Jean Gasho says nothing will stop her from telling the truth about the sexual assault and many life threatening emotional abuses she experienced at Agape for All Nations Ministries International Church
A young UK-based Zimbabwean woman is determined to fight for justice after being “cruelly abused by a religious man who controlled” her.
Jean Gasho says she was “abused, betrayed and humiliated” by Pastor Walter Masocha, the founder and leader of the Agape for All Nations Ministries International Church.
Her courage to talk about the sexual assault and many life threatening emotional abuses she experienced with Dr. Masocha, has caused her so much trouble.
The church members, especially women refer to Dr. Masocha as “Daddy”. “I struggled initially to call him Daddy but he kept calling me his beloved daughter, and in the end I could not stop calling him Daddy and I even saw him as a father figure in my life, more important than my own biological father,” Jean says.
Jean Gasho urges women to develop courage and speak up and report abuses in church
She is still unable to understand how a man of God, a man she trusted to an extent of calling him “Daddy”, ended up ruining her life and family.
Pastor Masocha, who is also originally from Zimbabwe, was recently arrested and is currently facing two charges of sexual assault – one on a child and one on an adult.
He was Jean’s spiritual father for about two years, until last year. “During those two years I watched the man I had trusted as my father slowly turn me against my husband and manipulate me in ways that were so cruel and almost inhuman. I used to confide in him and shared all my weaknesses with him, as he said I was supposed to tell him everything. He then started using the information I shared with him against me,” Jean says.
The pastor, Jean says, put her in the spotlight in the church. She was actively involved in various activities including drama, magazine and artwork for the ministry. “This caused a lot of the women in the church to resent me and bully me, yet Dr. Masocha never supported me or shielded me from the bullying,” Jean says.
She was later on surprised to find out that Dr. Masocha “was even behind the bullying.”
Dr. Masocha “orchestrated an ambulance being called in the middle of a church service to section me under the mental health act,” Jean says. “He also planned to have my children taken away from me. As if this wasn’t enough, during prayer surgeries he used to extend his hands and touch me on places that are only meant for a husband to touch his wife. I felt violated and would even come home and tell my husband, but my husband would say the Archbishop was a prophet and he knew what he was doing.”
Jean Gasho appeals to men to stand with their wives and daughters and not to blame them for being abused
Asked what made her rebel and break the silence on these abuses, Jean says: “Just before the ambulance incident, my eyes were starting to open and I saw the deception in the church, especially among the pastors. There was so much bullying and every Sunday I dreaded going to church.”
Jean’s husband however, never listened to her fears. Whenever she refused to go to church, her husband called her “demonic” and even reported her to Dr. Masocha.
“My marriage was so strained by the church, emotionally and financially, and Dr. Masocha was doing nothing to help us. I got to a point where I couldn’t do it anymore, for sanity’s sake,” Jean says. “My husband was becoming more and more abusive, and everything he was doing he said he was being instructed by Daddy. I started to see that slowly it was Daddy who was destroying my life.”
Jean says she was also “humiliated and labelled mental in front of the whole church” by her sister in law who is a pastor in the same church.
The church’s attempt to section Jean under the mental health act failed because the medical staff saw there was nothing wrong with her. “The backlash from the church was unbelievable as they were outraged that I was not sectioned. I was then badly beaten by my husband who was also outraged that I was not sectioned,” Jean says.
At that stage she decided to flee her matrimonial home and sought safety in a women’s Refuge. “In the Refuge I had lost everything and I felt I had nothing to lose. I had reported the sexual abuse to the police and I felt nothing was being done to bring Dr. Masocha to justice. Without a voice and in despair, I started a blog and started writing my own online diary of my horrendous experiences in Agape. The blog created a huge public interest for some reason, and victims of Dr. Masocha started speaking out.”
Jean’s decision to speak out about her bad experience in the church marked the end of her marriage. “My husband chose to side with his mother and sisters and Dr. Masocha, and he forsook me and his children. As I speak today, he is busy preparing to testify against me in court in support of Dr. Masocha. It’s been a very painful experience for me,” she says.
Jean admits that her experience at Agape seriously affected her faith. “I am human I won’t lie. I felt confused especially about the very nature of God. At one point I believed Dr. Masocha was a real man of God, then the next minute I could not see God in him. I struggled with that, and even still do to some extent,” Jean says. “I am now very sceptical of churches and men of God, but I have fought within myself to keep my faith. My daughter once asked me why God had allowed what happened to us to happen if He was a God of love. I didn’t know how to answer her, but I could only say maybe one day it will all make sense, if we continue to trust in the Lord. In all this I have learnt that bad things happen to people, even though we may not understand why. I still love the Lord, and it’s my faith that keeps me going.”
Jean Gasho says Pastor Walter Masocha used to extend his hands and touch her on places that are only meant for a husband to touch his wife
Jean is disappointed with the way other church members, especially women reacted when she broke the silence on the abuses. “The Church members especially women are among my worst enemies. They called me all sorts of names and even started their own blog in which they defamed me beyond measure. I have received death threats and continue to receive nasty anonymous letters from members of Agape,” she says.
Apart from her faith, Jean says her three children also keep her going. “I have to overcome for them. I also have a lot of support from the public and I draw a lot of strength from people who believe my story. Some people also email me and share their similar testimonies of abuse in Agape. When I realise that this is not only about me, but hundreds of other victims out there who are afraid to speak out, I find courage to do it for them,” she says.
Jean, who confirms that she has reported Dr. Masocha to the police and relevant authorities, believes that one day justice will take its course. “It may not happen overnight, but I have learnt that speaking out is the first step towards achieving justice, and I will never stop speaking out.”
Asked to react to the news of Dr. Masocha’s arrest and sexual offence charges, Jean says more victims will come forward. “I feel a sense of relief within my spirit, but I know it’s going to be a long road,” she says.
Jean’s advice to women and girls who face abuses in the church is: “Have the courage to speak out. Find someone you trust to confide in, someone who is not a member of the church. Many women make the mistake of confiding in church members, who will in turn label them mental and demonic. This happened a lot in Agape and victims are left off worse than if they had not spoken out. The key is to know who to speak to.”
She says she was lucky to have Muzvare Betty Makoni, the Founder of The Girl Child Network, as “a shoulder to cry on,” adding that Ms. Makoni took her “under her wings with care and compassion.”
Jean also advices women and girls who face abuses in the church to speak to their local GPs. “A lot of women also fear their husbands will disown them if they open up about abuse, especially within the African culture. I would like to encourage men to stand with their wives and daughters and not to blame them for being abused,” she says.
There is a lady from Glad Tidings in Slough or somewhere in England who had intimate marital problems. She went to see Dr Masocha in the surgery in Scotland after referral by friends. She then reported to her pastor she was shocked by her experience. She said ' I went to see Baba Masocha with my marital problems and he wanted to be the solution'. I am in contact with one of the woman's pastors. Will get further details and check how far Dr Masocha went in trying to become the solution. This happened at Forth Park. I was still in Agape when I was told about this.
Agape will never come out of this. This damage is permanent no matter what the beavehearts can say. The image of the church has been damaged internationally moreso Dr Masocha. If saints raise issues and you decide to take no action the consequences are cataclysmic failure. Transparency, honesty and intergrity are at the centre of all successful organisations.
Jean's voice is getting louder and louder. Even if Jean is all the things Agape say she is, Agape has responded to Jean with pure hatred in a very ungodly way. There is no way this can be a true Christian Church. But its fruits Agape is now known. Why won't the Archbishop even show love to Jean. If Jean is a true lost soul, where is the Christian love? Personally this whole saga is so disturbing something is just not right.
Look at what my another envoy sent today after several years of being masochas trustee
My beloved steward, It is with deep sadness I inform you that I have resigned as envoy and I have come to a decision to leave the ministry. Thank you steward for all your love and support from the beginning until now. May God bless you always. I love you so much- Ms Shylet Njanike.
