DISCLAIMER. I would like to thank the newspapers that have covered the Walter Masocha story as they have helped raise awareness of abuse happening in some churches which has been going unreported. However, I have not given any national newspapers the right to waiver my anonymity as a victim of Walter Masocha. This is a personal blog and its within my legal rights to express myself here. According to the law my identity is protected in the media. At this stage, I do not wish to be named in any Scottish or English National Papers. Any newspapers that will name me/ or have already done so have done this without my permission or consent. Any newspapers which have published my picture have done so without my consent. I do not wish to have my pictures published in any Scottish or English newspapers. I ask the media , which I greatly respect for their support in this case in covering the story to respect my right to anonymity as a victim and not name me in any newspapers unless I sign a consent form and agree to do so. I am not ready to be named and I want to use the protection I am granted by law at this time. Thank you.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

After the story broke...

I want to thank Girl Child Network Founder Muzvare Princess Betty Makoni, an amazing humble hard working woman who has taken me under her wing at a time I so needed someone to just believe that this truly happened to me. I pray God blesses her more as she keeps the good fight of speaking for the UNSPOKEN. I admire her courage. No wonder she is one of the most influential human rights activists in the world.
Well since the story broke my husband called Princess Betty Makoni and expressed great concern over the events that has recently transpired. He said his main concern is his three children at this moment and he informed Muzvare Betty that he does not want be associated anymore with AGAPE FOR ALL NATIONS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL. He said he does not condone any abuse of women and he said he is deeply hurt by the abusive comments from Agape members that are directed at me and the page they have set up to abuse me. He informed Muzvare Betty that I was the mother of his children and he would never ever say anything negative about me to the media or online. He said it is not in his nature to do that. He expressed his deep regret over everything that has happened and he said his main priority now was the safety of me and the children and not Agape or Dr Walter Masocha.
I want to thank my husband for declaring that he no longer wants to be associated with the Church that destroyed him and his family.  He admitted that I suffered in the hands of the church. I personally have always believed my husband was actually a victim of Agape. Yes he should have protected me and stood up for me through all the abuse especially the ambulance incident but deep down I still believe he is a good man who was brainwashed by Dr Walter Masocha. My husband denied any claims of me being mentally unwell and he said I was very much of a sound mind, contrary to the official statement published by Agape on Nehanda radio that Jean is mentally unfit and the media should not be talking to me.
I know my God will fight for me. In this storm I refuse to be intimidated by Agape members. I shall continue to fight for my right to believe in a good and loving God, not the God of Agape.
On our private wedding ceremony arranged by Dr Masocha on 23 August 2013 were no family members were invited except my husband's older brother and the Agape church secretary who were witnesses. There were the only 2 guests at the wedding in Scotland Stirling.


Anonymous said...

Good on you Jean for coming out with this. I hope and pray that you get the justice you deserve for everything you went through. I just thank God I chose to stay in FIF when the church split. This too could be my story. There was something not right in the way people worshiped that man more than God. Keep your head up through it all.

Happy with God said...

Dear Jean
I am not an Agape member not ex member but having visited the church twice I felt that there was something very wrong. As part of the Zimbabwean community I noticed it constituted of people who are either unwell, have marital problems or have no papers ie a group of vulnerable people. I am not trying to be offensive but I think Walter Masocha is in the business of exploiting these people and taking what little they have to subsidise his lavish lifestyle all in the name of God! Jean a lot of them have cited your mental instability as the cause for your crusade but I would say they should know as a congregation that throws their jackets on the floor for the pastor ( daddy) to walk on cannot be mentally there either! The way I see it churches need to be regulated because the exploitation is unbelievable!!!

Anonymous said...

I really applaud you for speaking out....but just be careful of your husband...does he back with you because he loves you or pamwe atumwa kuzokupedzisa....

Anonymous said...

Jean I am an ex mwana wadaddy n I commend you for standing up n speaking out. Its about tym.

Anonymous said...

