stating I focused on God, after 1st wife, Mr. Masocha, had Judith already. Ahh what fakeness! Then you hear the 2 are together. NO MARRIAGE! WHERE IS THE MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Oh or is it "kabepa zvako kanokandwa muchoto kasina value" or is it this is a adultery in the eyes of God and being justified by Mrs Masocha took in Tinashe and cared for him bla bla bla? Think and think clearly. Knowledge is power do not fall fir everything, sweaty towels, left over water, left over food, the songs, spoon ne dishi that song on one of his CDs - ishh! Revelation knowledge is what we all need. No one is asking anyone to leave the Agape church. It's your life. All that Jean has done is expose the wrong doings that needed to be addressed. Let the law take it's course. In the end God is the judge. We will all be held accountable!

Anonymous said...

Leave me alone please. He is my daddy. Rutsa kana zva kunetsa. Divorce and marriage are personal so please do not bring my daddy into this. He did what he did and has moved on. He has a vitreous wife. We love her. Their son in USA is doing very well away from all this Jean's stupidity. The church will be moving to the USA so shut the f*%# up. All of you losers. If you want to divorce or marry or remarry please see Mr Masocha who will pray with you and tell you the right thing to do. Jean you are going to burn in hell fire. The church of Agape will live on alive and very strong! You will all come back! So if I were you I would close this silly blog up and call it a day! Your 15 mins is OVER! Stop pointing fingers. Have you been tested. At least Daddy and mama and their son TT are in their AIDS medication. Shut up please. I don't want to be rude but shit up and the blog too!

Anonymous said...

Preach Sis. Agape is in the process of moving to America!!! We shall never be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Leave you alone, who are you? You sound constipated hun.

Anonymous said...

Never. We shall NEVER EVER be destroyed. You will be the one to be destroyed with your blog! Agape is a church of God. Full of the love of God. We have swept over with the love of God. America here we come!!! UK you knew this was coming. Daddy always said enjoy me while I am here but you did not listen but instead you just blog and blog and blog and miss on the anointing of a man of a man of God. Sent to you for a time such as this. Bye bye baby as my daddy would say.

Anonymous said...

Rutsa kana zva kunetsa. You do not need to know I am. Who are you? Envious jealous people! Agape Agape Agape chii chacho. Daddy daddy daddy chii chacho. Nyararai apa. Hatisirisu takati rambwa

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:43
Preach it sister! Dad divorced his first wife because she was a pyscho like Jean. Then he married the woman ordained to him by God. Tinashe loves mum to bits. That says it all about Dad. He is still my Daddy too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Agape full of the love of God! Sweeping over with the love of God! Hilarious.More like the love of Satan.

Anonymous said...

No husband, no money she just blog and blog and blog. Apo Agape yaenda neNyika ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

No husband, no money she just blog and blog and blog. Apo Agape yaenda neNyika ha ha ha!
We shall never be destroyed by Jean! Ziva zveku rambwa iwe!

Anonymous said...

Kutadza kurara muchingoti Daddy Daddy Daddy as if he loses sleep over this blog! The vision is moving ndimi muchanyara Agape yaita take over the world by storm. Leave Tinashe out of this nonsense, he hates this blog he hates Jean he doesn't give a shit. He loves mum Dad Titi and his 3 SISTERS yes 3 including Joy. So get a life Jean and leave this family alone! unongoti maziziso.

Anonymous said...

Daddy not losing sleep over the blog! Keep dreaming on. He reads the blog just like you Sandra. Like father like step daughter!

Anonymous said...

Daddy venyu surely doesn't sleep BECAUSE AGAPE BUSINESS RAFA .No financial input.Agapevis BANKRUPT saka vanorara chii. It doesn't need genius to conclude.

Anonymous said...

Life after Agape!! Look at the 3 Muchegwa girls from Coventry. Now flourishing! Makeke!! Happy birthday Kezie!! Tonosangana ikoko....

Anonymous said...

Jean akarambisa na Daddy venyu. Agape matosura chando. Your business used to earn a lot whilst the Dome was full . Before you diced with Jeans marriage. Face it .Just listen to Jean and stop saying Daddy this .Daddy that and save your money , prayers and hugs mukadzi mukuru.Focus on getting you own man. Basa rekudyiwa mahalf na Daddy Wenyu .Unoona mvana ndichirembera whilst hugging daddy Wenyu.Judgement Day soon then we will see. If you love Daddy too much then be prepared to serve his prison sentence whilst he carry on the Work of GOD

Anonymous said...