I do not understand any one that is left in agape. I must ask you, "do you now who you are serving?" Is it worth your while to stay there? After following this blog I am just curious as to why you are there. There is a God who sees all and "we will all have to stand before him one day". How are you going to answer Jesus!!? (2 vs 10-11.)
Ex Agapeans where do we go from here?
As a regular reader of this blog, one comment from a blogger at 19.20 on February the 13th caught my attention. The blogger simply wrote ‘Where can I go for Deliverance, I am getting nightmares, since I left the cult. I live Bournemouth area’.
A number of people responded by giving various suggestions but among the all I liked the following response which was posted on the same day at 23.16. The response read:
‘You haven't learnt much have you? Only God can deliver you. You do not need a human being to do this, no laying of hands, no confessions no papa/daddy etc. Just get on your knees and pray. The only one you need is Jesus. Develop a personal relationship with him. The devil will fight you and try to convince you to seek a man of god for this. He is a liar. All you need to do is call upon Jesus. Keep praying and claiming his promises and the devil will give up eventually and you will be free. Please stop believing you need a go between. Salvation is between you and God, no third parties are needed. That's what's brought people to this Agape situation, trying to emulate kushandirwa nemashavi/nansekuru (ancestral medium spirits) within the Christian sphere. God id God alone, he needs no help from a human to help his children!’
I like this response because it is exactly what Jesus said when he was asked when the kingdom of God would come: He said: ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, See here! Or See there! For indeed the kingdom of God is within you’. (Luke 17: 20-21)
Ex Agapeans where do we go from here?
The question and the response resonated with me because this person is obviously an Ex-Agapean, lonely, and seeking to move on spiritually after discovering what was going on in Agape. I am sure that this person is by no means alone. Those who left Agape today find themselves either in pubs (again!), in new churches and trying to make new friends, staying at home and not wanting to hear anything to do with Jesus, to name but a few possibilities. Whatever situation you are in as an Ex-Agapean, no one can blame you because we all react differently.
My purpose of posting this message is to start another debate in addition to what is going on. This debate is about saying: We acknowledge that there may (subject to the outcome of any court cases to come) be victims of spiritual and sexual abuse whose scares will not heal for the rest of their lives. Yes we have been duped into paying our hard earned cash under false pretences. Yes we abandoned our biological families, our friends and relatives because we thought we were being led to Jesus. But in the end, our life cannot stop because of what is happening to us and therefore we need to move on and pray for the possible victims. Like the blogger from Bournemouth, I sense that there are many ex-Agapeans who are asking themselves: Where do we go from here? Yes we can pray and fast as individuals since the kingdom of God is within us. However, a church has a greater purpose which is why we all went to Agape in the first place.
I don’t have all the solutions but one suggestion is that as ex-Agapeans we can re-group and move on. The attraction of this suggestion is that we will have a shared background which means that what happened in Agape will never happen or be allowed to happen again once we re-group. Believe you me, what happened in Agape is happening in other churches right now, and it is only a matter of time before the lid is lifted. So you can imagine how you would feel if you were to start going to another church, start paying tithes again and only to find that the church has the same problems as the Agape you left. I know that some might not want to move on in their lives this way because they had their own battles with their envoys, attaches etc so what kept them in Agape was the star man – the Arch-bishop. If you are in that category it means you were following man and not God.
I end this with a disclaimer. Those with eyes can see at the top that thisblog post is clearly addressed to – Ex- Agapeans. It is not meant for those who still believe and are still in Agape so let it be known that the debate is not about taking Dr Masocha’s church or his people. It is about doing a new thing (Isiah 43: 19). God bless all who will read this.
Healing is a process which sadly some might not completely achieve completely. However, if there are any remnants to be salvaged from this harsh lesson let it be. The challege really centres on trust. For many who are again lost and not equipped there is a thin line between truth and lies. Can you really trust preachers who come in the name of God yet have hidden agendas? It is easy to say the Agape experience should be taken in isolation. The flip side seem to indicate this trend is now common- pastors sexually abusing congregants, looting of church funds. Is there something wrong about this prsctice of spritual fathers? How biblical is it? Tithes and offerings what are their role in today's modern church? They seem to be an avenue of abuse. The threat that curses are leashed upon you for non-compliance forces many to give in fear of a lithany of curses and no blessings. I believe the church should do a deep introspection to some church practices without naively saying 'the bible says'.
Do we really want another ministry with another Zimbabwean Bishop coming out of Agape. Not sure its the right timing people are still in confusion. Jean's article says she's now skeptical of men of God and churches I think she's speaking for most of us.
anonymous 17;57 , I do agree with you in what you are saying. The truth now is that most saints are now wondering, as to which church to believe after the trust and zeal they had put in Agape, People are now standing in the middle of a bridge of a flooding river.
Most people were doing God,s doing, to please God under the leadership of Prophet Walter Masocha, believing in God that this was the true church of today,s calling, but now are left stranded, with on one to lead them.
Yes it will take time to find the true church of God after what people have gone through, people will be analysing every church now before committed to it.It is still strange a sto why up to now , there has been no word from the Archbishop, yes he is under police , but if all what Jean is saying is false why is he not standing for the truth, defying all the courts procedures as a send one from God. In the bible all
"man of God" stood up for their truth, and the truth prevailed in all their cases.
My prayer to all Ex-Agapeans is lets unite and stand for the true God, one who sees and knows our lives, one who supplies the needs of all our needs, one who heals all our sickness, one who does not fail us, leave us no forsake us. I thibnk personally all Ex-agapeans are now more sharpened, they say"once a child is burnt will play away from fire, tangwara God had a way of doing his thing, also
"our thoughts are not his thoughts ,nor our ways his ways Hallelujah"
18:39. Sorry to say, appears you are wanting to follow men and have something against Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean. That's exactly what the blogger is warning you against. Follow Christ. Full stop
I agree with the two above bloggers, moving forward is the only solution now, if we look back we may end up caught in the fight with Pharough,s soldiers, I don,t think there is anyone prepared to wait , lets "go forward" and see what the Lord God will do for us.
I am one willing to start a new church with Ex- Agapeans, , church of true worshipperes, singers preachers dancers of God.
Who is going to lead us? Is it the calling of God? There is nothing wrong with supporting one another and encouraging one another. A Church or church leader is not by man but by God. We all have our issues and it will take time, yes and I speak for myself also. It will take time and faith to seek God, we can not just sweep things under the carpet and carry on together. I know that you mean well but I will be guided by the Holy Spirit and come under the guidance of a church that is also Holy Spirit guided. We are responsible ourselves for spiritual discernment, OK we all got it wrong, so the first thing we have to do is seek the face of God and ask forgiveness and be guided from that point. It is good that we are still in the period of time of the Grace of God. May God be a blessing to all Ex Agapeans and those still to come to that decision.
The idea of ex-Agapeans rejoining or meeting again is an interesting one. To have fun maybe, to form a church -NO!!! At the epicentre of Pentecosctal practices are blessings and curses, miracles, tithes and offerings, spiritual fathers etc. The potrayal of the 'wrath God' is regrettably too common. God is loving and caring.
Ex zaogans regrouped as agape and imported all their filth and zaoga traits with them. They changed the talents to mrc and all the hosting etc is zaoga stuff. Walter continued to molest women and kids not as pastor but as an apostle/ archbishop. Noone in agape qualifies or ex agape qualifies to lead anyone. All of us need deliverance and a good church with an anointed pastor who is a servant and server God's people. Anyone even dreaming of starting something is as good or rather as bad as masocha. Its taking advantage of people who already down and done out. My advise to anyone is RUN AS FAR AS POSSIBLE from anything formed by ex agapeans.There was never anyone in agape qualified to lead Gods people i mean including masocha himself. It took jean to discern this guy and let noone jump up for their own personal gain and start a church. That's the most ridiculous idea i have ever heard.find a good church but soak yourself in the word of God and have a personal relationship with Christ. God will heal you and speak to you as well.