Its not easy for a true believer to get out of a mess created by the so called MAN OF GOD. Fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

Thats very true be very careful especially this story is mr masocha is very very clever he might send your husband back to calm you down and pretend as if all is now well with your to stop him from being investigated.As an ex member there is more to masocha than just people who see him on the pulpit,what he does when noone is watching that alone if he want to be true to himself,he must repent and confess all that abuse he has and is still doing to all those vulnerable young girls and women who put all their trust in him.he has lot to answer,oral sex that he perfomed in the so called 'surgeries'booking for hotel or BB whilst he is on his prayer retreats for his so called ''special daughters''.Speak up ladies there is more to this story than just this,all the pain,guilty,shame that you went through.Its now TIME for JUSTICE!

Anonymous said...

Please be careful of what you say. Nine of you had ever proved what Jean is alleging against a TRUE man of God. Agape is full of educated people , Doctors/Lawyers/Nurses ,all sorts of professionals, you name them. Now my question is are all these people fools, to be outwitted by one man , except our "wise Jean" ? Before you can hail a torrent of abuse to this post, please think rationally to what I have said. I can do is to refer you to the Book of Jude verses 8-12 & 16-19.
If you can honestly digest these verses, then you can also understand Jean.
God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your comments. As appreciated as they are by Jean and the rest of her clique, I pose three questions to you:

1) Where has Jean mentioned that she suffered sexual abuse in her blog? Is this not a theory that you have created in your minds and run with, for the simple fact that your minds love to feed off someone else's misery?
2) Has this sexual abuse you speak of happened to you? If so, you had every mechanism the western world has created that allows you to report this crime, and yet you have not? If you have so much evidence, the claim justice. I urge you to look at the Sexual Offences Act 2003, there is much justice to be served on your part if this proves true.
3) Jean, as a mother, you are always responsible for the safety of your children. Never has anybody held your hand and made you give £600. That was a CONSCIOUS DECISION you made. In your journey of keeping up appearances, you let your children get hungry. Take responsibility. You had every right to refuse your house to be used for prayer meetings. Why did you not? You can't spend time blogging about how other people ruined your life. You ruined your life. You failed to make the decisions a mother should. You put the Apostle in front of your children and husband as well as in front of God. HE NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO SO. Just because you didn't achieve the success you wanted, don't lay it on anyone else. Your failure is your fault, Jean. You allowed it to happen. Be an adult. Take responsibility.

I have been to Agape numerous times, and if the preaching of a Jesus who saw the ugly state of man and descended from His throne to save them is a sign of a Church that worships a man, the only man I see worshipped in Christ. Yes, some people put their trust in Walter Masocha, and that is why they get hurt. Because they completely ignore or misunderstand the true Person of the gospel.

The last time I checked, David, Moses, Paul and men who were used by God were but human. They fell. They sinned. Because they were human. The lesson to be learnt from this is that we should all check the skeletons in our own closets. I see many of you talking, but I also know that all those talking would not want their dirty laundry aired out, especially the author of this blog. I also know that the people posting the snide comments on this page have not understood the true love of Christ for if they had, they would know that judgement is the Lord's, never man's.

So I guess you can talk. If that puts bread on your table (as Jean is evidently attempting to make it do for herself), if it makes you richer, if it brings you closer to God, then by all means, talk. If not, you should probably get back to trying to make life happen for yourself?

By the way, Monday 15th June was a Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Jean u seem to be dealing with people who will do anything to protect their evill deeds. I am not a member of this church myself but I have heard a lot about it. All of it negative and I believe there's no excuse for people to speak ill of something or someone for no reason. The fact that the daughter herself is being so defensive is questionable because culture doesn't allow mwana to get involved in parents' issues especially of this nature. Dai vari mai vake vacommenta tainzwisisa. Besides, if the family is so holy they wouldn't be counter attacking in public. We'd expect them to maintain their dignity so we can judge for ourselves who's the deranged one.

