So today I was busy celebrating passing my driving test, which I still am by the way. Yes its going to be a long party weekend. However as I was just about to pop another champagne bottle, my you tube channel with an Agape video of myself started buzzing. Normally I don't get alarmed by you tube responses but when a comment comes from an 11 year old child hurling abuse on a public forum defending Walter Masocha then that's quite alarming. Yes you read right, today I received a number of harassing messages publicly on You Tube from Vanessa Gayakaya, who is the 11 year old child of Staff Nurses Julius and Yvone Gayakaya.
Vanessa did not comment as anonymous, no. She came with her full birth name and picture and left a message for the world warning them about Jean Gasho that no Church should welcome me because I will tear them to down and take them to court. Below is one of the public messages from Vanessa Gayakaya, please keep in mind that this is an 11 year old child.
Churches across the world this bitch lies wait until she does it to your church she will take u to court she will tear it down trust me I know, Vanessa Gayakaya, April 22 2016.
Below is the screen shot of Vanessa's public on-line messages.
The video that angered Vanessa Gayakaya
When I showed my 12 year old daughter these messages from her former friend, (they used to play together in Agape) my daughter said there was no way Vanessa wrote that. She said an 11 year old doesn't even use that language on-line. My daughter believes it was Vanessa's mother who wrote the abusive messages using her own daughters name.
Well, whether it was Vanessa, Julius or Yvonne Gayakaya who wrote these messages publicly, it raised a few concerns to me as a parent. My children are not even allowed to post abusive messages on-line. Why would they allow their child to expose herself with her picture and name using foul abusive language in the name of defending Walter Masocha. For a child under 12 to go on-line harassing someone because of a man who is facing several charges of sexual assault on women, it's not normal. It raises a few concerns. If it was Yvonne Gayakaya using her own daughters name to harass me in defence of Walter Masocha, then that is even worse. Does she not realise she is abusing her own child by using her name publicly. What people can do in the name of defending a so called man of God. The mind boggles.
I contacted the police and reported the on-line harassment and the concerns I had. I was advised this was a safeguarding and parental issue and advised to contact Social Services immediately in Liverpool regarding the matter, which I have done. The police have also recorded the incident. I have done my part.
In Other News
The sexual assault trial of Walter Masocha has been moved to August. A lot is happening behind the scenes, should I say desperate measures are causing some not to sleep, but needless to say, the trial will go on. The truth will prevail. No stone will be left unturned.
Whilst Walter Masocha was waiting for his appeal, he successfully completed his community service painting schools in Scotland. He asked to be moved a few times due to the nature of the work load and the reception he was given during the community service.
A number of the few remaining Envoys have since left the cult since the appeal. I will not name them on the blog, but I will say well done for finally seeing the light, you know who you are, and the cult knows too. Its never too late to jump the sinking ship. Don't feel guilty that you stayed in the cult too long, not all of us will be saved in one day, for others it takes time. Just take each day as it comes and enjoy the freedom. Most importantly be kind to yourself.
In Other Other News
As I said I passed my driving test. I'm so made up guys! Its been long time coming but I did it in the end. This was something I could never do when I was with the wrong people in the wrong place. Nino pushed me to go for it, and with him by my side, I did it. I did it for our children. Now the joy rides begins. The road trips...oh my. I'm going to be rolling in style. I'm now taking off and no one can stop me now...when God opens a door, no man can shut it.
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The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come |
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And I am now taking off... |
I checked the youtube channel of this little girl, its quiet unfortunate that a Parent used a daughters account to write such a comment. Defending a supposed "man of God" with words like these is very... By their fruits, we will know them. Jean Fadzai Gasho keep doing your thing and God will keep rewarding you. You looking beautiful in the pics too, Go girl!
A warning to all Churches, This lady will take your Church to court and tear you apart. Craziness to the highest. Have Agape been torn apart already or Yet to. Jean cha, God is using you to bring a light to all the evil activities in Churches and Thank God for your life. Sochas will keep painting the prison after August sentence. He should start buying his paint brushes kkikikik
This is crazy!!!!!
I think the mother should have a word with the girl! This is not a good sign.
Congratulations Jean on your licence.
Weldone. Take off and go and take it easy on the road. Be safe.
As for Agape cult language, it speaks for itself. What fills them controls them kkk. Hanzi nugget. By their fruits, we know them. Muti usina mago, ukazunzwa, haubude mago kkk. Wakazunza cult tree ye green kkkk, evidence yemago iyo. Kutaura Agape love nemuromo chete, ifront. Vanhu vanotaura makobvu nematete ivava.
We pray for the victims of the upcoming trial kuti vasatyisidzirwe. Mwari avape the spirit of remembrance and courage.
Thank you Rega. I hope you have now healed.I'm very estatic about passing my test, but yes I will be very safe on the road.
Thank you for praying for the upcoming trial victims. They need our prayers and support so they are not intimidated by the cult members.