20:19 for once, please give people a positive response than to trashing everything that people are trying to do. All that is coming from you is negative. Say something that we can work with
Does positive mean agreeing with such lunacy. People are hurting and still trying to come to terms with how the were fooled by Walter. We all now know Walter is and was not a man of God so who is going to be leading this re group? Someone seeing an opportunity to take advantage of people who are still hurting?who in agape qualified to lead a church?i certainly left agape ages ago and can't think of anyone who is fit to lead people who are in such turmoil.i say you look for a church as well or remain in agape and stay as the envoy or attache that you are. Let us all continue to use this blog to bring the cult to justice please.start your vision elsewhere not jeans blog.why are you not congratulating jean on the agape story being heard and giving positive encouragement instead of starting your vision here.or are you distracting us from exposing Walter?have you been paid to come and divert our aims here?why are you not openly using your name.asi ndiwe Charles we blog ramasocha
All Ex-Agape & Agape go to bible school but before you to bible school. You need a calling from God from club or prosecution you want to be leader of a church no. Go before the Lord fast,pray & let God cleanse you. Let the Lord remove you from filth garments first & let the holy spirit minister to you. To be a leader,Pastor or to work in heavenly ministry you need a calling haisi nyaya yezvigara munodonha. Vamwe vadu tinonhanyira kuvafundisi hanzi vanoona,vanoporofita dhaaa! Read Ezekiel 37 inoti kudiyi? Iwe ndiwe muporofita mukuru muhupenyu kwako. Munosvika kupi muchimhanyisa nezviporopfika takanga kurava shoko wokura mushoko mariri munezvipo zvakasiyana.Mwari ndiye mupi wazvose kubira unopihwa ungati uchirikumwa hwematanda,urikuchiva magaro amainhingi or baba ngana nekuti vane chibhanzi hanzi ndotungamira Agape. Bofu rotungamira mamwe mafofu havasi vose vakadanwa naMwari vachoma tumachurch turi kungonyuka kunge manyukira. Unofanirwa kuna naGodfather munhu akakurera muchikiritso be odened nevakuru vokuraira kwete kungo buda kunge hohwa. Mukanzwa kuti kunevanoporofita chitsoka nditakure muchapinda musungano yenjuzu or mamawota hokoyo! Mira kumhanya mhanya who's voice raurikunzwa vamwe tiri kunyira mazwi anamamawota hatidzikame kwete kufamba chikiritso kings huku yakangurwa musoro kana handiwone some ndakarumwa nego. Worota naJudi varikukusekai varibusy kuviga mari yese kuchinja mabank nemazita. Seek you first the Kingdom of God all things shall be added to you. Its time one on one with you maker not one one in the surgery naWorota svinurai no surgey without assistant dangerous. Kana nemiwo yes Worota akauya with vision ndeyake wonayoyako vision kurumbirira evamwe. Bhaibheri ririkuti written a vision on the table & run with your vision. Hazvina kumbonzi run with Worota's vision but your vision like Jean. Jean this is you vision kuti mumachurch no more surgery in room ngazvingoitwa muchurch paruzhinji. Jean haupenge wakakwana ndovanopenga run mupfanha with your life run.
I am only seeking to encourage. I will remind you of Gods promises to you each day. You will not know who I am but that does not matter. I am encourager and I will remind you daily of Gods promises to you. Be blessed. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is who we are! 1 John 3 : 1 NIV Be blessed as you meditate on His Word.
It will seems hard at first, but it gets easier as you concentrate on building your relationship with God. I left Agape last year and joined my husband in Seventh day Adventist. At first I missed the vibrancy, the dancing and all that. But then I asked myself, what is it you seek, man or God. I put all I did in Agape one side and focused on building my relationship with God and the people around me. A simpler approach and getting involved without pressure in church activities. I joined the prayer ministry and found a prayer partner. Now I can lift my hands and say I have been set free. Today I count my self blessed and Thank God for my lucky escape.
Jean i am so proud that you able stood for truth you're the answer from God my dear. Its you calling let them nail you arise and shine Isaiah 60 v1. Yes we can,yes we can woman for how long be in bondge? Jean the first woman who stood up for woman's rights & human rights in UK. In few years in Britain the will put in gunesu book your children'children the read about you. You are going to bring a change in the church, schools, marriages & governments everybody will start to respect woman,children & elderly who can speak up because of abuse. You be like Rose Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake 'the first lady of civil right" the mother of the freedom. She was born in 02/04/1913 -10/242005 died at 92yrs from Detroit, Michigan US. Run,run with your vision & bream big i am behind you pray for you. Pls look of another church you need gaudince i
Will pray for to find a good church don't be afraid God,Jehovah is with you. The days of Pharaoh God raised Moses now in the days of false phorophcy God raise a woman not a man clap hands for Jesus. Jean Gasho don't be afraid you didn't put yourself in this position but God called you to speak to those who cannot speak. Worota couldn't put in mental clinic because God delivered you to tell the whole world the truth Worota wanted to shout your mouth once on meds vision was going to vanish. You don't belong to mental clinic but Worota,Judi & those who still believe Worota's prayer cause rain miracle. I pray for all who delivered in rainbow,rain miracle may the Lord open their your eyes so you may see!!! May the Lord remove the veil upon you face so you see the hidden treasurer from God Amen. Jean i love you sister & i will pray for you & the Lord is with He will never live you nor forsake. Speak the truth & the truth shall set us free Amen!!!!
I personally wish we could meet as Ex-Agpeans. My wory is, the annointing and practices of Walter was passed on to many and like blogger says, who is going to lead us. Naturally the people who were our Envoys remain respected despite the fact they have left. They have the experience and the courage to lead, BUT trust me , those are the once who got more of the annointing and teachings of Walter, munozoona vakuda kuwaridzirwa ma Jackets sooner or later. Lol. We all need deliverance . Instead of starting another ExAgape church , we might just as well join the skosanas, they are ExAgape. Wonder how they are doing.
Walter idea was to make everyone believe Jean is mad. He is now using Charles from Newcastle to step up his defence on their website. That is his strategy in court and the anti-Jean campaign has been upped. However, l don't think it helps Walter's cause. This will be regarded as an extension of abuse in court and a ploy to silence the victim. Walter is so dirty to the core. He is concerntrating on Jean what about the 10 year old girl? What about several women talking about abuse in surgeries? What about the financial scandals? The problems he is facing run deeper than Jean.
Just out of interest is that woman Mai B and her husband Baba B in Bournemouth are there still agapeans ?
Does anyone have details of Charles from Newcastle who is running Walter Masocha's blog- family, profession, concubines?? Running a blog in Newcastle pretending to be in Zimbabwe under the guise of a fake name. Any IT expert knows how to do that manipulating IP addresses. More info please!!!
as children of GOD, we must come to the realization that whoever we appoint to lead us, is never going to be an angel. its going to be a person born of a man and woman, with his own faults.people are entitled to make decisions and exercise their choice. those who perceive it as lunacy, please feel free to move on. for some of us, we truly enjoyed the fellowship in agape, and though we left 2 years ago, would love to experience that way of worshiping. what Dr Masocha has done or not, should not be a measure to discount those who feel that the people must move on, and nothing completely wrong with moving on as a group. Dr Masocha and his cahorts am sure are aware that they are very unlikely to be accepted to treat people they way they have done over the last 6 years. and for those who are leading this new group or church, ,may GOD continue to Bless U. we are in the midlands and cannot await your arrival. lastly, we are not interested in judging people, we want to be led by a person or people who fear the LORD. blogger 2019/ 2119, let us hear who you think is the best for it appears that you have a problem with Baba Guti, Zaoga, Agape. one wonders who else, but charging by your sentiments, we would not choose you to lead us. you are cold blooded,
Charles is from Edinburgh estranged from his mother. The boys mother left agape and he was told by masocha to move out and not talk to her. He is now running the masocha blog with (trudy) masocha head chef son. They are now living together where Trudy son works at some hold course. I am trying to find out where so i can alert the golf management that there is a snake in their midst. He is bound to sell them out one day. Golfers vane ma secrets i don't think they appreciate such characters in their employ.Charles visa expires soon, a note to home office would help them rid Britain of such paedo supporting plague.