My advice to u is just forget about these people and start afresh. You have a whole life ahead if you and it's nit the end of the world. Get up, shake the dust off and live ur life to the full so the same people will look at you and envy you. Mabasa avo achagadziriswa nedenga. We fight not against flesh and blood..... Pliz take care of ur beautiful children vasakure vaine grudge vanhu vanorwa nenyama taco but not with mwena. Teach them nedenga chete and leave those who want to be misled to do so of their own will. Find yourself a church which doesn't preach prosperity and money, asi inodzidzisa nedenga.....and all these things shall be added unto you. All the best

Anonymous said...

Jean wabatsira vakawanda and this is great deliverance for you.Yes madoctors ,lawyers and directors in Agape are all brainwashed by the so called Daddy.its just so frightening how learned people can be so fooled in the name of God! Hey its just so bad! and kubuda mazviri inyasha chaidzo.Mwari vanokudisisa kuti vakazovhurika mese now u can see! Be very careful nemurume wako,type dzavafundisi ava they can even kill you to silence you completely so be careful what u eat and where u go,i am no putting any fear in you but ndochokwadi.

Anonymous said...

Yes and my advise is if you can, relocate and go very far way and start a new life.If your husband is serious and really mean it ,he will go with you.Toranai muende kure.With time vese vana amwene nana tete vako vachavhurika mese and they will also get out of this slavery.

Anonymous said...

Jean i applaud you for this. The God you serve shall see u thru.

Precious Wisdom said...

I will say this as I know my daddy would say too,we are not fighting against flesh and blood, Jean is flesh and blood, responding to her attacks in writing back or in defence totally is fighting against flesh and blood. My fellow - saints, God said vengeance is mine, I will repay. Why not give God His place to fight for the Church of God, fight for His annointed servant. I felt axactly as u are feeling, when I saw how the servant of God and the church of God were being trashed but it's important not to forget who we are and not get caught up in looking right before people, only God we shall walk in fear of and Him only shall we seek to please. Jean has bowed to Nebuchadnezzer,and it's media circus, we will not bow to molten images. She wants justification from people and people opinions, well she will get it, we will seek God's justification for His Servant and for the church, not mens'.
We are dealing with a spirit, how do we deal with a spirit, we have to stay in the Spirit to fight a spirit. Jesus said, some of these, u have to fast and Pray for it to go. I would rather call all Agape children of God or daddy's children to sanctify ourselves and call a fast as Esther for our Modecai and for the children of Agape. Let God be God, let Him fight for His people and our Modecai. We shall stand still and know the salvation of our God. God made promises to His servant, to protect him to be with him in trouble, to set him on high, to fight for him, and that's what we will remind our God, (not dat He needs reminding, because He will do it whether we remind Him or not. We will not fall into the enemy's trap by fighting canally, no matter how hurt we are. This is a war started against the church Of God and we will fight it the Godly way, never dropping the fruit of the Holy Spirit. No weapon fashioned Against Walter and Judith Masocha shall prosper.

My brethren: let's read the book of Esther and take action as they did when they were under attack. Please do not reply Jean (flesh and blood) but let God fight for the church- He has loved the church and He will fight for it. Our God is Jehovah Saboath , the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Agape is under trying times, what the enemy had meant for evil, God will turn it for good for His people. True Agape children will turn to their God and cry like Hezekiah; like the Jews when Haman attacked. It's God who will blot out the handwriting written against His annointed people. We will turn our face to the wall. We will call a fast, meditate on the word and pray. Agape Let's sing praises to the Lord. Let's worship Him. Praise confuses the enemy. OH YES, we SHALL PRAISE OUR GOD, THATS WHO WE ARE, LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH
Agape will Flourish by the preaching and the doing of His Word and the PRAISES OF HIS NAME.

Anonymous said...