Preach it Chii. Instead to preaching to AGAPE empty chairs. Kikiki Jean be careful vana ava varoyi.

Anonymous said...

Sweeping over hoo nhai you are dilluded. Saae 8 saints who went to men's Conference it's a a sweeping over. Kwanai. Kune machurch ane 40000 saints in one service. Kwete church yakazara vana kupinda vabereki. Kikiki .Business rapera basa. You closed most of the satellite dish enyu .Why ?????? God is God of order and NOT Confusion. If they were truly opened by GOD why did the close? ??? Makutoimba Tocky kikiki. MaCoppicate

Anonymous said...

Daddy daddy daddy greedy daddy, self-centred daddy, self-serving daddy, manipulative daddy, lusty daddy.

Children of agape what can you tell us about the following:

1. "Holy", "anointed" daddy was booted out of Zaoga for his sexual shenanigans.

2. "devoted" daddy was taking so much money from a young church in salaries between himself and virtuous mummy as soon as revenues started trickling into Agape.

3. "Selfless" daddy was confronted about the exorbitant salary he was taking from church and his response was that he had put his money into starting the church. What had happened to the vision? or was it a personal business vision from the start?

4. "Loving" daddy, who is a professor of accounts, set up a litany of money grabbing schemes in church to fleece his unsuspecting followers of their hard-earned cash. Money spinning tricks like branded church garb and a lot of other paraphernalia, countless conferences with attendant money collection campaigns, dead-ended schemes like miracle rain centre just to mention but a few.

5. "Vision-driven", "Agape devoted" daddy built himself a luxurious mansion before even thinking about constructing a single church building.
To put this point into perspective consider this: Pastor Phelimon Banda of Light of the World Ministry in Northern Ireland ,a fellow philandering man of the cloth just like your daddy, was recently dismissed from the church after being rumbled but at least he had had the decency to build a church building within ONE YEAR of starting the church!!! He started the church in 2005 and by end of 2006 he had presided over the construction of the church's building in Portadown.

And note that this list is not exhaustive and also does not even include the pending court case so whether your daddy is convicted or acquitted come his trial, he still has a lot to answer for.

Anonymous said...

The Children of Agape are under a spell, but I know for certain there are some who know that all this is true but they just want to remain loyal!! Ipapo I don't understand . Maybe they are scared they left Zaoga unceremoniously and vakunyara!
There's other churches kani! Come out of this dreadful anointing , spirit of lust, greed, lies , manipulation, malice you name it, this dadi has it all. A liar! He uses God's name in vain , tells women God has allowed you to be close to me like this, you are the chosen one, ko Judisi?
That woman nearly died and your dada was busy with precious ku Edinburgh , Your dadi is taking mapirisi, Na Judi. Don't listen to him.

Anonymous said...

Jess said he will build His church and no gates of hell will prevail over it. How many believe what Jess says. Let's pray forgive and allow the sovereign Lord to do His work. We save a just God . pray for healing,repentance and forgiveness with regards to this whole issue please. Simba it's mama dee, pray, pray, pray

Anonymous said...

We thought kuti AGAPE was already in AMERICA but NO Saints as they left too. Kikikiki makumbo mudenga.A new lie. Sweeping over AMERICA whilst the leader and wife are being questioned in court .Yes in your dreams you can dream all you like. But when you wake up smell the coffee .Remember it only takes an ant to kill a Gaint Elephant. Pray to the Real God and seek some answers.Stop saying Daddy and say Jesus Christ. Surely God will answer you

Anonymous said...

Joy the maid rang to report that the marriage saga is out my question why hide it if it wasnt arranged?

Anonymous said...

Good advice from Anonymous 22:48 but wrong tonic for Agape. Such advice would be sound for a proper church borne out of Jesus' vision not for a personal venture cult borne out of a vision of avarice and self aggrandisement driven by lies, deceit, lust, materialism, manipulation and brainwashing.

Pray pray pray yes BUT pray for wisdom.

Anonymous 3 March 23:16 is spot on with every point from 1 to 5!!!

Anonymous said...

Its Joy and David people not Blessing

Anonymous said...

We got it all wrong my people Joy the maids husband is called David from divine very tall and light skin

Anonymous said...