Why do you want to always be led. Children of God are heads, not tails. I worry when grown men and women are crying out for a leader. Such lack of confidence and self-worth. This is what opportunists like Masocha, thrive on. If you have this 'vision' or bright idea, why don't you take it upon yourself to fulfill it. Perhaps during that process, like minded people will join you and you will work together towards the goal. Each person contributing in whatever gifts they have been given. Those who can preach, preach. Those gifted with music, sing. Those gifted with sharing, share the word with unbelievers. In summary, work together for a common cause without having a formal self-appointed leader whose powers are over and above the rest of you.
Think bout it. Otherwise you will go through this whole Agape cycle again. Stockholm syndrome is real!!! Free yourself.
Morning all.
Truly speaking I don't think this is the platform to be advertising or suggesting the formation of an ex-Agapean church more so now. Personally I feel this is a blog helping identify that was caused by that filthy man Masocha!! Have you all thought about this thing properly 1st of all you are going to need funding hevo matithes aya. It's starting from scratch hence every penny help. Ko matraditional church adii
Each man but God for us all chimboitai but mark my words mavekuda kutsvaga kutanga imwe blog mapamwe zve kkkk!
'Do it' like Nike bwaah
Jeasn keep shining xxx
Mai Ru
What is Charle's surname? And Trudy? They have joined the battle so they know the consequences of such actions. Typical Walter splitting families apart advising them not to talk to each other. Where is Charle's father? Hondo yavatanga hamugoni kuipedza.
By looking at this IP number( are you able to tell where the device using it is based from? An IP is not static it can change on a daily basis. So all this talk about manipulating the IP to look like Charles is from Zimbabwe is kak
Agape Envoys etc names pls were did those names came from i don't get it. Is it the part of the vision? Also to dress like Pop John Paul Pentecostal never see that pls get delivered from chochise-Worota's vision first & get life.
Agreed starting a new church is too early of Ex-Agapeans is too early. Now most people are just reflecting on the past. Besides most minds are occupied with the thought of the future court case. People are in limbo after Agape and mistrust is huge. Problem anyone starting a church is that the Agape culture may follow you and comparisons are always like to be drawn with Agape. Remember Agape faced similar comparisons with ZAOGA.
We left agape three years ago after hearing and seeing a lot of things that we didn't like about Walter. The massages, the apostle's team, the entrance fees, the titles of Walter, the extra marital affairs, the money preachings, etc. we managed to move on by going to other churches and going to bible studies and we felt relieved and realised that we were being used by Walter. There is no way anyone from the ex agapeans can lead others you are all still in pain and which vision are you going to use. Leave the agape idols and move on. It will take time for you to find a church to go to, it only needs one's humbleness to leave those titles and be yourself. You will enjoy life as for us we are enjoying and we are moving from glory to glory.
1242. Charles Chademana and trudy shamu or Mrs Atkins.
Google will not allow you to hack blogspot, if you are so talented Google would be happy to employ you. Private IP address are protected. If you hack them you commit an offence. Best way is to write to Google. But you should know that Google was also asked to delete Jean's blog but they refused.
Feel forsaken, feel desolate. Read Isaiah ch. 62. I want to highlight vs 3 for you.
You will be a crown of splendor in the Lords hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God. (Isaiah ch.62 vs 3 NIV). May the Lord richly bless you as you meditate prayerfully on His Word.
"The highway has been made for you. The stones have been removed. You are the Redeemed of the Lord. No longer to be called forsaken, no longer to be called desolate. You are to be called Saught After." Says the Lord.
Churches formed out of anger and malice don't go anywhere. Interestingly this was one of Dr Masocha's nugget which has bedeviled him. It has become a self fullfulling prophecy. Agape was formed from the bitter fallout of Masocha and Baba Guti. True to his own words it has collapsed like a deck of cards. His meteoric rise is similarly matched by his meteoric fall. Ex-Agapeans now is the wrong time to start a new church. It will be out of anger and not God's call. You carry the same spirit Masocha carried from ZAOGA. You need healing now.
This was a personal confidential message its sad you betrayed me who sent it to you after I took it from my son. I am very disappointed in you. I left Agape in 2010 and I prefer not to comment I read the blogs and never comment but have only done so because you disappointed me and my family. We are Christians I must be able to communicate with you without fear that you publish everything.
Just looking at his profile on LinkedIn he claims to be CEO of Ark Media Designs. On latest Electoral role his age range is 51-55. Ndiwo maage ana Masocha aya ari suspect. What is doing at a golf club then if he claims to be a CEO?
Praise the Lord we need to hear more testimonies like this. There is life after agape.
The son is simba xavier kanchefu. Don't know if these two are in a relationship too. For all things sexual are possible in agape.
Huori hwakatanga na apositora charisi nakizeviya ndokutevera.
Hapana chakavanzika chokadi ndabvuma moyo wangu waingoramba uye wakaramba kushumira kuAgape ende zvakaoma ndozvavari Baba vaye, ndavanyarira maiwee, Ngavatongwe ramba wakashinga Jean usatyisidzire.
They both in their 20s or early 30s. The girlfriend xavier is older and a kitchen boy at golf course. Charles is the boyfriend likes to hang around masocha.
1857 how much healing do you feel is needed to satisfy your anger? If you still continue to make reference to baba Guti and a perceived fallout with Masocha, you are addressing an issue that died 7 years ago. You will most probably lose out on the next 7 years if you continue to harbour that spirit. We are sick and tired of such negative rhetoric. We want to hear constructive contributions.
I am not putting a timeframe on healing. All l am against is knee jerk formation of churches because of breakaways. You will be mired in the same controversy. It would not ve surprising that most ex-Agapeans would be hesitant to join such a church with the Masocha issue lingering around. I think the Masocha trial should be settled and people can plan onwards.
2119 if you are the one meant to lead this 'church' you are no leader at all and you are so self centred with on humility in you. You parade as anonymous so how can anyone be comfortable following you. You have some unhealthy attachment to masocha and agape. You are made if you seriously think the people who are using this blog miss the cult. Most are regretting ever being in it.your entries are am insult to me as i am trying to heal the wounds of the cult. Jean thank you for exposing the cult but please can you open another blog topic and she us of this stupid brainwashed idiot who is 'missing' the cult.Go back and apply for a post at cosy,stop your nonsense they are no takers here.if you know coz other people who are of the same mind then go start your own cult why are you coming here.ibva pablog ra jean. Jean please can you stop posting this church business.
Mbuya vadread
Whilst it is no secret that masocha was once in zaoga, how come zaoga is still going strong and agape is falling? Could it be that masocha. was running from his own shadowwhich has finally caught up with him. For those who are still hurting but prepared to move on God has prepared a way for you, all you need is to ask him..he says I know the plans that I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. God still answers prayer if you go to him earnestly. He will show you the right way to go. He is the way the truth and the life. If only we can allow him to lead us and not let our hurting emotions decide for us
Why not just tell the encourager and who so ever wants to start a church to go and find another platform to do it. People have been hurt and some are still hurting yet these people want to come and use the same stick to heal the wounded. There is nothing positive about trying gather people on this blog to start a church. When you went to agape, you did not call out for people so why now? There is no need to try and force people to form a church now. Certainly not the time to be bullying people into accepting what they don't want.
Hallelua KBWs. Another envoy bites the dust. Welcome out of evil envoy Shylet. You will feel the difference come month end. No tithe. No freewill. No adopt an envoy. No adopt Sandra Tutani. No adopt Sharon weguma >don't know the father but dna pure kandasochas. No groceries for commissioners. No buying masocha crap demonic books>vision demonics>i believe in cult>thrashing floor the new paedo style>oh i give up too many. No overalls. No combat. No lion of juju tshirts. No waiting lay....stds dies. No entrance fees to hear the psychopath lie for the millionth time can't how he met Judas...ith. Your kids are safe from the pide piper of hamelin, well we know what kind (bosvo rake) his trumpet is.kandasochas ridza paedobosvo sesesesesejari pppppppreya retreat.