I can see you are a gifted writer. Be prayerful and seek God. Stop attacking anyone or retribution. I am praying that God will give you a breakthrough and soon you will be on BBC telling the world about your work. Read Psalm 91. From henceforth start writing things about the Lord and book about the Jesus Christ. Your first book should be about God.

Anonymous said...

Jean you are an extremly talented woman. You paint, you act, you write. You will make it in life without a doubt. Please be careful about your husband he may be trapping you. If he has truly left Agape for you he should be with you now. Your husband has betrayed you so much. I see Masocha behind that phone call. Is there a way that it can be verified he has left the church ie is he still attending Church meetings etc. You mentioned he attends Wigan branch which has 7 members hes already put most of his money towards the official branch opening this month where Masocha will be there! Are you sure your husband is brave enough not to attend?

However if your husband has truly left Agape, then his life may be in danger and he needs to flee because from what I read these Wigan Agape members are deranged and they will get rid of him.

Anonymous said...

I think you should be preaching this sermon to Sandra Masocha avhura blog rake achitituka Jean. It looks like Daddy vakanganwa kumutsiura.

Anonymous said...

Haa Jean well done bhebhi and all those muppets following you buying your story kiss from Judas chaiyo may you find peace under his wings and for all who are now finding their voices what's new maZimbabweans throwing each other under the bus a country full of hatred jealousy this story will be tomorrow's toilet paper

Anonymous said...

Well done Jean for telling your story but honestly dont trust your husband at all remember he is still the same man whom you told so many times about what was going on to you in that church and yet he decided to turn a blind eye.he even left you to deal with what his family put you thru .saka mungwarire seriously why would he want to be there for you now and not when u were suffering at the handsbof his people.You are bette off with your kids alone .rega vanotuka vatuke havo uasatye chinouraya nyama asi mweya asi chokwado ndechekuti vanhu they are so good at doingvthat instead of running their own investigations .personaly if i were a member of Agape i would be worried about vana vasati vaakugonankutaura sezvawakwanisa kuita izvi kuti maybe they are victims of sexual abuse in that church and they will continue to suffer due to their parents' ingorance as for the man in the churchbyou must now guard your wives jelously or even get yourbkids DNA tested eapecially vamakaita mavekupinda Agape.food for thot hamawe .dzimweni dzenguva kugunga kunoda kubatsirana

Anonymous said...

Is that it nhai jean?

Anonymous said...

Shut up you!. Who said prefessionals or what you call educated people can not be brain washed. Keep quiet if you have nothing to say. Even the holy ones can still be brain washed. Look at a country like Zimbabwe, and some other african countries are there no educated or even the so called holly ones but they are still brain washed by their political leaders

Anonymous said...


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On 28 February 2013, the Mental Health (Discrimination) Act 2013 became law.

The Act removes the last significant forms of discrimination in law from our society.This is a fantastic moment for people with mental health problems and a big step towards breaking down the prejudice surrounding mental health.

Thank you to all our campaigners and supporters who emailed their MP to raise their awareness and make positive change happen.

But we know we have a lot still to do. We are continuing to work for improvements to mental health services, the welfare system and to combat stigma and discrimination. Find out how you can help us campaign for a better deal for people with mental health problems.

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What is the Mental Health (Discrimination) Act?
In September 2012 we produced this video to explain what the Bill was for and why it is so important.

The Act removes three legal barriers that contribute to a stigmatised view of mental health problems. It also sends a wider message that discrimination of people with mental health problems will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Is there a phone number to make an official complaint?

Anonymous said...

How have you concluded that its Sandra? For all we know it could be you..

Anonymous said...

kana zvakaitika u must not back down. expose the text msgs and emails. chokwadi chese ngachibude pachena. people should not abuse their position of authority. he was my daddy too but ndakatiza nehupenyu hwangu.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling sorry for you Precious Wisdom as you are clearly under the spell of Daddy. Unless you decide to open yr eyes and nose and smell the coffee you are doomed. This Daddy of yours has a history spanning years of abusing his position and the bible to manipulate wmen. Stop blaming Jean and instead support her. Instead of blaming Jean call for the Esther fast to deliver yr Daddy and his Pastorate. As you clearly stated , Jean is flesh and is you, your daddy and everyone else

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha shut up kadzaonda iwe Sandra what's ur surname again cause Masocha isn't your surname ,stop covering preaching wrong msgs

Anonymous said...