Joy rang who? You lot are deluded! You think Princess Joy has time to read this nonsense. Why do u think no one corrected you foolish lot when u got her Fiancee name wrong! It's because no one gives a toss about this blog, it's irrelevant that's what it. It doesnt mmean anything to anybody in Agape life goes on. People are going to America, people are getting married! We have celebrities in our vision, real ones kwete ana Nino ma wannabe kkkkkk. Solly Mahlangu was interviewed by our very own Maneli last night. We have Tiffany in America who will take Agape global, so who is Jean on a world map, who is she? A scorned woman who rants on a blog only read by a few foolish Zimbabweans! Ha ha ha ha dha! Seka hako mwana wa Daddy!

Anonymous said...

Joy rang who? You lot are deluded! You think Princess Joy has time to read this nonsense. Why do u think no one corrected you foolish lot when u got her Fiancee name wrong! It's because no one gives a toss about this blog, it's irrelevant that's what it. It doesnt mmean anything to anybody in Agape life goes on. People are going to America, people are getting married! We have celebrities in our vision, real ones kwete ana Nino ma wannabe kkkkkk. Solly Mahlangu was interviewed by our very own Maneli last night. We have Tiffany in America who will take Agape global, so who is Jean on a world map, who is she? A scorned woman who rants on a blog only read by a few foolish Zimbabweans! Ha ha ha ha dha! Seka hako mwana wa Daddy!

Anonymous said...

Nhai mwana wa daddy read Anonymous 23:16 and respond. Don't dwell on petty gossip.

And don't call us foolish Zimbabweans because we're much smarter than you. Don't even go there!!

Anonymous said...

We might be foolish zimbabweans but at least we dont follow a rapist and a peodophile who uses the name of God to fleece money from poor people. A satanist who tells filthy lies on the pulpit.

Anonymous said...

kikikiki Princess Joy if she was a princess why marry David who was about to marry Mercy she is nothing but a husband snatcher. Birds of the same feathers

Anonymous said...

We are sick and tired of hearing about Joy and David who cares

Anonymous said...

If following a sick pido , liar, home wrecker, blasphemer, rapist , manipulator , filthy man like Masocha is being a clever Zimbabwean, then I would rather be a foolish Zimbabwean. I know in the eyes of God , i am not. It is God himself who took me out of that bongage! I am free and free indeed!

Anonymous said...

On top of SEXUAL ASSAULTS! Yo Daddy faces charges of mismanagement of funds! How can Juduth earn £6000.00 a month , what was she doing ? And Walter earned £10000.00 a month !!!! For what? No church building, no help for the suffering, only houses for the Masocha family, Shadreck , Step daughter Sandra Tutani etc,
Within 5 years the guy is living large!
ALL THAT IS OUR MONEY!! This was to build the kingdom of God not of Walter!

Anonymous said...

Those who have proof of your Tithes and offerings, please produce them as we are CLAIMING our money BACK!
Please sign the pertition, we will soon give you a link. Please Jean liase with others and come up with the documentation . Agape going to Anerica chiii? My foot ! That was hard earned money! That mansion should be sold and the property inside and reimburse the so called " foolish Zimbabweans". Shadreck we are coming for you! That is out money, your wife even bragged about miracle money ! GOD IS NOT A FOOL!

Anonymous said...

You mean unpaid servant Tsungi??? The step daughters WERE princesses even their cars,upkeep,clothes ,hairstyles and lifestyles and bedrooms said so(before Jean unceremoniously ended it?!!!!Do you know what a princess is ,don't bother answering that.Hahaha abantu!

Anonymous said...

Zveshuwa let's get our moneys back. I was tithing for 5 years. That's a lot of money

Anonymous said...

Agape people are certified fools. What happened to 'go forth Walter, spring forth Dunn forth park.Scotland is your home and head office.the home of William Wallace'. Your svibe thieving pido dad encouraged everyone to buy and listen about the 'Vision'.so is this a new vision now that will spring forth from prison?

Anonymous said...

Who is left in this sinking ship?

Anonymous said...

Spring forth from Forth park! Not Cosy!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Warota is one clever fool. He fooled a lot of us but mariyangu ndoida!

Anonymous said...

Enock kkkkkkk

Anonymous said...

Sekuru Ngoni kkkkkk

Anonymous said...

Kunoku kuna Primrose Na Eddy ma Attaché kkk
Na Nashe body guard wa Sochas!

Anonymous said...

Vanhuwe lets get our money back from this idiot so that we give that money to our loved ones back in Zimbabwe. I must admit that i was a fool and indeed half asleep to allow myself to be fooled like that by this satanist!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too. I think I wasted over £10,000 in that cult including conference money and feeding them. I want my money! Like Anonymous said, I wanted to build the kingdom if God , not buying houses for Sandra and Shadrack!! Noway! Judith earning £6,000 per month! What for? Walter getting £10 000. After that they wanted love offering and people furnished their home and bought clothes and food for them. Then he goes on to buy cars for Concubines Precious and Viola! Azviite!! You chop my money you get what's coming to you!