There once was a buhera boy
A menace muzvikwenzi zvekumaraini.
Kujiti hapana aimuda,kana tete vakd apovho ngaigute vaimuseme
Uripiko mukoma wake chomukwetsu
Ubatsire Jean nemakibhodhi kukwatura nyasire iyi
At the tsime no girl could stand him.
Raigarapo risina nika rakamirira pwere
Zvakabvakure izvi agape yowe
A lot of hari broke vasikana vachitiza
Even the first wife ran away, after the dove fell on Judith NOT.
It was the only wife, there never was a dove.
Out of wedlock they immigrated.
Weep Scotland weep
Sajeni vharazipi vauya.
Vigai pwere bhinya re Buhera rauya.
Vatendi ngwarai, beware gava riye rane vision.
Muhupombwe ku st Andrews.
Once I went to churches led by Zimbos/Africans...but was disapointed coz of the prevalent love of power, control, gossip, and money topics that were the order of the day. Where I expected to get the message of love building each other and the church up, I saw divisive politics. In my mind divisiveness was not of God. So after several attempts to get the unity topic on the table, I felt I was fighting a losing battle, so I left and joined a church where I felt God was being worshipped and have had no regrets. Yes, we pay offerings and missions moneys and we see the missions trips undertaken and reports of what is going on in those third world places - I love it. Living of course is about freely giving not to be armtwisted to fund lavish lifestyles of these people.
I love the fact that if I do not get what the pastor says or do not agree with it, I can engage him in a discussion and debate the matter nicely without a problem.
Vedu ava, kuda mari nekukobora madzimai...anditi kuZaoga yekuNZ, mumwe pastor aikobora vasikana/madzimai akaendeswa kuZim but iko zvino avakuCanada. Those with info say it didn't start then but a long time ago. Zvinopera here?
Why do people never learn. Walter came out of Zaoga and started Agape. 7 years down the line Agape is destroyed by a little woman called Jean and her keyboard. Agape didn't even last 7 years. Yet someone has a nerve to want to start a church out of Agape remnants. People please fear God and learn. What's with Africans and this obsessed of starting NEW CHURCHS!!! What's wrong with traditional churches? Please read books on cults and life after cults. Victims are encouraged not to join any other NEW MOVEMENT! This is how Masocha started. It was a NEW idea! And people were lured. People are in regret even questioning their own sanity as to how they managed to be entangled in such a web of worms, now someone comes and says let's start a Church out of this mess. We all need to draw lessons from the way Masocha did his things and we don't want any replay of Agape. A church full of valnurable hurting emotional women and men is that not a recipe for disaster???? Correct me if I am wrong!
Very true. The contamination of Masocha is just too much. My science teacher used to say ' we need to de-educate to educate you'. The same applies to ex-Agapeans. You need de-education first then education later. You were being brainwashed all these years.
Blogger 2336. I think your authority in this matter undermines your wisdom or lack of it. Why do some people of your like think that they should discourage people from going back to church. Your mentality is very shallow. A man disappoints his wife,mgoes off with another woman. Wife is left on her own, she decides it time to moe on with her life, then your counsel says you have no emotional capacity to trust and love again, just keep sleeping around.
Masocha must be reported to Falkirk police for interfering with witnesses, cyber-bullying, and breaching his bail conditions. He is told to stay away from the church, but he is conducting his services from agape on line. He needs to be stopped. Kuna Charles Chademana, Masocha versus your biological mother. You must be ashamed. Are you that desperate for a father. For your own information, Judith does not want you in that cosy house of hers. You are access to requirements. By the way, your visa is about to expire, who is going to "annoying" your papers for you?
Whoever you are, suggesting regrouping ex-agapeans, you have already made some mistakes and shot yourself on the foot;
- By not coming out and say who you are:
- Lack of judgement and timing of your proposal, why not wait until court proceedings are done away with and start the healing process.
How do you intend to regain the trust of the saints who have been hurt by agape. You cannot start a group without someone taking charge or have you already nominated yourself as a leader. What credentials do you have? You quoted envoys who remain respected despite the fact they left, they can lead the new group. Correct me if Im wrong are you insinuating that envoys/leaders who were hand picked by Masocha can lead a new group? If so did they really have a calling to be the so called envoys/pastors, bearing in mind that some were complicit to what brought us here today, and some bought their way up the ladder to become whatever leader they are/were in agape. Is this ex-agapeans group God's plan or your idea? Have you considered that some need professional help.
Amen people of God I ve read well said posts this time of trying to help one another I m an ex-agape saint or SAND i would say who left just b4 i stayed too long in it coz i could hardly understand the doctrine I think it's high time we go back to our childhood denominations or even to join the long going ones that is if we didn't have any b4 agape eg Rhoma , Anglican , Methodist, Salvation to mention a few i can remember, well I know there r things that goes on in them as well but it's not a multiple of crimes like the ones we ve witnessed in Agape also it's not as disgracing to an extend of having a founder of the church being found behind the bars let's help one another to choose the right way as we are all lost sheep myself i m one of those who had told my relatives that my childhood church is very boring in the UK i told them i ve found a vibrand one meaning agape little did i know kuti dhiri raApostle richadhirika kikkkkk
Full name yake inonzi Gertrude Shamu. She got married vachiri ku Zaoga. Vaka chatiswa na Walter. Her husband was John Atkins. Asi from what I gathered vanebge vakarambana because vanhu vese vanoenda ku Agape vanoguma varambana nevarume.
Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4.May God bless you abundantly today.
Why is Walter phoning people using Judith's phone?
Hebrews Ch.4:12-14.NIV. 12For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Jesus the Great High Priest
14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,f Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
PROMISE. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:8 KJV
The Police should monitor Judith Masocha's mobile phone
He knows his phone records could be monitored. By using Judith's phone no one can prove it was him phoning. After all Judith is not under bail sanctions and is free to do whatever she likes. I am not sure of the exact details of bail but as an accused paedophile he may not be allowed to do pastoral work or phone church members. This is to avoid intimidation of victims. He is simply side-stepping that condition.
There's no one to plug his charger in
Hi everyone, l just posted something on the counter-blog and l thought l should also post it here in case it gets deleted in moderation.
This platform is not doing Agape any good at all. First of all, the church new about Jean's situation when she joined, she didn't even stop at nothing from testifying it all at a conference. What beats my understanding is that even in her (supposedly) madness, she was still lumped with a lot of responsibilities by the Apostle himself when he should have done much by way of praying for her deliverance. Further, she was allowed to form a performing arts team which, to my understanding, was meant to complement the Apostle's teams. This performing arts group was quite disastrous to say the least, it was typical African traditional dance at its best, but was allowed to flourish in church. My question is, where was the holy spirit in all this? Now just when we thought all was ok, little did we know that our sister had grown too close to the leader. The church saw this and wondered, but could not say a word, why? It was typical of the leader to draw personal favourites to himself and he even made this public. What followed then was the abuse allegations which the church has since failed to deal with to this date. The challenge lies in the fact that most of the gross and grave cases know to all today took place long before Jean joined the church. These are the pricks that cannot be covered up by any attempt and the church will do itself much harm by trying any plot to silence the masses. My point is, can we safely say that all will be back to normal if we take away Jean's allegations, would the church come back to business as usual? A resounding NO! is the answer on everybody's lips right now. Jean simply provided a forum for the general outcry, and it worked beyond measure. The church must remember that worshiping God is about 'in spirit and in truth' and not any other way. There are no exceptions to that and that means those in leadership must always bear this in mind. The Apostle, by his own design and intellect, coined the structure of leadership which made him immune to questions, and above him was only Jesus Christ. We know of no one at all as his spiritual father who should have watched over him. Now we know one thing about Jesus and the truth, for he once said to Peter, if there were no people to sing and praise him (at the triumphant entry) God would have made even the sand and the trees to do so. In this case, because none of the sane saints could blow the whistle, Jean was raised to make it happen and boy! she did it.