I happen to harbor a view that Jean is the one being abused by these Agape whatever ...I have had an opportunity to talk to one member from that cult-like church and he seems to confirm a few incidences of sinister occurrences associated with the pastor,his family and the church...How was the pastor behaving or what was on his mind the day that photo where he had his hands around a congregant and someone's wife? How does a pastor who is supposed to a fiduciary of his congregation involved in the scandal of a book publication with a member he had volunteer to assist? How had a pastor in his fiduciary position assumed the role of managing a congregant yet his sole association here and main one for that matter was the divine side not the commercial one? ..Does this pastor understand conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

People of God, jean's story has got ne interested, i think shes being attacked not because of what shes saying but because of what is behind closed doors which is a bit disturbing!!
This church has DVD's, check out the preaching of this man, dynamic!! But do listen to threats, one time he says ....... Do this else the Angel of death will visit your family......
Check out threats on the DVD for a launch in the UK, BroomWest,
Check out this one, this is exclusive:
.... A launch in Leicester , Jesus!
The guy says everyone is carrying little babylike creatures on their back, he says they are all carrying 1others more, the church freaks out and is unsettled, he tells them they have to be prayed for,,,,,, everyone !!
After he has touched almost everyone, falling and screamings of desperate people, he tells them, all those little babylike creatures are gone!!! ????????
Theres more, others testify to have seen him in their homes at night and then then he flies away as a big bird!!!
This is to me a cause of concern, mind games yes, can cope with... U sense witchcraft!!
One Member in Leeds talks about this man visiting some places to get power!!!
The sad part in ALL this, the people in this church love God so much... " my people perish for lack of knowledge"
In Wolverhampton, during worship and prayer time, women are seen moving like snakes on the ground! Jesus i have never seen such!!
I believe the people in there are in a spell, they know not what they are doing!!
Check out DVD's even some testimonies are pure n clear lies, but listen to the Pastor... He agrees with them?!
Guys its on DVDs!! Check them iut yourself and make your own judgement! Haaaaa yaaaaaaa!!
These are the End Times!

Unknown said...

Lord, have Mercy, and mostly on the Anonymous, Comments, the Bible clearly, states.... ' Touch not my anointed' meaning no abuse to them...

Any ways, Jean your not the First person to have their gifts corrupted, I used to watch you do Arts, my God you were brilliant, I don't know weather someone can ever get such Talent, you were Blessed, Very and you still are but Gods people should have faith and remain, we are in the time of suffering, and. As Church Member of AFANI, I urge you to please come Back to Agape and ask God for Forgivness and I always see a mighty woman of God in you... So please Come back to God and he will come back To you.... God has big plans for so be wise.... Remain Blessed, God Bless you...

Unknown said...

Please this Church has nothing wrong with it, God Bless you People for God is showing me that Dr Walter Mascoha is a man of the most because no Man call himself a man of God unless his a Accused meaning his a man of God not of the devil....

Unknown said...

The Church is not for Perfect People it is for Perfecting people, were is your growth even I know that and ,Lord have Mercy....

Unknown said...

Blessed friend there is no such thing as Luck, its not a title that someone can call.... Can I ask are you a believer if so, know that Man of God have been called by Jesus, so call..... Whatever, Jesus was accused too so there is nothing much to this Mess as you worded it....

Anonymous said...

Dr who masocha may God expose everything happening in that church, as for you jean it shall be well

Unknown said...