Anonymous said...

Where is the link for the petition. I want my money.

Anonymous said...

Where is the link for the petition. I want my money.

Anonymous said...

Tinashe waHazel here

Anonymous said...

Breaking News! Faith Domingo Nechironga has finally left Agape For All Nations Ministries. Well done Faith! I pray Apostle Makore and First Lady Mel of blessed Upper Room will take good care of you. God is still delivering his souls from Agape!

Anonymous said...

Ayiwa, anondzi Matambanashe! Ka descent crook wo! Kapedza vakadzi vevanhu mu Coventry muno! Agape yaka wora, this man went out with a married woman Tombi, until she divorced her husband , ayindzi Tony.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Petition should be about reimbursing us kani. Mari Mari yedu... Give back our money, sell those houses Sandra, Shadrack etc. we want our money back

Anonymous said...

Asi cash yanga is is abuse here Faith?You were behind all the money-grabbing schemes Faith ie Faith Travels,Agape Fairs and renting of villas for the "servants of god" at crippling costs to the flock!l pray you left for the right reasons and pray you are not just looking for new opportunities in the new church because God cannot be mocked n HE DESPISES MERCHANTS IN HIS CHURCH....THAT SAID,well done for eventually smelling the coffee .WELCOME TO LIFE AFTER AGAPE (Egypt).

Anonymous said...

She didn't steal any money aitoshandiswawo hake. She was used to Open a CHAIN of hair saloons in Zimbabwe for Concubine Judas DR how can't speak a full English sentence..Welcome to LIFE AFTER AGAPE. DRESS WELL. NO hovhorosi

Anonymous said...

These are All THE MONIES WE USED TO PAY IN Agape .Not forgetting Paying Rent at Satellites, Buying instruments and Cooking food for the Attaches .I have left AGAPE 2 years ago
Look how much l have saved.
1. entrance fee
2. Offering
3. Love offering
4. Tithes
5. MRC contributions
6. Missions fee
7. AGAPE t'shirt
8. Agape Army uniform
9. Dungaree
10. Overalls
11. Work suits
12. Worksuits
13 choir uniform robes
14. EE uniforms
15. DDG
17. Eagle's wings uniform
18. Eagle's whatever uniforms
19. Buy the Agape banner
20 Agape Apron
21. dad's portraits
22. Adopt an envoy
23. buy DVDs
25. Agape Music CDs
26. Agape cups
27. Kids tshirts
28. Kids uniforms
29. I believe book
30. Dad's new book 
31. Threshing Floor D.I.Y Style: A New Approach for a New Generation; From Harvest to Seed: Christians Threshed for Service in the House of God
32. Kingdom dynamics and theorems: Practical Guidance ......
33. TT's intro Dr Masocha
34 Satellites rent
35 Give you old Mobile phone and Laptop for Africa

Anonymous said...

Update us on Ziyambi. Is it true his wife has finally thrown him out of the house. Well done Viola. what sort of man would stand in support of man that raped his own wife and sisters. Masocha will be going to court soon and see you in court Mr Ziyambi supporting your daddy. You can do better than this Viola. Look at Jean-she moved on with her life. You are a beutiful woman my dear. You don't need that dog in your life.All those Masocha supporters you will pay for it.

Anonymous said...

liked your your audio on chosen women
Go ahead and teach the world such transformational speakers are rare

Anonymous said...

People, Africa is your family too. Why would you want to bless others when your own family needs old phones and Laptops too!
Charity begins at HOME. Masocha was selling all that!
Remember the ' SOUL TIES ' teaching, where he said Rings, watches , Necklaces and ALL gifts from Exboyfriends should be brought to him to destroy!!! ??? What a con!!!????

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness . Is that what Bhongo did? So where did he destroy all those bags of Gold jewellery? Amai! Let him go and be raped in Jail! Wages of greed and exploiting vulnerable women.

Anonymous said...

Apostle Makore vane dzavowo. He ran away from Ireland vapedza vans vesangano.Faith kamurume kacho kaneta. Faith loves things

Anonymous said...

That list amana takamborohwa cash.

Anonymous said...

before I left agape we were always travelling to and from spending money we did not even have now I can't even pay my rent that is £26 a week where did i get the money to travel