Spending time digging her family will only expose the filth in the Agape church, why, because the church does not deal with such issues this way. Read Matthew 5,6,7 in full for more about this. It is through this church that we now know that if the anointing cannot expel a demon in a saint, it expels the saint. Agape sure can and should have done better. l know that there is many a learned folk in there, please wake up. God allows you to use your wisdom to solve this. I say this because spiritual wisdom is seen to be rare at the moment (in your church).
By attempting to counter the demon-possessed lunatic (as you put it across), you are actually bringing much shame to the church.If Jean was wrong and evil, let the church show us the right way then!
This is amazing Poet! Weldone
Re:Way forward,firstly Dont refer to us as ex agapeans,we are children of God fullstop.How will this regrouping work since pple live far frm each other?? We arent interested in. meeting in groups of 4/5/6/7 we have had enough if it in the past 6 years,all we want is to heal & forget abt being once in a divide & rule company.Why is it that we have moved on but the agape founder is talking about us as rebellious children? I am shocked to even hear he uses his wifes phone please pple respect us or we will spill more beans.too much lies lies lies in Agape,how far with NMC,also remember that the same pple he rung to talk about us,they are quick to tell us.Busy talking about us,leave us alone please!!!!
My friend has issues with the police over child abuse , for weeks he and the wife didnt have their phones. I dont think Warota has any of his phones yet ! With allegations like this, even Laptops and Computers can be confisticated for examination and it takes time. This could be reason why Warota is using Judasi phone
AMEN .There is FAT BANK BALANCE AFTER leaving AGAPE.l have left 6 months ago and Have SAVED a house DEPOSIT. hallelujah.
I can't agree anymore with yoy 1248. Most of the issues that happened were well before Jean came to Agape. Ok let us forgo this Jean-Masocha issue, will things be normal in Agape? NO!!!! Masocha's sins are backdated well close to 30 years as evidenced by Cindy. Some of things happened when a number of people were not born or even thinking of coming to the UK- FACT!! The old adage is that facts are stubborn.
Hi! 12:48 not worota's vision & his book pls stop it get life. Its very cocontegous/filth/dirty & worota is an satansic agent. If you want to learn bible go to bible school or buy the bible with index so you can learn yourself. Why worota buhera boy!!!! Books you people are
Very ssick if your parents are still alife/Aunties please go back home & get more teaching. Some of you didn't have father figer you thought worota could be one no!!!!!!! How can worota buhera boy can be your Godfather while he cannot be a father to his own kids get lot
12:53 nhamo kwauri iwe unotya kurehwa hanzi mudzimu waworota wakupa chirinda wati nhunzi dzikudye. Bhabheri rinoti nhamo kwamuri murina zvamunotaurwa nazvo muchinzi makanaka nguva dzese. Tsvaga imwe church iwe nhani regroup x7 for what Agape vision yabhuhera boy ibhudhu boys. Ex-Agape go samewhere why did you left first of all now regroup makafanana nebwa dzinodya marutsi adzo. Bible say: its either you're cold or warm & its either you a worm or snake. Are you with worota or not? You're ex-Agape now regroup with worota's vision buda pachena sadhiraivha wetirikita.
I have followed this blog all in all.i honestly believe Masocha has a massive case before him.the storyline is all the same though different people and places.......honestly how many people can be mad? And him be the sane one above all? Those that have been affected by all this be encouraged .find peace and solace in God.take your time to find some where to fellowship with the right mindset of Godliness. Personally I will be worry of ex agapeans starting a new looks like a new store after closing down.changes a name under new management but still with the same sleeping directors/partners.......see what I did there????.it reeks of masocha behind a glass panel where he can all see you.but you cant see him!!!!! Be blessed.
Was just reading an article about Emmanuel Makandiwa who is facing allegations of obtaining occultic powers from a Ghanaian witch doctor. It is alleged his spiritual father Pastor George Baoteng helped him to do so. The story makes interesting reading because similar parallels can be drawn with Walter. It is widely alleged he was given some magical portion by Vapostori in Leeds to start a church. This would also help him draw many people. It is also widely said he even receives herbs from Uganda by DHL. Stories of some bottle he keeps in one of his rooms with some very strange unappealing concotion are often said. He claims it is annointing oil. My question is why do African pastors think that to start a church you need some witch doctors portion? Why then do they lie that God called them and what spirit is leading these churches? No wonder why they just crumble into smithereens like Agape.
I just want to make you aware that I am not trying to start another Church, as far as I am concerned that is a calling of God, and I don't have that calling. Before agape I attended a Pentecostal Church for a number of years. I received the gifting of prophesy and evangelism in which I was active and used by the Lord. I believe that we can all encourage, the Bible says encourage one another. I understand the feelings that go along with the agape situation, my wife and I have also left agape. One of the main ones is that at agape we felt totally loved and accepted, on leaving we were by our self out of the family so to say, there were others also as you are all aware. One thing I know is that no one can take my Salvation away or steal from me anything that God has given to me. I love and miss you all and long for you all to find the peace of The Lord even with what is going on.
It is on that note I feel led to give another small encouragement today. You will be able to find the scriptures yourself to put the meat on this word.
The Lord says that you are the apple of his eye, He says that he holds you in the hollow of his hand and nobody can pluck you out of his hand. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Says your God. May God bless you all.
It true masocha mixes madzibaba and voodoo. He has something tied round his waist given by madzibaba to attract people to him. No wonder grown arse men and women would running after masocha to get a hug.and he enjoyed it. You would see big blokes like nhliziyo waiting in darkness by the masocha entrance at the dome so he could walk in with muchie and Daniel so called envoys sweating and praying to the god of much as anointed Paul was you don't increase him getting any such bullshit accolade, i am sure the followers tried but he shut them up quickly. He knew Jesus as him crucified and had the fear of God in him. One envoy otiliah tried to twist the scriptures and say they all noticed apostle Paul thorn in the flesh but they never commented. Agape rape and paedo behaviour is the new definition of thorn. That's crime and sin. That witchcraft. That's cruelty. No scriptures can cover your dad sins. Thorn is in the flesh my behind,in your idol daddy case - its his flesh thorning little girls, vulnerable women and the whole Lewis clan. He is the bloody thorn in all of our lives and i hope they lock him up with mhitsa dzechingezi and a room full of viagra and his bottle of anointing oil from the Ugandan witches.
Good for you 14.23. Mari dzaimedzwa nenyoka yemuchiuno mapapa. Ahhh hey. Thank God your spiritual eyes and ears are now open. Mikwesha yevarume yaibvisiswa mabhachi achitsikwa naBishopi ummmmm, kutengesa mahovhorosi, mabhuku, nufomu, tumatauro. This business plan and all out strategy were planned with precision, years of meticulous planning and the target market was vulnerable and desperate people. Bishopi dai vakanzwira vanhu tsitsi zvino kangoma kakaririsa.
Masocha I have two questions for you:
Sadza ririkudzika here?
Irikumira here?
This time haulume my son kkk.
Yours truly,
Agape will not see 2015.
I think this voluptuos mixture of voodoo and madzibaba is what got Walter arrested. There must been a huge explosion and hell broke loose. He had failed to stick to the rules and now he is exposed and virtually turned rags. However, he is going for refilling now come court day this guy will be loaded. Now we are going to rush to put salt at the Court doir entrance to stifle the charms kkkk. Now l am wondering what he was smearing us when he was annointing us, snake oil???
Whoever you are talking about regrouping hw is it going to work? You also suggest that we join.the Skhosanas kikikikikikikikiki never kana!!!!!! From one problem to another.thanks for telling us whats being said about pple who have left the so called ship,it pains me to hear that the founder is saying bad things about people who worked tirelessly for him in the past 6yrs,haghhh shocking,I wonder if the so called threshing floor ever existed.the so called love was never there tooo much pretence in Agape,ppple love u when u buy them wigs like masochas secretary.stop accussing us please we arent responsible for the leaving of tithers in this company.Remove Shylet from your website!!! Remove all closed branches as well.
Meditation for today. Habakkuk Ch.3. Highlighting vs. 17-19. NIV.
17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.