Va Dube, God bless you too, what sin has Jean commited to ask forgiveness for??
Ko vana who are claiming sexual abuse va uwe o kuzoti " sorry daddy makatipata mazamu mujati kissa mu surgery???"
May God reveal to you, directly what you are dealing with.... In Jesus Christ Name..!
You shall testify. Amen

Unknown said...

AMEN, May all those who know that something is not right, all who claim sexual abuse in the surgeries, ladies and girls, let us cry to God for the truth to be revealed and for God to show himself and expose it all!!!
Imagine the pain of silence when you know your daughter might have been abused!!!
Lets call upon the name of Jesus Christ, so that noone goes through that ever again!!!
God will expose him!! He is GOD!

Anonymous said...

Sad for our bretheren who really dont know why people are up un arms, sone think they hate him, others think its jealous!! Baba vari denga!! Intervene please!!!

Anonymous said...

Inga ma one!! Ma DVD ?? Take them to panorama, reconstruction!!

Anonymous said...

Amen Amen saints of the Most High God,lets expose this evil if we keep queit Masocha will be so happy because he even boasts that noone will ever beleive you and thats why many of the sexually abused women are suffering in silence.Lets the oral sex in the surgiry whilst there are are some people waiting to be seen,sexting,getting invited to those so called prayer retreats in his hotel room,all those massages ehen alone with him,this man lived a double standard life that if al is said and investigated those that are defending him will be soo ashamed.mr masocha knows himslf too well that he has got away with soo many things without being exposed.Am praying for TRUTH and JUStice to prevail in Jesus name.he is a womaniser,and what does the Bible say about adultery,fornication,lying spirit??A True man of God does not get involved in such things he run away with his life.Makarwadzisa vakawanda va Masocha dai mangobuda pachena ne kureurura and be man enough to face your evils.Well done Jean for opening the door for nothing but the truth be said.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!!! All the women and young girls who went through thay, maybe he was telling you that God has allowed that, maybe he was saying you the only one!! Now you know theres thousands like you!!! You might not come out , but KNEEL DOWN AND ASK GOD TO EXPOSE THIS EVIL!!!
Envoy's WIFE, we know!! Come out and be forgiven, you will free a lot of souls!!
Vana Mai, lets pray to the GOD of IMPOSSIBILITIES!!!
He is able to arrest him, the Law may not, but GOD WILL!!
People of GOD, vana ve Agape. I feel sorry for you, i know the pain of betrayal, but if only GOD will show you, some in vision , some in dreams and some LIVE, you will be devastated!!
May God heal all the hearts torn by this one man!!!
I do believe its an evil spirit on him, because this is a man who does this in the name of Love and abuse of trust. Meet him today you will think all your troubles are over!!!
Slowly he enters and manipulates you!!!
Before you know it he is kissing you or touching your breasts, he starts with his hug, so tight and if you were broken, you feel the love of a father!!!
Baba, seek help!! We dont need to convince anyone, we know you know its true!!! And evil!! And worse because u do it in the name of PRAYER!! Or GOD!! JESUS IS FOR ALL OF US!!!
Repent!! I pray to the almighty God, that NO child of GOD shall go through that EVER AGAIN!!! Hear our cry Oh! Lord!!!
Those who are old enough will remember Mukadota when he used his handkerchief on Mai Finias.... Its so much like that!!! Theres something he always carries, a little bottle with a dirty rainbow coloured cloth around it, its got oily stuff in it.... He uses it most of the time anc people fall down, Its real!! But is it of God???

Anonymous said...

Yes i saw that bottle in Briton official Launch!!! Scary!!
I pray the blood of Jesus Christ on Every Agape Child, may God protect us all!!! If all this or any part is true, please Jesus Christ , with your power, take your children out of Bondage in Jesus Christ Mighty Name!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amai!! To think am in that is really realy scarey!! Vana vangu how do i take them out, they are hooked into this church!!

Anonymous said...