I wouldn't think it's the child who wrote this
Well done sister,target the sky. Continue to stand still in Him and He will direct you every step of the way. When the Lord says Yes nobody can say No. When He opens doors for His own, people can kick, scream, call you names, but He is faithful and just a God. He sees the heart.God uses people to convey His messages and save the world, and the devil photocopies the hand of the Lord, uses the very same people to destroy the world.Signs of the end times for sure.The responsibility rests squarely on us to stand firm and rooted in the Lord so that we are able to distinguish the original from the imitation (photocopied or photoshoped).
Take it nice and slow on the road Jean, Enjoy!
Thank you so much my brother Sam. Always encouraging to hear from you.
And yes I will definately be extra safe on the road x
That makes the two of us sister, always a pleasure hearing from you and reading your posts. I am always encouraged by your courage. That you dared to stare the beast in the eye is something that I will celebrate. You managed to re-write history relating to how people should confront abuse in the church head-on. The tragedy is that people take mere mortals and place them on very high pedestals, cheer them, celebrate, worship them amd in the process destroy them. They die to the fact that these are mere mortals and therefore are fallible. They will drown themselves in the touch-not mantra without even interrogating the perspective and context of that scripture.The day that people will learn to accept different opinions and accept to challenge the status quo in church, the level of financial, emotional and physical abuse that obtains in the church today will be managed to very minimal levels.
The other tragedy is that people generally want to flow with the majority, many don't want to walk alone on matters of principle. This world will be the more richer when we are principled enough to stand individually against a multitude and say, 'NO this is not on, this cannot happen'.If you see a problem and you don't do anything about it, you become part of the problem. This is where I celebrate you Jean, that when you realized that there was a problem in the church, you did not find comfort in numbers but in exposing the evil that people wanted to sanitize - wanted to put lipstick on a frog. After all has been said and done, we must also appreciate the fact that, vana veimbwa havasvinuri musi imwe, but they will ultimately begin to see. Let them celebrate their Phrric victory, but time has its own way of equalizing and providing answers.
God seperated and isolated you Jean for a purpose, to give meaning, purpose and a voice to many across the world. It is my prayer that your territory be enlarged, that the good and just Lord meets you at all material areas of need, that you are granted the wisdom, knowledge and understanding from above so that you don't battle on your own. He will fight for you, the battles are not for you to fight. Continue to call unto Him, humble yourself and He will lift you up. The transformation that you have seen in your life thus far is just but the beginning Jean, better days are coming. Keep your feet on the ground and all shall crystallize into reality right in the eyes of your detractors. It is well, enjoy and celebrate! I am out!
Well done Jean on passing u r test. I just failed mine today but I'm ecstatic for you. I get what u mean. There r certain disabling environments or people that w encounter in life who may hinder us from achieving our goals in life. Some husbands or inlawd can actually make u believe that u r scum of the scum and that u can never be a somebody without them. They can totally destroy one's confidence ,self esteem or the motivation for self actualisation . Mwari vatiitirewo Nyasha. I fell u sis.
Well done Jean on passing u r test. I just failed mine today but I'm ecstatic for you. I get what u mean. There r certain disabling environments or people that w encounter in life who may hinder us from achieving our goals in life. Some husbands or inlawd can actually make u believe that u r scum of the scum and that u can never be a somebody without them. They can totally destroy one's confidence ,self esteem or the motivation for self actualisation . Mwari vatiitirewo Nyasha. I fell u sis.
Thank you Sam. Humbled and encouraged
I'm really sorry you didn't pass your test this time hun. Remember no hard situation is permanent. Sometimes we have to persist and try harder. You will pass it someday, just don't give up.
Yes sometimes certain people hinder you from achieving your goals. But with God on our side we will overcome and God will use our enemies as foot stools. God bless you sis I hope to hear from you again once you passed your driving test.
Go Jean. I am admire you. You have shed the brightest light on items no one was willing to. Most importantly, I am happy to know that you have moved on and are mature and focusing on the most important things. God bless you. Thank you Mr. Sam. always refreshing to hear from you as well.
Get well soon Jean .I do agree with Vannessa you need deliverence from gossip and jealousy.By the way someone should warn Sinnitta about your stalking habits .You wiggle your way into celebrity's lives and destroy them when things dont go your way.We have watched you at work Jean .God help that that JoNino you've attached yourself to
Tadadiswa na Viola. Thank you Viola. Jean, now you have more to write about. I am sure you will be covering this wedding too between Mark Mufumira and our own beautiful Agape Viola Chitiyo coming soon. He is still my daddy. @ 15:04 you got it right - gossip and jealous
Is this really true? If it is, Masocha is truly an evil person. We heard of the rumours that Masocha selected a girl for Evangelist Mark and pressured him to divorce his wife. The selected girl was Viola, seriously! It is sad.
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