May God bless you always.
The love of Money makes these do called MAN OF GOD to start Church's.
Sorry, ndatadza chirungu yere? I AM AGAINST REGROUPING . I am saying if anyone thinks its a good idea, we might as well join those who left and formed another church like skosanas . I am also trying to say Ex Envoys can NOT lead us because the annointing of Warota is more on them than us. Re Uniting for fun and reflection YES, not church . Rurimi rwa Queen beduwe !
0857. May GOD BLESS YOU TOO. over the months that I have read snippets of this blog, you are definitely one of the few people who is truly born again.
Regrouping is not a bad idea or thought at all. Many people coming here have no clear idea of what the word means, and are going off their minds with infertile thoughts. We are a flock that has been scattered, some people are proposing that we get back together again under a new structure or shepherd/s. what is wrong with that? If you are still reading this blog 6 months on and passing negative comments, one really wonders what it is that you Ezekiel ref the good and the bad shepherd. David in the same book was called to regroup the sheep that had been scattered and lost. No where do I hear the sheep questioning the credentials of the shepherd. If you are still stuck on people's CVs and not accepting that if it is the doing of the Lord, it will happen, like it or not. If they are Masocha's cahoots, we will soon find out. Everything has a beginning. If you don't like it, you are not forced to attend. Lastly, we surely what to move on, and if the truth be said, many of us read this blog in anticipation of hearing some good news. I was glad when they said, let's us come together and worship.
Hie Team Jean, KBWs, Victims, Survivors, those fighting against abuse and those seeking justice may I just say if you want to remain anonymous please don't comment on the Agape blog as you know they are full of tricks. There is a bit of everything in Agape especially from the lot now left in Agape. From Computers hackers, Concubines to Pedophiles . Never misjudge the lot that is left in Agape, this is now the pure breed of Agape. Better you read and not comment.
Never try to fight someone in their territory,but invite or take them into your own territory.
I have read their blog myself and could see how desperate a man can be when there is a crisis especially,when the Holy spirit does not operate in you and when nothing but the truth has been laid before you. Now let no one assume it's Charles who wrote the blog but who this person says he is (Andrew in Zimbabwe). The best way to fight,is to fight what you see with what you have. Never try to assume otherwise,this can lead you to lose your focus and strategy.
The man has been paid to do some research and has totally failed to come up with something credible to dismiss the sexual allegations that led to Masocha being arrested,instead their messenger has actually brought a bag full of Goodies for the team JG,KBWs and all those readers from around the globe. Those who are familiar with the Zimbabwean way of living will understand me much better as will most people who have had the opportunity to spent part of their lives in the African continent.
Good is good all the time and always in control. I bet every reader will agree with me the amount of pressure Jean has got in trying to keep the blog updated and at the same time trying to do her duties as a mother to the three beautiful children God blessed her through Shingi.
As you know Jean never told us about her family due to all what has been going in her life at the moment of writing the blog.
Most of it was irrelevant at the time of going to the press but praise God that he saw it was Good that at this time he sends An Agape Envoy to go and get us the good news from Karoi and other places in the disguise of tarnishing Jeans image.
What comes next will show you how God can cause confusion and arrest those evil doers, How he even uses anything negative to your advantage.Please allow me once again to say"God is Good all the time".
This man thought he was being used by Masocha to get all the dirty stuff about Jean's life but what he and the Masocha camp will soon discover is how our God is faithful as we all await what he says a 300 paged book he has promised. Although he does not say when the book was written, I have a feeling it talks about JG(BC)Jean Gasho( Before Christ). If anyone can be made to believe that Max was saved then truely the same can be said for Jean.Praise to The Lord as he once again will be taking the burden off team JG and the KBWs. All we will have to do is read it in the comfort zone of our homes. I bet the poor messengers wife and children are going to go through some very hard emotional time at the time of writing this 300 pages book on what they term as social platform. The platform that they have always denounced as a way of solving issues in a Godly way. Now we find them using the world slogan"IF YOU CANT BEAT THEM............"
To be continued
Even with all the time in the world in his hands and the desperation of trying to drag some relatives of Jean in all this sexual abuse allegations faced by Masocha not only from Jean but many some who are still afraid to come out and a minor. This messenger of Agape has failed to come up with anything credible to discredit Jean.
The Allegations faced by Masocha range from Sexual abuse to financial abuse. But I can understand why those Agapens are quick applause him, it's just because they have found a veil to cover face for the time being. These are people who are short sighted in the Holy spirit.
Please listen very care for I shall only say this once"
Please note that this is only in response to what is on the Agape blog.
To be cont;
Even with all the time in the world in his hands and the desperation of trying to drag some relatives of Jean in all this sexual abuse allegations faced by Masocha not only from Jean but many some who are still afraid to come out and a minor. This messenger of Agape has failed to come up with anything credible to discredit Jean.
The Allegations faced by Masocha range from Sexual abuse to financial abuse. But I can understand why those Agapens are quick applause him, it's just because they have found a veil to cover face for the time being. These are people who are short sighted in the Holy spirit.
Please listen very care for I shall only say this once"
Please note that this is only in response to what is on the Agape blog.
To be cont;
Agape now Adopts solving issues on social platform, a platform they have continuously and unreservedly denounced on their official website. They have even gone to the extent of covering their entire blog with links to this blog, a blessing in disguise cause when Jean signs up for the Google advert, the traffic will be flowing none stop brother this blog.Hope everyone in Agape put links everywhere, even in their mouths so that when they talk, they only talk links to this blog. Amen!!
I wish you could do the same when you release part 2 of the ambulance even though I did not get to understand part 1. Was it in the people you called witnesses,well I did not understand a thing. Whether it's a police statement , God knows.
Better you get a visa a travel to Uk, maybe you might get a clear picture rather than commenting form approximately 10 000 miles away.
A desperate sign to try and salvage credit for the abuser Masocha and his team.
So Agape pays for the blogger money to go and investigate on Jean past life including family History yet they have always preached about "forget yeh the former things".
Jean has since left his parents to be with Shingi and the bible tells us they are one in Genesis.
She has since been Born Again and am certainly convinced that she has the spirit of the Holy Ghost in her which has seen her topple Agape.
On the issue of Jean not sending money.
The blogger actually writes that according to reliable inside information"Jean has not sent money back home ever since she stopped working" I don't know if I need to answer this one but maybe for the sake of those blind followers of Masocha. Jean is until now Married to Shingi though separated. In our culture it would have been Shingi's duty to look after his in-laws. So don't blame it on Eve but Adam. That is if they agreed on looking after their extended families. Maybe you could tell us if your Mbuya Masuka was receiving any money from Shingi at that very time, then we might have a rough ideato whether Shingi managed his household with pure love for his wife and in-laws for giving birth to an angle that was to be his wife. Besides that there is no obligation for Jean to send money home.
The bible tells us to honour and respect our parents, not buy them clothes or built them houses. It is a moral thing to help them only if we can afford to. Jean never went to lengths of paying someone to go to Buhera and dig on Masocha's past life cause it's written
The blogger says since Jean stopped working, so one wonders how you wanted her provide for anyone if she could not afford to feed her kids.
Tell me readers,How can one wash their inside when their outside is dirt? What I'm asking is,Is it better to buy life-boy soap to wash your body when you have nothing in your tummy.
Jean even states that she was financially abused by Masocha after brain washing. Something we have heard from many people.
Well if I may ask the blogger how much he gets paid, where he works,job title. How much does he tithe, how many Agape T shirts and overalls he has, does his family have those overalls as well, mortgage mode of transport he uses, how many pastors he has adopted. I wonder if he has anything to offer Agape and his family besides travelling to Karoi on a Chicken bus in pursue of hearsay.
This blogger has literally no common sense at all.
He is also a great liar.I wonder how he managed to receive all those emails he claims to be getting from UK cause at one point he writes of not having electricity due to the enormous load shading in the Zimbabwe. I hope prosecutors will be looking into this. Why would they (Agape) give such a burden to someone in Zimbabwe where most of the time there is no electricity when he is suppose to be fending for his family.