Ma 1st year law students lol quoting statutes and practice guidance from the department of health is not being a lawyer. FYI the MHA has a provision for a close relative and or mental health professionals (qualified by the 2007 act) to request the detaining of an individual for an assessment. Goodluck with your studies you need it.
Andre Bhunu Counsel NY State, Attorney High Court of Zim.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the 23rd of July, because on the 23rd of August there was a church conference?

Jean Gasho said...

No pumpkin it was definitely on the 23rd of August dear, ask the Church Secretary who signed the papers or your DADDY he will tell you. I wouldn't forget my wedding day would I hun? We only attended the Family Conference on Friday remember I had my APA performance on the Saturday, cheers...

Anonymous said...

ok it makes sense now, that was in 2012 right?

Anonymous said...

hi Jean! I have never heard of this church before but I have been to a similar church in Zimbabwe. everyone anenge amarkwa napastor ainzi musatanist. that church is based in Harare but is slowly multipying to a few smaller towns. inonzi Gospel Church of God and its headed by "Pastor" Lovemore Mobape. I commend u Jean for your courage to stand up against such bullies and hypocrites. I pray to God that more and more of these manipulative pastors who rob vulnerable and helpless people be reavealed. I pray our eyes be opened for us to be able to descern real men and women of God. its really sad that most of these "new" churches are started for all the wong reasons. its also very sad that we as children of God forget that its all about HIM and not pastors (who are supposed to be vessels of God anyway). so many of these so called pastors and prophets are being worshipped day and night. i pray the truth is revealed and people are set free from the bondage of the devil. God bless you Jean. I hope you and your kids find peace in The Lord. i hope your husband is delivered from that trap, that is Agape. keep praying and keep your head up.

Anonymous said...

amen to that

Anonymous said...

I am now defining what I term AGAPE VISITORS - it means those not agaped. Vasina rudo. Wolverhampton is full of AGAPE VISITORS. GLASGOW its too much. But waht really is an Agape visitor?

They come to Agape with hidden agendas. Some are in Zaoga. They see As someone who vindicated them. You cant please an Agape Visitor. They come on the blog to attack dad for no reason. Do you want him to carry you on his back? An Agape Visitor will gossip about Agape Children. An Agape visitor is a liar, a false witness, a false scale. An Agape Visitor does attend every conference, he or she visits dad, she or he goes to Agape and cause havoc in satellites. All the power struggles we see in Agape it’s all caused by AGAPE VISITORS.

Only an Agape visitor will pay an offering and wish they had not. The things done in the church are difficult to understand because an agape visitor lacks the essential things an AGAPED child has. Indeed we fight not against flesh and blood. Once spiritually you are not saved there is nothing we can do for you. 1 Cor 2:14 – “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”.
Whatever you will see will baffle you because you lack spiritual discernment. Agape visitors are dead spiritually. Basa ndere kuita makuhwa. Coming on this blog to peddle lies after lies. Dad is a man. A man of God. If he makes errors then so what he is human.

Agape visitors are so much pained by Sandra. Why? She had a wedding every girl wants . All this talk about who her real father is. So what? Its ok for you to have your own child and remarry but its not ok for mom?
Jesus said let he who has not sinned throw the first stone. At least then, people were honest. But here Agape visitors are playing holier than thou.
Some agape Visitor women you express you fantasies here.

What really hurt you? Tell us Agape VISITOR? Say all your deepest thoughts but please give us a break stop highjacking Jean's blog for your cause. You write anonymously but demand the identity of others? Why- Agape VISITOR why?

We do get Jean. But fail to understand why Agape visitors have to use this blog to vomit all their poison. If you want to stop coming stay at home. Keep your money, lets see if the church will fall. Its time to work your own salvation….the operating word being “YOUR OWN”. Writing all sorts for no cause achieves nothing. SHUT UP AGAPE HATERS. SHUT UP AGAPE VISITORS. Please dad forgive these haters and liar peddlers, they come to Agape for fame. They seek to be made envoys or attaches or stewards. But they are just AGAPE VISITORS!!!! Forgive them my dad.