These Cult worshipers are very (sane) and mature to the extent of making a laugh of a brave woman who is getting up in the morning to mix, make and go to sell soap by the buses. This is in a country hit by 80%+ unemployment rate. He tries to give his readers a picture of a chicken bus and someone selling through the window . This is what he call suffering to the point of no return yet he comes back again and contradicts himself by saying that the same brave and hard working woman lives ...
in poverty but is supported by his son once in a while and also lives in a beautiful house . After all, don't we all support our families once in a while? As I said before and will say it again" it's not an obligation to send money home. I bet she could even downgrade to a smaller house if she wanted,but because The Lord is with her she still lives in that house to date, with or without poverty. Millionaires have died, Masocha is now restricted his daily movements to his Mansion bought by miracle money whilst this brave woman lives freely to see yet another day. My father used to tell me to go school and how school was good for the betterment of my future life not looking after him. If I manage to look after my parents and siblings,it's a blessing and Glory to God.
I would be happy if he told us about his parents and what they do, where they live and how they live including his siblings. I hope the blogger will be able to bear the liability that comes with hearsay when the truth about his family and that of Masocha comes out. Why does he not put pictures of Himself on the blog even his true identity like Jean?
The Agape blog also talks about Jean's siblings. They say the other one said to be doing drugs.
Please readers let's not forget this is all written on a blog of Agape For All Internationals Ministry( A Christian Ministry).
Instead of going undercover to meet and invite the young man for a prayer of deliverance, they go to search for his picture only for the purpose of labelling him drug addict with an intention of discrediting Jean. There is nothing of him stealing or mugging someone to feed his habit.Where is the word in all this?Where is Agape love? What happened to the motto of finding the lost and equipping them.
We have heard and read on this blog where there is evidence in the newspapers to prove kids of leaders in Agape stealing from Asda cause of hunger due to financial abuse,an Agape sex offender on the bus to an Unrepentant prophet making noise for Neighbours . It's all in the newspapers.
Yet these people paraded on the Agape blog have no and have never had direct involvement with Agape For All International ministry. These are the people that they are saying Jean has neglected/abandoned, so why not as Christian as they claim to be and with their Agape love go and help them out. There is no wisdom in this Cult. Two wrongs don't make a right. Talk about stooping low, they said they would not stoop low to answer allegations on a social platform or public domain, so now it's changed. How can one ever get to trust such people.
Masocha has had allegations of sexual abuse years from Zaoga but we have not had about Jean's father molesting children etc etc neither have we heard about him being a born Again Christian and a follower of Agape for All International Ministry.
So Jean's father can choose to live a life he wants,like Tsvangirai said "Uneyi nazvo"(Whats your problem with my life)unlike Masocha who uses Gods name to abuse the vulnerable. There are so many people who have 1+ wives in Zimbabwe and have not been arrested like Gumbura and many other pastors.
The story behind this blog is about the abuse of position by Masocha on vulnerable people and on the other hand his other leaders who have been attacked for immoral and uncouth behaviour.
This is why only Masocha has been reported to the police,not Judy, not any of the step daughters(Sharon or Sandra,sons(biological and non biological), Envoys etc etc.
The blogger says Mr Gasho is seen on the internet and beyond the screens as successful business yet him (the blogger)tries to scrounge for any mistakes but yet again fails. He talks about his failure in Art industry. But as a Christian forgets that God blesses us differently. Let's say he knows how Mr Gasho got his wealth, why is he not telling us then something of public interest that has been questioned before.
How did Masocha acquire his Wealth when he is not working and has no company that generates him income personally.
The cowardly and barbaric idea of taking the fight out of the ring(Agape for all International Ministry ) leaves me wondering if they have any strength left in them to see this Holy fight for justice to the end without more casualties besides those presumed dead already like Masocha,Agape and the much publicised Non Miracle Rain Centre. As for the others who have been attacked on the blog and are now gasping for air please note that this is due to you being directly linked to Agape for all International Ministry,the role you played in support of the evil deeds knowingly or unknowingly.
Citizens have a duty of care for one another. We have heard sex offenders looking after minors at Agape, why is the blogger not talking of all this from Zimbabwe.
Agape is Dead because people have seen the light. What ever they try to do to Jean now won't help and won't destroy her. This no longer a story with Jean cause if if the blog goes down today that won't stop Masocha through the down.
The verdict is yours
Unrevised material!!
Not being judgemental or anything. Just saying it as I believe it. If you are still in Agape or were in it until recently or even more than up to 1 year ago then I don't think it's a good idea for you to lead any sheep or even lead yourself.
Don't be defensive about my statement. I believe that when you have invited and listened to the Spirit of God you will discern and know that the place of worship is being led by the wrong spirit then quickly leave. So if you stayed on, Masochas spirit and whatever he worships was passed on to you be it through laying of hands, annointing of dodgy oils, dodgy water, incarnation of evil spells disguised as 'tounges'..... This can happen subliminally until you cease to hear that still small voice of God and before you know it, you are fully practising devil worship without knowing. It also takes a while to free yourself of these spirits because the devil is stubborn. Remember even Legion tried to negotiate terms and conditions of departing from that man.
This is true. Do your research on cults and how satanists create converts in churches. That's why the most precious gift one can pray for is discernment. With that, you will always be in touch with God and the Holy Spirit.
Again, I am not seeking to offend.
Masocha is now very desperate. I don't know how Jean's family will help him win a court case. Even anything this is doing more harm than good in court. It may be viewed as an extension of bullying. Let's view things in perspective the one who has a case to answer is Masocha. It is his reputation that is at stake. Jean's case does not answer the other pressing questions of financial scandals and sex abuse predating Jean's joining Agape. There was never any love in Agape. There was never an intention to build miracle rain centre, just fleecing peoples' money.
Ladies and gentlemen I appreciate all your efforts of finding the way forward but personally I think the best is to seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, not engage in trial and error because our God knows our past, present and future. Agape was a trial and it failed for if we had sought the guidance of the Almighty we wouldn't be here today and now. Let us reflect on what made us join this church which is now crumbling and now causing people to mock God. Moses said if you don't go with us, we would rather stay here when he was leading the children of Israel. Our God is omniscient, he knows everything about us and everything around us. The answer is between our knees and the ground. The bible says knock and the door will be open, seek and you shall find ask and it shall be given you. We must not be dependent on any human being because God is not a respector of people, he doesn't need a go between, access to him is clear 247, there are still genuine churches out there and genuine man of God who are hearing from God. Ndinoti hama dzangu chatinoda kuti Mwari Vatiruza maronda epamweya nekubvisa ma scales mumaziso edu uye tive ne Mweya wekunzvera kuti chitima chatakwira chinotisvitsa kwatinoda kuenda here. Once bitten twice shy. Let's listen to that small inner voice, God is still in the business of answering prayer if only we are prepared to obey him
Masocha, Jean is not campaigning to take your position so her family background doesn't value. Abuse is abuse even if you sexually abuse someone with dementia the court doesn't want to know the person's background but the evidence. So don't waste your time trying to discredit Jean but if it was a campaign of positions maybe you were going to win, oh yeah maybe but don't forget your own history not touching your parents but yours and Judith only it's disgusting. Judith was a well known whore of Chitungwiza people used to call her Sis Judy. Jean didn't apply to be born in a polygamous family, that's why she had a marriage of 11yrs if it wasn't for you Masocha she would have still have her ex hubby Shingi. How many marriages did you break Masocha????? You are so evil. Masocha you came to steal peoples' money , to kill peoples' spirit and to destroy families. Masocha you are sickening now I know the spirit behind you is not of God but of the devil. You are not fit to be a leader you are a disgrace to your family and God. You agape people who are being used and who claim to know Walter do you really know him ????? Repent Walter you are using people to cover up your mess but the Almighty God is a jealous God and He knows the truth and He is Jehovah El Roi He sees.
Fame hungry people. Why are you all annoymous. U r still saying daddy daddy but here monyeya. Mutuzvi evanhu
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